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发表于 2009-12-30 12:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/new ... inks-about-britain/

Both Gordon Brown and David Miliband made it abundantly clear to the Chinese authorities that they were totally opposed to the execution of the mentally-ill former taxi driver.
But the Chinese ignored their appeals and went ahead with the execution in the early hours of this morning. And rather than seeking to reassure Britain that the affair would not affect relations between the two countries, Chinese officials have issued a series of statements condemning Britain’s unwarranted interference in their internal affairs.
And that just about sums up China’s attitude not just to Britain,but to the Western alliance.  China’s fundamental approach to the West is that it is prepared to cooperate only when it is regarded as in Beijing’s interests to do so. We saw this at the Copenhagen global warming summit, where the Chinese basically withdrew their cooperation when they realised the reduction in carbon emissions might damage their own economic growth.
The same applies to their attitude towards law and order. The Chinese government regards the death penalty as an essential tool to maintaining law and order in the world’s most populous country, and no amount of condemnation from the West is going to change their minds.






If there is no fear then there will be no Law or Order. West doesn’t seem to understand that. Each and every one should take responsibility not hide behind excuses.
whynot on Dec 29th, 2009 at 12:45 pm


Why should Peking care what the British government thinks? I was born here and I don’t.
I studied Chinese at university and it is refreshing to see the Chinese treating Brown and Milliband with the respect they deserve. In the last thirty years the Chinese government has arranged affairs so that hundreds of millions of Chinese citizens have lifted themselves out of poverty. Who are these punks to lecture their betters?
edinburghstoic on Dec 29th, 2009 at 12:58 pm



Does ANYBODY listen to Gordon Clown OR Buggered Britain anymore ?
britbybirthozbychoice on Dec 29th, 2009 at 12:59 pm


It’s a situation that Briton, and the West, will have to accept.

The West is a spent force and can only offer rhetoric; real power now lies elsewhere.
Roman on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:02 pm



If Shaikh (good ole British name) was as mentally impaired as his family and others are claiming, then why was he wandering alone around the world?
Furthermore, if the unelected one and his pet millipede are so against the death penalty, why didn’t they object to it when the Saddam look-alike was hung – and why did they sign the EU Constitreaty, which, hidden in a footnote of a footnote, mentions that the EU will have the power to execute anybody protesting in the streets against the EU?
But then hypocrisy is a requirement for today’s politicians.
lickyalips on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:03 pm

进一步说,如果布朗和他的马屁精们这么反对死刑,当初为什么处决萨达姆的时候不反对?为什么他们要签EU Constitreaty?在这个文件的最不起眼的地方写道,欧盟有权力处死在街上抗议EU的任何人。

“…China’s fundamental approach to the West is that it is prepared to cooperate only when it is regarded as in Beijing’s interests to do so…”
Can you tell me which country in the world wouldn’t do the same? After all, it’s all about national interests.
BTW, China also executed a Japanese drug trafficker a couple years ago. Do you think the U.K. is more important to China than Japan is?
Pacific Century on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:06 pm


Gordon Brown is really to much every day we see young men and women being brought home in coffins.They are obeying his orders.Do we see any of his tears for them.He should keep his nose out of other countries affairs.And look in his own backyard.
comment on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:07 pm


I agree with the majority of comments posted here. Nulab seems to think that special conditions should apply when UK citizens visit a foreign country.When we visit a country we have to accept the country as it is not pontificate about how it should be. I must say that i would have done exactly the same as the Chinese government has done. Its all down to political spin in this country backed up by a stupid liberal press.
swell on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:16 pm


The sooner we start executing criminals like Shaikh the soon we solve the crime problem we have in this country. But seeing as the opium crop from Afganistan is being Peddled by the UK and US this will never happen. A shame really I’d love to see Bliar and Bruin on the gallows.
whiteenglishproud on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:25 pm


Perhaps the UK (and it’s politically correct thinking) is so far removed from common sense and reality that when a country (which, by the way, has been around FAR longer than we) decides to take what it considers appropriate measures against a law-breaker, the UK finds it impossible to understand.

Perhaps the UK would be in a less parlous state (criminal activity-wise) if it were to implement some more meaningful punishments for transgressors??

Jon on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:26 pm



What a monkey Brown is. He should be getting his own back yard in order before telling The Chinese how to do theirs. China have nothing like the criminal element Brown allows to disgrace this country, I wonder why.
Probably best not to upset China, Gordy, you dolt, everyone’s laughing at you. Beijing doesn’t have to care about maintaining cordial relations with us, they’ll be the next world Superpower.

As for Shaikh, do the crime, do the time. Another drug smuggler we don’t have to worry about.
Himself on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:26 pm




Can’t blame the Chinese for following their own rules, whilst raising two fingers to the rest of the world. They’re putting the interests of their own country before any others, and I can’t see what’s wrong with that.

I only wish that OUR useless bunch of namby-pamby,neo-social-workers who infest Westminster would do the same for OUR country.
redmanc on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:32 pm



Totally agree with Swell

Brown and ZanuLab have forced us to bend over backwards to make foreigners feel welcome here, to the point of destroying our own national identity and culture. Then because of that they expect the same when Bitish Nationals go abroad. Doesn’t work that way I’m afraid. If you go somehwere, you’re subject to their culture and beliefs or you deal with the consequences.

I also think it’s appalling that we can berate China for executing people, when poll after poll has shown that the majority of people in this country would want to reintroduce corporal punishment.

The more the government protest every foreign conviction of a British citizen in a country they don’t like, the less likely the government will be taken seriously when there really is an unjust conviction. Our govenrment acts like a football fan, supporting people because they’re on ‘our side’
Shaft120 on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:33 pm





The Chinese should have broadcast the execution live so we could all cheer ; sometimes you have to kill the chicken to scare the English monkeys. This English heroin trafficker dealer had 4 kilos of heroin on him; this heroin WMD is enough to kill and enslave thousands of people. Lets hope his death will be a lesson for other English clowns who think they can just walk into China with their heroin to cause mayhem and addiction.
Johan de Meulemeester on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:36 pm

If I was caught with 4Kg of scag, I would claim mental to try and sidestep responsibility to. SO mental that I was able to contact suppliers, plan transport, secure the cash, find dealers to distribute the stuff in a foreign country et al, ad infinitum…
Wrist Deep on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:38 pm

“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. If you travel to a country that has the death penalty for drug trafficking, it should not be a surprise if, when you get caught that you have to die.
If only all the foreigners that have come to our shores had done the same, i.e. live like a home grown brit, we would not have half of the problems we have today.
dodgydave on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:47 pm

To be absolutely honest, I don’t think the British government were ever serious about saving Akmal’s life. Everybody knows that when dealing with the Chinese, the most effective way is to negotiate quietly behind the doors. However, the minute everything goes public, the Chinese are left with no choice but to execute Akmal.

What does the British government get out of that?
1. A free chance to condemn China’s human right records.
2. A free chance to take moral high ground.
3. A free political cause to unite the nation.

But do they really care that Akmal will die in exchange? Of course not… they probably would only if his surname was Smith or Taylor…
whatever123 on Dec 29th, 2009 at 1:51 pm

The Chinese are an intelligent, nationalistic people with a powerful military and a large, strong, healthy economy. They’re the antithesis to us, basically. They know, like we do, that anything Brown – and indeed our government – says should be either treated with contempt or derision.
I have no respect for this drug smuggler who decided he’d try to use his manic depression as an excuse for trafficking 4 kilos of heroin into a country where it’s highly illegal. But I have to admit I have sympathy for the moment he was made aware that Gordon ‘inverted Midas touch’ Brown was going into bat for him. Since everything Brown associates himself with inevitbaly turns to ashes, it must’ve been chilling knowing that everything was f*cked from that point on.
myguitarwantstokillyourmama on Dec 29th, 2009 at 2:01 pm

When will people in the West realize that China does not accept any interference in its internal affairs – just as it never interferes in the affairs of other states (except Tibet, of course, which it annexed)? Brown and company would have been better to keep quiet. Their public criticism probably ended any chance of a last-minute reprieve for this man.
johnfitzpatrick on Dec 29th, 2009 at 2:02 pm

“The execution of Akmal Shaikh demonstrates what China really thinks about Britain”?

No, it does no such thing. It demonstrates what China thinks about those who smuggle drugs.
george204 on Dec 29th, 2009 at 2:11 pm

Oh boo-hoo! A drug pusher gets executed. (This bi-polar excuse is just junk; bi-polars still know the difference between right and wrong.)

Why should China stump up the money to commute his sentence to life in prison? Good for China! At some point we are going to have to take a much tougher line on our own criminals.
stoney on Dec 29th, 2009 at 2:12 pm

Those Chinese have not forgotten the Opium Wars — a few Western profiteers did grave harm to the Chinese, for money and nothing else. It was as evil as the slave trade. No cordial relations there.

About Mr. Sheikh, if he was mentally impaired then perhaps his family could have done more to keep him out of danger. I don’t know. But I know if you’re caught with drugs in China, you’re kaput. Same for Singapore.
larryhammick on Dec 29th, 2009 at 2:12 pm

There are always excuses when people get caught with drugs, he wasn’t “bipolar” enough to get a visa and travel to China on his own, the family obviously thought he was capable or they would have stopped him. How did he fund his travelling lifestyle? Drugs perhaps? Have his family lost their favourite mule?

Half of the “disorders” people suffer in the UK probably don’t even exist. As for China – who are we to point the finger? Research the opium wars, we wrecked the longest standing civilisation for a generation just to get cheap tea, then attacked and nicked several ports off China when they objected. What we did to China is far worse than what we supposedly did to Africa (tried to drag them out of the stone age) yet we cannot apologise enough and sink enough funds into that self-made bottomless pit of human misery. The Chinese don’t moan and wail holding out the begging bowl, they get on with it. The streets of Beijing are far safer than the streets of London – because they have sentences that deter criminality – we could learn a thing or two from the Chinese.

One less scumbag “British” criminal – good.
Steve Lee London on Dec 29th, 2009 at 2:31 pm

You want to know what China really thinks of Britain… from someone who works there…? An ancient paper tiger that will be crushed by their economic might and power… Britain is nothing to China.. like a fly that needs to be swatted… a puppy to the great Satan Uncle Sam…. and realistically… as we continue to economically decline into a bankrupt nation…. not a lot we can do…. start learning mandarin… and reading Mao’s thoughts ????
sov192 on Dec 29th, 2009 at 10:06 pm


URUMQI,China — China on Tuesday executed a British man convicted of drugsmuggling in its first execution of a European citizen in half acentury, drawing a strong condemnation from Britain's prime minister.
Britain's Foreign Office confirmed the execution of Akmal Shaikh,whose relatives say was mentally unstable and was unwittingly luredinto the crime.                                                                                                                                   
发自中国乌鲁木齐。周二中国处决了一名走私毒品的英国毒贩,这是50年来中国处决的第一个欧洲公民,引来了英国首相的谴责。英国外交部确认了Akmal Shaikh的死刑,他的亲属说他精神上不稳定,不自觉地被引诱犯罪。                                                                                                                                                                                                
"Icondemn the execution of Akmal Shaikh in the strongest terms, and amappalled and disappointed that our persistent requests for clemencyhave not been granted. I am particularly concerned that no mentalhealth assessment was undertaken," British Prime Minister Gordon Brownsaid in a statement issued by the Foreign Office.
“我强烈谴责对Akmal Shaikh的判决,对于我们一直以来请求仁慈但没有得到给予,我感到惊恐和失望。我特别担心他没有接受精神鉴定。”英国首相Gordon Brown在外交部发出的一份声明中说。

Shaikh, 53, was the first European citizen to be executed in China in five decades.
Shaikh first learned of his death sentence Monday from his visitingcousins, who made a last-minute plea for his life. They say he ismentally unstable and was lured to China from a life on the street inPoland by men playing on his dreams to record a pop song for worldpeace.
Brown had spoken personally to China's prime minister about his case.
Shaikh 最初知道他的死刑是在周一他的侄子们探监的时候,他的侄子们为救他做了最后一次请求。他们说他精神上不稳定,而且在波兰的街头被诱骗到中国,那些人利用了要为世界和平录制流行歌曲的梦想。

Shaikh was arrested in 2007 for carrying a suitcase with almost 9pounds (4 kilograms) of heroin into China on a flight from Tajikistan.He told Chinese officials he didn't know about the drugs and that thesuitcase wasn't his, according to Reprieve, a London-based prisoneradvocacy that helped with his case.

He was convicted in 2008 after a half-hour trial. In one courtappearance during his trial and appeal process, the judges reportedlylaughed at his rambling remarks.

It was not known how Shaikh, who is of Pakistani descent, wasexecuted. China, which executes more people than any other country, isincreasingly doing so by lethal injection, although some deathsentences are still carried out by a shot in the head.

The officer said Shaikh did not appear to have mental problems, wasfriendly with other prisoners and had learned to speak a little Chinesewhile detained.

China has defended the handling of Shaikh's case, saying he received a fair trial.

"Drug smuggling is a grave crime. The rights of the defendant havebeen fully guaranteed," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yutold a news conference last week.


Tell me again how the "terrorists," fund the war in Afghanistan, and their nefarious activities around the world?

Drug money? Poppy fields in Afghanistan, especially in Helmund province.

Aside from the victims who use the heroin, how about britan's finest?


Killed with bullets bought with drug profits?

Where is the outrage? Misplaced I do believe.
    Reply   Posted 08:08 PM on 12/29/2009

The problem here is that we have doubt that this man is a drug dealer. We need proof that he is a drug dealer. We are not disputing that drug trafficking is bad.
    Reply   Posted 09:17 PM on 12/29/2009

The court of the land has made the conclusion that he is guilty. This has gone through the criminal court, high court and supreme court of China. He got two appeals, just like everyone else in that land.

As a wheel chair warri*or who has no or little information other than speculations, you are in no position or right to question the court decision in the country that this drug trafficker dum*b enough to venture in.

I am sorry that your ego has been bruised. Now go get a beer and soak up.
    Reply   Posted 09:50 PM on 12/29/2009


The revulsion expressed by Gordon Brown has nothing to do with opposition to the death penalty, doubts about the guilty verdict or interference in China's sovereign right to implement its own laws on its own territory. It is all about the Chinese government's refusal to permit a medical examination to determine whether or not the man they were about to execute was mentally ill. Under China's legal system, clemency is normally granted where mental incapacity is proved. Nobody was asking for special treatment for this man, just the same chance of a medical review as would any Chinese citizen.

There are two recent cases in which Chinese people have been sentenced for manslaughter and murder in England. None was sentenced to death, because the death penalty was abolished 40 years ago. In one case, a Chinese gangmaster who caused the drowning of 21 Chinese cocklers in Morecambe was sent to prison for 14 years. In another, a Chinese illegal immigrant who brutally murdered a Chinese couple in Newcastle was sent to prison for life, with a minimum term of 33 years, earlier this year. In the latter case, in particular, there was great interest in China, so the English authorities allowed television access to some of the proceedings, which were thus watched by half a billion people. The trial was transparent and the English authorities did all they could to involve the Chinese government and other stakeholders. Compare this with the rough treatment offered to a British citizen.
    Reply   Posted 06:25 PM on 12/29/2009

Mere possession of a substance that's primarily harmful because people choose to *voluntarily* consume it does *not* warrant a death sentence.

Further, an extraordinary and irreversible sentence should require extraordinary measures to determine that the suspect is actually fit for the punishment. In this case, his mental health was in doubt, so measures should have been taken to alleviate or confirm such doubts.

As for "China, too, has shown lienency in many cases", that is hardly an excuse. This is another case in defense of the flawed "two wrongs make a right" philosophy.

Finally, assuming that profit from this substance is actually being funneled to Al-Qaida as you describe (which I doubt because that organization is repeatedly used an excuse for otherwise inexcusable actions), that could be alleviated by simply legalizing the mentioned substance.

When legal, it could be regulated and grown domestically thereby ensuring that domestic entities profit over foreign entities. It would also put a lot of the criminals in various countries out of business or severely harm them since the value of the illicit substance would go down due to the increased supply and there would no longer be a need to defend their black market businesses from governments by force of arms.

But wait... That makes too much sense. Let's keep it illegal so that we have an excuse to imprison and execute people in the name of their own protection instead.
    Reply   Posted 08:32 PM on 12/29/2009


My observations about this story:

Q Why is this news?

A Because it demonstrates that coloured Chinese people can and do judge Brits.

Background to this issue:
During the nineteenth century European states institutionalized extraterritoriality in non-Western countries through unequal treaties.


Q Why do so manyt comments here denegrate Chinese culture, chinese people, chinese government and Chinese justice

A because we still find looking down on all things Chinese acceptable. Although we have given up the Polish light bulb jokes, no longer confuse all Itallians with the Mafia, and have elected an African American president, we still engage in Chinese Bashing. On sports talk radio last evening a Chinese fortune cookie "joke" was told.

Q Why does this forum feature so many negative stories about China?

A Because Bashing China has become the national pastime. It's fun! One of the best ways to attack a political opponant it to accuse him of "being sort on China," and becayuuse most people do not have a reliable source of information about China, so it is east to fool them.
    Reply   Posted 05:02 PM on 12/29/2009

The background to this story is one of 27 representations made by the British Govt in the 2 years since this man's trial including a plea in person by PM Gordon Brown for clemency, a huge difference between the UK and China with regards to human rights issues, the hypocrisy of the communist Govt in China as signatories to the UN Human Rights Legislation, the total disregard and scorn heaped upon an individual with mental illness, a refusal by the Communist Authorities to meet with his family or allow them to be present during his last moments or release the body to be brought back to the UK for burial.

Don't you remember the dread surrounding the Paralympics in 2008 because of the Communist Party's attitude to individuals suffering from physical and mental disabilities? It beats the Chinese coloured people nonsense out of sight.
    Reply   Posted 05:59 PM on 12/29/2009

Not all criticism of China is China bashing. We criticize the US government all day long on Huffington Post. But no one complains that we are "America bashing".
    Reply   Posted 09:47 PM on 12/29/2009




发表于 2009-12-30 12:46 | 显示全部楼层

http://www.guardian.co.uk/politi ... al-shaikh-execution
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debat ... rs-deserve-die.html
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发表于 2009-12-31 00:23 | 显示全部楼层
It is called "Sha Yi Jing Bai" in Chinese, which can be literally translated into "killing one to scare one hundred". That is Chinese culture. They care more about the whole society than individual human beings, which is the opposite of Western culture, or at least what people in the West claim to value. People in the developing world tend to assume that people are dishonest and not trust worthy, that people never tell the truth, that people lie for everything. Life is hard for people of color in America because of that. There are lots of people of color who do not trust people of color. They give you a hard time when you try to return things to the stores. In this case, the Chinese do not believe that this man could have to deceived into carrying so much drug. I have been deceived by Chinese. So I know how good Chinese are in deceiving. But the Chinese who deceive this man into carrying drugs for them are not mentioned in the news at all. I wonder if anything has happened to them.
    Reply   Posted 03:27 PM on 12/29/2009


WOW! If this is not a racistrant I'll eat my hat! But then, China Bashing is the last opportunity for this kind of hate, is it not?
    Reply   Posted 03:30 PM on 12/29/2009


Your English is just fine. You have just demonstrated your stereotyping of "the Chinese."
You have taken quotes out of context, and used a broad brush interpretation based on race, which you choose to hide, and refer to it as culture. Therefore, it is more than your ignorance, it is overt.

Are there cultural differences? yes, indeed there are. But to paint coloured races, or the CXhinese as wont to lie is beyond the pale. Beyond the pale, as you may know, is a gout of Brit racism directed at the uncivilized and lawklless (according to them) of the Irish that did not live under British rule.

By all means check out the real issue here...

During the nineteenth century European states institutionalized extraterritoriality in non-Western countries through unequal treaties.

http://www.allacademic.com/meta/ ... 8/p72387_index.html

I know from first hand in a criminal investigation in China, that if he could have made a convincing case that he was duped, he would not have been executed.
    Reply   Posted 04:16 PM on 12/29/2009



When I was in law school, I took an international human rights class and learned several things. Among them that China had a dismal human rights record. Their idea of justice is a speedy trial and execution -- meaning, you have the trial and, if condemned to death, they take you out and shoot you immediately thereafter. Oh, and the family must pay for the bullet(s). I'm rather surprised that this British citizen was kept in prison for as long as he was rather than executed immediately.
It always bothered me that China was given Favored Nation Status with this kind of record. It also surprised me that, again, they were allowed to become a member of the U.N. Security Council. Then again, politics and the "you-scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours" mentality made all of that possible.
As an aside, I learned that as far as executions are concerned, Texas is (was?) second ONLY to Saudi Arabia, which is (was?) number 1 in the world. This article claims that China is number 1, so not sure how these three rank now. I live in Texas, by the way for those who might take offense, so I know we churn out the executions here like a revolving door.



China has had an unusual past with Britain over drugs. When the communist regime had taken over, one of their first acts were to round up all opium users and execute them without trial. normally with a bullet in the back of the head.



We need to stop buying their cheap crap. There are plenty of other semi-cheap goods producers that are mostly ethical. For example, some of the best shoes are made in Brazil, Romania, Spain (not as cheap), etc. I would much rather limit myself to one or 2 pairs of shoes per year and spend more for high quality shoes manufactured in countries where the gov't and people respect human rights or at least make genuine attempts to do so.
    Reply   Posted 12:32 PM on 12/29/2009

Do it. Start with yourself. Shut your computer down. The majority of the components in your computer are from China.
Do it please. I beg you.
    Reply   Posted 12:35 PM on 12/29/2009

They can be easily made anywhere else. It's corrupt government officials keeping us in these job-killing trade deals, not necessity.
    Reply   Posted 01:11 PM on 12/29/2009

So basically you are scr*ew by your OWN government.
Go complaint to your Daddy and make change in your own backyard FIRST. Not China.
When you are in control of your own destiny, then you might have something to say. For now, you are just a farmed raised "battery" with only one purpose in life: keep the military complex happy (they need fresh bodies) and keep the top 1% happy (they need new suckers to keep the Wall Street Ponzi scheme going.).
  Reply   Posted 01:41 PM on 12/29/2009

I already tried about 5 y ago and found it next to impossible. However, I was able to significantly cut back on the consumption of Chinese products. I buy from other, more reputable countries as much as possible. My phone is made in Singapore, the battery is made in Japan and finished in China. The shoes I am wearing right now are made in China, but everything else I am wearing was produced mostly in India and the USA. The majority of my shoes were mfg in Italy, Brazil, Romania, Argentina, etc. I also have some electronics from Germany.

It is possible to make a severe reduction or completely eliminate buying products from China!!! There are so many compelling reasons to do this, i.e. human rights violations, animal torturing, currency manipulation, etc.
Reply   Posted 01:42 PM on 12/29/2009


China also lost 2 'Opium wars' with Great Britain between 1839 and 1860 were the Chinese Emperor tried to ban opium that the British were shipping in, this also led to Britain sending warships to make sure China complied. At the time the Britons saw noting wrong with this as opium was legal there and in Ireland.
    Reply   Posted 12:46 PM on 12/29/2009




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勇三郎 发表于 2009-12-31 04:03

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http://www.hicktownpress.com/bri ... -squad-in-thailand/
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发表于 2009-12-31 10:46 | 显示全部楼层
支持 呵呵  谢谢翻译啊 呵呵
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-31 12:04 | 显示全部楼层
从各大报纸新闻来看,抱各种想法的人都有。我看得比较多的是bbc和卫报的读者评论。BBC读者评论支持处死毒 ...
遥远的冬天 发表于 2009-12-31 10:24



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