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[时事新闻] 每周消息2015.10.13

发表于 2015-10-14 18:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The Khazarian mob is on the run as US military takes over Federal Reserve Board

The US military, under the new leadership of Marine General Joseph Dunford, has come out with guns blazing to free the people of the United States and the world. Under his command, the US military has taken over the Khazarian mob’s main source of power, the Federal Reserve Board. To confirm this, go visit the home page of the Federal Reserve board, it is no longer

but is now http://www.federalreserve.gov/

The Chinese coordinated with this move by announcing their China International Payments System alternative to the Khazarian controlled SWIFT system meaning their take-over of the US dollar system outside of the United States was proceeding as planned. The implosion of the big Khazarian mafia banks is now just a matter of time.

Furthermore, there have been huge ongoing military moves in the Middle East aimed at removing the fascist Khazarian Nazionist government of Benyamin Netanyahu in Israel, according to Pentagon and Russia sources. To facilitate the Russian purge of Satan worshipping Nazionists from the Middle East, the Pentagon has withdrawn all its aircraft carriers from the Persian Gulf.

The rogue Netanyahu regime only added gasoline to the fire last week by faking a US air force air raid against Syrian government forces in Aleppo, according to other Pentagon sources. The Russians were not fooled by this maneuver and responded by sending missiles and fighter jets over Iranian airspace (with Iran’s permission of course) to attack multiple targets in the Middle East, killing hundreds of Israeli, Saudi and Turkish troops operating against international law in Syria and Iraq, the Pentagon sources say. The real message of course is that the US military was ready to step aside and allow the Russians to clean up the mess in the Middle East.

Fearing for his life and that of his regime, King Salman of Saudi Arabia checked into a hospital claiming severe Alzheimer’s disease while his son, the real power, Defense Minister and Crown Prince Salman flew to Russia where, according to Pentagon and Russian sources he offered the surrender of his regime. As the rather crude Arab saying goes “one day the stick is in your hand, the next day it is in your ass.” In effect, the Saudi prince bent over and offered Russia control of the oil market in exchange for his regime’s survival. To sweeten the pot, Salman offered to pay for the two French made Mistral helicopter carriers that Egypt is buying after France was forced to cancel the sale to Russia.

The Russians agreed with the Saudis that some sort of “political settlement,” including the end of the fake terrorist ISIS caliphate, was needed. However, with the Chinese, Russians and Iranians supporting Yemeni forces seizing key Saudi oil fields it looks increasingly likely the “political settlement” will be the abdication of that odious Satan worshipping pseudo-Muslim family and their ceding of control of the Muslim holy lands in exchange for their lives. Perhaps a comfortable retirement in the French Riviera could be arranged. That would no doubt be preferable to the beheading many of them deserve and some of them may get.

The other Middle Eastern autocrat who is in a deep state of funk is Turkey’s President Erdogan. The Pentagon is withdrawing all its forces and anti-missile defenses from Turkey as part of its general disengagement from the region. The only thing they insist on, and will continue to get, is regular gasoline supplies for their fuel guzzling military engine.

Erdogan has been caught bombing Kurds in his own country, stealing industrial infrastructure from Syria, working with Israel and generally being an anti-social trouble maker. As payback, the Rothschild pipelines carrying Syrian and Iraqi stolen oil through Turkey are being cut off by the Russians and Kurds.

The cut off of Middle Eastern oil money is going to be the last nail in the coffin for many of the criminal mega-banks that have survived thanks to petrodollars. That is one of the main reasons why the IMF, the UN, the BIS, Citibank, the Bank of England and others have been warning of an impending financial crisis. The financial head of the Nazionist octopus is being cut off and soon the various arms will stop their doomed struggles.

With the imminent removal from power of its European and American sponsors the fate of the Nazionist Netanyahu regime in Israel has also now been pretty much sealed. Netanyahu was forced to cancel his planned visit to Germany because German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the German regime told him he was not going to get any more German submarines.

The blackmail against German auto-makers like Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz etc. using a fake “emissions scandal” has only served to strengthen the German’s resolve to work with the Russians against their Khazarian tormentors. The flood of millions of “Syrian refugees,” many of them trained sabotage agents who were never Syrian, has also alarmed many sensible Germans. The Germans are getting ready to re-issue Deutschemarks if necessary and improve their relations with the Christian Putin regime in Russia.

The French have also thrown in the towel and are no longer working for the Khazarian mob, according to British MI5 intelligence. The French have told the British they will be integrating the EU with Russia and that if the British were against that, they should leave the EU project, the sources said.

In the Far East, meanwhile, some big changes are also starting to be seen. The Chinese communists and the North Korean regime have patched over their differences. The announcement by the North Koreans that they had nuclear inter-continental ballistic missiles capable of hitting the United States and Europe was a sign that Japan and the Korean peninsula were no longer open to nuclear blackmail by the Khazarians and their dwindling collection of slave regimes, North Korean and Chinese sources said.

The CIA sent a warning to the White Dragon Society that the Khazarians were going to try to force a German style emissions scandal and other scandals on Japanese corporations like Mitsubishi, Honda, Toyota, Mazda etc. in order to try to force Japanese industrialists to continue their submission. Any such attempt will fail because the Abe slave regime is losing its support after forcing the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement on its people and industry.

Although the TPP is mostly the result of complex technocratic horse trading and will have only minimal effect on the real economy, the fact that it was negotiated in secret and gives secretly selected corporate courts power over the Japanese government has angered nationalists here.

In any case, even as the Abe slave regime clings to power, an offensive against their remaining masters in the US is well under way. Even as this issue went to press, Abe’s masters have contacted the WDS to negotiate a peace deal.

Meanwhile, Pope Francis is expected to show up in Mexico where he is considering announcing a holy war against the Khazarian mob still clinging to power in the United States and some Latin American countries, according to P2 freemason sources.

Former US President, and long term Nazionist Fuhrer, George Bush Sr. showed his fear recently when he was asked by a truth seeker about secret US government projects. Bush answered “Americans can’t handle the truth,” before being shut up by his handlers.

What truth can’t they handle Bush? The fact that you and your cabal assassinated President John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and thousands of others? The fact that you took over funds meant for the people of the world and used them to advance your genocidal fascist New World Order? The fact that you and your fellow Nazionists manufactured and spread deadly diseases like HIV, Ebola, Bird Flu, SARS etc? The fact you sold US military secrets to the Chinese and North Koreans? The fact your gang murdered close to 3000 people on 911 to stage a fascist coup? What about the chemtrails, the plan to microchip the people etc? The list goes on but, let us face it, you know that, as you told Journalist Sarah Mclendon in 1992, “if the American people ever find out what we have done, they would chase us down the street and lynch us.”

The US military under General Dunford has taken an important first step in nationalizing the Federal Reserve Board but a lot more needs to be done. Why is Obama still publicly telling lies about Syria, 911, the Ukraine, 311 etc? Why hasn’t the military started the mass arrests of the known criminals behind 911, Wall Street fraud, massive political bribery etc.?

As many informed US citizens and many inside the Pentagon and the agencies have pointed out, this is high treason and it needs to be dealt with by men with guns because nobody else has the power to enforce the US constitution and the laws of the land. Come on General Dunford and the patriots in the US military, the history books await your decision. Will you be a hero of humanity or will you go into the garbage can of history as a failure? The people of the world are waiting and hoping for the best.
发表于 2015-10-14 20:13 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-10-14 20:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-10-14 20:17 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2015-10-14 20:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-10-14 20:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Pentium_5 于 2015-10-14 20:28 编辑

本人还在关注另外一个事情,那就是,为何我们的星际友人没有提及到盎格鲁萨克森人的亚瑟王计划(Project Camelot)?难道是本人之前没有看到过?要知道,无论是阴谋论还是阳谋论的喜好者,可是从来不喜欢也不敢正面阅读此类信息的。中国的百度词条里目前已经有了Project Camelot 的注解。盎格鲁萨克森人密谋新千禧年后的一系列阳光下的罪恶,包括动用基因武器进行种族杀戮,只为减少目前人类赖以生存的这颗蓝色星球的负担——提过转基因等现代科技手段进行针对性地种族杀戮,最终实现盎格鲁萨克森人的可持续发展。
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发表于 2015-10-14 20:43 | 显示全部楼层
Pentium_5 发表于 2015-10-14 20:24
本人还在关注另外一个事情,那就是,为何我们的星际友人没有提及到盎格鲁萨克森人的亚瑟王计划(Project Ca ...

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发表于 2015-10-14 20:45 | 显示全部楼层
Pentium_5 发表于 2015-10-14 20:24
本人还在关注另外一个事情,那就是,为何我们的星际友人没有提及到盎格鲁萨克森人的亚瑟王计划(Project Ca ...

Project Camelot | The Round Table


Over 1500 people have now committed to our Round Table pledge list, from all over the world.
It's an honor for us to publish the names of those taking the stand.

We invite you to join us.

Contact us, or send us an e-mail with the word
"PLEDGE" in the subject line.


• We have no intention of ending our own lives.

• We will not tolerate suppression of our truths, our ideas, our freedoms, or our work.

• We stand together to support others in the expression of truths and freedom to speak out... no matter how radical those ideas may seem.

• Standing for freedom takes courage; together we shall be strong in the face of all odds.

• If it is ever claimed that we have committed suicide, disappeared, been institutionalized, or sold out financially or in any other way to self-interested factions, we declare those claims false and fabricated.

• We testify, assert and affirm without reservation, on behalf of all those who have dedicated their lives to the ending of secrecy and the promotion of freedom of thought, ideas and expression... that we shall prevail.
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发表于 2015-10-14 20:47 | 显示全部楼层
Pentium_5 发表于 2015-10-14 20:45
Project Camelot | The Round Table

Bill Ryan
Kerry Cassidy
Capt. Randy Gernert
Janet Tyson
Ann Eller
Meria Heller
Ann Ernst
Jacobus Esaias Theron
Annie Reddock
John Brady
Barry Chalmers
Dexter Ator
Tim Sandgren
Wendie Press

Jason Groves
Sal Carrubba
Mike Jones

William Spowage
John Proctor
Gary Poulton

Alec Ferrell
Yonadav Bar Ilan
Marco Pelloni
James W. Barry, Jr.
Paul Stow
Michael Soeltaansingh
Andrew S. McCombs

Philip Dawes
Wayne Such
Rodney B. Morrill
Nancy Duey
Robert L. Ellis
Bernd Edgar Hildebrandt
Ann Parker
Robert Lennox
Curtis Bard

George C. Hutslar
Andrew R. Biggins
Debra McCollam
Dante Anderson
Javier Leal
Uwe D'rose
Alex Greaves
Ernest J. Karhu
Amanda Greathouse
Johnny Lone
Scott Johnson
Ryan Walsh
Kelly Cavanaugh
John Aspray
Jeremy Stride
Jim Stucke
Eugene Duran
Peter Roslund
Graham Harte
Rick Clark
Kari Väisänen
Mike Probert
Marko VrtaricTrond Egil Nørstad
Jou A. Camara
Sir Dr. Matthew Buckley
Jeneane Planc
Stuart Ward
Vicki Dreher
Ian deMontfort
Pete Masi
Elias Damon
Tom Wright
Paul Jackson
Arthur Cristian
Fiona Cristian
Paul Nicholas Hunter
John Rigon
Zen Benefiel
Ray Reed
Géry Van Landeghem
Thomas Kirschner
Nick Smith
Shaun Watson
Kelvin Rigon
Pascal Theissen
Danny Heytens
Adara Jones
Sammy Lindstrom
Hette Buitenrust Hettema
Janne Kuoppamäki
Jean Dedieu
Jonas Eriksson
Jason Hillman
Rosemary C. Kelly
Chani Jacobson
John Canning
Daniel Costello
Richard Barendregt
Andy Patterson
Harald Peter Falk
Tomas Stach
Voloshin Philipp
Lynn Taylor
James M. Booth
David Lloyd
Ek Chuan
Alex Schuster
Kelly Reeves
David Barclay
Tim Bergkvist
Petter Gustavsson
Mattias Rönnlund
Armando Campo
Ronald E. McCowen
Jan St. Germain
Pierre Vinodolac
Ron Gershinsky
Tom Fox
Jennie P. Shetina
Karl Donaldson
Richard Bland
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William Thompson
Russell Isaac
Yvonne Reneman
Patti Robin Smith
M. Moosbauer
Robert van Harrewijen
Chris Armes
Jason Lemons
Laura McNerney
Jurgen Alan
Rebecca Jernigan
Andrew Davidson-Clark
Jorge Alejandro Garcia Flores
Tim Larkin
Cheryl Nelson O'Brien
Dan Goderre
Murray Barlow
Andrew Shackleton
John Dickson
Wil Ky
Michael D. Chappell
Selby Anderson
Erwin Pauli
Laura Morrison
Jessica Stiffler
David Watkins
Larry Schiller
Mitchell W. Reese
Mike Fairman
Maka Fairman
Dmitri Vada
Gogo Bela MacQuillan
Pepon Jover del Pozo
Øivind Heggen Bechensten
Aubert Little
Grace Thompson
Debbie Kiely
Kevin Stocks
Michael A. Melton
Paul J. Salmon
Yuri Gurevich
Jenine J.M. DiConti
Lance Boley
Matthew McKill
Janice Murdoch
Pelayo Martinez
Jaap Oosterklamp
Paul E. Coughlin
Rebecca Shanks
Uldis Knakis
Deborah R. Sontag
Linda Peterson
Paul Burke
Paul Connolly
Sherwood Ensey
Jarle Johansen
Lea Beau
Minoe Dotwood
Ray van Halen
Tayfun Karatas
Stefan Holmberg
Brian Egan
Kevin Meier
Alberta Phillips
David Houck
Elainie King Valenta
Jon Danner
Joshua R. Wijaya
Andrew Richards
Harriet Capes
Joshua Dharma
Ash Staunton
Jeffrey Long
Robert W. Steell
Anja Morit
Samira Malakpour
David Pierce
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Alex Richard Catton
Michael Stefaun
Butch Holland
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Blake Osman
Wendy Armitage
Celeste Lhombreaud
Cynthya Jensen
Tom Cato Aslaksen
Patrick Eakin
Crystal Birch
Lisa Dalton
Brigitte Lafrechoux
Allan Reed
Keith Copsin
Noel Newell
Yu Ly
Daniel van Ameyde
James Smith
Rasmita Adhikary
Amber Seree Allen
Philip J. Balesteri
Andrés Boulton
Ian T. Cruz
Martin Carter
Kristian Snabbhare
John Hodder
Ben Barends
Chris Thomson
Leslie Smith
Martin Hill
Hilde Majanke Makkinje
M. G. Page
Ron Jovellanos
Odd Arild Thevik
Hans Christian Deila
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Gordon D. McHendry
Dr. Ali Fant
Richard C. Hoagland
Pratap Adhikari
Todd Schimke
Umit Iyigonul
Dr. Anngwyn St. Just
Oliver Roese
Bryon Osborne
George Simonca
A. Piotr Lesinski
Michael Hyatt
Brian D. Russo
Christopher Mamphey
David Evans
Thor Riki Byhre
Guido van Loenen
Michael A. Curcio, Sr.
Jill Livingston
Ingrid T. Sorum
Sangeeta Singh
Alan Karna
Phil Moufarrege
Roger Meuffels
Tom Fisher
Kevin Kessell
Reny Kitto
Roemer Karst
Gregory Wade Peterson
Robin Korneliussen
Armin Bahrami
Yvonne Vikan Kolden
Julie Anna Norris
Brian McGilvray
Martin Lindgren
Douglas Day
Duncan Maxwell
Frank Samuel Vega
Christian Fecteau
Tom R. Grøndahl
Jean-Pierre Brault
Matthew Foreman
Chris Case
Jaeme Newton
Mark Harbour
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Paulus Najim van der Meer
Barry M. King
Galatea Katsuragi
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Dr. José Luis Lopez-Bonilla
Ricky Weber
Jón Tryggvi Unnarsson
Tony Topping
Orion Morris
Rama Demetrius Dyushambee
Michael Priebe
Liv Bjøringsøy
Graig Yarbrough
Sampson Knight
Barry Andrew Winfield
Kevin Smith
Craig Woods
Jason Holloway
Pietro Sciacca
Thor Fornes
Andy Contreras
William S. Watson
Espen Xandrius Leinæs
Jon J. Doucette
Kim Stensbøl
Scott Halliburton
Dave Carlson
James Chapman
Chuck Ketchum
James Stuart Morris
Eric Janovsky
Ken Q. Vo
Chuck Willman
Noeline Clayfield
Skyler Phoenix
Lionel Baker
John G. Howard II
Charlene O'Donnell
Michael Maylam
Philip Howery
Knut Falch
Ola Razzaq
Don Armstrong
Debbie Williams
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Eric Caires
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Sigurd Mellqvist
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Atle Abrahamsen
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Rune Abrahamsen
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Danny McDonagh
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Erik Strasser
Steve Ogden
Charles Michael Carpinelli
Valin Lynn Claire Stutler
Prana Suhr
Mark Chappell
Fritz Stammberger
Stephen Penniket
Mal Pearson
Gabe Gabriel

Glynis McIntyre
Ray O'Beirne
Alexis Pashalis
Richard Crabtree
Mila Perez

Tommy Borms
Gary Smith
Ludo Barendregt
Devin Keith
Blake Hughes
Richard Roy Heinz

Matt Potter
József A. Szabó
Hans Kristian Gaarder
Bonnie Grant
Dan Krebs
Tim Degrande
Paul Coates

Erin Homes
Lance Lawlor
Alex McCready
Kim Tore Jensen
Yolanda Arenas
Jacqui Davis

John McCatney
Daniel Alexander
Angel Cruz
Robert Dunwoody
Svant Bjorkman
James Thompson
Gil Williamson
Marc Rolland
James I. Greene
Sky Barstow
Brian Peck
Brenda Jongerius
James L. Stevens
Gary Brandt
Scott Peters
Jared William Cook
Kenneth Peek
Jonny Silverwolf Jostar
Ardeth Merklinger
Alex Merklinger
Doru Neacsu
Magnus Jägerman
Sidney England
Genevieve Organoff
Steven Sterling
Jenny Van Laar
Bradley Richmond
Theosis Northam
Don Merrick
Peter Haley
Tommy A. Hansen
Jonathan Frederick
Andrina Hine
Patricia Diane Steele
Randy Ratcliff
Dale Tucker
Ty Dailey
Peter Laszlo
Rosie Laszlo
Martin Matthews
Georgie Brent
Michael Hoather
John Bryden
Wendy Bryden
Geoff Burgess
Storm Mansell
Dawn Proulx
Maggie Passaro
Martez de Wit
Gary Webber
Jason Buchanan
Marco Metselaar
Kerry Hettleman
Pam Georgel
Michael Fishwick
Kim Struiljaard
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David Lloyd Rowson
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Marijke van Meer
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Ron Walter
Frank Conde
Brian Patrick Smith
Xavier Guzman
Prem Lulla
Tom Carper
Michael Hansen
Dino Vidakovic
Leslie Carper
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Jason Riggs
Shari Peterson
Joe Kelley
Victoria Jones
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Ton Weenink
Veronica Chapman
Jeroen Van Straaten
Rick Koen
Walter Müller
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Steven R. White
Shaun McAulay
Tyler Luking Macmillan
Tadas Sokolovas
Michael Ventri
Sylvia Mercado
Keith Siler
Jeffrey Backus
Brant England Mohrhardt
William Hawes
Ron Shain
Olivier St-Gelais Viau
Mark A. Chanez
David Langley
Nigel King
Marianne Coats
Nick Mitsoulis
Stephen M. Duhamel
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Eivind Brinks
Gary Glancy
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Steven J. Wood
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Matthew Paul Gray
Alain May
Frank Henry Køhler
Ahmed Hefnawy
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Matthew Kingcome
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Gano Perez Jr.
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Shellie Perreault
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John Walter Thompson
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Peter Chamberlain
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Jeremy W. Schulze
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John-Karl Keck
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Calixto Manuel Bello
Matthew Equen Reed
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Teemu Vehkala
Alex Luna
Andrew Arthur
Jesse Smith
Yoriko Masunaga
Neil Morrison
Michael Richard
Saddhen Edwards
Matthew Rule
Bill Brockman
Harvey Swire
Eliot J. Niemczyk
Filip Jelinek
Kay O'Neil
Edward van Ulft
Hugh McGonigle
Alec Dieppa
Gary Walton
Ewald Celie
Sandra van Damme
Michael Jon Anderson
David J. Pavlak
Deejay van Tonder
İlker Karaalp
Dan Bruenning
Dallas Gibson
Kate Barvainis
Ian "James" Colmer
Dienand Christe
Cynthia D. Fox
Linda (Irwin) Sanders
Charles Beamish
Graham Bates
Adam Banahan
Maurice Smulders
Mar Servera González
Joy Kingsborough
Brian Mattern
Ivo Krushkov
Craig Steven Maupin
Klaus Jaeger
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Heath Cruz
Rainbow Latrimurti
Gregory Spindler Brown
Colton Patrick Porter
Dr. Anthony E. Scrima Jr.
Kimberly Allen
Matthew Davis
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Abi Tani
Graeme Long
Narain Ramchandani
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Eric Jennings
Cheryl Winsor
Dean Scott
Filipa Ávila de Simas
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Pedro Barros
Kayla Garcia
Derek Muellejans
Juan Antonio Mondragón Miramontes
Gregory B. Kalvelage Sr.
David McKinnon
Joan Gillis
Bruce Anderson
Dienand Christe
Alexander Bishel
Tariq Osman
Rachit Soni
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Joshua White
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Stephen John Richard Allen
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Jan Haertel
Gabriel Thorsteinson
Edward Alexander
Katoto Galgani
Andy Godish
Aidan Cloney
Gerard Linehan
Marchesa Casati
Thompson B. Crozier III
Steven Stroyney
Samuel Martin
Hector Suarez Gomis
Don Sugath
Timothy N. Tuck
Kellie Hinton
John Fritjof Marlatt
John Holley
Terry Scalia
Maxie Maxwell
Douglas L. Walker
Santha Kumar
Anthony E. Romyak
Arish Ghaderi
Israel Uosovich
Billie Magada
Aartje Siemensma
Mike Benwell
Andrew Hathaway
Thore Olsen
Joanne Goyer
Timothy A. Smith
Fabien Briffa
Jonathan Forster Scott
Jerold L. Smith
Paul Bakkum
Marco Kylis
Gerald Santana
Bernt Elset
Elsa Wellenkamp
Tim Rowe
Per Dahlstrom
Daniel C. Jackson
Margarita Turzhanskaya
Simon Kaiwai
Gregor Arturo Clary
Josef Stubler
Simen Forberg Kåsa
Trevor J. Peck
Guilherme Carvalho
Brian L. Needham
Yvonne Hatch
Gabriel Gutierrez
Trice Sheridan
Matt Trigell
Daniel DuFort
Colin Dailey
Jeff Cornell
Lyn Taylor
Sean Phillips
Anthony Ray
Scott Stanley
Dylan Dimarco
Vladas Motieka
Jessica Wigg
Lissa Dale
Becca Dakini
Andrew Cecere
Carollynn Brooks
David Alan Weidemann
Bob Leck
Steve Antal
Mike McBrien
Jose Garza
James Heonakos
Nina Valai
Ethan A. Cain
Janine Ray
Julieann Rose
Christof Zanecchia
Michael Brouse
Sonje Rosie
Vinay Sengar
Terry Carraway
Elizabeth McCammon
Allison Thompson
John Beckett
Craig Thayer
Evert Smid
Timothy A. Blackhurst
Dinesh Panajkar
Rhonda L. Thomas
Serge Losier
Chris Tapley
Jason Giaco
Kari Saksenvik
Allen T. Schwartz MD
Ken Orris
Bibi Nielsen
Cristina Efthymiadis
Bernard Faucher
Yra Vaage
George Dimmock
Rowan Barrett
Peter Doedens
Keith Miller
Kent Miller
James Robert Gregg

Charles J. Kelleher
Deborah Winegar
Bob Cofresi
Heidi King

Diane Wright
Hugo Esparragoza
Brian K. Copeland

Mattias Berg
Richard Harris
Alan P. Chetcuti
John G. Root Jr.
Kenneth H. Olsen

John Houghton
John Black
Jeremy McHargue

Ann Nordfjell
Lukas Jankauskas
Christopher C. Thompson
Kjetil Dreyer
Matthew Knapp
Stephen Wilson

Robin Lawson

Candis Fickell
Maria Eugenia Miranda Gutierrez
Andrew Wilson

Frankie Rodriguez
Rupert Medic
Dereck Pettit

Andrzej Kotowiecki
Rebecca F. Comfort
Patrick Rowe
Stig Aaron Maehlum

Vladislav Gasperov
David Ross
Deborah Christensen
Luke Hansen

Lidia Malkic
Eric R. Clark
Benjamin D. Halford
Ian R. Mumford
John Brooks
Dustin Beard
Jaya Deva Spidel

Brooks D. Nelson
Banks H. Nelson

Dawn Malloch
Gerard de Frens
Gary Doo
Heather Toms Sirotak

Jeremy Drinkard

William Gazecki
Mimi Burns

Dom McGarry
Aaron Hudlemeyer
Clifford L. Falen Jr.
Caroline Jønland

Holly Keahey
Roger Poustie
Bruce A. Fisher

Mark Ottolangui
Judith Wilder

Craig White
Jason Matthew Lawrence
Vidar Berg
Sylvia Voss
Harry Vissers

D. Jeanne Goetzke
Shaun T. McMahon
Robert M. Easterbrook
Rafael Amichis Luengo
Tracey Garteiz
Megan Ryan McGuirk
Ryan Span
Benjamin Silvers
Jason Merrett
Toke Lykkegaard Thomassen
Nancy Brickman
Chris Terry
William Sirotak
Gonzalo Di Matteo
Richard H. Clark
Ricco Slade
Nuno Lima
Sverre Eriksen
Thomas Bray
Dirk Landkroon
Teri Whittlinger
Dina D'Antonio Smithson
Kathleen McErlain
Kyla Poth
William Malcolm Poth
William Poth
Denise Poth
Chloe Poth
Kattie Poth
Mary Poth
Josh Poth
Jake Poth
Rhys Enloe
Joshua Hudson
Joseph Manzanares
Jason Trater
Makal Mann
Katherine Deavers
Thomas Findlay
Jean Barby
Brad Martinson
Ravi Paul
Jonathan Shevels
Richard Carty
Christopher Scott Eaglin
Kaia Evert
Robert Knott
Christina Knott
Jodi Hart
Cierra Knott
Scott Sterling
Ross Clark
Derek Nolan
Glen Silvia
Mikkel Grum Bovin
James Parker
Mandy Ives
Waleed Nuriddin
Firash Mohamed
Lenny Nembhard
Nathalie Nembhard
Karen Cochrane
Carlos Campos
Jesse Swing
Ian Fischer
Jonathan Michael Warren
Sharon McGrail
Ernie du Toit
Dr. Mary Ann Ghaffurian
David C. Conner
Mark Williamson Sr.
Debra Brown
Franco M. Pisano
Michael Paul Smith
Katie Clark-Williams
Shanona Ryder
Jia Jefferson
Alejandro Calvo Gómez
Edward Straka
Robert Mackie
Haydn Peter Masterman
Antonio Leonardo
David Beam
Stan Jezyk
Maxim K. Rice
Karl Byas
Cheryl R. Summers
Sjaak Bijman
Miguel Oliveira
Trevor G. Ellis
Greg West
Arild Ystanes
Diego Alonso
Kenneth Anderson
Carole Griffiths
Ionut Strugaru
Ales Crnic
Abhijeet Sahai
David McDaniel
Mariusz Zienkiewicz
Batuhan Uveyik
Andrew Bingham
Annika Törnlind
Antonia Leslie
Lydia Mearns
Paolo Paganelli
Robert Ranck
Veronica Tate
Will Pritchard
Sylvie Pollard
David Duhn
Jakob Ahler
Meta Regis
Matt Marczel
Michael Taylor
Jonathan Bishop
Trevor Toll
Daniel Cochrane
Rihards Raja
Jonathan Kraus
Stuart John Bradman
Adam Bacon
Michael Spillman
Stephanie Abels
Michael E. Smith
Helaine Camacho
Eva Tatangelo Bishop
Corin Christian David McFadden
James Soper
Suzanne MacDonald
Fran Horan
Tyler Roscoe
Dawn Adrienne Taylor
Timothy Patrick Miller
Dennis Botrel
Jeroen Pleket
Phil Smith
Elizabeth Peter
Amelia Porcella
Kacee Floerke
Steven D. Schultz
Jullian Mihailov Manasiev
Sathya Mohan P.V
Elizabeth Abbott
Kelly Anderson
Malcolm Reynolds
Cheryl Reynolds
David Marks
Christopher Robert Pearson
John William Payne
Svein Finvåg
Santokh Singh
Jack Heimsoth
Donald J. Wyzard
Bill Umbarger
Daniel Dillon
Lars Kirketerp
Chico Estevam
Nishan Karki
Roberto Camara
Niv Dor-Cohen
Clint Pickney
Gibran Selman
Anthony Stuart
Erin Crook
Jeroen Wanningen
Paul Gardner
Jan Kregers
Andy Russell
Paul Vale
Francine Vale
Bill Bard
Michael Amirault
Ryan Mullins
Connie Turley
Rudie Mens
Sofia Casassa
Moroni Tapia
Dieter Eggers
Bryan James Chamberlain
Anthony Benson
Kara Benson
Gerrit Crafford
Alderic Foster
Michael Pan
Duncan Sims
Nathan Elout-Armstrong
Danny Davis
Tommi Lindeberg
Chris Mercado
JJ Diambrini-Palazzi
Rhian Smith
Kenneth Lindström
Darryl E. Berry Jr.
Lars-Roger Moe
Roberta Leed
Phillip Renton
Jeroen 't Hoen
Marius Johansen
Daniel Urquhart
Joshua Vermont
Johan Fourie
Donald F. Truax
Mirek Kaim
Kai Axel Schäfer
Larry Knight
Elizabeth Watson
Sharyn E. Marion
Sinisa Prole
Sean Burger
Artur Mendes
Marian van der Veen
Robert W. Kiser
Zachary Butcher
Craig Singh
Pabloperez Gonzalez
Darick Charbonneau
Roger Wilcock
Heidi Drecksler
Jim Sherlock
Alvin Le
Justin Verrengia
D Sterlin
Juan Laborde Crocela
William Meyer
Ronny J. Aunli
Timo Uhrig
Thomas Conisbee
Susan Rioux
Trudy Wall
Alvin Charles: Whaley©, Sui Juris aka SpiritWalker
Marilyn Brannon
Patrick Cassidy
John Dorsett
Marko Blom
Connie Broadworth
Angela McBride
Toby J. Zellers
Jason Harper
Mela Harper
Chris Gaffney
Andreas Hofmann
Abby Johnson
Gabi Bliss
Kinsey Bruynooghe
David van der Merwe
Miguel Gomes
John R. Leerskov
Louise Entwistle
Andy Cook
Fraser Bell
Angie Telatar
Cornelius Lockett
Jim Tour
Jhoane Garcia
Ronald H Berluchaux, Jr.
Jeramy Roberts
Dominique de Graaff
Sean Edwards
Raphael Wiedemann
Roshanna Sidney Evans
Kent Sanders
Brad Barratt
Pauline Gardiner
Mark Bamberg
Hakon Ringstad
Domenick Signorino
Ellie Rosenthal
Virginia Morehead
Mark van Gelderen
Brian Shuard
Jennifer A. Brookshire
Martin Palm
Dane Patterson Stolp
John Ferranti
Cheri Ameen
Marie Armone
Raimo Tudre
Desmond Diamond
Greg Crossfield
Greg Eldridge
Samuel Rees
Rebecca Austen
Cor Oort
Christian Smith
Larry Cox
Rosy Hendy
Stewart White
Andrew Butler
Steven Brown
Anastasios Birbotsoukis
Taco Stijnenbosch
Corey St. Pierre
Marcus Schulz
Alfred Krupa
Mladen Krupa
Anthony Lares
Lydia Atanasovski
Jonathan Bertil
Daniel Mechanik
Kere Thomas
Teka Luttrell
Christopher Sumner
Sean Faynor
Jakob Ahler
Jivan Wells
Jurgen Bastian
Bill Hickey
Daniel Romolliwa
Angelika Katterbach
Ron Shankel
Jack Woodall
Cathy Woodall
Thomas C. “Clay” Slape
Jonathan Abbey
Holly Lindin
Dawn Sheppard
Jake Maverick
Jesse D. Pennington
Mark Berger
Sharon Kenney
Kathy Daigle
Wambui Bahati
Jason Sutton
Matthew Roy Leoniak
Richard Nunn
Keith Sinclair
Robert Platteter
Alison James
John Briggs

Krystian Michalak
Oliver Fredriksen
Kathleen McIntyre
Wissam M. Zeid
Bergvin Stefánsson
Dominic Gleeson
Prism Kinkaid

Justin Stephen Dodd
Ray Maor
Jonathan Schmidt
Graham Harris
Ari Rautio
Yohannes Camps-Campins
Mike Hedge
Rev. J. W. McCulley
Amber Lynne Slump
Rufus Greenhalgh
Sandra Baker
Majduška Gunzer
Frank Slobodnik
Jacob Valderrama
Jean-Marc Blanchette
Leen Peeters
Yvonne Ollivier
Amir Ahmed Ramadan
Asia Kostka
Thomas Böhm
Joshua Sanchez
Josh Compton
Marlene Marion
Steven Trevor Rich
Randall Joel Best
Morten Julius
Rolf-Gerhard Schoeder
Paul Morrison
Jaffar Abbas
John Peralta
Sonja Steiger
David Austin McInnis
Erick Legrand

Ingeborg vd Berg-Harte
Pedro M. A. Rocha
Matthew Micallef
Damon Elias Gurule
Daren Ward
Simone Aalders
Michael Irving
Guillermo Hernandez
Russell S. Oliveiro
Darren Phelps
Liz Donahue
Anthony Corton
Morguana Hathaway
Jacob Laubauskas
Kurt Schilling
Josh Rojas
Paul Owen
Antoni Patrick
Scott Hall
Cindy Hall
James d'Earth
Shaman Rawb
Susan Such
Rosebud Kinkead
Neil G. Ferries
Geson Perry
John Findlay
Morten Saurdal

Lorenzo Labadie-Cortés
Cory Drake
Sanjivta Bedi

Stephanie Christie
Paul Adams
Martin J. Oreilly
Wayne Everett

Mark Miller
Concetta Owens
Michelle Dodge
Cornelis Huisman
Kerry Smith
Edwin E. Pulley Jr.
Richard W. West
Russell Thompson
Michelle Saul
Michael Wriston
Janet Middel
Cliff Hare
Peter Glaister
Neil Fisher
Robert Pritchett

Wayne Zhang
Curtis Hedges
Glenn Moore
Bobbie Hayes Hoxit

Graham Nicholson
Mark Finnigan
Michael Burns
Anne G. Knutsen
Asta Lyberth

Alison Littlejohn
Erik Jacobs
Joseph T. White
Lars Høvset
Carol Hochstedler
John Vezina
Mannu Shivaram
Aaron Shehan
Cindy Shehan
Ida Sorensen
John Lucanas
Ole Jensen
Peet Segov
David Bruning
Nicola Jane Hobday
Ana St Claire
William H. Bartlett III
Jeremiah Shattuck
Laura Dean
Abhijit Juvekar
Gina Galate
Chris Morgan
Geoffrey West
Anthony Denne
Audrey Quick
James Robson
Thiago Mello
Annette O'Toole
Michael Kiselicka
Joshua Allen Bane
Nils Lunde
Sam Lwin
Professor Markanand Alla'n Dharm-Reese
Rich Besco
Frank Bator
Michael Morris
Alan J. Osmond
Brett MacGillivray
Michelle MacGillivray
Sean Sapstead
Anette Tjørhom
John Spisak
George Preduca
Christine Burnett
Sylvia Hart
Mena Aupy
Boris Zorrilla
Jonathan Howe
Marco Silva
Aleksandar Topic
Michael D. Gorman
Anthony Beck
Holly Alba
Matthew Watts

Leigh Dezelan
Ted Cleveland
Pierre Newberg
Garrett DeRooy
Benjamin Eric Murphy
Angelo Marsico
Philip James Nofi Jr.
Albert P. Venczel
Kevin Elandiel Bernelve Bouayed
Seana Collins
O. Normann Saeterlid
Shawn O'Neal
Marcelle Nebiker
Luiz Lage
Thiago A. A. Mello
Randall J. Skates
Mike Petrakis
Mary Allais
Christopher Sanks
David John Balzer
Ruud Deijs
Alan Kaisher
Michael Denham
Carl Helsby
Bryan Smith
Victor Kauffman
David William Ellis
Skylar Glass
Bryan Baack
Gabrielle Wells
Tim Coxon
Michael Kwame Itoka
Ines Lucia Jaime
Jason Ryan
Andrea Karal
Hector D. Perez Torres
Scott Powell
Simon Barnett
Rob Walton
Pascual Alfonso Rabadan Galindo
Kindoo Raheem Mathew Mannion-Vanove
Leighton Connely
Edgar Flores
Florian Schunowski
Sven Steine
Celina Hernandez
Keith Krug
Koen Stroobant
Ben Salmon
Xavier Hawk
Doug Herich
Dennis R. Smith
Daniel E. Axelrod
Chris Kusins
Lee Leffingwell
Franck E. R. Scuotto
Neill Symonds
Bruce A. Fisher
Ina Bories
Robert Hicks
Winfried Bolik
Igor Tenorio
Bryn Kirk MacDonald
Wayne A. Jeffery
Christie Gardner
Sandy Lunøe
James Sclar
Bernie Brechtlein
Marc van der Beek
Mariyan Zhelev
Corey Tataryn
Mike Troy
Erik Norman
Adam Young
Eric Lorge
Andrew Clay
Daryl Arthur Zerkle
Mike Meehan
Scott Cousland

Diego Nuñez Pernasetti
Cindy White
Houtan Tahaeideo

Blake Robert
Martin Coleman
Ralph Gillispie
Luis F. Hernandez
Kenneth McRae
Henry P. Middlebrook
Rose A. Middlebrook
Charlene Johnson
Ian Beeler
Linda Joslin
Vincent Bast

Daniël Sterckx
Ståle Johansen
Georg Chriske
Marc Lippeveld
Sami Korpela
Ana K. Lopez
Lester MacKenzie

Douglas J. Benson
Laurent Leonard
Rena Mitchell
Michael O'Gorman
Stephen Harper
Filipe Orsato Tessaro
Walter L. Bradley Jr.
Melissa Worley Kriger
Matej Dzurik
Scott Brooks
Jaime Solera
Patrick King
Landon Lake Lindsey
Bjørnar Berntsen
Vilius Jurgelevicius
Jacalyn Burke
Martine Nicole Bongard
Daniel Wykes
Walter Nicolau Neto
Jay A. Lounsberry
Frances Arnold
Vonda Allan
Tilimpea 'Silver' Alexandr
Stephen Maye
Jenita Wang
Louise Smith
William Andrew Walton
Kevin Munson
Dario De Nicolò
Stephen Ackers
Matthew Collier
Sharon R. Collier
Michael G. Walsh
Kathryn E. Shaw
Mark T. Moriarty

Paul Cherek
Donna Surles

Rafael Mederuci
John Hankins

Nikhil Vekaria
Bryan Smith
Farzad Taghavi
Bjorn Theunis
Alina Lamasanu
Mark Taff
Eskild Arntsen
Stefan Kowalski
Miguel Queiroz
Michael Stephen Henson

Bruce Harris
Jing Wei Chai
Daniela Lofaro
Benjamin Gill
Mariusz Jędrzejewski
Cynthia Hunter-Shupe
Davie Grimes
Ted G. Sixkiller
Codin Adrian Petrus
Brian Grant

Anne Marie Kral
Christopher Shah
Liv Eriksen
Rotem Sibylla Shefa
Adam Arnet
Martin Kashinski
Sandy Lunoe
Nuno Viana
Lorraine Specht
Helen Webb
Nicholas Lamb
Colleen Crarer
Иван Христов Иванов
Stephanie Gilfillan
Honey Joles


Round Table pledge list  发表于 2015-10-14 20:48
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发表于 2015-10-14 21:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-10-14 21:08 | 显示全部楼层
Pentium_5 发表于 2015-10-14 20:19
欧元正在继续走强,如果这种强势能够持续到明年春天(也就是中国春播的时候),则深信无疑并继续为之欢欣鼓 ...

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发表于 2015-10-14 21:13 | 显示全部楼层
吕国宾龙坪山熊 发表于 2015-10-14 21:08

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发表于 2015-10-14 21:16 | 显示全部楼层
重启网格 发表于 2015-10-14 21:06

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发表于 2015-10-14 21:33 | 显示全部楼层
Pentium_5 发表于 2015-10-14 21:16
不过。亚瑟王计划(卡米洛特计划,详见百度相关词条)的发起人,在其个人网站还是提到了白龙会的。另外, ...

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发表于 2015-10-14 21:35 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-10-14 21:39 | 显示全部楼层
重启网格 发表于 2015-10-14 21:33
把现实世界的事情串联起来,而且是有机串联,好像真的发生了一样,这编剧,拍科幻电影吧 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-14 21:49 | 显示全部楼层
Pentium_5 发表于 2015-10-14 20:24
本人还在关注另外一个事情,那就是,为何我们的星际友人没有提及到盎格鲁萨克森人的亚瑟王计划(Project Ca ...


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发表于 2015-10-14 21:53 | 显示全部楼层
10的112次方 发表于 2015-10-14 21:49

他们如果喜欢去消除人口,那么他们也必须得有被消灭的 ...

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-14 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
Pentium_5 发表于 2015-10-14 21:53
无论这颗蓝色星球上的阴谋阳谋者们此次是否会被打击,至少,个人绝不会事到临头仍然是糊涂鬼! ...


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发表于 2015-10-14 22:08 | 显示全部楼层
10的112次方 发表于 2015-10-14 21:55
他们有一套逃跑计划,就是在绝望的时候乘坐他们产业的飞船离开地球的计划。目前还不太清楚那些目前监控地 ...

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