PS: 有史以来第一次坐上了站长家的沙发
Dale Wen:COP 15 - proposed U.S. emission cuts lower than China's in absolute terms
So we are in Cop15, and today is Dec 15, the negotiations, in my opinion, looks rather disappointed.
for example, last night, we stayed here in Bella center until midnight listening to the number group, the group which are supposed to give us numbers, the annex I countries proposed to commit in the second commitment period in Kyoto protocol.
But until midnight not a single number was put on the table.I would say we are in this deadlock, largely because US is leading the risk to the button.
The US more or less wants to be treated as a developing country, without international binding target, or with very very low target while more of less understandably.
Japan EU and Canada, don't want to push up their efforts without US coming on board. The general talking among EU governments and among many knowns NGOs is that we are in this deadlock because US and China.
And here actually I want to set the record straight. I think it's not the issue of US and China. It's all US. And I think we should stop the green washing.
First, let me represent you with some numbers.
So, the Chinese has announced their deviation from business as usual, means 40%-50% cut in term carbon intensity between year 2005 and 2020.
中国宣布了将会在2020年以前碳排放减少40%-45%的目标, 这一目标背离了正常情况下中国应该定的目标(30%)。
And in the US the proposed cut between 2005 and 2020 is 15% according to the Waxman Bill.
And we can do some calculations how to compare these two targets.
So, in the last decade, the US GDP growth was 1.9%. So let's say between 2005 and 2020 the US GDP growth at similar but a slightly higher rate 2%.
And then we can calculate the compound GDP growth between 2005 and 2020 is about 35%. And with 17% cut as promise by the Waxman bill, you can do the calculation, that means, the US carbon intensity cut would only be 38% below the 40-45 target announced by the Chinese.
And not to mention that, the Chinese target is a hard target without any offsetting while the US target is a soft target with offsetting like CDM, LULUCF and many other loopholes the US negotiators are trying very hard to push through.
And even with 20% target, some of the US NGOs saying they are campaigning for.The US carbon intensity cut would only be steadily about 40.6% and lower than the Chinese target.
即使是许多美国NGO努力争取的20%的目标,美国减少的碳排量也只可能稳定在40.6%, 仍低于中国提出的目标。
So what we are talking about, let's forget about historical responsibility, let's forget about climate debt, even let's forget about common but differentiate responsibility which all these things we shouldn't forget.
But very now even if we forget all of these, the US target is still inferior to the Chinese target.
So as somebody who has worked hard in last several years to promote no carbon development in China, now I have absolutely no position to campaign Chinese government, further to say they can do better or they should do better.
Because what is US offering, and what is EU offering. Because I feel many EU governments and international NGOs are still being dishonest to say the China and US are the problem.
Is that really the case?
英文全称:Land use, land use change and forestry
词条简介:2000年11月13日至25日,于荷兰海牙《气候变化纲要公约》第六次缔约国大会,希望各争议问题如遵约体制(Compliance system)、京都机制(Kyoto mechanism)、能力建设(Capacity building)及技术转移(Technology transfer)、土地利用变更和森林(Land use, land use change and forestry,LULUCF)等能在COP-6讨论完成并加以定案。
英文全称:Clean Development Mechanism
词条简介:清洁发展机制(CDM)是《联合国气候变化框架公约》第三次缔约方大会COP3(京都会议)通过的附件I缔约方在境外实现部分减排承诺的一种履约机制。其目的是协助未列入附件I的缔约方实现可持续发展和有益于《公约》的最终目标,并协助附件I所列缔约方实现遵守第三条规定的其量化的限制和减少排放的承诺。 CDM的核心是允许发达国家和发展中国家进行项目级的减排量抵销额的转让与获得。
Waxman Bill
中文意义:瓦克斯曼 法案
词条简介:This is the Waxman-Markley comprehensive energy bill, known for short as "ACES," that includes a cap-and-trade global warming reduction plan designed to reduce ??economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent by 2020. Other provisions include new renewable requirements for utilities, studies and incentives regarding new carbon capture and sequestration technologies, energy efficiency incentives for homes and buildings, and grants for green jobs, among other things. |