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[政治] 【09.12.2 The Global and Mail】A hit with India, Harper looks to charm China

发表于 2009-12-2 07:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 和解团结 于 2009-12-2 07:45 编辑




The civilian nuclear accord between Canada and India announced over the weekend proves that both governments are serious about renewing their relationship. Now the question for Prime Minister Stephen Harper as he prepares for his next foreign jaunt is: How do the Chinese feel about us?
Canadian business interests were delighted with the Canada-India accord, which has been months in the making.

"We're very excited" about the new opportunity to sell into the Indian market, said Lyle Kahn, a spokesman for Canadian uranium giant Cameco. "The Indian market represents a very significant opportunity for Cameco. It's the second fastest growing market in the world behind China."

India is planning a 15-fold increase in its nuclear capacity over the next 20 years, requiring an additional seven million to nine million pounds of uranium, and the agreement ensures that Cameco and other Canadian firms will be in the hunt for contracts.

Mr. Harper and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made it clear that an accord was an important priority for both countries. In Port of Spain, where they were attending the Commonwealth conference, Dr. Singh declared that "the civil nuclear agreement is a very important step forward, a milestone for the development of our relationship."

"... I thank the Prime Minister [Harper] from the core of my heart for having expedited this process beyond my expectations," he said.

But if India's civilian nuclear future has potential, China's is seemingly limitless: six of the 10 nuclear reactor construction projects that got under way this year worldwide were in China. State planners are constantly revising nuclear projections upward: the government wants nuclear energy to provide up to 80 gigawatts of its needs - about double the power needs of Spain - by 2020.

Mr. Harper leaves for China tomorrow for a three-day visit.

But since taking office, the Harper government has been cool toward China, not least because of anti-communist ideology among some Conservatives.
"There were many Conservatives who had views on China and the nature of government and treatment of people and human rights and I think there had to be a period of time when the government would come to grips with some of the issues," former Conservative trade minister David Emerson told the Canadian Press. "I think the Conservative members are [now] understanding that you don't have to give up your fundamental beliefs to pursue an engagement necessary for the country."
China exports far more to Canada than we send to it. With the U.S. market stagnant, perhaps for years to come, increasing exports to the Middle Kingdom is vital to Canada's long-term prosperity.

Mr. Harper will be seeking increased access to the Chinese market for Canadian financial services and manufactured goods and an investment-protection agreement to reassure Canadian companies investing in China. And, of course, Mr. Harper will hope that the 1.4 million Canadians of Chinese origins will notice that he met with Chinese leaders and toured cities that are, for many Canadians, home towns.

12/1/2009 5:11:27 PM
Nonsense. China was allowed to have indepedence by the Western powers after WW2 because the Chinese treacherously supported Wsetern nations against the heroic Japanese Army. The Japanese had tried to liberate their fellow Asian nation China from the West, but the West bribed Chinese irregulars into fighting Japan. As a reward for betraying their fellow Asians, China was allowed to have limited indepedence.. limited because their British masters still kept Hong Kong and Portuguese kept Macau.
Rather than fighting the Portuguese, China chose to attack India. This was the second of many occasions where Chinese acted as Western lackeys to attack fellow Asians. Their sneak attack vs Vietnam in 1979 was another instance, but they got a bloody nose there LOL.
Out of a well justified sense of inferiority, China has always acted againsy far superior Asian nations like Japan, India, and Vietnam... usually at the request of their Western masters.
Now the Western masters themselves have switched over and prefer superior democracies like India and Japan.
Being a lackey never pays.. even the people using you as lackeys have no real respect for u and turn against u in the long run.
Too bad, China. U shouldnt have betrayed all your neighbors.
N Deshpande

12/1/2009 12:55:30 PM

China knew how to resume its decency and dignity by fighting away the invaders. Through winning the second world war, China becomes a permanent member of the UN seurcity council, which India has been seeking after for many many year without any meaningful progress. The Chinese army easily defeated the indians in 1962, reached into India not too far from its capital. but as a model army, the Chinese retreated back to its soil and gave back the surrendered indian weapons. in early 1950, China was still a young republic, to prevent from foreign invasion, China fought the US army and won the Korean war. it was how China kept its independence and earn its respect.

On the contratry, thanks to the british invasion and occupation, india was finally united as a country. 1947, britons gave indians a break to allow it to become a country within the commonwealth.

China and India are not really in the same league that's why China never sees india as a real threat. It is just like in the last year's Olympics China won 50 gold medals and india only had one. The core of the problem is india should be learning its place in the world and earning its respect by doing not talking.

Russ Johnson
12/1/2009 11:33:24 AM
While Harper decides he is about to sell out to China in relation to their ridiculous human rights record, would you please get Tom d'Aquino and Manley on record? Please....

12/1/2009 11:09:47 AM
From his comments, it is easy for us to tell that N Deshpande from CANADIAN HINDU ADVOCACY is a plain racist. I am wondering why Global and Mail hasn't kicked this person out, or I think Canada should kick this person straightly out of this country. We have zero tolerance on racism in Canada.

12/1/2009 9:51:22 AM
It was really funny to me when the BRITISH crushed CHINA in the Opium Wars, ENSLAVED Chinese people and brought them to BC in chains to build the railway. And TODAY the same enslaved Chinese Canadians laugh at India for being colonized by Britain, conveniently forgetting that they were enslaved by the same Brits. In fact, Hong Kong was a Brit colony til 1999. INDIANS speak English better than most in Hong Kong and mainland China, because of genetics. EUROPEAN languages some form Sanskrit, the ancient Hindu tongue.
We Hindus are the originators of both Hindu and European civilization, we gave Europeans their very languages they communicate with.
N Deshpande

12/1/2009 2:13:18 AM
India's growth as a stable democracy is more sustainable in the long run than China's. There is no need for any rapprochement with China .. India is quite good enough.
HI canhinduadv​ocacy, you are lying.
Now you are living in Canada, maybe you have a better living condition, a lot of Chinese don't like India, If you are really democracy country, Please give your people a better living condition, better salary, education, Decrease weapon investment. YOUR weapon fee is far more than China everyyear. how to explain

12/1/2009 1:50:16 AM
The job of a government should be focusing on improving the lives of its people, not for enforcing ideologies. 1.4 million Canadian Chinese know that very well, partly from their painful experience in China some years ago. Chinese people have thrown away this kind of ideology BS and it is time for Conservatives to do the same.
Of course, it is right, As a Chinese, Like most of my classmater and fellows, we never care who will be a leader of the country and province. Improving our living condition is first, as one member of the country, we have rights to get a basic liviing condition, have food to enjoy, a room for us, a car for driving. all is better and prior then some election, policy, ideology, which is nothing to us. If you want to get some election right, you have to be living, dressing a proper clothes, Or nothing meaning

11/30/2009 11:33:29 PM
60 years ago, people called India, a young republic at the time, a "next super power". Today, we still call it "next super power", but its international status actually much lower than what it was 60 yrs ago. 100 years later, people may still jokingly call it "next super power". This is a country that has most dire poor, illiterate people in the world - a real human disaster in this planet. A "multicultural" country with constant ethnic clashes and terrorist attacks. A "democratic" country with most of the MPs having criminal record. A "peaceful" country as its people claim, but have fought wars, or have border disputes with almost all of its neighbours. US and China have just made the statement a few days ago to fix this country, with all other powers looking on, hoping that they can get some left-overs.

11/30/2009 11:04:33 PM
canhinduadv​ocacy, no wonder the Britons can defeat and colonize India for hundreds of years. Indians are so proud of their Indian english speaking skills which they learn from their british masters. Aside from a state dinner, mr. Singh didn't bring back anything meaningful from mr. Obama.

11/30/2009 10:17:50 PM
Canhindu wrote "It was a clear admission that Hinduism is the best religion, culture and civilization .. superior to all others.. and most Americans see it that way"

If the majority of Indians are as SUPERIOR as Canhindu, there is no threat to anyone. The only worry is that you may laugh to exhaustion.

m griffin
11/30/2009 8:48:28 PM
Mr. Harper would be diligent to include Pakistan in the pedaling of his uranium fire sale.
The sale of weapons material is a slippery slope. Right now the answers to human rights questions depend on who you ask. Perhaps Mr. Harper should outline his favourites and stop waffling about who he trusts with weapons of mass destruction and save us all the annoying bother of investigating the obvious later on. Both China and India are fractious countries with deep volatile divisions that with Harper's suspect read, not unlike our preamble to military assault on rubix cube Afghanistan politics, may not be the our best man for the job. I doubt he will ever take responsibility for the cluster funk he's already invented. Readers should be reminded that this hot rock is mined and transported in our back yard (west of Ottawa) and the management of medical isotopes seem to be an unachievable challenge for this government! I guess there's planes, trains, and glowing tractor trailers planed by this open and diligent Conservative party corporation. Good luck kiddies.

11/30/2009 8:35:35 PM
India a nuclear power whohahaha let them have toilets and sewer plants first.

11/30/2009 6:49:32 PM
I can't help laughing when I read comments by "N Deshpande" from "CANADIAN HINDU ADVOCACY". I have heard people saying that in India the government teaches its people that they are the greatest race in this world and no other country is better, and they really believe that, from core of their heart. I haven't met one such people until today. You make me my day, truely.

11/30/2009 5:55:13 PM
If China is so great I wonder why Newsweek or other publication doesnt publish something like 'We are all Chinese now' or 'We are all Confucian now'.. or 'We shall all worship Chairman Mao and slaughter Tibetans now' ????

11/30/2009 5:51:45 PM
Last month, the influential American magazine NEWSWEEK published an article 'We are all Hindus now'.
It was a clear admission that Hinduism is the best religion, culture and civilization .. superior to all others.. and most Americans see it that way: here is the link:

America is the dearest friend of India. Together, Americans and Hindus rill rule the world as brothers.


11/30/2009 5:43:56 PM
America will not mind even if India overtakes the USA, because being overtaken by a fellow democracy is ok. AMericans dotn like China because it is a vicious authoritarian dictatorship. It's all about human rights and dignity, not power or competition. America and India are partners cuz they both stand for the best ideals and values.

N Deshpande

11/30/2009 5:36:49 PM
pebble, you hit a home run! when India is strong enough to challenge the US, I am sure it will be demonized with some interesting excuses. no offense to my Indian buddies, that's the truth. i am sure all of the indian elites know what i am talking about. US just wants to use it to battle and contain China. i am sure Indian elites know how to leverage the US to the best of its own interests.

Arthur V Z
11/30/2009 5:34:37 PM
Go, PM Harper!! Canadians know you will make us proud. The best man for the job by light years!

11/30/2009 4:53:11 PM
Of course India has better (the best) human rights record: because in India: only Brahmins are considered human and enjoy the best human rights, everyone else is just sub-human.

11/30/2009 4:48:41 PM
"But if India's civilian nuclear future has potential, China's is seemingly limitless: six of the 10 nuclear reactor construction projects that got under way this year worldwide were in China. "

So why no nuclear deals with China on this trip then? The reason as far as I know, is because the Candu technology is a bit out dated. Now the new nuclear power plants in China are built with Japanese, French and the US technologies.

11/30/2009 4:25:07 PM
That's why Conservatives always crtiticize Chinese human rights record, but doesnt say a word about India. He knows INDIA is number one in the world.

11/30/2009 4:23:42 PM
Uh, no CHINA is far far behind India. Those 'alpha cities' like Beijing were built with slave labor and by driving out peasants. Poor quality skyscrapers buit with slave labor will collapse in a few years.
INDIA on the other hand has superior human rights record to any nation on Earth. Why, just last week I was reading abotu how Europe treats their gypsie population, and how Canadina Catholic church raped thousands of natives in residential schools.
INDIA has a better human rights record even compared to democracies like Canada and Europe, and China?? hahaha, not even on the same planet!
Naresh Deshpande

China acts.
India talks.

A hit with India, Harper looks to charm China - The Globe and Mail.png




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