



楼主: 空气稀薄


发表于 2010-1-17 07:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-17 13:15 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-1-17 14:45 | 显示全部楼层
13 Jan 2010, 8:18AM
This comment has been removed by a moderator. Replies may also be deleted.
这条记录已经被监察员删除。恢复也被删除。paradisehere 发表于 2010-1-14 00:04

Replies 应为“回复(的帖子)”,而不是“恢复”吧。虽然我英语六级都没过。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-17 16:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 d_bubble 于 2010-1-17 16:10 编辑


Guest pullout possible?
If you think you can do it, just do it.
No nonsense.
asking for pity?
2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse Guest

Brazilian practitioners of Falun Dafa (Falun Gong), the system that has
been prosecuted by China`s PCC since 1999, have been trying to show to
the world what has been happening to the Chinese practioners. As
Google is a name that has been served as a bridge between China and
free countries, we ask you why not insist in the position you have
already conquered together with other companies that work in the media
market in China. And I also ask you: without you and the other 20
companies you mentioned, how will the world know what really happens
to Chinese people? And not only what happens to Falun Gong
practitioners. Please, do not give up. You are a very important and
respected company that will be more respectable if you and the other
20 companies that have been highly attacked, join forces and find the
way to insist in maintaining the position all you have already achieved.
Also, have you thought how the world will consider the steps you will
have to take to maintain the position you have already conquered? If
you need Chinese materials to help you to take your decisions, please
feel free to contact us. We are sure that you will feel strong enough
to find the correct way. Also, through everything we have noticed, we
have also understood that the correct way is to join forces. Have you
already listened about Dr.David Matas? Have you heard about recent
Argentine lawyer´s process sent to Argentine´s Government? What we
have being doing is very important and consistent, but nothing will be
brought about without media. And everything we need is the position
and the work you do. Please do not give up! The world needs your work
in China and all over the world!
Thank you!
rutheli less
2 days ago | Like (1) | Report abuse Guest
巴西的法**练习者从1999年起就一直被中国的pccms政治协商会——泡起诉。他们一直想告诉世界中国的法**练习者发生了什么。Google一直都是中国和自由国家的桥梁。我们问你,你已经和其他公司在中国媒体市场赢得了一定的地位,为什么不坚持下去。我再问你:没有了你们和你们所提及的其他20个公司,世界怎么知道中国人民真正发生了什么?不仅仅是练法**的人。我想骂人,我居然被轮子代表了,囧——泡请不要放弃。你们是非常重要和受人尊敬的公司。如果你们和其他20个遭到高度攻击的公司一起,齐心协力,想方设法继续保住你们已经赢得的地位,你们将更受尊敬。如果你需要中国的物资来帮助你们做决定,欢迎和我们联系。(这个是沆瀣一气吗?无语了……——泡我们相信你们会足够坚强的选择一条正确路。另外,通过我们对一切事情的观察,我们明白正确方法就是要齐心协力。你们有听到Dr.David Matas的话吗?你们听说了最近阿根廷的律师应经给阿根廷政府发去了诉讼的事情了吗?(这是个什么事情——泡我们的所做的事情是非常重要和坚持不懈的,但是如果没有媒体的支持,我们将一事无成。我们需要你们现在所做工作的和所在的位子。请不要放弃!世界需要你们在中国和全世界的工作。


Guest personally I applaud google for its effort to collect knowledge, if they are scanning books in china I mean come on...Ive gotten ripped on Ebay before, it that even something worth mentioning when you were the subject of an attack like this? I bet the Chinease govt. will allow uncensored results...
2 days ago | Like (4) | Report abuse midlights

DS21 And how many more incidents will it take before the world does something about China's computer attacks? Appeasement didn't work so well for World War II.
3 days ago | Like (3) | Report abuse




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发表于 2010-1-17 17:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-17 18:04 | 显示全部楼层
再翻译几个cnn:Google vs. China: Free speech, finances or both?后的评论

I was in China and I can attest to the heavy monitoring via the Internet and telephone. I wanted to take a side trip to Tibet but needed some info and guess what happened when I attempted to Google it? I was booted and I no longer had internet access at the hotel where I was staying. I was also give ...more
I was in China and I can attest to the heavy monitoring via the Internet and telephone. I wanted to take a side trip to Tibet but needed some info and guess what happened when I attempted to Google it? I was booted and I no longer had internet access at the hotel where I was staying. I was also given a stern look by the business room attendant. I say Google needs to stand its ground... I guess this sounds a lot like a replay of Tianamen Square when the young man stood in front of the tank. There will eventually be lots of change in China, but not so sure that Google will win...not this time... less
5 hours ago | Like (4) | Report abuse

I hope this article and the comment post here by all so far monitor by either Google or US administration, and understand the what Chinese think about US and the US company, Further I like to suggest that lat ban all finish good import from China, only semi-finish good allowed to import and ask them ...more
I hope this article and the comment post here by all so far monitor by either Google or US administration, and understand the what Chinese think about US and the US company,
Further I like to suggest that lat ban all finish good import from China, only semi-finish good allowed to import and ask them to convert finish good here in US land, then they will understand the mind of people of US, and same time it will create the job which every body from President to common man want and Chinese and Chinese government will have lessen, if US plug out from there economy then what would happen to them. less
17 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
Guest I hope Chinese government can be more tough than what they are now. We should stop buying US T-bond and T-Bill. Do whatever to escalate US's financial storm, since US's economy sucks! Why should we loan money to them?
15 hours ago | Like (6) | Report abuse Guest
Guest Dear Guest, a worse situation (saction) has happened for China less than 20 years ago and Chinese knew how to deal with it. If you'd prefer a new round, feel free to go for it. But this time, maybe you want to check "what happens to us" first. :)
16 hours ago | Like | Report abuse
First:Most of American always said chinese is not freedom,Whther American is freedom? I don't think so.Who has the power and control the American, I think it should be Bank and only a few people; American goverment cost many money to war , and many people died in the war.Second: Googel said google w ...more
First:Most of American always said chinese is not freedom,Whther American is freedom? I don't think so.
Who has the power and control the American, I think it should be Bank and only a few people; American goverment cost many money to war , and many people died in the war.
Second: Googel said google will leave for freedom, do you childishly think it is right? I really don't think it is ture: The most company in china can earn more money but googel can't. In others way, Bussiness company should observe the local law not political. Micro said that it is incorrect for googel's done but not leave from china too, Because Micro can earn more money from china. The reason about googel 's leave the most important things is that googel can't eran more money But not otheres. less
1 day ago | Like (19) | Report abuse
Guest Cindy1234, money is not everything, but it is more important than most things.
If Google's China operation can take up 20% of revenue rather than 1%, I bet you Google will Kowto to China.
14 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse Cindy1234
Cindy1234 Not everything is about money. Freedom of speech, trust in your partner, is important too. China broke the trust... so Google says bye-bye. Makes sense to me, maybe not to you. Maybe, money is everything to you and you see the world no other way. And that's fine too. We agree to disagree.
1 day ago | Like (7) | Report abuse
Guest I was going to make a comment on American true "freedom", but it says "Your comment must be approved by a moderator before appearing here.", so is that freedom or censorship??? American fellows!
1 day ago | Like (8) | Report abuse




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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-17 18:16 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3# skywing
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发表于 2010-1-17 18:31 | 显示全部楼层
2 l5 Z' Y1 V; M! U求真务实 理性交流Portland, Oregon - 俄勒冈州
9 o/ }$ N9 t% x7 P! S9 p. d; L" qbbs.m4.cn$ C4 B* {: g! \# x0 w  q6 p
Go Google!!! Our government may not be able to stand up to the Chinese and support and protect the rights of the Chinese people maybe Google has the guts./ `/ v3 f$ J  S0 c8 R: R

( w8 i8 o1 h9 y$ G( B为谷歌喝彩!!我们政府或许无法反抗中国和保护中国人民的人权,但是谷歌有这胆。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-17 19:21 | 显示全部楼层
英国卫报Google strikes a blow to China's Great Firewall后的评论,英国人的评论要严肃认真的多

13 Jan 2010, 7:45AM
'course over here, the government doesn't have to hack accounts, it just passes laws obliging ISPs to hand over any information they might want.
13 Jan 2010, 8:15AM
Nice to see a company exhibiting a bit of spine and standing up to the Chinese authorities and their revolting behaviour, even if it's a company flush enough not to have to worry to much about the economic impact.

13 Jan 2010, 8:23AM
China is trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube and it will fail. No modern economy can seriously expect to deprive its citizens of the free flow of information, and having access to that information is actually a source of competitive advantage.
King Canute sat on that beach to demonstrate to his impressionable citizens that he could not turn back the tide.
Best of luck getting your own site reinstated Jeremy.
King Canute坐在沙滩上来向他敏感的公民证明,他无法阻挡潮汐。

13 Jan 2010, 8:33AM
I'd rather be outside the wall and free than inside it with the icy hand of the censor around my throat.
Now you know why Taiwan has no intention of ever being ruled from Beijing. Nothing touched by that icy hand can ever truly be successful, except lies.




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发表于 2010-1-17 19:49 | 显示全部楼层
google把台湾后面的“Province of China“ 抹去后,就改用百度了,好像也没什么不方便。
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发表于 2010-1-22 01:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-22 16:51 | 显示全部楼层
why not simply do what we used to do and tax imports from China up the wazzu. Oh wait, they own us...damn.

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发表于 2010-1-22 18:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-1-22 19:15 | 显示全部楼层
cofy 发表于 2010-1-22 01:23

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发表于 2010-1-22 20:02 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 babibaby2008 于 2010-1-22 20:04 编辑

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