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【09.11.18 美联社】普通中国人冷待奥巴马

发表于 2009-11-20 22:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 渔音谦谦 于 2009-11-24 12:20 编辑

【原文标题】Ordinary Chinese Cool On Obama

Ordinary Chinese cool on Obama!
Residents largely shielded by their government from president's remarks


U.S. President Barack Obama greets students after speaking at a town hall-style event with Chinese youth at the Museum of Science and Technology in Shanghai, Monday, Nov. 16, 2009.


BEIJING - State media heralded President Barack Obama's maiden trip to China as a triumph, but ordinary Chinese were largely shielded by their government from his most critical remarks and activists were disappointed by the measured tone of those they did hear.


One blogger even pined for the tough line taken by former President George W. Bush.


"Like a star rushing from one show to another, Obama has come and gone, without stirring the slightest ripples," blogger Zhao Dezhu wrote in an online post.

“就像一位不断赶场演出的举行,奥巴马来了又走了,没有引起一点涟漪,”博主Zhao Dezhu在网上发帖说。

Zhao, who writes a popular blog and twitters under the name Hecaitou, said the visit made him miss Bush who "couldn't speak with flowery language and even made grammatical mistakes but spoke as plainly as an American farmer.


Obama, by contrast, speaks "with sweet but empty words."


State media portrayed the two-and-a-half day trip as a slam-dunk for China-U.S. relations, saying a joint statement issued by Obama and China's President Hu Jintao was a breakthrough to inspire the world.


"The Sino-U.S. Joint Statement is as worthy as gold," trumpeted the state-run 21st Century Business Herald while the Beijing Post said it set "a good example for many other bilateral relations."

国营的21世纪经济报道声称“中美联合声明一纸千金”,而Beijing Post(译者注:这到底是哪家报纸?)说这一声明为很多其他双边关系提供了良好的范例。

Among regular folk, there was no such sizzle.


No crowds lining the streets!


Maybe it was the rain in Shanghai or the below freezing temperatures in Beijing, but crowds did not line the streets to catch a glimpse of the president's motorcade — a marked difference from the well-wishers who have clamored to see Obama in Europe.


Obama does have a following in China, particularly among youth who see him as an exciting contrast to China's staid leadership, but his visit seems to have had little effect on even those who like him — possibly because many of his comments were not widely disseminated.


Several young people interviewed Wednesday said they admired Obama, but none had seen his town hall-style meeting in Shanghai and they based their opinions on photos, state media coverage, or things they'd read about him before. They had little to say about his visit specifically.


"He has a big fan club among the young people of China, because many of us have seen the adversity he has gone through and we look up to him for inspiration," Li Yuanyuan, a 24-year-old office worker said during her lunch break in downtown Beijing.

“他在中国年轻人中有一个很大的粉丝俱乐部,因为我们中的很多人都看到他所经历的窘境,我们指望从他那里得到激励。”24岁的上班族Li Yuanyuan午休时间在北京闹市区说。

Han Xuanke, 29, an employee of a technology firm in Beijing's business district said he was more interested in Obama than he had been in Bush or former President Bill Clinton.

北京商业区一家技术公司29岁的雇员Han Xuanke说,相比前总统布什和克林顿,他对奥巴马更感兴趣。

"He represents energy and something new and exciting that Chinese politicians don't have," Han said.


The town hall was intended to let the president mix with people like Han and Li, but Beijing ensured it was a tightly scripted affair that few people were able to see because it was only broadcast on one regional television channel.


Obama's strongest comments during the town hall were directed at China's Internet controls.


"I'm a big supporter of non-censorship," Obama said. "I recognize that different countries have different traditions. I can tell you that in the United States, the fact that we have free Internet — or unrestricted Internet access — is a source of strength, and I think should be encouraged."


The critical remarks were played down in the Chinese media and scrubbed from some Chinese Web sites.


The event was streamed live on the White House Web site, but the connection was choppy and delayed. The State Department said later more than 7,000 Chinese Internet users watched the event — a tiny fraction of the more than 300 million Chinese who are online.


Waffling language?


Chinese bloggers who saw it were grateful that he addressed censorship, but many zeroed in on what they considered Obama's waffling language.


"Learn English from Obama: Instead of saying 'I want to eat,' say 'I am a big supporter of non-hunger,'" Wang Pei, a writer based in eastern China's Hangzhou, twittered on Tuesday.

“向奥巴马学习英语:不要说‘我想吃,’说‘我是非饥饿的大大支持者,’”位于中国东部杭州的Wang Pei星期二说。

Many were watching the town hall closely for how Obama would handle China's poor human rights record, especially after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in February that the United States would not let such concerns interfere with cooperation with Beijing on global crises.


Obama spoke broadly about basic freedoms but steered clear of the buzz phrase "human rights." The next day, he more pointedly raised the issue during a media appearance with President Hu, even touching on rights for minorities — a particular sore spot in China, where Tibetans and Muslim Uighurs seek more autonomy.


"We do not believe these principles are unique to America, but rather they are universal rights and that they should be available to all peoples, to all ethnic and religious minorities," Obama said.


Xue Chen, a research fellow of Strategic Studies at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, said Obama's measured tone on such sensitive topics was a positive development that showed a rethinking of U.S. foreign policy since Bush.

Xue Chenille,上海国际关系研究所的一位战略研究员说,奥巴马在敏感话题上的谨慎措辞是积极的进展,表明自布什以来对美国外交政策的重新考虑。

"They are now more willing to take the role of a listener. And only in this way can the U.S. interests be better met," he said.


We expect he can do more


For many mainland activists, however, the approach fell short.


Yang Zili, a Chinese dissident recently freed after eight years in prison for forming a political study group, had been expecting something stronger from Obama.

因为组建政治学习研讨会而入狱八年、最近获释的中国持不同政见者Yang Zili一直期待奥巴马更强硬一些。

"Although Obama mentioned some words such as 'rights' and 'freedom' in the speech in Shanghai, we expect he can do more to promote the improvement of China's human rights condition," he said.


Zhang Jian, a 30-year-old office worker from north China's Inner Mongolia region said many Chinese were taking a wait-and-see approach to the new leader.

30岁的上班族Zhang Jian来自中国北方的内蒙古地区,他说很多中国人对新任领导人都持一种观望的态度。

“It's a trip Obama needs to make. ... But I don't think we're necessarily going to immediately warm up to the U.S. as a result of one trip," said Zhang who was visiting Beijing on business. "It will be a relationship built over mutual trust and understanding over time."



[quote]State media portrayed the two-and-a-half day trip as a slam-dunk for China-U.S. relations
[/quote] 1# 遥远的冬天
上网查了一下,slam-dunk:a forceful and dramatic move. 这里解释为引人注目的大动作,不知LZ意下如何?

[quote]"I'm a big supporter of non-censorship," “我是非审查的支持者,”(译者注:这句译得不通,不知道该怎么说。)
1# 遥远的冬天


slam-dunk 就是“扣篮”的意思,在这里应该可以引申为一次比较炫的举动,比较大的动作。




发表于 2009-11-20 23:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-20 23:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-21 00:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-21 01:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-21 01:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-21 01:37 | 显示全部楼层
30岁的上班族Zhang Jian来自中国北方的内蒙古地区,他说很多中国人对新任领导人都持一种观望的态度。
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发表于 2009-11-21 02:56 | 显示全部楼层
Yang Zili 就是 杨子立
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发表于 2009-11-21 03:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-21 04:09 | 显示全部楼层
阿哥啊  侬是不是没接触过某个红头发的贱货啊
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发表于 2009-11-21 04:11 | 显示全部楼层
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