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[政治] 【09.11.16纽约时报】Obama Pushes Rights With Chinese Students attach_img agree 和解团结 2009-11-16 16:58 0629 和解团结 2009-11-16 16:58
[经济] 【2009.11.15 印度《经济时报》】Yuan as new global currency? It can bode well for India attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-11-15 17:48 1560 magicboy 2009-11-16 15:34
[翻译完毕] At Arlington, Obama pays tribute to veterans agree yqh 2009-11-16 11:50 1690 magicboy 2009-11-16 15:24
[经济] 【09.11.15路透社】China-U.S. spar over currencies ahead of Obama visit attach_img magicboy 2009-11-15 17:41 0525 magicboy 2009-11-15 17:41
[政治] 【Forbes】The World's Most Powerful People(福布斯权势榜,老胡排了个第二,夹在巴马和普京间) attach_img agree 忧心 2009-11-13 03:08 6949 wangyf315 2009-11-15 13:52
[翻译完毕] 【09.11.11纽约时报】China’s Tough Flu Measures Appear to Be Effective attach_img 青衣紫萝 2009-11-14 18:55 2685 rhapsody 2009-11-15 12:40
[翻译完毕] 【India Daily 09.11.11】A living God cries after visiting Tawang agree ChinaErection 2009-11-12 09:42 5636 yqh 2009-11-14 23:23
[经济] 【09.11.13 cnn】Chinese president: Protectionism will not solve crisis attach_img agree 忧心 2009-11-14 01:40 0512 忧心 2009-11-14 01:40
[翻译完毕] 【09.11.09 泰晤士报】Why Africa welcomes the ‘new colonialism’ attach_img agree notailwolf 2009-11-11 14:15 6732 rhapsody 2009-11-12 20:21
[政治] 【Nov.16 Outlook India】Long Live Sibling Rivalry attach_img agree 欣慰蔚 2009-11-12 14:19 0554 欣慰蔚 2009-11-12 14:19
[翻译完毕] 【纽约时报11.09】China Executes 9 for Their Roles in Ethnic Riots in July attach_img j小蜜蜂 2009-11-12 12:57 1810 j小蜜蜂 2009-11-12 13:05
[翻译完毕] 【09.10.17 纽约时报】Russia’s Leaders See China as Template for Ruling attach_img Iam_zhcn 2009-10-19 19:11 2552 青衣紫萝 2009-11-10 19:05
[翻译完毕] 【BBC 09.11.10】UK surveillance plan to go ahead attach_img antifake2 2009-11-10 15:59 1545 antifake2 2009-11-10 16:00
[已被认领] Tibet is India's legitimate ticket to claim Arunachal attach_img agree catmice 2009-11-9 13:38 11105 nkjch 2009-11-10 15:41
[政治] 【印度时报】Uighurs seek a passage to India 欣慰蔚 2009-11-9 14:09 0622 欣慰蔚 2009-11-9 14:09
[政治] 【outlook India】Walk The Line agree 欣慰蔚 2009-11-9 14:05 0841 欣慰蔚 2009-11-9 14:05
[政治] [outlook India]Tactical Firmness, Strategic Flexibility 欣慰蔚 2009-11-9 14:01 0697 欣慰蔚 2009-11-9 14:01
[翻译完毕] 【BBC 09.11.09】Many 'against student fee rise' antifake2 2009-11-9 12:10 1556 antifake2 2009-11-9 12:10
[经济] 【BBC 09.11.05】China defends export restrictions agree yqh 2009-11-8 10:54 0636 yqh 2009-11-8 10:54
[经济] 英国卫报: 为什么在非洲西方害怕中国? attach_img agree rlsrls08 2009-11-6 20:58 6677 chen077 2009-11-6 23:39
[社会] 【09.11.05每日电讯】Killed by the kindness of a Chinese propaganda department attach_img agree 和解团结 2009-11-6 21:34 0887 和解团结 2009-11-6 21:34
[翻译完毕] 【20091103南德意志报】金鱼,八哥,小饭馆 agree interpretersong 2009-11-5 21:02 2562 interpretersong 2009-11-6 20:18
[翻译完毕] 【091106 yahoo】India restricts coverage of Dalai Lama's trip attachment antifake2 2009-11-6 18:31 1618 antifake2 2009-11-6 18:33
[翻译完毕] 【09.10.30 纽约时报】China Is Trying a Tibetan Filmmaker for Subversion attach_img agree 小猪胖胖 2009-10-31 19:34 2762 nkjch 2009-11-6 15:02
[政治] China launches crackdown in Muslim region 印度时报10月3日 欣慰蔚 2009-11-5 10:59 2585 欣慰蔚 2009-11-6 11:36
[已被认领] 【2009.11.1 洛杉矶时报】OBITUARY: Qian Xuesen dies at 98... attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-11-2 13:46 2690 青蛙小王子 2009-11-5 22:03
[政治] 【foreignaffairs】The Future of U.S. Military Power agree 欣慰蔚 2009-11-5 16:08 0603 欣慰蔚 2009-11-5 16:08
[经济] 【OutlookIndia】The Long March attach_img agree 欣慰蔚 2009-11-5 11:05 2754 vivicat 2009-11-5 13:07
[政治] 【India Times】Cool It On China attach_img agree 欣慰蔚 2009-11-5 10:58 0511 欣慰蔚 2009-11-5 10:58
[翻译完毕] 加州理工老教授讲述和钱学森的终生友情:Tsien Revisited 空气稀薄 2009-11-3 06:22 21849 rlsrls08 2009-11-5 03:44
[科技] SMH: US-educated scientist was father of China's space program attach_img agree rlsrls08 2009-11-4 03:47 0874 rlsrls08 2009-11-4 03:47
[翻译完毕] 【afp】Dalai Lama defends visit to disputed Indian state attach_img 忧心 2009-11-4 00:58 2585 忧心 2009-11-4 02:24
[经济] 【2009.11.2 美联社】Retail faces uncertainty as CIT enters bankruptcy attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-11-2 14:04 1682 magicboy 2009-11-2 17:28
[经济] 【09.11.09 Outlook】The Long March attach_img agree 和解团结 2009-11-1 17:20 0895 和解团结 2009-11-1 17:20
[翻译完毕] 【09.10.19BBC】China on hunt for looted treasure attach_img magicboy 2009-10-20 13:18 2826 vivicat 2009-11-1 16:37
[政治] [09.10.29 FP]Europe's Obama Fatigue 渔音谦谦 2009-10-31 16:58 0752 渔音谦谦 2009-10-31 16:58
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