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发表于 2008-8-24 22:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


[ 本帖最后由 skywo1314 于 2008-8-26 16:59 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-8-24 22:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-25 14:03 | 显示全部楼层
 Oh my the Chinese will be a hard act to follow. What a shambles the British effort was, very embarrassing indeed. A double decker bus, beckham, an xfactor winner, a sweaty aging rock star, dancers with umbrellas throwng newspapers everywhere. I guess a good symbol of modern day Britain. I fear our efforts will always be second class to China. This might show new labour off for what they are and what they have done to our once great country

The dancing was a bit straggly in the " London " routine . After seeing all the cyclists taking part,the Chinese will think "Nobody can afford cars in London "
    The British "teaser" was ok, but we were disappointed to see the performer in the wheelchair was not in fact disabled but was leaping around later in the dance.
    英国人还不赖,不过当我们发现那位坐轮椅的表演者根本不是残疾的时候--他在稍后的舞蹈中到处蹦达来着 --- 好失望呀么好失望。
    Did anyone else this the 'London 8 minutes' presentation was - dare I say it - rubbish!? Leona sang her heart out on top of a ladder, on top of a bus whilst 20 contemporary dancers did their stuff way below. It was just so low key relative to what had gone on before it.
    But oh, our offering at the closing ceremony was embarrassing.A red bus,a pop singer, an ageing rocker and an overpaid ball kicker was awful. Where was our great Island heritage portrayed in all this flummery?
  哦,我们在闭幕式上的表现真丢脸。一辆红吧是,一个流行歌手,一个摇滚老头,还有个我们付了太多薪水给他的踢球的家伙 -- 这一切都太糟糕了。在这堆乱七八糟的糟粕里头,我们这个伟大岛屿的传承却无处可见。
    Organisers - please do better for us in 2012.
   组织者 -- 行行好,好好干~在2012年给我们挣点脸
I've just watched the Olympic closing ceremony, and as I feared, Britain's contribution was embarassing and totally pathetic - I just hope they manage to do better in 2012. It will obviously be impossible to rival the spectacular pageant that Beijing provided, but I thought the dancing (if you can call that dancing) and the Leona Lewis/Jimmy Page effort was just pitiful. Hopefully, we can ditch all this government inspired 'Cool Britannia' garbage and present something a bit more slick and professional.
I agree that Adrian Childs was poor: he seemed to think that he was on the One Show.
  The London Bus routine was pretty much rubbish ... the music was poor and everything smacked of pop culture. Period.
  The Games themselves were superbly run. The BBC was teetering on the brink of overblown nationalism, however.
  我也觉得Adrian Childs很可怜,他看上去以为自己是在个人秀。。

I live in Germany and, like the person from Singapore, will be ashamed to meet my friends tomorrow

  Jimmy Page and David Beckham have been massive icons of British popular culture. I'm not especially a fan of either, but they perfectly suited to the ceremony.
  Not bothered either way about Leona whatshername, but the chief embarrassment, reducing us instantly to laughing stock of the world and diminishing at a stroke the achievements of our athletes, was the presence of Boris Bloody Johnson!!! This man symbolizes everything wrong with Britain - a deeply untalented buffoon, with a thoroughly sinister interior. Get him off the stage once and for all.
  Jimmy Page和贝壳都是英国流行文化的重大标志。我并不是他们的粉丝,但他们很适合这个演出。
  那个叫Leona啥啥的演出我也不觉得糟(就是那个独唱的mm),但是最大的丢人之处,直接把我们埋汰成全世界的笑料并且抹杀了我们的运动员取得的成绩的,就是那个虾米Boris Johnson的出现!这家伙象征着英国所有糟糕的东西——一个完全没有天赋的小丑,内心丑恶(?——8知道这个是谁,知道的筒子解释一下吧)。把他永远逐出舞台吧!
When I heard about the plans for the London presentation, including the "arrangement" of the national anthem and the rehashed 70s rock music, I thought "it can't possibly be as bad as I'm imagining it". Well, it wasn't. It was a thousand, toe-curlingly hideous times worse. Against the dignity, seriousness and power of the Chinese displays, it was so far beyond embarrassing, my brain has already almost forgotten it, in a desperate paroxysm of self-defence.

omg, I hope our eight minutes during the closing ceremony is not a foretaste of the tackiness to come in four years time. "
  It felt a lot longer than eight minutes..... Every cringe and every gasp of horror made it feel like a lifetime!
  If that is all we have to offer, lets hope the rest of the world has popped out down the pub when we take centre stage.
  Our athletes deserve much better than this, they did us proud in Beijing (lets not forget the Paralympics too) and will continue to do so.

Mind you, from the wretched logo to the vacuous miming chick to David Bloody Beckham, it was all a perfect reflection of London and England as they now are: cheap, tatty, shallow, and above all laughing enormously at their own jokes while the rest of the world looks on with contempt. Perfect.
  Now, 2012... where can I go to avoid it all? Please can I move to China?
47. At 3:36pm on 24 Aug 2008, alanwallace1969 wrote:
  I have been glued to the Olympics constantly and very proud of Team GB but my god what on earth was that 8 minute section in the closing ceremony.
  The chinese put on a fantastic show and we have basically a red bus and a sparkler.
  Who ever put this together should be sacked before we are embarressed anymore.
  By the way BBC should be given a gold medal for the coverage, first class.
A beautifully organised Games all around, then Boris appears, jacket undone, looking like a drunk who gatecrashed the party, what an embarrassment
I have a Grandson living and working in Beijing and I only hope he stays under cover until the humilation dies down a little. It certainly will never go away.
  In 8 mins we have become the laughing stock of the world.
Funny how the Beijing Olympics had absolutely nothing to do with Beijing. They were all about China. But the London Olympics are apparently all about London.
  Is anyone else finding this all a bit shabby after the chinese dancing etc
  Why don't my buses look like that?

作者:苏楚同萌 回复日期:2008-8-25 0:45:43 

1.他們(中國)很明顯地將精彩的體育這個詞展現得很成功. 中國人十分清楚地知道如何去做這種事, 不像劉易斯李昂娜, 其麼吉米, 踢球的碧咸等人演示的這種這麼令人羞恥的, 慚愧的, 勁爛的2012年的倫敦預演. Boris Johnson(倫敦市長)在紅地氈上的瞎扯提醒了我有關比利的頂撞,而得到了六個最好的短打(棒球).
  2.北京的奧林匹克自始至終都是精彩的, 除了那可憐的十分令人困窘的倫敦"裝飾". 全世界的人會怎麼想? 那個當事人(英國的)應該被立即開除. 如果他們連十分鐘的展演都做不好的話, 預示倫敦的奧林匹克也會弄不好.
  3.NND NND NND...Boris(倫敦市長)看起來很肥...NND...必須要批評了...倫敦的2012年要變成可怕的怨聲載道了...唉...可憐的倫敦不是巴黎...因此會更加棘手...花冤枉錢...但是我們正在設法把它弄得很便宜...NND NND...中國人會想我們這裡在下雨...唉 唉...看看這裡有多少傢伙在報怨著! 你們TMD怎麼回事!

The Chinese did it again the closing was amazing. First class and out of this world. The one negative was the London Show what in the heck was that. In Athens when the Chinese did there welccome to show it was amazing and you knew you where going to get something special in Beijing. I hope that London does better than what they showed to-day.
BCHimself, in fact, all Chinese(not only the Chinese in china but the Chinese all over the world, including Chinese Canadian) know and most of them are happy to watch this game, it's finally over now, and you did not and will not watch such a game in a long time.
4.中國和北京表現得太NB了,展現於各個方面. 而且, 謝謝你---BBC電台的全面報導. 可憐的你(BBC)可惜不能刪剪碧咸的出現--- 否則是一個完美的十分鐘(預演)
  5.我承認我不太知道Boris Johnson(倫敦市長)的事, 但是他看起來就像一個無家可歸的流浪漢, 他一點都不尊重那些可憐的觀眾. 我認為這個節目因為有成千上萬人在觀看, 他該先去諮詢下怎麼穿衣,才不會令他在露面時,讓人覺得他看上去象個蠢貨白癡!

Couldn't CBC find a more professional article then this article Jesse Campigotto? The Chinese deserved a better tribute then this. This Olympics was absolutely fantastic and the Chinese really showed what true National Pride is. CBC shows no respect at all to the millions of people involved in with this Olympics. This pathetic article is written as if it was done by a high school backpacker.
  Great Olympics (understatement) I think that London will have a hard time to live up to the new standard (by the way Jesse C- the female singer was Leona Lewis...).
  Good luck to Vancouver and lets hope we have another reason to be proud of the Maple Leaf (bring back the ROOTS uniforms).
  CBC就不能找一个比Jesse Campigotto专业点的文章吗???中国人值得比这更多哟的尊重。这届奥运会绝对滴了不起,而且中国人也确实显示出了什么是真正的民族自豪感!!CBC对这次奥运会的上百万的中国人毫无尊重,这种白痴文章就像一个高中生背包族写的(游记)。
  (保守滴说),真是一届伟大的奥运会。我想伦敦想要提高一点水平将会是很难滴(以那个女歌手Leona Lewis的方式?)
"Beijing doesn't do downsized."
  Only useful sentence in that entire story.
  Anyway, was a fantastic closing to a great Olympics. As much as I hate to see it over, there is one good thing about it being finished now: with eyes off Beijing, all the negativity and idiotic comments can finally cease. God knows they tried to dampen the spirit and joy, but you failed in my books.
  Thank you Beijing and China. Thank you Canada. Thank you to all of the other countries and their athletes. Thank you to all who participated in the 2008 Olympics to make it so memorable。




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发表于 2008-8-25 14:04 | 显示全部楼层
"Beijing doesn't do downsized."
  Only useful sentence in that entire story.
  Anyway, was a fantastic closing to a great Olympics. As much as I hate to see it over, there is one good thing about it being finished now: with eyes off Beijing, all the negativity and idiotic comments can finally cease. God knows they tried to dampen the spirit and joy, but you failed in my books.
  Thank you Beijing and China. Thank you Canada. Thank you to all of the other countries and their athletes. Thank you to all who participated in the 2008 Olympics to make it so memorable。

Great show,fantastic,well done,CHINA.
  People,don't be ridiculous,it's a game,let's just enjoy the closing ceremony.
  P.s.the firework doesn't cost me a penny,or you guys wanna criticize China's human right again? what a shame! Why don't we just mind own business?
  we have a lot of things to worry about in Canada.
  I like Olympics,it has been so much fun for the past 16 days,can't wait till Vancouver 2010.

It's really too bad that the online commentary about the closing ceremonies has to be so critical and negative. My apologies to all Non-Canadians who visit the site and are unfortunate enough to stumble across this commentary.

CBC, you obviously have been benefitting from the Bejing Olympic broadcasts..perhaps you should remember that these Olympics have been completed on time in a spectacular way. Our own 1976 Olympics were a far cry from these in Montreal..imcomplete and incompetent..have you forgotten so much already? Before you judge other countries..judge Canada!?!?!

First I would say thank you CBC to bring out such great event.
  For people who complaining human rights, faky voices, air pollution in Beijing, please wake up and clear your mind, look at canada, CBC never broadcast anything supporting communist(do they also have human rights);secondly, our Toronto officers allows propane facility built 50 meters away from residents and the blast ruined so many people's house, why don't you say louder on those issues?
  Come on, canadians, we have great value to our culture and environment.however we need to rethink, it is not good time to complain Chinese and Beijing(it seems whatever they did is just bad/negative,think about this , whatever they did is to entertain you canadian like all foreigners) we have to think about our own issues first and how we could participate in this world with our strength.
I think this article was written by a tween. The comments are very childish and demeaning. These athletes have just gone through the ringer to cap off 4 years of training and China probably put themselves in the hole to put on these games. The least we could do is appreciate the efforts and for heaven's sake, leave the darn politics out of this. Deal with politics after, I'm all for it but the athletes shouldn't be penalized for politicians' self serving ignorance.

This is a VERY POORLY written article.
  May I ask how old are you, Jesse Campigotto? The tone, the words and the attitude of this article is clearly wirtten by an 8-yr old.
  I have no idea why CBC would let this article to be posted on the site, this article shows disrespect of China, Chinese, and the Olympics games. Why don't you priase about the effort, the time, and the manpower China has put on for this show, for this olympics? So few little mistakes is greater than the overall result?
  As a Canadian I am ashame of what you have wirtten, and how disrespect you are.
  So if during the winter olympics, canada did a great job in the closing ceremony but with a few mistakes. And other media around the world just focus on thsoe mistakes, writing negative comments about it, bashing the effort canadians have put in. What would you think? Do you think those media are very biased? dont you think those are childish, immature beheaviour? Putting down others to make oneself looks better.
  Think before you write.
  我想问问Jesse Campigotto,您贵庚?这语调,这用词,这态度简直是个8岁的小娃娃滴。

Jesse, have you actually watched the closing ceremony? If you did, where is your journalistic objectivity? Quite a few of your notes were not even factual. I believe you owe the readers a big apology.

Congratulations to the people of China and its government for making the Beijing 2008 games a proud part of a long history of the Olympic movement.
  Chinese people everywhere can join in the 'feeling proud' sentiment. A job well done!

"Next, an ensemble of clean-cut young Chinese pop stars takes the stage for a song about — from what I can gather — how awesome Beijing is. Take that, High School Musical."
  ya, this piece is VERY biased. come on, who the hell cares if its lip syncing!!?? These cerimonies are absolutl。
The song “You and Me” made the moment of the "Olympic flame was extinguished" very touching. I had the same feeling like saying goodbye to my best friends and family and don't know when we will meet again.
  I want to comment on what you wrote about David Beckham punting a soccer ball into a crowd of volunteers.
  “David Beckham materializes and punts a soccer ball into a crowd of volunteers, who have no idea what to do. They all have a ‘I'm not touching that ball for fear of reprisal’ look on their faces.”
  I don’t understand why you felt and wrote this way. Maybe it was because you were worrying too much about China’s human rights and that made you feel that if they touch the ball, they will get reprisal. After I saw your post, I replayed this part a few times and every time, I only saw the crowd of volunteers was running for the ball and the guy who got the ball looked very happy and excited. Nothing like what you wrote about the ball. Please watch CBC again tonight for the encore and pay more attention this time:)
  “David Beckham 突然出现,把一个足球踢向一群不知所措的志愿者。他们所有人的脸上都写着'我可不没有去碰它,不要报复我'这样的表情”(注:文章中的段落)
I think Jesse Campigotto's article was a little condescending to the effort put forth by the Chinese. I though they did an amazing job and the opening and closing ceremonies were fantastic. I did think the British contribution was a bit foolish (except Jimmy Page, he was brilliant). These games were truly exceptional and even though Rogge didn't say it, I will "These were the best games I've ever seen." Personally, I'm glad they weren't marred by protest and political statements. Leave those for the politicians, the games are for the athlete and nobody else. I thought Phelp's was unbelievable and despite Rogge's opinion, Bolt was out of this world. he broke the 100 and 200 with ease and in my opinion, he deserves to be cocky and celebrate. After all, he truly is the fastest man in the world. Finally, congratulations to our Canadian athletes, they perfomed brilliantly. However, I do wish they had a better outfit for the closing ceremonies. I agree, bring back Roots. I can't wait for Vancouver!
  我觉得Jesse Campigotto的文章对中国所作出的努力有点无视。我觉得他们棒极了,开幕式好闭幕式都是如此的了不起。我确实觉得英国的表现有一点愚蠢(当然除了Jimmy Page哈,他很棒)。这场奥运会确实值得敬重,即使罗格不说,我也要说“这是我所看过的最好的一届奥运会”。
What a fantastic show! It is truly EXCEPTIONAL! the firework show is the best show i've ever seen in my entire life! Congratulations to all our Canadian athletes!!!!! What a great journey of our athletes to Beijing! I am so proud of you guys!
  Finally, I have a few words to you, Jesse Campigotto. I put you at the last because this is where you belong to. I am so ashamed of you and I couldn't believe what I've just read from your report. While everyone else in the world is enjoying a great show and celebrating friendship, unity, excitement, you are here to expressing your negativity and disgrace to a country who has put so much effort to host the rest of the world for 16 days, with their warmest welcome and dedication. While all our Canadian athletes expressed their respect and gratefulness to the Chinese during interviews, you, a journalist who should have reported the balanced truth and objective news, showed incredibly disrespect and arrogance to those nice and welcoming Chinese. If I were a Chinese performer, volunteer, or simply a Beijinger, I'd be so hurt by your disrespect. I am so ashamed of you.
  最后,我有些话想对你说,Jesse Campigotto。我把你放在最后是因为你本来就只能排在末尾。你太无耻了,我几乎不能相信我从你的文章中读到的内容。当世界上每个人都在享受这场伟大的闭幕式的时候,人们庆贺友谊、庆贺统一、兴奋加感动,你却在这里对一个付出如此多努力,用他们最温暖的欢迎和服务,为世界贡献了完美的16天的国家JJWW,满口胡言乱语。




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发表于 2008-8-25 14:04 | 显示全部楼层
Well, that is simply not true. We all saw the volunteers charging to get the ball, and the lucky guy who got it was pretty happy about it.
  Did Jesse Campigotto write up the script beforehand? What a disgrace。
  Jesse Campigotto在写这篇文章之前有没有打草稿啊??简直丢脸丢到家了。
Replicate it, we don’t have a chance it hell. For one thing we’ll be lucky to find 1% of the volunteers from Beijing. Perhaps all the people claiming on benefits should be forced to volunteer !!!
  Smith, London
Forget about the image of Myra Hindley. What about the image of some guy painting graffiti on a wall? What are we trying to say here? "Come to London, where criminal disfigurement of public property is welcomed and celebrated?!"
  忘掉Myra Hindley的样子吧.看看那个一群人在墙上涂鸦的画面?我们到底想表现什么?来伦敦吧,这里毁坏公共财产的犯罪行为会受到欢迎.
The Chinese people seem to love all things western (David Beckham included by the looks of it) but in return all we can do is bad mouth them and show no respect. What does that say about us.
  There’s an old saying, treat people the same as how you would like to be treated.
  Rob, London
Oops, I forgot about the fireworks. Weren't they wonderful!
  I was so impressed by how they managed to create the Olympic Rings in the sky - truly amazing.
  Thank you China.
  [cheesed-off], United Kingdom

In my time I've witnessed countless Royal Variety Performances and the opening ceremony of the Dome. This British fiasco was worse than any of them, and even at only eight minutes seemed interminable. No wonder London mayor Boris Johnson looked so uncomfortable beforehand. He must have known what was coming.
      俺目睹过无数的盛大演出也看了DOME(这个不大明白)的开幕式,这回英国的演出可真是一场彻头彻尾的失败,比我看过的那些演出中的任何一次都更糟糕,以至于演出虽然只有8分钟,都让人觉得冗长的无法忍受。怪不得伦敦市长包里斯囧孙在那之前看起来相当不爽-- 他一准是早就知道了接下来就要丢脸了。
   I have two tips for you, Boris. Keep your hands out of your pockets when attending high-profile events like this, and secondly fire whoever responsible for this fiasco and hire proper showbiz professionals – from Las Vegas if necessary – to handle the opening and closing ceremonies in 2012. Another toe-curling embarrassment like this would be unendurable.
Added: Sunday, 24 August, 2008, 14:54 GMT 15:54 UK
    The closing ceremony was, as expected, spectacular and beautiful.
    Added: Sunday, 24 August, 2008, 14:51 GMT 15:51 UK
    I have just finished watching the Closing ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. I must say that it was an incredible show from the beginning to the end. The whole event went on very smoothly. I agree with the IOC chairman that these games have opened China to the world and the world to China. 我刚刚看完北京奥运会的闭幕式。不得不说这是一场从头到尾都令人称奇的表演。整个表演尽展的很顺利。我同意国际奥组委的说法“这个奥运会会让中国与世界互相沟通”
  Thank you family of China. Thank you Beijing 2008.
    We are all Children of the World and China have proved that to us.
    All of the Olympians deserve credit for all the dedication and effort. It is the Greatest Show on Earth. With the best of the best. 2012 will be a great test for GB and as one Nation what a great challenge for us.
    Added: Sunday, 24 August, 2008, 14:44 GMT 15:44 UK
    Well done China on a fantastic organisation of the games which was flawless and Team GB for their medal haul. Thank you China for putting the U.S into second place.
    (注意看最后一句 --)
  Added: Sunday, 24 August, 2008, 14:42 GMT 15:42 UK
    Well done, China! You have given the world a magnificent Olympics despite the efforts of the chattering classes in the Western media to portray you as some Stalinist state.

刚才看法烂西一个论坛关于闭幕式的楼 差不多有一百多层了 有很多法国银民也跟XQ一样一边看闭幕一边刷楼 主要是抱怨和狂骂几个电视解说不停地blablablabla 把一个个美妙绚丽的时刻都破坏掉 还自作聪明地把一些表演安排提前说出来 他们商量着要不要干脆到机场去扔罐子烂水果来迎接这三个蠢货。。。
  至于闭幕式——中间人塔菊花那里估计是把他们忽悠住了 整整N分钟没有人回帖 之后就是一片赞叹声——Cérémonie extraordinaire, vraiment exceptionnel, j'ai adorée. Bravo aux athlètes, ils nous ont offert un spectacle magnifique, et également bravo aux chinois qui ont réussi à organiser les plus beaux jeux que j'ai vu jusqu'a présent. 出色的闭幕式,真的无与伦比,我很喜欢。为运动员叫好,因为他们给我们带来这场精彩的体育表演。同样也要为中国人民,因为他们成功地举办了这场我至今为止看过的最美丽的盛会。
  C'était tout simplement beau, et quand je sentais que Bilalian allait annoncer quelque chose j'ai coupé le son. 就是美啊~ 而当我感到BILALIAN(主持人之一)要讲什么事情的时候,我就把声音给关掉。(因为这个解说总是讲废话,要么讲西藏,要么提前说马上要出来的表演细节)
   随即在昨天的闭幕式上,英国的8分钟窗口时间——邀请全世界前往伦敦2012年奥运会  ——正如BBC台窒息的解说所描述的那样。你猜咋了?牛皮吹爆了
    -一些英国的蹩脚的现代舞年轻人装作在巴士站等候,一个聪聪的10岁小姑娘被the viewers of 开船旗选中,出现在巴士门口,收到一个足球并转交给小贝,后者晚些时候将它踢向疯狂的运动员人群。
  巴士的顶层最后展开,露出绿色的灌木装饰的不可辨认的伦敦地标和选秀节目的冠军-Leona Lewis——在液压电梯上缓缓升起,在一件似乎由200码皱褶的bacofoil做成的裙子里显得相当不安
      更恐怖的是老糊涂的,汗哒哒的齐柏林飞艇的主因吉他手吉米佩吉,当他努力弹奏著名的whole lotta love 中的即兴段落时,他的雪白的头发不明智的向后梳成一个傻逼的小猪尾巴
What was that red bus /umbrella garbage all about? What an embarrassment for UK. It was not so much the pathetic handover performance that upset me, but the arrogant, rude and disgraceful behavior of London’s mayor Boris Johnson when attending the handover party in Bejing. Show some respect Mr BJ ! Beijing was a gracious host and deserves some praise at the handover.




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发表于 2008-8-25 14:18 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 14:21 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 15:01 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 15:04 | 显示全部楼层

注:  2010 年, 加拿大温哥华主办冬季奥运会.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 15:04 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 15:07 | 显示全部楼层
表达方式不一样 文化差异也不一样 我不做8分钟的评价 他们也努力了
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 15:09 | 显示全部楼层
  更恐怖的是老糊涂的,汗哒哒的齐柏林飞艇的主因吉他手吉米佩吉,当他努力弹奏著名的whole lotta love 中的即兴段落时,他的雪白的头发不明智的向后梳成一个傻逼的小猪尾巴

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 15:18 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 暗黑胖子 于 2008-8-25 14:18 发表




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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 15:27 | 显示全部楼层
不知道为什么 看了这些评论有想哭的冲动。。。囧啊。。。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 15:35 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-25 15:40 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 15:47 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 15:59 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-25 16:01 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报

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