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[翻译完毕] 新加坡海峡时报:Koreans in China feel the pinch

发表于 2008-12-29 18:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

BEIJING: Financial troubles back home in South Korea have put Miss Kim Ja Hyun on an austerity drive of late.  Where she used to eat out at least three times a week, shop forclothes on weekends and take cabs freely, now the 24-year-olduniversity student in Beijing cooks her own meals, stays in and hops onbuses to get around town instead.
But her biggest sacrifice will come next year. Miss Kim willgive up plans to take up a post-graduate course at the BeijingUniversity of Chinese Medicine after she completes her five-yearundergraduate degree at the college next July.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Instead, she will head home to South Korea's Incheon city, find a job and help her parents ride out the financial storm.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                She is not the only South Korean in China feeling the pinch.
South Koreans account for the largest group of foreignersresiding on the mainland. Their country's severe downturn is forcingmany to leave for home, resulting in an 'exodus' of Korean citizensfrom the mainland.
Over the past three months, some 20 per cent of the 700,000South Koreans living, studying and working in China have had to leavebecause of the financial turmoil at home, said Mr Heo Seong Moo,assistant director of the Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency inBeijing.
Of the 540,000 Koreans left on the mainland, more might haveto leave early next year if the downturn worsens, he told The StraitsTimes.
The global financial turmoil has slowed Asia's growth butSouth Korea, the region's fourth-largest economy, has been particularlytroubled by falling exports and weak domestic demand.
A check by The Straits Times found that other expatriates inChina, including those in the Japanese, Taiwanese and Singaporeancommunities, have not had to resort to such drastic measures as yet.
What has hit individual South Korean expatriates the hardestis the sharp depreciation of the won, which has plummeted in valueagainst the yuan by almost half over recent months. This has madeliving in China almost twice as expensive as it was before the crisisfor the South Koreans.
'At the start of the year, one yuan was worth about 130Korean won, now it is 200-210 won. Everyone is watching his budgetnow,'' said Mr Heo.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The won's fall against the yuan has also affected Korean businesses in China.
A lower won may mean goods exported from South Korea arecheaper, but Korean firms on the mainland are not quite benefitingbecause they have to underwrite operating costs in yuan. This includesrental, some staff salaries, and the purchase of raw material in China.
In addition, many small businesses still rely on their owners'savings and bank loans taken back home - all in won - for capital,entrepreneurs told The Straits Times.
Large firms are now slashing their budgets, leading toretrenchments and downsizing. Some are also pulling back residentialrepresentatives to China. These employees, who are usually on two- tofive-year terms, are costly for firms as they often get perks includinggenerous housing and schooling allowances. Firms are also askingemployees to downgrade to cheaper flats, said Mr Heo.
Statistics for the number of Korean businesses that haveclosed down in recent months are hard to come by, said Mr Heo. 'Manyhave certainly gone bust but they do not usually like to report this.'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Faced with an even bleaker year ahead, his agency is scrambling to help enterprises find some relief.
'We are working very hard to help Korean businesses here tofind new markets, new sectors to explore, but it is an uphill task,' hesaid.
Another big group of South Korean residents facing toughtimes is the students, many of whom flock to Beijing forChinese-language courses. A number of them might have to leave afterconcluding their semesters at year-end as most of them here aresupported by their parents and do not have scholarships, said Mr Heo.
There are some 62,000 South Korean students in China, orabout 38 per cent of the foreign student population on the mainland,said Mr Piao Changzhi, a department head with the Korea InternationalTrade Association's Beijing office.
He did not have figures of recent student departures but acheck with two universities - Tsinghua University and Beijing Languageand Culture University - where Koreans make up the bulk of their intakefor Chinese-language courses, showed that enrolment this year hasdropped as much as 20 per cent compared to last year.
'In all my life, I have never seen my family's financialsituation this bad,' lamented Miss Kim, who arrived in Beijing in 2003for her undergraduate course.
Her mother was forced to wind up her small purchasingbusiness recently and, for the past two months, has been unable to sendMiss Kim her monthly 1,400 yuan (S$295) rental for a shared apartmentin Beijing.
With just her father drawing a modest salary as a civilservant, her parents are struggling to support her and their youngestdaughter, 22, a university student back home, she said.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Miss Kim said: 'I will be sad to leave, but at this time, there is no other way.'
发表于 2008-12-29 19:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-8 17:43 编辑



Koreans in China feel the pinch

BEIJING: Financial troubles back home in South Korea have put Miss Kim Ja Hyun on an austerity drive of late.


Where she used to eat out at least three times a week, shop for clothes on weekends and take cabs freely, now the 24-year-old university student in Beijing cooks her own meals, stays in and hops on buses to get around town instead.


But her biggest sacrifice will come next year. Miss Kim will give up plans to take up a post-graduate course at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine after she completes her five-year undergraduate degree at the college next July.

Instead, she will head home to South Korea's Incheon city, find a job and help her parents ride out the financial storm.


She is not the only South Korean in China feeling the pinch. [MS这句木翻译]

South Koreans account for the largest group of foreigners residing on the mainland. Their country's severe downturn is forcing many to leave for home, resulting in an 'exodus' of Korean citizens from the mainland.


Over the past three months, some 20 per cent of the 700,000 South Koreans living, studying and working in China have had to leave because of the financial turmoil at home, said Mr Heo Seong Moo, assistant director of the Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency in Beijing.

Of the 540,000 Koreans left on the mainland, more might have to leave early next year if the downturn worsens, he told The Straits Times.



The global financial turmoil has slowed Asia's growth but South Korea, the region's fourth-largest economy, has been particularly troubled by falling exports and weak domestic demand.


A check by The Straits Times found that other expatriates in China, including those in the Japanese, Taiwanese and Singaporean communities, have not had to resort to such drastic measures as yet.


What has hit individual South Korean expatriates the hardest is the sharp depreciation of the won, which has plummeted in value against the yuan by almost half over recent months. This has made living in China almost twice as expensive as it was before the crisis for the South Koreans.


"At the start of the year, one yuan was worth about 130 Korean won, now it is 200-210 won. Everyone is watching his budget now,'' said Mr Heo.


The won's fall against the yuan has also affected Korean businesses in China.


A lower won may mean goods exported from South Korea are cheaper, but Korean firms on the mainland are not quite benefiting because they have to underwrite operating costs in yuan. This includes rental, some staff salaries, and the purchase of raw material in China.


In addition, many small businesses still rely on their owners' savings and bank loans taken back home - all in won - for capital, entrepreneurs told The Straits Times.


Large firms are now slashing their budgets, leading to retrenchments and downsizing. Some are also pulling back residential representatives to China. These employees, who are usually on two- to five-year terms, are costly for firms as they often get perks including generous housing and schooling allowances. Firms are also asking employees to downgrade to cheaper flats, said Mr Heo.


Statistics for the number of Korean businesses that have closed down in recent months are hard to come by, said Mr Heo. 'Many have certainly gone bust but they do not usually like to report this.'


Faced with an even bleaker year ahead, his agency is scrambling to help enterprises find some relief.


'We are working very hard to help Korean businesses here to find new markets, new sectors to explore, but it is an uphill task,' he said.


Another big group of South Korean residents facing tough times is the students, many of whom flock to Beijing for Chinese-language courses. A number of them might have to leave after concluding their semesters at year-end as most of them here are supported by their parents and do not have scholarships, said Mr Heo.


There are some 62,000 South Korean students in China, or about 38 per cent of the foreign student population on the mainland, said Mr Piao Changzhi, a department head with the Korea International Trade Association's Beijing office.


He did not have figures of recent student departures but a check with two universities - Tsinghua University and Beijing Language and Culture University - where Koreans make up the bulk of their intake for Chinese-language courses, showed that enrolment this year has dropped as much as 20 per cent compared to last year.


'In all my life, I have never seen my family's financial situation this bad,' lamented Miss Kim, who arrived in Beijing in 2003 for her undergraduate course.


Her mother was forced to wind up her small purchasing business recently and, for the past two months, has been unable to send Miss Kim her monthly 1,400 yuan (S$295) rental for a shared apartment in Beijing.


With just her father drawing a modest salary as a civil servant, her parents are struggling to support her and their youngest daughter, 22, a university student back home, she said.


Miss Kim said: 'I will be sad to leave, but at this time, there is no other way.'


我先找几个,我以前翻译的,问题多多啊 请各位指教的饿

Financial troubles back home in South Korea,这里不是韩国的金融危机了,应该翻译为在首尔家里的财务问题,
the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,北京中医药大学,,

A lower won may mean goods exported from South Korea are cheaper,这个不是“更低价值的韩元意味着出口有利”,应该是更低的韩元意味着从韩国出口的货物价格更低,

In addition, many small businesses still rely on their owners' savings and bank loans taken back home - all in won - for capital, entrepreneurs told The Straits Times.

Some are also pulling back residential representatives to China这句好像也有问题,
There are some 62,000 South Korean students in China这句SOME 没有翻译出来。

yangfuguang 发表于 2009-4-11 15:58
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-29 21:20 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-5-9 17:52 | 显示全部楼层
Koreans in China feel the pinch
在华韩国人感慨手头不宽裕0 K6 F$ M, Y4 W& m

BEIJING: Financial troubles back home in South Korea have put Miss Kim Ja Hyun on an austerity drive of late.
1 w( ?9 h4 x& A: f% T8 V% w
Where she used to eat out at least three times a week, shop for clothes on weekends and take cabs freely, now the 24-year-old university student in Beijing cooks her own meals, stays in and hops on buses to get around town instead.
But her biggest sacrifice will come next year. Miss Kim will give up plans to take up a post-graduate course at the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine after she completes her five-year undergraduate degree at the college next July.
Instead, she will head home to South Korea's Incheon city, find a job and help her parents ride out the financial storm.
She is not the only South Korean in China feeling the pinch. [MS这句木翻译]# H" {1 j- H; n
South Koreans account for the largest group of foreigners residing on the mainland. Their country's severe downturn is forcing many to leave for home, resulting in an 'exodus' of Korean citizens from the mainland.
Over the past three months, some 20 per cent of the 700,000 South Koreans living, studying and working in China have had to leave because of the financial turmoil at home, said Mr Heo Seong Moo, assistant director of the Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency in Beijing. - L9 E+ s( [1 c2 S
5 d9 x% o1 V1 S$ e
Of the 540,000 Koreans left on the mainland, more might have to leave early next year if the downturn worsens, he told The Straits Times.
在过去的三个月里,在70万在华韩国人中,大约20%因为本国经济的混乱回国,大韩贸易促进机构北京处的主任助理许圣茂(音)这样告诉记者。! O# x* s& b" @
, g+ w/ a) \2 B3 @. L) ~
The global financial turmoil has slowed Asia's growth but South Korea, the region's fourth-largest economy, has been particularly troubled by falling exports and weak domestic demand.
I8 M6 u! M0 c/ F
全球金融风暴使得亚洲经济增长放缓,对于亚洲第四大经济体的韩国,更是深受出口下降,国内需求疲软的困扰。) x  v8 y! W: b7 L$ }2 d
* }% L8 r  f; r  {, ]; M5 B$ m: o
A check by The Straits Times found that other expatriates in China, including those in the Japanese, Taiwanese and Singaporean communities, have not had to resort to such drastic measures as yet.
" H8 x7 J) D7 A; s$ D/ R
! |$ ?* X/ ^2 L+ c
What has hit individual South Korean expatriates the hardest is the sharp depreciation of the won, which has plummeted in value against the yuan by almost half over recent months. This has made living in China almost twice as expensive as it was before the crisis for the South Koreans. 3 }5 h7 y5 c+ c. f, e1 d) l
% P0 x( V, {8 q# i1 p  V

"At the start of the year, one yuan was worth about 130 Korean won, now it is 200-210 won. Everyone is watching his budget now,'' said Mr Heo.

The won's fall against the yuan has also affected Korean businesses in China.
' a. `8

A lower won may mean goods exported from South Korea are cheaper, but Korean firms on the mainland are not quite benefiting because they have to underwrite operating costs in yuan. This includes rental, some staff salaries, and the purchase of raw material in China.
更低价值的韩元意味着出口有利,但是韩国企业好像没有受益,因为使用人民币来计算生产成本。这包括租金,一些员工的工资,和在中国购买原材料的费用。- [) x) V- Z$ T1 C
GIn addition, many small businesses still rely on their owners' savings and bank loans taken back home - all in won - for capital, entrepreneurs told The Straits Times.
Large firms are now slashing their budgets, leading to retrenchments and downsizing. Some are also pulling back residential representatives to China. These employees, who are usually on two- to five-year terms, are costly for firms as they often get perks including generous housing and schooling allowances. Firms are also asking employees to downgrade to cheaper flats, said Mr Heo. 3 c- B8 T3 }7
大公司在消减预算,节省开支,缩小规模。一些人还从住宅中撤出。这些员工——通常是两年到五年任期——经常耗费公司大量的津贴,因为他们被给予了豪宅和教育津贴。许先生说:企业也开始要求员工换小一点的公寓。% `1 [$ V* A$ u& e; E! z) `
residential representatives这个应该是职位,我也不知道怎么翻。

Statistics for the number of Korean businesses that have closed down in recent months are hard to come by, said Mr Heo. 'Many have certainly gone bust but they do not usually like to report this.'


Faced with an even bleaker year ahead, his agency is scrambling to help enterprises find some relief.

[! p6 A
'We are working very hard to help Korean businesses here to find new markets, new sectors to explore, but it is an uphill task,' he said.
/ w
Another big group of South Korean residents facing tough times is the students, many of whom flock to Beijing for Chinese-language courses. A number of them might have to leave after concluding their semesters at year-end as most of them here are supported by their parents and do not have scholarships, said Mr Heo. $

另外一个面对艰苦时刻的韩国侨民集体是学生们,许多人在北京学习汉语。许先生说,他们中的许多人在结束这一学期后不得不回国,因为他们是靠家人供养的,而且没有奖学金。( {+

There are some 62,000 South Korean students in China, or about 38 per cent of the foreign student population on the mainland, said Mr Piao Changzhi, a department head with the Korea International Trade Association's Beijing office.

部门负责人Mr Piao Changzhi
He did not have figures of recent student departures but a check with two universities - Tsinghua University and Beijing Language and Culture University - where Koreans make up the bulk of their intake for Chinese-language courses, showed that enrolment this year has dropped as much as 20 per cent compared to last year.
他没有离开学生的数据,但是对清华和北京语言文化大学的调查——那里韩国学生在汉语班占了很大比例——显示,相对于去年登记的留学生人数,今年下降了20%! P7 H* \; V4 W" D1 y# E/ M
In all my life, I have never seen my family's financial situation this bad,' lamented Miss Kim, who arrived in Beijing in 2003 for her undergraduate course.
2003年来中国开始本科学习的金小姐哀叹道:“在我一生中,还没有看到过我家的经济状况这么糟。”* O! p$ J+ G6 Y7 n,
Her mother was forced to wind up her small purchasing business recently and, for the past two months, has been unable to send Miss Kim her monthly 1,400 yuan (S$295) rental for a shared apartment in Beijing.
她母亲不得不减少给她的零花钱,并且在过去2个月,没能够给她汇来1400元作为她的北京公寓的租金。* |$ Y* x&


With just her father drawing a modest salary as a civil servant, her parents are struggling to support her and their youngest daughter, 22, a university student back home, she said.
她说,只靠她父亲作为文职人员的不高的薪水,她的父母艰难地支持着她和他们在国内念大学的小女儿。$ P2
Miss Kim said: 'I will be sad to leave, but at this time, there is no other way.'




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