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[翻译完毕] 【ABC】Obama names new China envoy

发表于 2009-5-17 09:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 I'm_zhcn 于 2009-5-20 03:21 编辑

Obama names new China envoy

Posted Sun May 17, 2009 6:17am AEST Updated Sun May 17, 2009 7:06am AEST

United States President Barack Obama has named Republican Governor of Utah Jon Huntsman Jr. as ambassador to China.

Mr Huntsman is a fluent speaker of Mandarin and has served as a deputy trade representative and ambassador to Singapore.

He co-chaired the campaign of John McCain, Mr Obama's rival in last year's presidential election.

He also served as deputy US trade representative in the administration of President George W Bush.

"Here in my final term as governor with plenty to do, I wasn't looking for a new job in life," he said.

"But a call from the President changed that. So, Mr President, I humbly accept your call to service."

Mr Obama says the new ambassador will be able to speak frankly about human rights and democracy.

"Improved relations with China will require candour and opendiscussion about issues where we don't always agree, such as humanrights and democracy and free speech," he said.

"It will require that each of our nations play by the rules in open and honest competition."

In announcing the appointment, Mr Obama said the US could mosteffectively confront global challenges by working together with China,and Mr Huntsman agreed.

"You have my commitment that we will take the US-China relationshipto new heights, focused on not just that which divides us but moreimportantly on that which unites us, knowing that this will be criticalfor lasting peace and prosperity for citizens on both sides of thePacific," Mr Huntsman said.

The China envoy post is considered crucial because of Beijing's roleas the biggest investor in US Treasury bonds and as a key US tradingpartner.




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