



楼主: 小明啊

[公知观察] ZT看看美日印网民对神八的评论,持续更新中哦~

发表于 2011-11-2 14:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-2 14:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-2 14:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-2 15:04 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-2 15:13 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 kusanagi20 于 2011-11-2 15:22 编辑

“Ah yes China where children get run over by vehicles and animals are abused oh and not to mention they also have chinese rule over tibet where tibetans are setting them selves on fire for people to notice but no one cares..”改为“Ah yes USA where students get gun shot by crazy gunner at school and animals are abused oh and not to mention they also have American rule over the whole world where Iraqis, Afghans are setting them selves on fire for people to notice but no one cares..”这样也同样通顺的
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 16:18 | 显示全部楼层
 Proudchinese Wong Yesterday
  Proud to be Chinese! Chinese can build our own rockets, send our men to space, found our own fossil field, built our own nukes ...all by own "low" technologies even China had been isolated by the two superpowers and the the rest of so-call "moral" western-powers since our Republic born!
  21 Replies
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  good times • Blair, United States • Yesterday
  try building them to last longer then it takes to get them home.
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  V N • Dallas, United States • Yesterday
  Wong...... you are just another low down chinese. You have no face of pride. You are brainwashed and you are #$%$ for brain.
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  justie • Tampa, United States • Yesterday
  Proud to be Chinese? then why hundred of thousands you people trying to leave heavenly China to go the America - even working 3 - 4 dollars per hours at sweat shops in Chinatowns...
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  Proudchinese Wong Yesterday
  justice or stupid, we Chinese go over sea so we can make smart friend of cause not you so they come to our mother land to help us . got that!
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  MimiL Yesterday
  The more you tried to isolae China, the faster it develope, who need whom?
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  Alex • Bat Cave, United States • Yesterday
  Too bad you can only do it by stealing others' technologies.
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  dante Yesterday
  @Alex, stealing whose technologies that you are refering it to? At least China did not steal from NASA. US has a law on the book to restrict chinese access to its space technologies.
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • Yesterday
  Alex, FYI Chinese American named Dr. Qian Xuesen gave US the rocket techno. it was the other way round, #$%$ info from Tiu Nia sing Google JPL co-founder, it is still there
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • Yesterday
  Read my the other post, it has more details to see how moronic Americans are
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  Irrigator Yesterday
  @Dante, since when did laws stop theft?
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  Peace • New York, United States • Yesterday
  Wong, im proud of chinese, they are great people,very hard working and great friends, pakistan is proud of your friendship, congratulation to your entire great nation.
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  Vatican Sniper Team Yesterday
  Yes, if the Chinese government was holding my family by gun point, I would have to say I am proud to be Chinese too. So proud, I have to learn English to communicate.
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  MP Yesterday
  You can leave the u.s. Anytime you want learning what can't be learned in china.
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  Native Americans • Dayton, United States • Yesterday
  Send jobs to poor African countries for cheap labor than china.
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  Arte Yesterday
  VN, you are an indian trying to paint yourself white hiding in useless state of america. why can't you just be an Indian
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  Get me a beer ! Yesterday
  What.. proud? Hey we did this 50 years ago .. in fact the rest of the world might sell you one used space station if the price is right !
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  Wrong-Wei 20 hours ago
  So you can send an unmanned space station, but its citizens can't access facebook or youtube... what's the accomplishment again?
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • 20 hours ago
  Hi Convict Patriot Nia Sing is everywhere, Canada, US, china, Japan Korea, Philippines, Loas Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan everywhere and anywhere depends on when you ask me. Fair enough,
  妈的那个Nia Sing简直是无处不在,加拿大,美国,中国,日本,韩国,菲律宾,老挝,越南,泰国,台湾。哪里有大粪,他就奔向哪里。我简直受够了。
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  ˧ΰ 18 hours ago
  Cheers, I am proud too.
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  Wrong-Wei • Huzhou, China • 17 hours ago
  I am not proud, I can't access facebook or youtube and I'm forced to work in slave labor conditions, help me!

作者:老是忘密码啊 回复日期:2011-11-02 15:29:16  回复  

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    Kieth 25 minutes ago
    You guys keep create all stupid words to China, it does't mean anything, it will not bring China down, it just show to the world that you guys are stupid and lack of educations.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 16:18 | 显示全部楼层
 Proudchinese Wong Yesterday
  Proud to be Chinese! Chinese can build our own rockets, send our men to space, found our own fossil field, built our own nukes ...all by own "low" technologies even China had been isolated by the two superpowers and the the rest of so-call "moral" western-powers since our Republic born!
  21 Replies
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  good times • Blair, United States • Yesterday
  try building them to last longer then it takes to get them home.
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  V N • Dallas, United States • Yesterday
  Wong...... you are just another low down chinese. You have no face of pride. You are brainwashed and you are #$%$ for brain.
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  justie • Tampa, United States • Yesterday
  Proud to be Chinese? then why hundred of thousands you people trying to leave heavenly China to go the America - even working 3 - 4 dollars per hours at sweat shops in Chinatowns...
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  Proudchinese Wong Yesterday
  justice or stupid, we Chinese go over sea so we can make smart friend of cause not you so they come to our mother land to help us . got that!
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  MimiL Yesterday
  The more you tried to isolae China, the faster it develope, who need whom?
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  Alex • Bat Cave, United States • Yesterday
  Too bad you can only do it by stealing others' technologies.
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  dante Yesterday
  @Alex, stealing whose technologies that you are refering it to? At least China did not steal from NASA. US has a law on the book to restrict chinese access to its space technologies.
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • Yesterday
  Alex, FYI Chinese American named Dr. Qian Xuesen gave US the rocket techno. it was the other way round, #$%$ info from Tiu Nia sing Google JPL co-founder, it is still there
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • Yesterday
  Read my the other post, it has more details to see how moronic Americans are
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  Irrigator Yesterday
  @Dante, since when did laws stop theft?
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  Peace • New York, United States • Yesterday
  Wong, im proud of chinese, they are great people,very hard working and great friends, pakistan is proud of your friendship, congratulation to your entire great nation.
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  Vatican Sniper Team Yesterday
  Yes, if the Chinese government was holding my family by gun point, I would have to say I am proud to be Chinese too. So proud, I have to learn English to communicate.
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  MP Yesterday
  You can leave the u.s. Anytime you want learning what can't be learned in china.
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  Native Americans • Dayton, United States • Yesterday
  Send jobs to poor African countries for cheap labor than china.
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  Arte Yesterday
  VN, you are an indian trying to paint yourself white hiding in useless state of america. why can't you just be an Indian
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  Get me a beer ! Yesterday
  What.. proud? Hey we did this 50 years ago .. in fact the rest of the world might sell you one used space station if the price is right !
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  Wrong-Wei 20 hours ago
  So you can send an unmanned space station, but its citizens can't access facebook or youtube... what's the accomplishment again?
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • 20 hours ago
  Hi Convict Patriot Nia Sing is everywhere, Canada, US, china, Japan Korea, Philippines, Loas Vietnam, Thailand, Taiwan everywhere and anywhere depends on when you ask me. Fair enough,
  妈的那个Nia Sing简直是无处不在,加拿大,美国,中国,日本,韩国,菲律宾,老挝,越南,泰国,台湾。哪里有大粪,他就奔向哪里。我简直受够了。
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  ˧ΰ 18 hours ago
  Cheers, I am proud too.
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  Wrong-Wei • Huzhou, China • 17 hours ago
  I am not proud, I can't access facebook or youtube and I'm forced to work in slave labor conditions, help me!

作者:老是忘密码啊 回复日期:2011-11-02 15:29:16  回复  

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    Kieth 25 minutes ago
    You guys keep create all stupid words to China, it does't mean anything, it will not bring China down, it just show to the world that you guys are stupid and lack of educations.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
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  Dantesque Adhortation Yesterday
  I saw the first man walk on the moon, I have known of every single shuttle flight and tragedy. From a child to adulthood I have had the honor to see the U.S.A. achieve what it has in space. Now our country is so bankrupt our children will have to watch other countries in space other than our own. Thank you Reagan, Bush Sr. Clinton, Bush Jr. Obama, and both parties.
  2 Replies Oops! Try again.
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  Wrong-Wei 21 hours ago
  Looks like China has an army of government trolls on Yahoo's board!
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  John Yesterday
  i wonder if they also used the rocket to put a lot of unborn, aborted female fetuses in there? Hmm
  2 Replies Oops! Try again.
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  Rusty Shackleford Yesterday
  Why do other countries continue to give China financial aid as if it were a third world nation ?
  4 Replies Oops! Try again.
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  Joe Yesterday
  Congratulations! Great Job China! Now go bail out Europe and USA!
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  Proudchinese Wong Yesterday
  real brave and wisdom American and Russian will bless the others job and say we are not alone in space. The China - basing + racists fake American; are choking, very frustrating and paranoid.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
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  frosty Yesterday
  The U.S.'s plan is to have private enterprise take care of the ISS transportation. Obama's plan is for NASA to take care of the heavy lift stuff to get to Mars and beyond..
  Boeing wants to ferry astronauts not only to the International Space Station, but to a commercial scientific outpost planned for orbit by Bigelow Aerospace. Each capsule will hold seven people. A test flight is planned by 2015.
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  Wilson • Shenyang, China • Yesterday
  COOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  Mike • Walnut Creek, United States • 20 hours ago
  Only the failures jump on this board to trash others' achievement. I am talking about you "Asdf" What is ASDF? It is Anglo-Saxon-Dumb#$%$
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  Mike • Walnut Creek, United States • 20 hours ago
  Who is that Asdf? An unemployed 99%? Hate the wealthy Americans, hate the successful Chinese, hate the luxury Europeans? What a human garbage by begging on, praying for others' failure.
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  Mike • Walnut Creek, United States • 20 hours ago
  Looks like Asdf is so envy others' achievement because he is a big failure in his screwed up life.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
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  H 22 hours ago
  So much mistrust of China amongst some Americans, yet one-time enemy the Russians have been most reliable partners in the International Space Station. This irrational dislike perpetuated by certain U.S. politicians in quite unhealthy and the best way to build trust is to cooperate.
  I would like to see a Chinese capsule and crew be invited to dock at the I.S.S. with an American guest astronaut among them. There are now 7 billion of us on this planet and if we can't along then there is no hope for us.
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  Mike • Walnut Creek, United States • 23 hours ago
  Asdf, America needs someone not as stupid as you. You are a white trash and blame failure on others.
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  over here in this line Yesterday
  I wondered if it looked exactly like our spacecraft...part for part?
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  ASU • Stamford, United States • Yesterday
  no one ever done unmanned coupling, China will be the first EVER !
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  KEVIN • Morton Grove, United States • Yesterday
  you can thank all our computer company's and government for all the technology we gave them.dell,jobs,hp and on and on.patriotism is bs in the corporate eye. this country is going down.
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  gofer Yesterday
  Go China, see the stars!
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   • Philadelphia, United States • 15 hours ago
  While America has been spending trillions on BushCo's failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, China has been making inroads into S America, Africa, and elsewhere. This will be China's century.
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  packet9999 22 hours ago
  American only feels secure with weak friends, like Japan. Japan had all the tech and money, but never could put a man in space. China is a threat to American psychology.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
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  H.Fridays 23 hours ago
  While American is in the sinking hole and hope, the returns of the glory and powerful China will set Chinese surging ahead and apart from the world once again..At this moment, it will make Americans veeery jealous and hateful, and very soon they have no choice but have too accept and swallow the bitter reality like the past human history.
  Empire come and go, but spirit and civilization don't..Chinese is certainly did not let arrogance in their way throughout the course of their history..saved her map and civilization and once again, here she come and stronger than ever..
  Nonetheless, Congratulation Chinese!!
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 16:20 | 显示全部楼层
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  Proudchinese Wong Yesterday
  God love China; see , even China had been isolating by the two superpowers and the rest of so-call "moral" western-powers since our Republic born we Chinese can still build our own rockets, send our men to space, found our own fossil field, built our own nukes ...all with own "low" technologies ! also thanks to our great Chinese scientists, you make us proud and cause some racists chocking.. keep on working our Chinese people, one failure is one lesson.
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  Jacky Chan Yesterday
  China does not believe in God. LOL
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  Proudchinese Wong Yesterday
  Sorry. We do have but we do not believe mouse God!
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  Jacky Chan Yesterday
  What is a mouse God? LOL You government regulated religion in your Country. How sad you can not even pray to the God you want to. So who is this Mouse God?
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • Yesterday
  You know nothing about China. Who says China do not believe in god.
  Have you been to China ? before you open your blabber mouth. Shenzhou in Chinese means Divine Vessel. The rocket that launches this space craft is called Shenjian meaning divine arrow. Tiangong means heavenly palace, Change’s 1, the moon orbiter means the Moon goddess. We believe in god, it is all about god not God, and Heaven and not your evil heaven for those Ameri?unts
  We do not believe in your god does not mean we do not believe in God. See what your God has done to you lately. Didn’t you get the message from GOD.
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  Aussie Patriot Yesterday
  The trolls are active tonight boasting of a failure!
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  Mike • Walnut Creek, United States • 23 hours ago
  Some Americans pray other's failure to feel good about themselves. Shame on them.
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  Wrong-Wei 22 hours ago
  Chinese commie troll
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • 21 hours ago
  3 same words again, can you do better than that.
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • 21 hours ago
  Asdf, you must be a certified tard, if not just an egg tart
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 16:20 | 显示全部楼层
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  Khan Yesterday
  Congratz to China, just shows that evil never pays, China got to her success through hard work and dedication, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, and not fake terror attacks or bombing countries to pieces even though they technically could, with great admiration from your brothers from Pakistan.
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  Proudchinese Wong Yesterday
  Thank you our Pakistan brothers and sisters,.We all hope you all will peace soon and prosper.
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  Jacky Chan Yesterday
  Hope you all go to hell! Lol
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  Khan Yesterday
  As soon as we rid ourselves from this dirty war on terror forced on us, we hope to emulate Chinese success, or perhaps not, we shall see, but we will never go down without a bloody fight and we will make a heavy heavy price for anyone who will harm us.
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  Jacky Chan Yesterday
  Khan you time will come. You dirty rats hiding Bin Laden. We know how you Pakis are now.
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • Yesterday
  Jackey here is TNS again The US is completely ignoring international laws and violating the sovereign right of a nation like Pakistan by sending in drones that killed allegedly terrorists. It will even inflame more hatred towards the US.
  In that case, I think China could technically parked a ship just short of sailing up the Potomac River and bombed the Pentagon, lots of evil planners and doers there by using Chinese DF21D missiles. The much talked about and the latest arsenal that the Pentagon feared the most without starting WW3 by giving it to Al Quida brave souls.
  The world will be in eternal peace without the US and as soon as we get rid of those Ameri?unts or people like yourselves
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 16:21 | 显示全部楼层
Preybrother • Richardson, United States • Yesterday
  What they can't steal from the US, they will buy from the Russians.
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  India Yesterday
  Russian is even behind Brazil and India now, what else they have except oil and gas??
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  Dantesque Adhortation Yesterday
  Come on is it junior high night, do you read, watch news, anything? The U.S. space system is broke no $ if we go up, we pay Russia to take us now, we can't afford it.
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  Nia Sing • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • 21 hours ago
  the ISRO bought a third stage cryogenic engine for their stage rocket from the Russians and it did not work. so much about Russian space tech. They have failed twice in a row, to send cargo to ISS, couple of months back.
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  Preybrother • Richardson, United States • 6 hours ago
  That's good to hear. India and Brazil are peaceful nations. The only other "else" they have is a marxist - dictator in Poo-Poot-Putin!
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  Preybrother • Richardson, United States • 6 hours ago
  Hey, that's good to hear. Now if India doesn't sell their technology or get it stolen, maybe the communist Chinese program will fizzle.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-11-2 16:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-2 16:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-11-2 16:50 | 显示全部楼层
小明啊 发表于 2011-11-1 13:18

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发表于 2011-11-2 16:53 | 显示全部楼层
小明啊 发表于 2011-11-1 13:18

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发表于 2011-11-2 16:57 | 显示全部楼层
小明啊 发表于 2011-11-1 13:18

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发表于 2011-11-2 17:05 | 显示全部楼层
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