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[社会] 【每日邮报】Too many police on G20 frontline were untrained,……

发表于 2009-6-27 03:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Too many police on G20 frontline were untrained, reveals report slamming Yard chiefs
By Stephen Wright     Last updated at 4:07 PM on 26th June 2009
Criticism: A leaked report has slammed Scotland Yard for deploying too many untrained officers on the front line of the G20 protests

Police deployed too many untrained officers on the frontline during the G20 protests, according to a parliamentary report leaked yesterday.

The cross-party Home Affairs Select Committee, which investigated the ill-fated operation which left one man dead and prompted dozens of complaints, is to call on the Met to review its controversial 'kettle' tactic of containing crowds in small areas for hours.

It is also expected to criticise Yard chiefs for allowing officers to go on duty with their identifying numbers concealed or left off their uniform.

In future, says the report, senior officers must take responsibility for ensuring the rules are followed.

A number of key findings of the committee's report were leaked yesterday ahead of the official publication on Monday.

Committee members believe Scotland Yard was lucky not to have presided over a much greater tragedy. Despite this, the force's reputation took a battering following claims of brutality, many apparently supported by video footage.

Monday's report is the first major review of the mass protest and controversial policing operations during the visit to London of US president Barack Obama and other world leaders.

It comes just days before an interim report by Denis O'Connor, HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary, into the policing tactics and the death of newspaper seller Ian Tomlinson, who was pushed to the ground by an officer shortly before he collapsed and died.

Sources believe the most disturbing criticism by the Home Affairs committee will be that officers did not have enough experience or training to cope with the pressures of policing a mass demonstration against the backdrop of a possible terrorist attack.

But the committee is understood to have accepted the Met's plea that it was not given enough notice of the G20 summit to prepare fully. The summit of 30 world leaders and statesmen was organised in a rush by Gordon Brown to agree emergency economic measures.

More than 200 allegations of brutality were made against the police relating to the G20. Particularly damaging was the phenomenon of amateur videos apparently showing protesters being pushed or hit, including an officer hitting a woman demonstrator across the face.

Public confidence in the police hit rock bottom as it was revealed Mr Tomlinson, 46, had died of internal bleeding after an officer allegedly to have shoved him. The officer concerned has been suspended and interviewed under caution about the death.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission is also investigating claims by unemployed former drug addict Nicola Fisher, 35, from Brighton, that she was hit in the face by a police sergeant and then hit on her legs with his metal baton. Again, an officer has been suspended.

Scores of others complained of being held against their will, forced to urinate in public after being penned in for hours by the police.

Met Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson has admitted video footage showing Mr Tomlinson being attacked by a police officer just minutes before he died was 'clearly disturbing'.

But he added that despite working in very testing conditions, the vast majority of officers carried out their duties in a 'professional mannner'.
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