



楼主: paulaohua

[音乐] ★★★金属梦幻系列★★★(狗尾续貂版)

 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-22 16:29 | 显示全部楼层
239.Diabolical Figures

出自Graveworm 2009年专缉<Diabolical Figures>.

I’m still awake
But I don’t feel alive
Feel my hate
And wait for me to die
(To die)

I wanna see your bleed
Just kill your name
I steel your life
Still remains a lie

Torture, let the killing begins
Blinded, stand in the falling blood
Illusions, through a tunnel of madness
Forever, diabolical figures

Terror will reign
There’s nothing left to claim
I will take your breath
Until you go insane
(Go insane)

I’ll destroy your life
Death will be your final call
Just like a storm
Crushed the humankind

Hear, motherfuckers

Rage of figures, the end is near
Born to die, have no pride
Reign of terror, this is war
Hopeless and rentless, souls left behind
Blood, fire, death
The earth is losing
Diabolical figures arise

You want to seek revenge
But you don’t have the tools
I join the feast
And kill what burns inside
(Burns inside)

Realize the fear
When it’s too late to go
Don’t believe the mask
Have to play the victim game

Torture, let the killing begins
Blinded, stand in the falling blood
Illusions, through a tunnel of madness
Forever, diabolical figures

I feel the fear takes hold
Lies made sense somehow
I will destroy your life
That’s the will to kill
(To kill)

Nothing gonna stop me now
All your hope is gone
Will you ever understand?
Living on your knees

Rage of figures, the end is near
Born to die, have no pride
Reign of terror, this is war
Hopeless and rentless, souls left behind
Blood, fire, death
The earth is losing
Diabolical figures arise
Diabolical figures
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-24 12:04 | 显示全部楼层


Crematory是怎么诞生的呢?Crematory随后发展成为德国最重要的音乐团体是这样开始的:主唱Felix和贝司手Marc创建了乐队,一年后他们发行了他们的第一张DEMO专辑:“The Light Of Day”,这张样带得到了媒体特别是乐迷的强烈反响!样带不仅仅在德国卖得好,而且在海外得到巨大广泛的赞誉并且卖了1500张!!这时他们也首次和唱片厂牌取得联系。

Crematory在德国的几次音乐会后,他们传奇的DEMO专辑的客串键盘手Katrin几次完整而成功的融入到乐队的演出致使他成为了乐队的正式成员。1992年11月乐队签约“Massacre Records”公司,这是每个乐队的第一个梦,非常顺利,他们实现了,1993年1月他们开始录制他们的第一张正式专辑“Transmigration”(轮回)。5月,新贝司手Heinz 在“Commusication”录音室录制他们的专辑时加入到乐队。专辑发行后反响非常好!并确立了一大批几个杂志的忠实读者。专辑的成功使乐队在1993年11月成为和“My Dying Bride”巡演的角色。一个取得显著成就的新乐队!1993年9月,乐队巡演之前,Heinz被他的一个老朋友Harald替代,他们过去就在一起玩音乐。

1994年1月, Crematory接下来开始录制他们的唱片“...Just Dreaming”,最终“...Just Dreaming”在1994年3月发行,专辑首次显示了他们音乐的高起点。特别是专辑里德式元素的迭加获得了巨大的成功!这张专辑也在相当长的一个时期里确立了乐队在杂志读者心中的地位,它显示了Crematory乐队不凡的影响而拥有了相当多热爱他们的乐迷。

1994年3月,专辑里的“Shadows Of Mine” 和“In My Hands”歌曲同时也制作成了videos在MTV 和 VIVA台里轮番播映。在4月和9月期间,Crematory乐队受几个俱乐部之邀辅助Tiamat和Atrocity乐队的演出活动。

他们的第三张专辑“Illusions”(幻影)在1995年9月发行。1996年5月 Crematory乐队的同名德语抒情诗专辑“ Crematory”被发行,专辑里的歌曲的现场录像也被制成MTV 在德国、荷兰和比利时的各种音乐节目中播映。随后Crematory乐队创立了自己的音乐公司:(CRC- Crematory′ s Record Company)。在与Massacre Records公司合约满了后,他们找到了Nuclear Blast公司的一个合伙人,以自己公司名义发行了专辑:“Awake”,这张专辑带给乐队一个未知的高度。

Crematory乐队创造了一种灿烂的旋律化的歌特金属,他们的专辑“Awake”进入德国专辑排行榜第54位,其中歌曲“Temple Of Love”注定成为一首热门歌曲,Crematory乐队狂热的乐迷和报刊杂志的极高评价使他们成为歌特金属领导者的地位。
Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/161348/&gt;

240. Tears Of Time

出自Crematory 1995年专缉<Illusions>.

Tears Of Time - Lost In Light
Tears Of Time - Found In The Self
Deny Your Equals
Destroy The Testimony Of Day Past
The Door Of Damnation Open
Reason As Goal
Destroy The Beast In Your Thoughts -
Like The Dust In Your Hands

Like The Dust In Your Hands - Like The Dust In Your Hands

Tears Of Time - Lost In Light
Tears Of Time - Just An Illusion
Tears Of Time - Lost In Light
Tears Of Time - Just An Illusion

Like The Dust In Your Hands - Like The Dust In Your Hands

The Call Of The Wind Fades Away In Your Dreams
People Who Once Believed In You
Friends Who Trusted You
The Sorce Of Life Evaporates
Many Emotions Left Behind
Your Dust Blown Away By The Wind
Many Tears Sown In Your Dreams
Like The Dust In Your Hands

Tears Of Time - Lost In Light
Tears Of Time - Just An Illusion
Tears Of Time - Lost In Light
Tears Of Time - Just An Illusion

Tears Of Time - Tears Of Time
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-25 09:20 | 显示全部楼层
241.Where Will You Go

出自Evanescence 1998年的EP<Evanescence>.

You're too important for anyone
You play the role of all you want to be
But I, I know who you really are
You're the one who cries when you're alone
But where will you go
With no one left to save you from yourself
You can't escape
You can't escape
You think that I can't see right through your eyes
Scared to death to face reality
No one seems to hear your hidden cries
You're left to face yourself alone
But where will you go
With no one left to save you from yourself
You can't escape the truth
I realize you're afraid
But you can't abandon everyone
You can't escape
You don't want to escape
I'm so sick of speaking words that no one understands
Is it clear enough that you can't live your whole life all alone
I can hear you in a whisper
But you can't even hear me screaming
Where will you go
With no one left to save you from yourself
You can't escape the truth
I realize you're afraid
But you can't reject the whole world
You can't escape
You won't escape
You can't escape
You don't want to escape
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-25 09:26 | 显示全部楼层
Krypteria原本只是几个音乐人用来挑战梦想的短线组合,最后却成为筑梦踏实的最佳样板。80年代末期三个喜欢Kiss、Judas Priest 、Queensryche的德国青年合组一支乐队,虽然没有闯出一番名堂,亦无了不起的作品问市,但是三人在音乐相关产业的工作,却都尚称顺遂。S.C. “Kuschi” Kuschernus(鼓手)在剧院中工作,Christoph Siemons(吉他手)与Frank Stumvoll(贝斯手)均为音乐制作人,其中Christoph在德国科隆与荷兰马斯垂克两地分别主修吉他,毕业后他进入电视产业并拥有自己的制作公司。敏锐的音乐直觉为他赢得不少奖项肯定,并在当地音乐圈占有一席之地。然而三人从未忘却对80年代金属音乐的喜爱,年少时的音乐梦想也始终燃烧着。2003年他们以Krypteria为名,构思出一个奇幻音乐史诗作品,这个以爱情故事为主轴的音乐企划,最后在众多乐手客串助阵下以双CD的型式发行。

其中单曲被德国多个电视台选用,最后甚至成为援助南亚大海啸专题的衬乐,这首单曲在2004年12月顺势夺下德国单曲排行榜季军。意料之外的佳绩,促成Krypteria从短期音乐企划转型为正式乐队,在前女主唱离开后,在科隆大学主修声乐与钢琴的韩籍女主唱Ji-In Cho正式加入。他们于2005年发表了《In Medias Res》,顺利登上南韩国际摇滚排行的冠军宝座,接二连三的出色表现,让Deep Purple邀请Krypteria担任德国巡回演出的开场乐队。
Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/2741217/&gt;

242.Going My Way

出自Krypteria 2005年专缉<In Medias Res>.

You promised that we'd stick together like glue
With me you'd even take a trip to the moon
I can't understand how a man makes such plans
Then dances the dance to a totally different tune

I'm out on my own now but i'll make it somehow
You just can't keep me down

I'm going my way,no matter what you say
It's about me baby come what may i'm going my way
Oh i'm going my way,better listen what i say
It's all about me baby come what may i'm going my way

Well i might have fallen but i tell you darling
That soon i'll be back on my feet
I sorted you out boy the ball's in your court now
Go find a way to make it up to me

I'm out on my own now but i'll make it somehow
You just can't keep me down

I'm going my way,no matter what you say
It's about me baby come what may i'm going my way
Oh i'm going my way,better listen what i say
It's all about baby come what may i'm going my way
I'm on my own now but i'll make it somehow
I'll go my own way,you can't keep holding on
Oh and try all my best,baby,i am here to stay
Cause i'm going my way

I'm going my way,no matter what you say
It's about me baby come what may i'm going my way
Oh i'm going my way,better listen what i say
It's all about baby come what may i'm going my way
I'm on my own now but i'll make it somehow
I'll go my own way,you can't keep holding on
Oh and try all my best,baby,i am here to stay
Cause i'm going my way
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-25 09:28 | 显示全部楼层
243.Victoriam Speramus

出自Krypteria 2005年专缉<In Medias Res>.

When all the lights go down
And when the final curtain falls
When there is nothing left to say

Eternity eventually will linger
Through abandoned halls
And leave us dark in disarray

The time has come for us
To almost serve the new day
Go down on bended knees and pray:

Victoriam speramus
Cantate tibi itam!
Concordiam optamus
Iuvate liberatem!

Victoriam speramus
Negate sub versorem!
Concordiam optamus nunc

One man’s piece of might
Might me another man’s despair
In these so enigmatic times

When some pray for redemptions
I hope they redeem themselve through prayer
To reach this all, this is your life (?)

The time has come for us
To almost serve the new day
Go down on bended knees and pray:

Victoriam speramus
Cantate tibi itam!
Concordiam optamus
Iuvate liberatem!

Victoriam speramus
Negate sub versorem!
Concordiam optamus nunc

The time has come for us
To almost serve the new day
Go down on bended knees and pray:

Victoriam speramus
Cantate tibi itam!
Concordiam optamus
Iuvate liberatem!

Victoriam speramus
Negate sub versorem!
Concordiam optamus
Victoriam speramus
Negate sub versorem!
Concordiam optamus nunc
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 09:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 paulaohua 于 2010-11-26 09:40 编辑

244.And Back To The Evil

出自Gate of Sorrow 2009年专缉<Enter Through The Gate>.

Gate of Sorrow这支来自捷克的金属乐队在哥特厄运风格的基础上融入了交响、氛围等元素,音乐沉重而大气,有着敦实厚重的鼓点,流畅优美的旋律和华丽的键盘演奏,高音女主唱表现得也很出色。
Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/2765909/&gt;


No no no
No one is breathing
No no no
No one is breathing
Breathing anymore
Breathing anymore

Be the one
Who can recognize
The right time
The rebirth of mine
No questions
No lies
I see it all
In your eyes

Forgive me my dying faith
Let’s count victims
Of mine let’s count them and
Please don’t let me
In this hate
Let’s count victims
Of mine let’s count them and
Take my soul there away
Let’s count victims
Of mine let’s count them and
Forget my name forever
Let’s count victims
Of mine let’s count them and

Black drops
Of poison
Get me
So down

And back to the evil
Broken faith
Making the last deal so…

Black drops
Of poison
Get me
So down

And back to the evil
Broken faith
Making the last deal so…

Be the one
Who can recognize
The right time
The rebirth of mine
No questions
No lies
I see it all
In your eyes

Be the one
Who can recognize
The right time
The rebirth of mine
No questions
No lies
I see it all
In your eyes
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-26 14:01 | 显示全部楼层
245.Paa Frossen Mark

出自Galar 2010年专缉<Til Alle Heimsens Endar>.

Galar是一支来自北欧挪威的维京金属乐队,组建于2004年,就在2005年他们发行了第一张试音碟(Demo),在试音碟发行后不久,A. B. Lauritzen(这可是一位具有清澈响亮的嗓音和具有熟练弹奏钢琴技巧的奇才)加入了这支乐队并给乐队注入了活力,从此开始了他们的传奇之旅。
Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/2810177/&gt;

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-27 09:13 | 显示全部楼层

出自Within Temptation 2004年专缉<The Silent Force>.

Lost in the darkness, hoping for a sign.
Instead there is only silence,
can't you hear my screams?
Never stop hoping,
Need to know where you are,
but one thing is for sure,
you're always in my heart.

I'll find you somewhere.
I'll keep on trying until my dying day.
I just need to know whatever happened,
the truth will free my soul.

Lost in the darkness, try to find your way home.
I want to embrace you and never let you go.
Almost hope you're in heaven so no one can hurt your soul.
Living in agony cause I just do not know
where you are.

Repeat chorus

Wherever you are, I won't stop searching.
Whatever it takes, I need to know.

Repeat chorus
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-27 09:17 | 显示全部楼层

出自Within Temptation 2004年专缉<The Silent Force>.


Sparkling angel I believed
You were my saviour in my time of need.
Blinded by faith I couldn't hear
All the whispers, the warnings so clear.
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door.
There's no escape now,
No mercy no more.
No remorse cause I still remember
The smile when you tore me apart.

You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke the promise and made me realise.
It was all just a lie.

Sparkling angel, I couldn't see
Your dark intentions, your feelings for me.
Fallen angel, tell me why?
What is the reason, the thorn in your eye?
I see the angels,
I'll lead them to your door
There's no escape now
No mercy no more
No remorse cause I still remember
The smile when you tore me apart

You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke the promise and made me realise.
It was all just a lie.
Could have been forever.
Now we have reached the end.

This world may have failed you,
It doesn't give you a reason why.
You could have chosen a different path in life.

The smile when you tore me apart.

You took my heart,
Deceived me right from the start.
You showed me dreams,
I wished they would turn into real.
You broke the promise and made me realise.
It was all just a lie.
Could have been forever.
Now we have reached the end.






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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-27 09:20 | 显示全部楼层

出自Within Temptation 2004年专缉<The Silent Force>.


The world seems not the same,
though I know nothing has changed.
It's all my state of mind,
I can't leave it all behind.
I have stand up to be stronger.

I have to try to break free
from the thoughts in my mind.
Use the time that I have,
I can't say goodbye,
have to make it right.
Have to fight, cause I know
in the end it's worthwhile,
that the pain that I feel slowly fades away.
It will be alright.

I know, should realise
time is precious, it is worthwhile
Despite how I feel inside,
have to trust it will be alright.
Have to stand up to be stronger.

Repeat chorus

Oh, this night is too long.
I have no strength to go on.
No more pain, I'm floating away.
Through the mist I see the face
of an angel, who calls my name.
I remember you're the reason I have to stay.

Repeat chorus
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-27 09:23 | 显示全部楼层
249.It's the Fear

出自Within Temptation 2004年专缉<The Silent Force>.


It waits for the day I will let it out.
To give it a reason, to give its might.

I fear who I am becoming,
I feel that I am losing the struggle within.
I can no longer restrain it,
my strength it is fading,
I have to give in.

It's the fear
Fear of the dark
It's growing inside of me,
that one day will come to life.
Have to save
To save my beloved,
there is no escape,
because my faith is horror and doom.

Hold down your head now,
just let me pass by.
Don't feed my fear,
if you don't want it out.

I fear who I am becoming,
I feel that I am losing all beauty within.
I can no longer restrain it,
my strength is fading.
I have to give in.

Repeat chorus

Long ago it came to me
and ever since that day,
infected with its rage
but it ends today.

Repeat chorus
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-27 09:24 | 显示全部楼层

出自Within Temptation 2004年专缉<The Silent Force>.

In this world you tried
not leaving me alone behind.
There's no other way.
I prayed to the gods let him stay.
The memories ease the pain inside,
now I know why.

All of my memories keep you near.
In silent moments imagine you here.
All of my memories keep you near.
Your silent whispers, silent tears.

Made me promise I'd try
to find my way back in this life.
I hope there is a way
to give me a sign you're ok.
Reminds me again it's worth it all
so I can go on.

Repeat chorus

Together in all these memories
I see your smile.
All the memories I hold dear.
Darling, you know I will love you
until the end of time.

Repeat chorus

All of my memories....
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-30 09:58 | 显示全部楼层
Cradle Of Filth
Cradle of Filth在1991年成立于英国,由主唱Dani Filth领军所组成的黑金属乐团。因为他们的装扮几乎都是吸血鬼的模样,所以有人称为吸血鬼派黑金属。Dani Filth利用特有尖高音式的黑腔搭配交响弦乐与阴暗气氛的背景,唱出高文学素质的歌词,影响许多后进黑金属乐团。
Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/2811842/&gt;

251.The 13th Caesar

出自Cradle of Filth 2008年专缉<Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder>.

When Joan was burnt
He knew malevolence
At the heart of all
A cold and jagged abyss bled of sense
The throne he earned
Through God's benevolence
Started his own fall
Clothing ragged dogma in his own magnificence

Here the stench, the gold events
The bold inventions of the will
Luxuries and splendours past the ken of mortal men
Every wanton bent desire went fulfilled

A Daemon sat upon the top of the world
Like a Herod over Genesis
They sang hosannas as his banners unfurled
Kissing terrors with paralysis

His brash canvas insulted the view
moving heaven and earth to please the
Tumultitudes, whom his strange retinue drew
To assert the thirteenth Caesar

The thirteenth Caesar
Ichor kicked inside his veins
The thirteenth Caesar
War was licked, for shame
The thirteenth Caesar
Sicker, but just as vain
The thirteenth Caesar
Gilles De Rais

When Joan was burnt
He knew malevolence
At the heart of all
He swore henceforth he would serve evil alone

Here the stench, the gold events
The insurrection of his will
Theatre and feasts past the ken of mortal men
Every wanton bent desire went fulfilled

A Daemon sat upon the top of the world
Like a Herod over genesis
They sang hosannas as his banners unfurled
Striking terror intro menaces

Suetonius and Ovid
Filled the moonstruck dreams
With the purple of Rome

His Venus of arena-blood was dead
And he was storming home
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-30 10:02 | 显示全部楼层
252.The Death of Love

出自Cradle Of Filth 2008年专缉<Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder>.

The Death Of Love
Cradle  Of  Filth

Where will you be when they tense for warfare?
What will you see with your innocence there?
Where will you be my darling?
Where will you be when they tense for warfare?

Where will you be when God is glorifying?
There we will be between the dead and dying
Where will you be my darling?
Where will you be when God is glorifying?

Prophecies and glory forge a massive disdain
For lying passive in the shadows whilst the enemy reigns
Devoted to the votive,holy standard above
‘By command of the king of Heaven’
Came the death of love

Where will you be when they’re vilifying?
How will they see when the truth is blinding?
Where will you be my darling?
Where will you be when they’re vilifying?

Where will you be when the dark is rising?
How will you keep from it’s terrorizing?
Where will you be my darling?
Where will you be when the dark is rising?

Burning was the sunset like a portent of doom
On the saintly iron maiden as she fell from her wound

But visions and ambition
Never listened to submission
And she was on a mission from the highest above
To Lord upon the slaughter
Like a sword through hissing water
She arose where archers sought her
For the death of love

The righteous death of love

Gilles adored her drama
Her suit of pure white armour
Blazed against the English in a torrent of light

And as they ralled onto night
A cancer fled his soul

Framed amid the thick of fire
Aflame,a Valkyrie
She made him click without desire
And in his eyes she swam a Goddess

And even when they caught her breath
Her words would leave a scar
‘For only in the grip of darkness
Will we shine amidst the brightest stars’

How will you breathe when their wheels are turning?
How will you know if the sky is burning?
Where will you be my darling?
How will you be when their wheels are turning?

Where will you be when Babel builds my fire?
当(他们)在巴别〈注2〉上堆砌柴火的时候你在哪里 ?
Will you not flee and label me pariah?
Where will you be my darling?
Where will you be when they light my pyre?

Aligned with Joan in all
That was enthroned and divine
He swore to score the crimes
Jackdaws poured on this dove
Crimes he knew alone
Derived from minds of the blind
The church unfurled for murder perched
Upon the death of love

Framed amid the thick of fire
Aflame,a Valkyrie
She claimed the skies were lit with spires
And in his eyes she swam a Goddess

And even when she fought for breath
Her words would leave a scar
‘For only in the grip of darkness
Will we shine amidst the brightest stars’

注1:Gilles de Rais和恩•德•梅兹(Jean de Metz)是和圣女贞德有关的两位历史人物,具体情况可以在百度查到。
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-6 13:36 | 显示全部楼层

1998年,奥地利著名新古典主义吉他手Lanvall与女主唱Sabine Edelsbacher以及贝司手Kurt Bednarsky共同组建了乐队最初的雏形,直到鼓手Roland Navratil加入后,EDENBRIDGE(伊甸之桥)最终确立。1999年,乐队录制了他们的首张专辑《Sunrise in Eden》,在这其中,Lanvall更是将自己非凡的创作力与演奏天赋发挥得淋漓尽致;而女主唱Sabine宛如天籁的歌喉令音乐充满了梦幻般的意境,悠扬、缥缈,如诗如画。正是这张极具潜力的作品使乐队获得了Massacre Records唱片公司的一纸合约。2000年,乐队首张专辑的发行一鸣惊人:洋溢着温情的演唱,古典式华丽的吉他演奏,无不显示出典雅而充满浪漫主义色彩的音乐氛围,EDENBRIDGE的名声也因此不断的远播各地。飘逸、秀美的女声,激情四射的吉他速弹演奏,加之大气恢宏的音乐氛围,使EDENBRIDGE愈发在金属乐坛中建立起极高的声誉,并被无数乐迷们称之为与NIGHTWISH、WITHINTEMPTATION、LACUNA COIL等乐团齐名的“世界十大女声金属乐团”之一。

Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/2830831/&gt;

253.Forever Shine On

出自Edenbridge 2000年专辑<Sunrise in Eden>.

in my darkest hour I pray
for a life seemed gone astray
see a flower grow

in a never ending night
far away a colored light
I can see a rainbow rise

I could believe
in the love I found so long
you’re the air that I breathe
let us dream a dream
forever shine on
in the haven of delight
where love will shine a light
let your beauty flow
forever shine on

in the distance I behold
existing seems so cold
I hear an angel sing

in the evening glow I seek
for a glimmering mountain’s peak
imagining I was free

like a candle in the wind
we are fragile and we suffer
from within our deepest hearts
let the wind breeze through your hair
and let your spirit fly
forever shine on

(repeat twice)
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-6 13:37 | 显示全部楼层
254.Sunrise In Eden

出自Edenbridge 2000年专辑<Sunrise in Eden>.

along the banks of astral silence
the honey rivers flow
time seems standing still before my eyes

the velvet sound of the ocean waves
white sand underneath
in the land of eternity

the old bridge tells a story
of long gone centuries
and the garden of a king far away

the palms around they whisper
the sacred holy rhymes
to keep legends alive

endless the night, awaiting the morning
awakened by a dream
the moon touches the sky
while a light catches my eye, I’m beholding
the stars seem to shine more intensive than ever
enlighting the path in the dark
and then the horizon is visible for me
I’m breathing

the heartbeat of the paradise to feel
sunrise in eden
and aurora greets the day
wishing afterglow away
to let the magic kingdom shine in light
an endless flow in elysian fields
sunrise in eden
and I’m holding on once more
to the moments I long for
to the ageless beauty of a world that sleeps
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-6 14:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-12-7 12:42 | 显示全部楼层
paulaohua 发表于 2010-12-6 14:01

上浮一下~ 话说这一页里边的歌基本都挺熟的~
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发表于 2010-12-7 17:25 | 显示全部楼层
paulaohua 发表于 2010-12-6 14:01

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-9 14:43 | 显示全部楼层
sgqdi 发表于 2010-12-7 17:25

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