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[经济] 【The Age】又见老相识Garnaut:China crisis puts heat on PM

发表于 2009-7-9 22:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 vivicat 于 2009-7-11 15:22 编辑

China crisis puts heat on PM

Kevin Rudd, in Italy for the G8 summit, has called for ``sensitivity and good judgment'' over the detention of Rio executives in China. Photo: Penny Bradfield

John Garnaut, Shanghai, and Paola Totaro, Rome
July 10, 2009

AUSTRALIA is facing a major crisis in relations with China after Beijing yesterday dug in over its detention of four employees of mining giant Rio Tinto, saying it had evidence they had stolen state secrets.

Four days after Australian iron ore sales executive Stern Hu and three Chinese colleagues were taken into custody, the precise nature of any charges against them and their whereabouts remained a mystery.

But in an ominous signal from Beijing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang yesterday made no concession to outside demands for their release.

"Competent authorities have sufficient evidence to prove that they have stolen state secrets and have caused huge loss to China's economic interest and security," he said.

He warned Australia against making a big issue of it. "It's improper to exaggerate this individual case or even politicise it, which will be no good to Australia," Mr Qin said.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, facing potentially his biggest diplomatic challenge since taking office, said "sensitivity and good judgment" were needed in trying to help Mr Hu.

But Liberal leader Malcolm Turnbull turned up the heat, saying the Government was not being tough enough. He called on Mr Rudd to phone Chinese President Hu Jintao to demand justice for Mr Hu.

As the tensions rose, Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said he had received confirmation from Beijing that Australian consular officials would finally get access to Mr Hu today.

This came after the Government called in the acting Chinese ambassador in Canberra, Hong Liang, to express concern over Mr Hu's welfare and to seek consular access.

The perhaps unprecedented action by Chinese authorities against a senior executive of a multinational company has ignited explosive debates in China and abroad.

As steel industry executives defended Mr Hu's reputation, "angry youth" on the internet called him a "traitor" and "running dog" for allegedly selling out Chinese interests.

Late yesterday, Mr Hu's wife and adult son, both living in Shanghai, had not been told where or on what grounds he was being held.

The Shanghai State Security Bureau, which arrested the Rio executives on Sunday, has previously held foreign suspects for up to three months in the five-star Jinjiang Hotel and, more frequently, in the basement of its headquarters.

The Rio arrests have prompted speculation that they may be linked to the strained iron ore pricing negotiations or the miner's decision to walk away from a $US19.5 billion tie up with state-owned Chinalco. Both the Chinese Steel Association and Chinalco have denied involvement in the arrests.

Chinese media yesterday linked Mr Hu's arrest to the parallel disappearance of an executive at Shougang steel, Tan Yixin, who reportedly met Mr Hu for iron ore price talks in April.

Professor Yu Ping, an expert on Chinese criminal procedure, said Mr Hu was likely to face charges of stealing state secrets "not for international organisations" under China's Criminal Law, which carries a penalty of up to seven years' jail.

Without knowing the facts of the case, Professor Yu said the circumstances suggested Mr Hu's case was very serious. "You have to assume that detaining Mr Hu is a calculated decision knowing full well the international political sensitivities," he said. "My feeling is that the State Security must think it has suitable evidence in hand."

Speaking in Italy before the G8 summit, Mr Rudd said it was imperative that diplomatic processes be allowed to unfold without political intervention.

Australian officials would proceed "with great sensitivity, systematically and on the best possible advice", Mr Rudd said.

"The key thing is not for politicians like Mr Turnbull to begin to try and politicise an issue like this but, rather, let's just get on with the practical business of working with a very difficult case on the ground in China," he said.

But a former intelligence analyst warned that the Australian Government had no channels to deal directly with the powerful and impenetrable Chinese spy agency that detained the Rio executives.

"Canberra will have to go through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that's all there is to it," said Richard Rigby, head of the China Institute at the Australian National University and a former analyst at the Office of National Assessments.

In the bureaucratic pecking order in China, Foreign Affairs has little discretion or power when dealing with security issues. Some official sources involved in the predicament of Mr Hu and his three Chinese colleagues — Liu Caikui, Wang Yong and Ge Mingqiang — say the fact the investigation has got this far shows the Australian Government has lost political traction with Beijing.

Mr Turnbull said the Chinese should either release Mr Hu or charge him. "Holding somebody in detention without any charge is completely and utterly unacceptable," he said. "This is absolutely outrageous treatment of an Australian citizen.

"This should be the number one priority on Mr Rudd's agenda today. He should be on the phone to the Chinese leaders demanding that justice be done to this fellow Australian in China," Mr Turnbull said.

But he refused to be drawn on comments by Nationals Senate leader Barnaby Joyce, who said the Chinese action "reeks of retribution" for the failure of the proposed deal between Rio Tinto and Chinalco.

"It's a clarion call that state-owned organisations are merely arms of the Chinese Government," Senator Joyce said. "When do tough negotiations come to be deemed espionage and spying? I imagine it's when they don't get their own way."


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