本帖最后由 MiaT 于 2010-7-14 23:32 编辑
China and the international system [5] 中国与国际体系
China’s strategy should not be seen as a revisionistchallengeto the international system and its rules. In fact, Chinaoften acts as an upholder of existing international lawand sovereignty. At the same time, however, itbuilds negative coalitions to restrain any new internationalnorm-building. Furthermore, it builds these coalitions on the basis of tacticsrather than principle. For example, in October 2009, Chinaand Indiasigned a climate pact to defect any pressure on the two countries toset legally binding emissions targets. One month later, China unilaterally announced its own target onemission reductions, leaving a surprised Indiawithout its own face-saving proposal. China appeared to be making acontribution to action on climate change while it had, in fact, with India’s help,already blocked any binding agreement.
China has become very skilful at building these coalitions.It lobbies and entices partners; rewards those who co-operateand threatens those who donot; forms coalitions aroundissues such as sovereignty and trade; and occasionallybrushes off, intimidates or isolates reticent partners. It claims inpublic that it is acting on principle,but in reality these principles are largely a formal andquasi-ritual form of public diplomacy. China always presents what inreality is offensive as defensive and castigates opponents as eithertroublemakers or consensus- or rule-breakers. As a result, China’s partners are often reluctant even toadmit publicly that they have fallen out with China. For example, the US envoy to Chinadefended the success of President Obama’s visit to Chinain November 2009, even after it became clear that itwas a failure, and has recently accused his own administration of“trampling on China’score interests”. Similarly, the EU presented the EU-China summit in Nanjing in December 2009as a success even though it had not achieved any tangible result. Such is China’sskill that to have a public row with it becomes a sign of one’s own failure.
China is, of course, not the only scheming actor in theinternational system. Neither does it exhibit openly hegemonic tendencies –except of course in its (growing) neighbourhood where its “core interests” seem to be expanding. Indifference,passivity,
abstention and defensivebehaviour remain the preferred tools of China’s internationalaction, albeit based on greater knowledge from better diplomats andanalysts than at any previous time in its history. Nevertheless, Chinais ready to form alliances with states that seek to limit the reachof the international system in any given area. It has co-operated with India and to a lesser extent the US to prevent binding internationalagreements on climate change, with Russiato scupper international sanctions against countries such as Iran, and withemerging or developing countries to protect national sovereignty on issues thatrange from trade to human rights.
In the short term, China is likelyto continue to block newinternational commitments and expand its influence onthe margins of the international system. Other traditionally internationaliststates meet the costs of maintaining peace, of insuring the financial system and of preserving theenvironment, while Chinaderives the beneft. For example,carbon trading has become a cashmachine for Chinesecompanies. Similarly, NATO forces protect the Aynakcopper mine in Afghanistan.Chinahas also so far limited its participation in anti-piracy efforts to helping itsown citizens. The stability of the international fnancial system maywellbecome another case of widely diverging contributions.China’s external capitalfows largely go through offshore markets, a persistentanomaly which is a bigger issue when these fows become huge. In the frstquarter of 2010, while observers were hoping for the decline of China’sforeign-trade surplus, a total infow of 95 billion dollars came more frominward capital flows than from the current account surplus: in effect, anon-convertible currency is serving as a magnet for capital.
In the longer term, however, we seem to be moving toward acompletely scaled-down model of the international system based on nation statesand a system of rules that functions merely as a way toprevent interference between them. At best, this is anorm-free order, in which only infringements on sovereignty justifyinternational involvement. At worst, it could be a world defned by anarchy.
While Chinese military spending is rising quickly, the Chinese contribution toactual enforcement of the internationalorder is minimal, and it is therefore unlikely to replacethe US inenforcing the UN system. Therefore, as Europeans and Americans debate theirdifferent values, they would do well to take notice that China is tempted by anormless foreign policy – the 21st century equivalent of what thehistorian Akira Iriye has termed the “ideal-less” foreign policy of Japanin the 1920s. For this reason, Chinais becoming a huge test for EU foreign policy, which has been predicated on theprinciple of global norms and values.
China’spolicy choices no longer affect only its neighbourhoodbut every issue from trade and the global economy to climate changeand nuclear proliferation, as well as every region from Africa to the Middle East. EU member states therefore need totake into account China’simpact across a range of policy issues and in relationswith other countries and regions. Therefore, instead of thinking ofits relationship with Chinain bilateral terms, Europe thus needs to reframe its policy on Chinain global terms. In other words, Europe needs a global China policy.
中国选择什么样的政策,将不仅仅影响其邻国,而且会影响包括贸易、全球经济、气候变化和核扩散问题在内的各个领域,以及包括非洲和中东在内的世界各个地区。因此,欧盟成员国需要综合考虑中国对各种政策问题,以及对所有其他国家和地区的影响。在对华关系上,欧盟不应将思维局限于双边模式中,而是要以全球性视角重新制定对华政策。也就是说,欧洲需要制定一个全球性的对华政策。 |