【中文标题】阿凡达之道—为什么中华人民共和国现在不能拍出这样的电影 【原文标题】 【刊载媒体】 【原文库链接】 【翻译方式】人工 【译者】qljshsy 【声明】本翻译供Anti-CNN使用,未经AC或译者许可,不可转载。 【译文】 ================= 版主注:请楼主提供准确的原文链接,pm版主,谢谢!请各位网友遵循【外媒传真】的版规发帖,方便网友看帖,谢谢! =================
译者注:说点题外话,这是美国一个有关“老子(道德经)”的网站里的一篇帖子,虽然说的是文化,但根子上还是政治。 我觉得老外不一定就是对中国有敌意,他们的文化氛围(或基因)决定他们必定如此思考,我们在读到这些文章的时候,重要的是思考,而不仅仅是愤怒。不管怎么样,只要做到以我为主,批判吸收,就不会有问题。不仅如此,还可以让我们审视过去,思考未来。 与各位朋友共勉!
We saw Avatar last night (I know, I've beenon a movie kick of late...). It was visuallystunning. The story was unremarkable: a melodramatic morality tale(the good guy wins in the end!). But it did have a couple of Taoistelements, which were no doubt quite consciously incorporated into the story. 我们昨天晚上观看了电影《阿拉达》(实话说,我是对电影有点迟钝的人)。这可真是一场视觉盛宴。电影的故事情节很一般:一个道德情节剧(好人最后赢得胜利)。但无疑故事里有意的采纳了几点道教的元素。
First is the indirect invocation of Qi(Ch'i). In the movie, the planet of Pandora is, as the SigorneyWeaver character says, a complex, organic network of energy. Everythingis interconnected and a life's-force energy flows through and aroundall. That is pretty much the notion of Qi. Now, strictlyspeaking, this is not just a Taoist concept but something more general inChinese culture. Confucius and Mencius both mentionQi. But the notion of Qi as a broader natural force, which humansmust learn to live with and through, is very much a part of Taoism, in both itsphilosophical and religious forms. In the film, the indigenouspeople are able to flow with Qi to such an extent that they can use it as arestorative and healing force. This is the essence of Chinese medicine (whichowes much to Taoism): working with the flow of Qi to gain maximum physicalhealth. 首先,道教元素的第一点就在于电影里的祷文中间接提到了的气。电影里,潘多拉星球是一个如西格妮•韦弗所说的,复杂的有机能量网络。所有的东西都相互联系,生命力能量到处流动,这一点非常类似于气的概念。严格的说,这不仅仅是道家的概念,而是中国文化中一个更一般的概念。孔子和孟子都曾提及过气。在电影里,外星本土的人民能够随着气移动,甚至能够用气来修复力量或滋补自己。而这正是中医的本质(从道教学说借用):通过气的流动而尽可能的强身健体。
The movie also embraces a notion of Tao (Way) that comes rather close to aTaoist understanding. The grand maternal spirit, said to encompassall things, is called upon at a critical juncture: the hero character asks itto intervene in the consummating battle. But he is told by hisindigenous lover that the grand maternal spirit does not take sides. Allinclusive but indifferent - sounds like the Tao Te Ching to me:
电影同时包含了道(或者说“路”)的概念,这种概念非常接近道教的理解。据说环绕所有物体的伟大的母性精神,会在一个一个关键的时刻被召唤。影片里的英雄角色在最后的战争中要求它介入战斗。但他的纳美族情人说grand maternal spirit并没有决定立场。所有的东西都包含了,但又有所不同,这正如道德经所告诉我们的。
Way is the mystery of these ten thousand things. It's a good person's treasure and an evil person'srefuge. Its beautiful words are bought and sole and its noble deedsare gifts enriching people. It never abandons even the evil among us. When the Son of Heaven is enthroned and the threedukes installed, parades with jade discs ans stately horses can't compare tositting still in Way's company. Isn't it said that the ancients exalted Way because init whatever we seek we find, and whatever seeks us we escape? No wonder it's exalted throughout all beneathheaven. (62) 道者,万物之注也,善人之葆也,不善人之所葆也。美言可以市尊,美行可以加人。人之不善,何弃之有?故立天子,置三公,虽有拱璧,以先驷马,不如坐进此道。古之所以贵此道者,何也?不曰求以得,有罪以免邪?故为天下贵。 (道德经第62章)
It turns out, in the film, that the grandmaternal spirit does intervene at the crucial moment, which suggests that Wayis not perfectly neutral but may tend in certain directions. This,to my mind, comes close to Chuang Tzu's notion of Way, which provides a kind ofliberating joy. Way "acts," it "governs," in amanner beyond human comprehension, but with a tendency to balance"evil" with "good." 在电影里, grand maternal spirit最终在关键时刻介入,这表明grand maternal spirit并不是完全中立的,而是有明确倾向性的。我认为,最接近卡梅隆的想法是这部电影提供了一种自由的快乐。道在行动,它以一种人类不理解的方式统治,带着一种平衡坏人与好人的倾向。
In any event, there are other more obviousTaoist themes: a pro-environmental message and an anti-militarist stance. Alltold, Pandora, the planet-utopia, is something of a Taoist ideal, which thegreedy earthling humans are destroying... 无论如何,还有其他明显的道教元素:环境保护信息、反战主义态度。总的来说,潘多拉这个乌托邦星球,是某种被贪婪的地球人毁掉的道教理念所系的东西。
I should also mention the name of themineral that fuels human greed:"unobtainium." Nice! The thing we desire themost is unobtainable. Again: an idea right out of the Tao TeChing... 我也注意到那种引起人类贪婪的矿物名字,unobtainium。好极了,我们最想要的东西总是难以得到的,而这正是道德经的一个思想。
Finally, let me comment on the Chinesereactions to the movie that Roland, over at ESWN, posts. Take thisresponse by film director Lu Chuan: 最后,让我们评论一下中国对《阿凡达》的观影体验。罗兰在ESWN贴出了中国导演陆川的反应: I felt as if I had goneback to my childhood and became a small boy full of dreams ... but the simplestory was flawless and the plot was very engrossing. <Avatar>let us know that we lack not only just in technology. Technology canbe acquired. <Avatar> let me realize how far our movies arefrom simple perfection; how far our movies are from crystal-clear purity; howfar our movies from passionate dreams; how far from genuine sincerity are wewho are embroiled in grim entanglements and dim vulgarity! We oughtto ashamed in the face of the purity of <Avatar>. This is acomplete defeat that we Chinese filmmakers must collectively witness andconcede. 我好像变成一个小孩,又回到了充满梦想的童年….,但是简单的故事毫无问题,剧情非常有趣。《阿凡达》告诉我们所缺少的不是技术,因为技术是可以获取的。阿凡达让我意识到,我们电影的情怀和简单的美好距离有多远;我们和清澈的纯真距离有多远;我们和炙热的梦想距离有多远;一直在扭曲阴暗扯淡的纠结的庸俗中奔走狂欢的我们,距离到真诚,还有多远!面对《阿凡达》的纯净,我们应该羞愧。这是我们中国电影人要集体目睹的,集体服气的一次完败。
This strikes me as an overreaction, but onewith a kernel of truth. I suspect that Chinese filmmakers willembrace and expand upon the technology of Avatar with littletrouble. And certain kinds of storytelling, especially melodrama,are very much a part of the Chinese cinematic repertoire. Butsomething that distinguishes Avatar, and makes it unlikely to be reproduced inChinese film making any time soon, is its critical nature. 我觉得这是一个过度的反应,却有一定的真实性。我猜想中国电影人将会积极使用甚至发展《阿凡达》应用的电影技术,这种故事叙述,特别是情节剧,是中国电影常用的拍摄套路。但是,使《阿凡达》不同于其他电影,并区别于中国电影的是他关键的本质。
The film is a direct assault on Americanmodernity in general and the Bush administration moreparticularly. Yes, the critiques lapse into caricatures - the evilmilitary man crying out that we must "fight terrorism with terrorism"and launch a preemptive attack (Dick Cheney is clearly the model here) - butthey are critiques nonetheless. And such obvious criticisms of specificpolitical authorities and broader historical trends are just not possible inthe PRC, given the political sensitivities of the CCP and the power of statecensors. Even though ideological policing has relaxed significantlysince the Maoist period, it is still constricting enough to prevent moviestories like Avatar.
If China wants to make movies like Avatar,the powers that be will have to press further with a famous Deng Xiaoping line:liberate thought - 解放思想. Or, as Wen Jiabaosaid in 2008: "We have to free the minds of everyone,particularly of leaders, so that everyone can have independent thought,critical thinking and innovation capabilities"... 如果中国想要拍摄出像《阿凡达》这样的电影,掌权者必须更加遵从邓小平的观点:解放思想。或者说遵从温家宝2008年说过的话:“我们必须解放思想,特别是我们的领导同志,每个人要有独立思考,批判性思维和创新能力。….” |