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[翻译完毕] 【卫报】Tan Dun and Lang Lang explain why their collaboration makes perfect sense attach_img agree aha 2009-4-17 23:55 51830 winlin 2009-10-1 20:37
[已被认领] 【纽约时报】On Day for China Pride, Little Interest in Ideology agree winlin 2009-10-1 13:23 7880 winlin 2009-10-1 20:25
[经济] Chinese industry worried chimney accident might affect their business in India attach_img charles__ 2009-10-1 19:28 0775 charles__ 2009-10-1 19:28
[政治] 【AFP】China celebrates National Day attach_img agree charles__ 2009-10-1 19:18 01054 charles__ 2009-10-1 19:18
[政治] 【费加罗报】L'armée chinoise étale sa puissance à Pékin attach_img agree 忧心 2009-10-1 18:14 1605 ustari 2009-10-1 18:38
[文化] 【费加罗报】Pékin lance une propagande hollywoodienne attach_img agree 忧心 2009-10-1 18:11 0866 忧心 2009-10-1 18:11
[政治] 【世界报】La Chine célèbre les 60 ans du régime communiste attachment agree 忧心 2009-10-1 18:03 0893 忧心 2009-10-1 18:03
[翻译完毕] 【卫报】Communist heritage is good business as ... 60th anniversary attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-9-28 13:57 1834 rhapsody 2009-10-1 15:33
[翻译完毕] 【CNN】China celebrates 60 years of PRC's founding attach_img agree 連長 2009-10-1 13:31 11133 連長 2009-10-1 14:29
[政治] 【AP】Empire State Building lit for China, drawing ire attach_img vivicat 2009-10-1 14:21 1925 vivicat 2009-10-1 14:27
[已被认领] 【AP】China clears central Beijing for anniversary party attach_img vivicat 2009-10-1 13:57 2599 渔音谦谦 2009-10-1 14:18
[社会] 【Business Week】 China's Sixtieth Birthday and Military Parade attach_img agree rlsrls08 2009-10-1 14:09 1840 rlsrls08 2009-10-1 14:09
[社会] 【NW Asia Weekly】 Largest pro-China parade ever! attach_img agree rlsrls08 2009-10-1 14:08 0764 rlsrls08 2009-10-1 14:08
[政治] 【2009.10.01 华盛顿邮报】China's Gala Show of Strength attach_img rhapsody 2009-10-1 11:23 0747 rhapsody 2009-10-1 11:23
[科技] Klimafreundliche Kängurufurze stern 2009-10-1 07:54 0684 stern 2009-10-1 07:54
[科技] Können Hunde Gedanken lesen? stern 2009-10-1 07:53 0782 stern 2009-10-1 07:53
[社会] 【Time】Forward Trading Between the U.S. and China agree deconinck 2009-9-30 21:00 0707 deconinck 2009-9-30 21:00
[翻译完毕] Der asoziale Sozialstaat attach_img stern 2009-8-15 06:11 71160 interpretersong 2009-9-30 19:30
[政治] 【世界报】神秘的“泸定桥”战役 attach_img agree 忧心 2009-9-29 20:06 4509 列宁在十月 2009-9-30 17:16
[已被认领] 【2009.9.29 BBC】Taiwan's view on China anniversary attach_img agree 連長 2009-9-30 16:12 1747 强国之鹰 2009-9-30 16:46
[已被认领] 【09.09.23 JSF】Changes in Beijing’s Approach to Overseas Basing? attach_img agree 渔音谦谦 2009-9-29 21:51 11300 渔音谦谦 2009-9-29 22:33
[文化] 【2009.09.29 洛杉矶时报】Polanski arrest draws cheers and jeers in Europe attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-9-29 19:58 2845 rhapsody 2009-9-29 21:54
[翻译完毕] 【BBC】Taiwan stops Uighur activist trip attach_img agree amywqhy 2009-9-26 01:18 21013 trsita 2009-9-29 21:50
[社会] 【9.29 LA Times】Twilight of Pax Americana attach_img agree 渔音谦谦 2009-9-29 21:43 0736 渔音谦谦 2009-9-29 21:43
[翻译完毕] 【BBC 09.9.23】China lends rare art to Taiwan attach_img agree 連長 2009-9-24 00:19 3517 janey 2009-9-29 21:35
[政治] 【世界报】井冈山革命圣地 attach_img agree 忧心 2009-9-29 20:12 0538 忧心 2009-9-29 20:12
[翻译完毕] 【2009.10.12 加拿大商务】Rare-earth metals: The new China syndrome attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-9-28 12:40 2665 rhapsody 2009-9-29 20:11
[文化] 【2009.09.29 法国解放报】«Pourquoi, en France, vous le soutenez, Polanski?» attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-9-29 20:02 0487 rhapsody 2009-9-29 20:02
[翻译完毕] 【连线杂志】China Looks to Undermine U.S. Power, With ‘Assassin’s Mace’ attach_img agree 忧心 2009-9-25 22:02 2936 忧心 2009-9-29 16:03
[备案] 待译资料发布统计/每月金条奖励 Iam_zhcn 2009-4-7 21:12 51091 j小蜜蜂 2009-9-29 16:01
[翻译完毕] 【le monde】L'armée chinoise veut montrer sa force lors du défilé de Pékin attach_img agree 忧心 2009-9-26 00:58 2755 忧心 2009-9-29 15:44
[翻译完毕] 时代周刊封面故事:China's Moment (中国60岁生日:繁荣之路) 空气稀薄 2009-9-22 00:40 91500 渔音谦谦 2009-9-29 14:26
[翻译完毕] 【2009.09.25 路透社】ANALYST VIEW: G20 ends reign of G7 in Pittsburgh attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-9-26 12:11 2596 静水伊涟 2009-9-29 12:51
[翻译完毕] 【经济学人】The People's Republic at 60--A harmonious and stable crackdown【评论待译】 attach_img agree xitaowu 2009-9-10 15:46 153112 trsita 2009-9-28 22:36
[已被认领] 【2009.09.23 美联社】China shuts Tibet to foreigners before anniversary attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-9-23 21:36 3588 trsita 2009-9-28 22:15
[政治] 【09.9.24 JSF】 Equipment on Display, Not Military Capabilities attach_img agree 渔音谦谦 2009-9-28 20:59 1575 no7of2001 2009-9-28 21:37
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