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发表于 2009-4-18 10:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-4-18 10:32 编辑


Rebecca MacKinnon chats to Anti-CNN.com

China: Dialogue with Anti-CNN

My chat with Anti-CNN.com

 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-18 10:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-4-18 10:33 编辑

Rebecca MacKinnon chats to Anti-CNN.com


Posted by Jeremy Goldkorn, April 15, 2009 6:17 AM

This is excellent:
Media scholar, Internet fundi and former Beijing bureau chief for CNN, Rebecca MacKinnon reports on a chat with Anti-CNN.com:

On Monday afternoon I did an online chat with these patriotic young people who run Anti-CNN, a website launched in the wake of the Tibetan unrest and crackdown last year by a group of young Chinese who felt that the Western media was presenting a distorted and inaccurate picture of China. They invited me to do the online chat after I interviewed Anti-CNN founder Rao Jin this past Saturday as part of my book research...
...My writings and talks have been a topic of discussion on the Anti-CNN website in the past, and given that I once reported for CNN in Beijing, it was not surprising that they were rather keen to offer me to up to their community.
Offer her up indeed!
The poor dears at Anti-CNN had to censor the chat on their own website, but you can listen to an MP3 of the whole talk or read MacKinnon's report on her blog: My chat with Anti-CNN.com. (on Typepad which is blocked in China).





可怜的丽贝卡在anti-CNN网上的谈话必须要接受审查,但你可以听整个谈话的MP3录音或者看丽贝卡博客上的报告(在被中国屏蔽的Typepad网站上) 。




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 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-18 10:13 | 显示全部楼层

Global Voices Online: 中国: 与Anti-CNN对话

本帖最后由 magicboy 于 2009-4-20 10:27 编辑

China: Dialogue with Anti-CNN
中国: 与Anti-CNN对话

Friday, April 17th, 2009 @ 01:52 UTC
by Oiwan Lam

On Monday (11 April), Rebecca MacKinnon, Global Voices Online co-founder and former CNN journalist, was interviewed by core members of Anti-CNN website.

This is a significant event as the Anti-CNN website was launched to counter the western media's (represented by CNN) reports on the Tibetan unrest and crackdown in May last year. As it has been pointed out by Rebecca during the interview that many people regard Anti-CNN a community of 50 cent for spreading Chinese government's propaganda. This interview can give people a glimpse of this community of patriotic young people.
The conversation was mainly about western media “impartial” and “bias” report on news related with China, including Tibet issue, Olympic torch relay protest. Rebecca has written a detailed summary in Rconversation. She expects to see more interaction between the Anti-CNN community with the outside world:

My purpose in doing this interview was primarily to understand the Anti-CNN community better as part of my book research. Communities of enthusiastic, patriotic young people like the Anti-CNN volunteers are part and parcel of the phenomenon I call cyber-tarianism.
It will be very interesting to see how the Anti-CNN website continues to evolve. Rao Jin (founder of the website) has plans to develop an English-language platform - with a less provocative, more friendly name - through which his community can engage in dialogue and debate with the English-speaking world. I think it's great that they're looking to expand their dialogue and engage with the world. It's important that the outside world understand that China's patriotic youth, like young Republicans or young Tories, feel that they are acting on their own belief systems and get angry when characterized as brainwashed puppets. It will be fascinating to see how the outside world reacts to these efforts, and how the Anti-CNN website administrators handle conversations that foreigners want to have with them involving events, people, or points of view that Chinese websites are generally required to censor in order to avoid being shut down.

In the Anti-CNN website, the organizer has transcribed in brief the conversation in the forum and here is a selection of carry on discussion:

星期一( 411日)
,全球之声在线(Global Voices Online)的创始人之一,前有线电视新闻网(CNN)记者丽贝卡·麦金农,接受了anti-CNN网站核心成员的采访。



(译者注: 以下引用丽贝卡的文章)




happy: 看完了,至少代表了一个理性的国外记者的成熟看法,当然,我听得出来她对一个没有自由,特别是没有舆论自由国家的失望以及不满,当然分寸都是恰到好处,可以通过网络审查聊起来。
happy: I read it (the interview) through. She represents a mature and rational foreign journalist viewpoint. Of course, I get a sense that she is disappointed with a country which is in lack of freedom, in particular freedom of expression. And she handles that quite well by raising the Internet censorship issue.
Moreover, western ideas of independent thought, freedom of speech and rational thinking that differentiate means and ends are implicit in her answer. These are something we missed in our culture. This kind of conversation is very meaningful and concrete, a lot more fruitful than 100 items in CCTV news broadcast.

superstar: 感谢Rebecca。相对来说,对中国的看法比较客观。
superstar: I want to express my thanks to Rebecca. Comparatively speaking, she is more objective in her viewpoint on China.
However, there is nothing new in her answer. Westerners share similar view on China, we have to solve our own developmental problem and should not care too much on others' opinion.
My feeling is that the main audience of CNN's cropped photo and carefully processed news are Mainland Chinese, westerners are onlookers. Some with good intention may read it with sympathy, some with vice intention may take advantage of it.
In reality, there is more and more communication between China and the West. In some aspects, China is being self-defensive. However, China will gain more confidence when it continues to develop and there will be less and less double standard judgment towards China. We can embrace the world then.

ry1808: 中国的媒体给我的感觉是漂亮话说得太多,主旋律过于旺盛(当然现在有所改善,但是还是不够),但是刻意颠倒黑白的事情并不多见。国内媒体对于自己不便说的事情一般采取噤声的态度,也就是回避,根本不说。而西方媒体往往会自己另外编一个故事,让这个故事更符合自己的价值观。
ry1801: My feeling is that Chinese media like to speak in beautifying language with a leading melody (there are some improvement but not adequate). However, it seldom turns black into white. They just avoid talking about sensitive issues. As for Western media, they would compose a story in order to fit into their value system.


四月社區初中一年級:AC is too moderate in the interview and let her (Rebecca) get around sensitive matter. Moreover, she hasn't acknowledge the western moral decadence in issues like Jingjing being attacked by thugs (in Paris), anti-Chinese craze in the West and the disrespectful attitude of western media towards public opinion in China (such as Beijing Olympic). Their responses are against their own preaching of “human rights” and morality. It shows her pretentious and double standard attitude. She still upholds her moral superiority: whenever questions about western media bias were raised, she would mention the negative aspect of Chinese media. These are separate issues. In the case of Chinese media, it never claims to be the world's most objective and fair media. She knows Chinese, she should know that our media, from the mainstream printed media to the Internet, we enjoy a lot of freedom to criticize the government. I hope that AC will not fall into such kind of western trap anymore in the future, giving these kind of people an opportunity to gather information for their books and speak as a “Chinese expert”, repeating western arrogance and bias views towards China. To be frank, I am very disappointed.

Aircraft: 建议AC把这位记者在访谈后用英文写的一篇文章翻译出来。她的文章已经被美国人放在网上来批评中国人了。此人的文章将网友的提问断章取意,还是不断重复自己已经形成的偏见,吹捧达赖。
Aircraft: I suggest AC translate the article she had written after the interview to Chinese. Her article had been used to criticize Chinese people. Her article is very impartial in quoting netizens' questions and keeps repeating her bias, upholding Dalai Lama.
Hu Yong writes a blog post commenting on the difficulty in this communication:

The communication happened between two different kind of people with two different modes of thought: one mode uses the word “you (in plural form)” as if the others shared the same pace and same voice or even the same conspiracy; the other mode use the word “I”, in the case like “I would not say Chinese are like this or that, because every one is different in their view, interest and motive”. The communication also happened between two different political cultures. in one culture, after the Primere received a shoe, it said “This kind of despicable tactic cannot stop the friendship between China and U.K! The progress of humanity and World's harmony cannot be stopped by any force!” In the other culture, after their President received a shoe, it said “I can tell you that the shoe size is 10… using this method for attracting attention shows what one can do in a free society”. In addition, the communication also happened between two discursive contexts, in one context, as a result of the asymmetrical regulation and control, pro-government and pro-mainstream voices are much louder, while in the other context, it values the powerless social group's voices more than the ruling class and powerful social group.

This is an extremely difficult communication. I have to express my respect to Rebecca. It takes much courage and wisdom to have this kind of cross-cultural, cross-generational and cross-paradigm communication. It gives us an opportunity to observe Chinese young people's education and mode of thinking and provides us with an example for future dialogue with them.

Posted by Oiwan Lam




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发表于 2009-4-18 10:20 | 显示全部楼层
good job
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-18 10:23 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-4-18 10:31 编辑

My chat with Anti-CNN.com

My chat with Anti-CNN.com
On Monday afternoon I did an online chat with these patriotic young people who run Anti-CNN, a website launched in the wake of the Tibetan unrest and crackdown last year by a group of young Chinese who felt that the Western media was presenting a distorted and inaccurate picture of China. They invited me to do the online chat after I interviewed Anti-CNN founder Rao Jin this past Saturday as part of my book research (more on that interview in a later post). My writings and talks have been a topic of discussion on the Anti-CNN website in the past, and given that I once reported for CNN in Beijing, it was not surprising that they were rather keen to offer me to up to their community.

Despite their website's unfriendly name, I found the founder Rao Jin and his core group of volunteers to be polite, friendly, smart, and professional, while also very passionate about their point of view. They're keen that the outside world not view them as brainwashed government agents. They want the world to understand that they're doing this of their own volition because they love their country and want their fellow citizens to think more critically about global media. The site is financed by Rao Jin's internet company. He insists that they take no government money.

The site has evolved from its CNN-bashing origins last year into a more general forum for media criticism - focused primarily on Western media. They do not, however, subject the Chinese media to the same kind of critical treatment. As Rao Jin said to me: "Our aim is not to challenge the government. We want to create a good space, a good platform where more people have a chance to participate in discussion. If the platform ceases to exist, then there are no voices at all, so first we have to guarantee its survival."

Moderator "Leslie" Liu Jing asked questions submitted in advance by members of the Anti-CNN community. Our conversation was videotaped. Meanwhile, as I answered, two volunteers summarized my answers in real time and posted them into the Anti-CNN forum. This morning I read through the whole thing. As one might expect with any "live-blogged" conversation, some details and nuances of what I said were lost, and sometimes the live-bloggers misunderstood what I was talking about. For instance, I referred to U.S. media coverage of Abu Ghraib as one example of how the interests of the U.S. media and government often do not coincide; the live-blogger typed it up in English as "Albert Grey," which I'm sure was an honest mistake. All in all, they did their best to record the substance of what I was saying. That is, with the exception of a couple of things that were completely omitted.

When I was asked to give examples of reasons why foreign reporters often don't trust what the Chinese government says, I cited my own experiences in which government officials lied about disaster casualties, and about the fate of people who I knew had been jailed. Those two examples were included. I also cited the fact that - while the exact number of deaths in the June 4th 1989 killing of protesters may be subject to dispute, it's a fact that the government refuses to acknowledge the deaths of many people who I know for a fact were killed - because I've spoken to the relatives of those people, who have proof that those individuals existed, and when and how they were killed. I said the fact that the government won't acknowledge their deaths amounts to refusing to acknowledge these people existed. This was not typed into the forum discussion. In response to a question I also discussed the imprisonment of AIDS activist Hu Jia, but no sign of that exchange appears in the forum, either.

After we finished, I was told that the videotape would have to be edited before they can post it online, because some of the content was too sensitive and would cause trouble for their website. I made an audio recording of the whole exchange. It is completely unedited. You can listen to it or download it here:

Due to time constraints, I'm not able to offer a full transcript and full English translation today. In future I may try to find somebody to help me out with that. Meanwhile, here is my summary of a few highlights:

The chat session opened with a question about Prime Minister Wen Jiabao's press conference at the closing of the National People's conference. In the press conference he criticized the Dalai Lama, among many other things he said. A community member wanted to know why the Western media seemed to de-emphasize that part of the press conference, focusing on other content instead. I said I wasn't at the press conference and wasn't in China when it happened, and didn't see the full transcript of the press conference, thus I don't remember precisely what Wen said about the Dalai Lama. However if Wen's remarks were substantively similar to things he has said in the past about the Dalai Lama, or a repetition of previous statements by the Chinese government or Xinhua News Agency, the Western media would not have considered it "news" because it wasn't "new."

Liu Jing then asked me why the Western media gave less attention to Chinese student demonstrators who came out in support for the Chinese Olympic torch relay than to the pro-Tibet independence demonstrations. I said that part of the reason has to do with the fact that the Western media tends to pay more attention to people claiming to be wronged or oppressed, and generally gives less airtime to people representing or supporting power-holders. I did also acknowledge that Westerners generally don't understand the patriotism of today's Chinese students abroad, the reasons for their patriotism, and the extent to which it's genuinely heartfelt.

The next question, from a community member, was whether Americans ever wondered why pro-Tibetan independence protestors appeared at the torch relay. I explained that Americans expect that protesters will appear at events involving a major world power, its leaders, or something representing that country's power. I said that if the Olympics had been held in the U.S. last year and Americans were going around the world doing a torch relay, no doubt all kinds of people would be showing up in protest. China is a world power now, so Chinese people are going to have to get used to seeing people around the world protesting against what China represents. It's part of life as a global power. It's not going to stop and you've got to learn to live with it. That said, I did agree that accosting the wheelchair-bound handicapped Chinese athlete in Paris was a very bad move on the part of the protesters. It showed the protesters' complete lack of understanding (or lack of interest) in how Chinese people viewed their protests.
There were a lot of questions about how CNN operates, how it gets its information, and the extent to which media all over the world, including in the West, is manipulated by political and market forces. I talked about how commercial pressures create media bias which can have a political result - because media outlets looking to boost ratings and circulation are sometimes concerned about reporting too many things that make viewers angry and unhappy, prompting them to change the channel or cancel their subscription. I also talked about how it's an undeniable fact that war is good for the news business, and good for many individual journalists' careers, and that this aspect of mainstream journalism has always made me feel uncomfortable. (I've written about some of these things here and here (PDF).) I also talked about commercial astroturfing, as well as blogging by campaign employees - or by blogger "consultants" - which is increasingly part of any Western politician's campaign strategy. My interviewer tried to get me to say that these things are the same thing as the censorship and manipulation that happens in China. I said it's not the same. But at the same time, anybody who is consuming any news from anywhere should not trust it until that news organization or blogger earns their trust. And there are plenty of reasons in any country not to trust any given news source completely.

I also made the point that while the Chinese media has evolved and grown more sophisticated over the past couple decades, and while the Internet has created a very wide space for discourse and debate than ever existed in the past, the information environment is still very skewed. Chinese investigative journalists have told me about numerous stories their editors won't allow them to publish. This includes the poisoned milk powder story which a Chinese journalist had been ready to break last spring, but was not allowed to do so - with the result that thousands more babies were sickened, their parents unaware of the danger when they might have been informed. Voices critical of central government policies are censored much more heavily on the Internet than voices of patriotic young people like the Anti-CNN, community. This results in a skewed information environment, reinforcing itself in a positive feedback loop.

My moderator said that China's censorship system is a national reality and she believes it's necessary for national stability.

I was asked about my 2003 interview with the Dalai Lama. I described how he said he was concerned about human rights abuses in Tibet, and that he was not seeking independence, but rather autonomy. That he wanted to be able to negotiate with the Chinese government about this. Liu Jing asked me whether I had asked the Dalai Lama why he wanted to return to Tibet and "become Tibet's chief slave owner." I said that the Dalai Lama's point was not to return Tibet to exactly what it was like in feudal times. The point was to give today's Tibetans more say in their own affairs, and that his idea was to return as a religious leader, not a political leader.

I did not get into a debate with them about historical facts surrounding China's sovereignty over Tibet, as that would have made it impossible to talk about anything else. It was very clear that the folks at Anti-CNN have decided what the facts are, and what they believe the correct version of history is, and that a shared view about these facts is a strong underpinning of the Anti-CNN community. I did suggest that aside from arguing with Westerners about Tibet, perhaps they should do more to engage with Tibetan people, and that the problems in Tibet will only be resolved if more Chinese and Tibetan people engage with one another and try to work out solutions. Liu Jing told me that she has been to Tibet and that in her experience all the Tibetan people she has interacted with say they are grateful for the development that the Chinese government has brought to them. She thinks that Westerners don't understand the real views of real Tibetan people. Reading through the comments posted by community members during and after the chat, it's clear that many community members don't think there's a problem in Tibet itself; they appear to believe that the whole problem is caused by the exile community and by Westerners who are enamored of the Dalai Lama, interfering in China's internal affairs.
My purpose in doing this interview was primarily to understand the Anti-CNN community better as part of my book research. Communities of enthusiastic, patriotic young people like the Anti-CNN volunteers are part and parcel of the phenomenon I call cyber-tarianism.

It will be very interesting to see how the Anti-CNN website continues to evolve. Rao Jin has plans to develop an English-language platform - with a less provocative, more friendly name - through which his community can engage in dialogue and debate with the English-speaking world. I think it's great that they're looking to expand their dialogue and engage with the world. It's important that the outside world understand that China's patriotic youth, like young Republicans or young Tories, feel that they are acting on their own belief systems and get angry when characterized as brainwashed puppets. It will be fascinating to see how the outside world reacts to these efforts, and how the Anti-CNN website administrators handle conversations that foreigners want to have with them involving events, people, or points of view that Chinese websites are generally required to censor in order to avoid being shut down.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-4-18 10:25 | 显示全部楼层

丽贝卡٠麦康瑞: 我跟anti-CNN网站的对话



该网站已经从它最初起源的反击CNN发展到对媒体 (主要是西方媒体) 进行批评的更广泛的论坛。但是它却不对中国媒体一视同仁的进行批评。正如饶谨对我说的:"我们的目的不是要挑战政府。我们要创造一个良好的空间,一个良好的平台,让越来越多的人有机会参加讨论。如果平台不存在就连声音都没有了,所以首先我们必须保证它的生存。"

版主“Leslie”刘静(音译)问我早先时候AC网友提交的问题。我们的谈话被录像。我回答问题的同时,两个志愿者总结我的回答,即时发布到anti-CNN网的论坛。今天上午,我通读了整个帖子。正如人们对"现场直播"所能预期的,我的话中一些细节和微妙之处被忽略了,有时输入者误解了我的意思。举例来说,我提到了美国媒体对阿布格莱布监狱Abu Ghraib 的报道,作为说明美国媒体和政府的利益经常不一致的一个例子,直播者打成了“阿尔贝灰色Albert Grey” ,这我敢肯定是一个无心的过错 。总之,除了几件事被完全省略,他们尽了最大努力,最好地记录我的话的实质内容。

当我被要求举例说明为什么外国记者往往不相信中国政府说的话,我举了我自己的亲身经历为例。政府官员在灾害伤亡数字,以及我知道已经被判入狱的人的命运问题上撒谎。这两个例子都写在到帖子内了。我还提到一个事实: 尽管1989年6月4日被杀死的示威者确切人数可能有争议,但是政府拒绝承认许多人死亡,而我知道事实上他们被杀死了,因为我跟他们的亲属谈过话(译者注: 链接到CNN网,丽贝卡采访丁子霖的新闻),亲属有证据表明这些人的存在,以及何时和如何被打死的。我说了政府为了否认这些人的存在而不承认死亡人数的事实,这没有被写到帖子里头。在回答一个问题时我还讨论了入狱的艾滋病活动家胡佳,也没有被写入帖子里。


由于时间限制,今天我不能够提供完整的记录和全部的英文译本。以后我可能会找人帮助(翻译) 。与此同时,这是我总结的几个要点:

聊天一开始的问题是关于国务院总理温家宝在全国人民代表大会结束时的记者招待会。在记者招待会上,他批评了达赖喇嘛。一个AC成员想知道为什么西方媒体低调处理这一记者招待会,而把重点放在其他内容上。我说我当时不在新闻发布会上,也不在中国,也没有看到新闻发布会的全文,因此我不记得温家宝说过什么关于达赖喇嘛的话。但是,如果温家宝的谈话跟他以前说过的话类似,或者重复中国政府或新华社以往的声明,那么西方媒体不会认为这是“新闻” ,因为它不“新”了。



有很多问题问CNN如何经营,如何得到它的信息,以及世界各地的媒体,包括西方媒体,被政治和市场力量操纵到什么程度。我谈到商业压力如何创造能够产生政治结果的媒体偏见,因为期待收视率和流量的媒体有时担心报告的东西太多了会使观众愤怒和不满因此换频道或取消订阅。我也谈到了一个不可否认的事实,即战争对新闻行业是好事,对许多新闻工作者的职业生涯也是好事,而且主流媒体的这一方面一直使我感到不舒服。 (我写的一些东西在这里和这里(PDF格式) )。我还谈到了商业人为炒作,以及雇人或“顾问”写博客,在西方政治家的竞选策略里头越来越常见了。AC采访主持人试图让我说,这跟中国的的审查和操纵制度是一样的。我说它们并不相同。但与此同时,在新闻机构或博主赢得了他们的信任之前,任何人都不要轻易相信任何新闻。有很多理由说明,在任何国家,完全不要相信任何特定新闻来源。



有人问到我2003年采访达赖喇嘛。我描述了达赖喇嘛说的话,他关心在西藏的侵犯人权的行为,他并不寻求独立,而是自治。他希望能够与中国政府谈判。刘静问我是否曾问达赖喇嘛为什么要回西藏, “成为西藏最大的奴隶主”。我说,达赖喇嘛的观点不是要返回西藏,回到封建时代。而是要给藏人对自己的事务有更多的发言权,他的想法是作为宗教领袖返回,而不是一个政治领袖。


我接受采访的目的主要是为了更好地了解anti-CNN网站,这是我写作研究的一部分。一个由AC志愿者那样的充满热情和爱国的年轻人组成的社区,是我称之为"网络集权主义(cyber-tarianism) "现象的重要组成部分。





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发表于 2009-4-18 11:50 | 显示全部楼层
“positive reinforcement”根据上下文翻译成“恶性循环”倒是符合日常语言习惯,但是严格的学术译法应该是“正向增强”,区别于“负向增强”、“正向惩罚”、“负向惩罚”:


问题在于“positive reinforcement”在英语中的普及率远远高于“正向增强”在汉语中的普及率。严格翻译成“正向增强”的话能有多少人看得懂?
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发表于 2009-4-18 12:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 耳冉子 于 2009-4-18 13:01 编辑

举例来说,我提到了美国媒体对阿布格莱布监狱Abu Ghraib 的报道,作为说明美国媒体和政府的利益经常不一致的一个例子,直播者打成了“阿尔贝灰色Albert Grey” ,这我敢肯定是一个无心的过错 。

因此我不记得温家宝说过什么关于达赖喇嘛的话。但是,如果温家宝的谈话跟他以前说过的话类似,或者重复中国政府或新华社以往的声明,那么西方媒体不会认为这是“新闻” ,因为它不“新”了。







一个由AC志愿者那样的充满热情和爱国的年轻人组成的社区,是我称之为"网络独裁(cyber-tarianism) "现象的重要组成部分。




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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-18 13:35 | 显示全部楼层







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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-18 13:45 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-18 14:36 | 显示全部楼层






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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-18 15:01 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-18 20:32 | 显示全部楼层


本人认为此次的主持人还是相当不错,尽管与麦康瑞比起来, ...
耳冉子 发表于 2009-4-18 14:36



所谓对事不对人,很简单的表现就是 不能说“你们”如何如何,而是“第三方”如何如何,“对此您有什么看法”把对方排出在外,尤其是尖锐问题、不可调和问题以及负面问题。对方也不会傻到把自己再套进去。




至于让我示范,这个很难,因为我的水平也很差,可以说在现实生活中我属于说话非常没有水平的那类人。(我曾经跟领导说“你玩完了?”而且是两次!Q56) )但是这不能阻止我提出问题!!解决的方法大家一起来嘛!!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-4-18 21:33 | 显示全部楼层




所谓对事不对人,很简单的表现就是 不能说“你们”如何如何,而是“第三方”如何如何,“对此您有什么看法”把对方排出在外,尤其是尖锐问题、不可调和问题以及负面问题。对方也不会傻到把自己再套进去。





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使用道具 举报

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