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[翻译完毕] 【英国每日电讯】Ancient Chinese white tea 'may help fight against obesity'

发表于 2009-5-1 19:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-6-11 00:11 编辑

Ancient Chinese white tea may fight obesity

By Peter Foster in Beijing  Last Updated: 1:33PM BST 01 May 2009

A rarefied 'white' tea enjoyed by the Chinese since the days of the Ming Dynasty could play a crucial role in fighting obesity in the West, new research has shown.

Naturally occurring chemicals in white tea - which is made by plucking the youngest, tenderest buds of the tea plant - are capable of breaking down fat cells and preventing new ones from forming.

White tea has previously been linked to the creation of stronger bones, lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of some cancers.

The new research, published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism and was conducted by the German health foods company Beiersdorf AG, now claims that anti-fat properties can be added to that list.

"In the industrialised countries, the rising incidence of obesity-associated disorders including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes constitutes a growing problem," said Marc Winnefeld, a nutritionist at the company, "We've shown that white tea may be an ideal natural source of slimming substances".

Scientists tested extracts of white tea on laboratory-grown human fat cells or 'adipocytes' and found fat levels were reduced.

"The extract solution induced a decrease in the expression of genes associated with the growth of new fat cells," explained Mr Winnefeld, "while also prompting existing adipocytes to break down the fat they contain."

Currently about a quarter of the population of the UK are categorised as obese, compared with almost a third in the US, but just 1.5 per cent in China, although obesity rates are now rising rapidly among China's urban populations.

White tea, which is not especially popular in modern China, gets its name from the downy white fur that covers the unopened bud and is typically three times as expensive as traditional black or green teas.

The delicate manufacturing process, during which the buds are only lightly steamed instead of being rolled and fermented, helps the tea to retain more of its health-giving properties.

Britons drink an estimated 48 billion cups of tea every year, of which 96 per cent are made from teabags dunked in a mug of boiled water.

Brewing the perfect cup of white tea, however, requires rather more attention to detail, with experts recommending 1.5 teaspoons of white tea is used per 200ml (6.7 fluid ounces) of water.

To avoid unwanted bitterness, perfectionists will ensure that the water temperature does not exceed 180F (80C) at any point.





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