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[科技] 【连线20130130】悲剧:美国的猫咪吃掉了250亿只小鸟和小型哺乳动物 lilyma06 2013-1-31 17:27 12174 驴驹 2013-1-31 19:29
[科技] 【10.1.6 BBC】US company sues China for Green Dam 'code theft' attach_img 連長 2010-1-8 00:53 1818 wangyf315 2010-1-8 01:03
[科技] 【2010.4.14 LiveScience】What Was Different About China's Quake? attach_img agree rhapsody 2010-4-17 16:23 1851 qingweifeng 2010-4-17 16:45
[科技] 【11.1.6 CNN】有关中国J 20的报道(评论数在半天内超过3000条)Is China closer than thought to matching attach_img 連長 2011-1-7 04:07 61684 連長 2011-1-7 18:54
[科技] 【2010.9.11 纽约时报】China Explores a Frontier 2 Miles Deep attach_img rhapsody 2010-9-12 20:27 3864 vertex 2010-9-16 00:22
[科技] 【10.09.03 科学】中国科研文化 attach_img realgen 2010-9-4 20:26 31232 rhapsody 2010-9-4 21:11
[科技] 【2009.10.15 popsci.com】Artificial Black Hole Created in Chinese Lab wolfromnorth 2010-11-27 10:28 11084 Jigong 2010-11-27 11:23
[科技] 祖宗的手机难道不被 trace? Researcher: iPhone Location Data Already Used By Cops attach_img agree diver18 2011-4-22 07:26 31206 下个月 2011-4-26 23:06
[科技] LulzSec 再下一城,连 CIA 都给 端了! attach_img diver18 2011-6-16 17:08 31104 scqx 2011-6-16 19:22
[科技] 【彭博社0216】小米iPhone手机战可能意味着3年的亏损 lilyma06 2012-2-16 10:35 32022 水清浅 2016-7-13 18:16
[科技] [CNN 2011.8.19] 德国官员:别用Facebook的“喜欢”按钮 attach_img Jigong 2011-8-21 01:00 4996 doraemonls 2011-11-17 10:53
[科技] 垄断,Google&Microsoft 都不是好鸟DOJ's Microsoft prosecutor: Google is a monopoly attach_img agree diver18 2011-4-1 13:17 2899 下个月 2011-4-1 15:42
[科技] 【2011.04.08 纽约时报】Chinese Warship May Be Nearly Ready attach_img 青蛙小王子 2011-4-8 22:28 4944 微博评论 2011-4-9 15:58
[科技] 【2011.04.26 卫报】China unveils rival to International Space Station attach_img 青蛙小王子 2011-4-27 15:48 21093 下个月 2011-4-27 21:29
[科技] iPhone 5,4S will be released August 24 sale on September 13 attach_img agree diver18 2011-5-23 13:00 21093 diver18 2011-5-23 14:26
[科技] 【2011.5.31 ScienceInsider】Bracing Tour of China Leaves E.U. Science Chief Impres rhapsody 2011-6-1 01:24 1835 Jigong 2011-6-1 06:13
[科技] CAN TWITTER BE MADE IN CHINA? attach_img agree diver18 2011-6-7 20:49 11028 矢量技术 2011-6-7 22:19
[科技] 嫦娥二号的火星新使命:Chang'e 2 To Lay Groundwork For Mars Missions attach_img agree diver18 2011-6-11 19:15 21041 sfgairh 2011-6-11 20:40
[科技] London police charge alleged LulzSec hacker attach_img diver18 2011-6-23 07:23 3987 diver18 2011-6-23 16:49
[科技] 【2011.8.15 Fortune】China: The next biotech superpower? rhapsody 2011-8-16 00:54 31025 doraemonls 2011-11-21 14:31
[科技] [BBC2012.01.05] X - 37B航天飞机“对中国从事"间谍"活动 attach_img Jigong 2012-1-5 22:18 51980 Jigong 2012-1-7 21:29
[科技] 【华尔街日报0313】下一个是百度?中国网络并购活动预热 lilyma06 2012-3-14 13:23 21263 lilyma06 2012-3-16 16:35
[科技] Jade Rabbit from dead to life by major media attach_img agree 已注册会员 2014-2-14 08:26 1593 gangzi 2014-2-14 08:45
[科技] 【2010.8.2 德国《时代》周报】Indien, China und die Emirate wollen Blackberrys überwachen attach_img rhapsody 2010-8-2 23:05 1672 yqh 2010-8-7 13:15
[科技] 【2010.9.10 SPACE.com】China's Next Moon Probe to Be Faster, Better Than First attach_img rhapsody 2010-9-12 12:57 1797 m122320056 2010-9-13 22:57
[科技] 【11.1.1 华盛顿邮报】Chinese stealth fighter makes first test flight attach_img agree derrick6925 2011-1-11 15:42 1975 中华314 2011-1-11 16:33
[科技] 【2011.05.06 詹姆斯敦】An Initial Assessment of China's J-20 Stealth Fighter attach_img 青蛙小王子 2011-5-11 22:02 21228 矢量技术 2011-5-11 23:02
[科技] LulzSec(2): Latest Hack Shows Sony Didn't Plug Holes attach_img agree diver18 2011-6-6 07:48 1942 王舰5817 2011-6-6 10:21
[科技] 【PCworld0215】iPad3可能在中国面临被禁 lilyma06 2012-2-15 16:20 1992 ghtqbr 2012-2-15 16:42
[科技] 【2011.09.29德国镜周刊】China startet seinen "Himmelspalast" happyxiaomai 2011-9-30 03:21 1976 happyxiaomai 2011-9-30 03:21
[科技] 【基箴报11.24】中国允许开放进入清洁能源市场 lilyma06 2011-11-25 15:49 1843 boballenlin 2011-11-25 19:57
[科技] 【福克斯新闻0130】苹果公司全力应付“中国问题” lilyma06 2012-1-31 09:29 11106 Lesley 2012-1-31 14:04
[科技] 【AP】French doctors say ex-Gitmo inmate is OK attach_img magicboy 2009-5-17 05:25 0737 magicboy 2009-5-17 05:25
[科技] 【Deccan Herald】This piggyback ride is no fun attach_img magicboy 2009-5-17 05:30 0767 magicboy 2009-5-17 05:30
[科技] 【AP】Swine flu closes more NYC schools, spreads in Asia attach_img magicboy 2009-5-17 05:37 0662 magicboy 2009-5-17 05:37
[科技] 【AFP】Toddler contracts bird flu attach_img magicboy 2009-5-17 05:40 0722 magicboy 2009-5-17 05:40
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