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[政治] 【BBC 09.9.5】Police patrol after China unrest

发表于 2009-9-5 20:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Police patrol after China unrest                                http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8239432.stm
Riot police have been deployed again on the streets of the westernChinese city of Urumqi, to try to prevent further protests over a spateof stabbings.

Police are stationed on the streets of Urumqi to prevent further protests

Several roads have been blocked to cars after days of demonstrationsby thousands of residents from the majority Han Chinese community.

The biggest protests about the syringe stabbings were on Thursday when five people died and 14 were injured.

Local officials have blamed Uighur Muslim separatists for the attacks.

They accused them of trying to damage ethnic unity.

China's top security official, Meng Jianzhu, has arrived in the city to try to restore order.

Onhis arrival he was quoted by state-run news agency Xinhua as saying thesyringe attacks were a continuation of the July unrest in which 200people - mostly Han Chinese - were killed in ethnic riots.

ZhangHong, vice-mayor of Urumqi, confirmed to reporters that there had beencasualties in the latest unrest, but did not explain how they died.

"OnThursday, 14 people were injured and sent to hospital and five peoplewere killed in the incidents including two innocent people," he said.

Xinjiang'spopulation is evenly split between Uighurs and Han Chinese - thecountry's majority ethnic group. But Hans make up three-quarters ofUrumqi's population.

Tension between Xinjiang's Uighur and Hancommunities has been simmering for many years, but July's ethnic unrestwas the worst in China for decades.

It began when crowds ofUighurs took the streets to protest about mistreatment - but theirrally spiralled out of control and days of violent clashes followed.




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