【中文标题】谷歌,中国和斗争的艺术 【原文标题】Google, China and the art of war 【刊载媒体】英国卫报 【原文链接】http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/mar/24/google-china-hong-kong-move guardian.co.uk 【翻译方式】人工 【译者】hellotaiki 【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不得转载。 【原帖】http://bbs.m4.cn/thread-233643-1-1.html 【译文】 Google has bowed out gracefully and saved China's face. Its courage teaches us a lot 谷歌优雅离场,保全中国脸面。这种勇气让我们所学良多。
Flowers left by Chinese Google users on its sign outside the Google China headquarters in January. Photograph: Vincent Thian/AP. 一月里谷歌中国总部门口的标识下,中国谷歌用户留下的鲜花
Let me share a story first retweeted by many Twitter users in China recently. There are four guys eating excrement together, named after the four big Chinese portals: Netease, QQ, Baidu and Google.cn. After some time, Google.cn declared it too smelly and left. Netease frowned, QQ didn't respond, while Baidu took Google's seat and plate and ate for two. 先说个最近中国twitter用户不停念叨的故事。网易、QQ、百度和谷歌(特指谷歌中国,下同)四个家伙一块儿吃大便。吃了一会儿,谷歌说太臭遂而离席,网易双眉紧皱,QQ不声不响,这时百度坐到谷歌的位子上,接过盘子,一人吃着两人的份。
It's a joke, but it reflects the situation in China. A renowned writer in Taiwan, Bo Yang, once said that Chinese people have been living in a huge smelly pickle jar together for about 5,000 years, and nobody wants to change that even though they all know it's unpleasant. Google jumped into this jar four years ago but forgot to bring their principles with them. Unfortunately, they didn't bring any new rules to the game and just joined in. 虽是个笑话,却反映出当前中国的情况。中国台湾一位享有盛名的作家——柏杨曾说过,五千多年来,中国人一直生活在一个又大又臭的酱缸里,都知道不舒坦,却没人想改变。四年前,谷歌纵身一跃,跳进这个酱缸,却忘了捎上自己的准则。不幸的是,在中国人的游戏规则里,谷歌没有带来任何新意,只是加入游戏行列而已。
Some time later, they found the pickle jar even less pleasant than they had expected. The Google motto "Don't be evil" became "Don't be too evil". Fortunately, they woke up and started to correct it. After a hopeless wandering in China, they finally took the decision to stay away from the big jar and clean themselves up. Chinese netizens on Twitter and other social media tools applauded. 此后,谷歌发现,这酱缸甚至比他们预想的还令人受不了。谷歌的信条“不作恶”变成了“别犯下滔天罪行”。幸运的是,他们觉醒了,并开始改正。绝望地在中国游荡了四年后,谷歌决定离那口酱缸远远的,好好把自己洗洗。Twitter上的中国网民,社会上的媒体,都为之鼓掌激赏。
Google has decided to move the search engine from mainland China to Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Why do this? Because what Google learnt from China is the art of war. 谷歌已经决定将搜索引擎从中国大陆转移至香港特别行政区。为何如此?因为谷歌从中国那里学会了斗争的艺术。
They bowed out gracefully and saved China's face, as well as reducing the Chinese propaganda machine's ability to attack them in the longer run. They did not pull out of the Chinese market completely. And Hong Kong is part of China after all. Google acted like gentlemen in their news statement: they didn't blame the Chinese authorities. Instead Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, appeased the Chinese government successfully. 他们优雅地从容而退,保全了中国的脸面。从长远看,也减少了被中国宣传机器攻击的风险。谷歌并没有完全撤离中国市场,毕竟香港还是中国的一部分。在声明中,谷歌表演的像个绅士:他们不怪中国政府。创始人谢尔盖·布林成功地抚平了中国政府的情绪。
How will the jar respond? I see a lot of propaganda machines revving up over the past two days to blame Google, and expect more to weigh in during the coming week. Then what? There will be no games because the rival has left the battleground. Compared to Google, the Chinese authorities have lost the initiative – and the war in the long run. 那口酱缸又会有什么反应?过去两天里,只见一大堆宣传机器开足火力谴责谷歌,酝酿着进一步向其施压。这又能怎么样?游戏已然结束,对手都退场了。同谷歌相比,中国政府已经丧失了主动权,从长期看,也输掉了战争。
Google is brave to have reflected and changed. In the end, they didn't become the preserved pickle in the Chinese market. They turned around and decided to stay away from the smelly jar without irritating the government too much. They will not have to argue the problem any more because they are now out of the jar and hold a powerful position: they can do everything they want, totally freely. 谷歌先而反应而后改变,勇气可嘉。最终他们没有变成中国市场里的腌泡菜。他们转身离去,没有激起中国政府的震怒,避开了那个臭烘烘的酱缸。跳离了那个环境,再不必为那些问题争的口干舌燥。谷歌立场坚定:从此能想干什么就干什么——完完全全无拘无束了。
You may ask why there are more and more Twitter users in China who focus on Google. The reason is because Twitter.com is not in the jar after China's censors pushed them out of the Great Firewall. But don't worry: Chinese netizens have millions of ways to catch up with them by scaling that wall. Google's courage teaches us a lot, and history will remember it. 也许你会问:为什么越来越多的中国twitter用户关注谷歌?原因在于,自从中国的审查制度将twitter网站屏蔽在防火墙外,它就不再身处中国这个酱缸里了。可别为此担心,中国网民翻墙使用twitter的办法多不胜数。谷歌的勇气让我们学到了许多,将永垂青史。 |