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[翻译完毕] Clinton fears China, Iran's gains in Latin America Photo

发表于 2009-5-2 10:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-2 23:23 编辑

Posted 5 hours 51 minutes ago
Updated 5 hours 30 minutes ago
Hillary Clinton says it isnot in the US interest to turn its back on any country in thehemisphere (Reuters: Jerry Lampen, file photo)

Iran and China are making "disturbing" gains in Latin America, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.
Ms Clinton also says the United States can no longer afford to shun leaders from nations like Venezuela and Bolivia.
"The prior administration tried to isolate them, tried to supportopposition to them, tried to turn them into international pariahs. Itdidn't work," Ms Clinton told foreign service officers at a meeting atthe State Department.
China, Russia and Iran were making gains in Latin America, she said,opening large embassies and creating close economic and political tieswith leaders who had been hostile to the US during the Bushadministration.
"If you look at the gains particularly in Latin America that Iran ismaking and China is making, it is quite disturbing. They are buildingvery strong economic and political connections with a lot of theseleaders," she said.
"We are competing for attention and relationships with at least theRussians, the Chinese, the Iranians," she said, and it was not in theUS interest to turn its back on any country in the hemisphere.
US President Barack Obama's administration is working to improve relations with Latin American nations, including Venezuela.
Mr Obama was photographed shaking hands with President Hugo Chavez at a summit of the Americas last month.




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