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[政治] 【Forbes】The World's Most Powerful People(福布斯权势榜,老胡排了个第二,夹在巴马和普京间)

发表于 2009-11-13 03:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 忧心 于 2009-11-13 03:45 编辑

The World's Most Powerful People
Michael Noer and Nicole Perlroth

Power has been called many things. The ultimate aphrodisiac. An absolute corrupter. A mistress. A musical instrument. But its true nature remains elusive. After all, a head of state wields a very different sort of power than a religious figure. Can one really compare the influence of a journalist with that of a terrorist? And is power unexercised power at all?

In compiling our first ranking of the World's Most Powerful People, we wrestled with these questions--and many more--before deciding to define power by four dimensions. First, do they have influence over lots of other people? Do they control relatively large financial resources compared with their peers? Are they powerful in multiple spheres? There are only 67 slots on our list--one for every 100 million people on the planet--so being powerful in just one area is not enough. Lastly, we insisted that our choices actively use their power.

With the world's population nearing seven billion, experts pick seven in their field who matter most.

    Barack Obama 奥巴马(福布斯上榜理由:伟大民主国家的世界级权势人物,炸药奖获得者)
    Hu Jintao 胡锦涛(福布斯上榜理由:13亿中国人的领袖,他们中的70%都是适合做劳力组成了世界工厂的家伙,买美国国债,北京奥运,压制政治言论宗教自由,镇压西藏跟台独,和美国经济联系紧密)
    Vladimir Putin 普京(福布斯上榜理由:普京大帝是俄国沙皇)
    Li Changchun 李长春(福布斯给出的上榜理由:掌控CCTV,为13亿人洗脑)
    Dmitry Medvedev 梅德韦杰夫(可怜的孩子,美国人故意把他排在普京后面这么多的)
Hugo Chavez

The World's Most Powerful People - Forbes_com.gif




 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-13 03:28 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-11-13 04:06 | 显示全部楼层
#39 Tenzin Gyatso

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发表于 2009-11-13 08:55 | 显示全部楼层


Paramount political leader of more people than anyone else on the planet; 1.3 billion Chinese, some 70% in their prime working years of ages 15 to 64 powering world's low-cost workshop, transforming nation. Biggest buyer of U.S. debt avoided Chinese meltdown during financial crisis with massive stimulus package to encourage domestic spending. "Coming-out party" at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games showcased young, modern, harmonious society; reality often quite different—few political, religious, press freedoms; brutal suppression of Tibet; refusal to acknowledge Taiwanese independence. Still, credible estimates have China poised to overtake U.S. as world's largest economy in 25 years—although, crucially, not on a per-capita basis.

领导全球最多人的至高无上政治领袖;13亿中国人,大约70%的青壮年年龄在15年至64之间,构成了世界低成本工厂,改变着国家。美国国债最大的买家,通过大规模经济刺激方案鼓励国内投资避免了在金融危机中崩溃。 2008年北京奥运会的“亮相”展示了一个年轻,现代,和谐的社会。而现实情况却很不一样,鲜有政治,宗教,新闻自由,对西藏残酷镇压,拒绝承认台湾独立。尽管如此,一般相信,中国有望在25年后超过美国成为世界最大经济体,但最关键的是总体,而不是人均。




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