



楼主: paulaohua

[音乐] ★★★金属梦幻系列★★★(狗尾续貂版)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-12 09:37 | 显示全部楼层

Silentium的故事要追溯到芬兰1995年12月这个名为“Funeral”的歌特金属乐队。从Funeral的成员之中,Sami Boman (keyboardist)和Matti Aikio (original vocalist)组成了Silentium这个乐队,之后陆续增加了Jani Laaksonen (violin player)、Toni Lahtinen (guitar players)、Juha Lehtioksa (guitar players)和 Jari Ojala (drummer)。

Silentium第一次录製的唱片是一张四首曲子的demo,发行於1996年,之后在1998年他们发行了“Caméne Misera”这张EP,且首次和前任女主音Tiina Lehvonen合作。这张EP意外的受到Spikefarm唱片公司的注目,之后他们便加入Spikefarm Records成为旗下的一员,经过了一番谈判Silentium和唱片公司达到协议,1999年将发行他们的第一张专辑“Infinita Plango Vulnera”这张唱片也换了新的鼓手Janne Ojala。

“Infinita Plango Vulnera”在歌特金属市场中也取得了令人满意的成绩,之后他们在2001年发行了一张迷你专辑“SI.VM E.T A.V.VM”,但是可惜的是市场反应却不如预期,且这时主唱和鼓手又相继离团,顿时让乐队的气氛降到了谷底。但他们还是坚持不放弃,经过了一番曲折,原鼓手Jari Ojala愿意再次加入Silentium,且他们也找到了目前的现任女主音Riina Rinkinen。

之后他们也换了公司,在2005年加入了Finnish Dynamic Arts Records Company,后来他们在新公司录製了第四张完整大碟“Seducia”且发行了首张单曲“Frostnight”,在这张专辑中能听到小提琴和大提琴之间的变化,也使得Silentium的风格更加的稳定完整了。

Address : <http://www.verycd.com/topics/2726757/&gt;

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-12 09:39 | 显示全部楼层
288.A Knife In The Back

出自Silentium 2008年专辑<Amortean>.

Is it could enough to breathe
Could I move without the pain
Did someone call my name
Is that the sun or does it rain

When I'm on my feet again
And soar on my wings
Every cloud turns to black
I feel the knife in my back
When You turn to walk away
When You least expect it
It's the closest to stab
The knives in your back

Beneath the surge it's clear
No fear whence here's no hope
It's every time I rise above
When I can't seem to cope

When I'm on my feet again
And soar on my wings
Every cloud turns to black
I feel the knife in my back
When You turn to walk away
When You least expect it
It's the closest to stab
The knives in your back

Am I asleep or were you here?
I don't want to be awake
I wish that I could speak
But if I could is too late?

Within my misery, I am free
Underneath the fear and dark I am me

When I'm on my feet again
And soar on my wings
Every cloud turns to black
I feel the knife in my back
When You turn to walk away
When You least expect it
It's the closest to stab
The knives in your back
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-12 09:42 | 显示全部楼层
289.Leave The Fallen Behind

出自Silentium 2008年专辑<Amortean>.

Brothers in arms
Falling left and right
Flame of the world
Burning up bright

The machine it grinds
Souls, dreams and skulls
No one survives
It's yearning your blood

Leave the fallen behind
Just let your heart freeze
It's time to bury the dead

Don't look behind
The lost souls they claim
Don't stop the fight
lest we died in vain

The dark closes in
All the stars falling down
Let the battle begin
Let our names to be known

Leave the fallen behind
Just let your heart freeze
There's no time for tears

Leave the fallen behind
Just let your heart freeze
It's time to bury the dead
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-12 09:46 | 显示全部楼层
290.The Fallen Ones with You Tonight

出自Silentium 2008年专辑<Amortean>.

The fallen ones with you tonight
They fill your dreams with butterflies
Smiling as they watch you sleep
Flames devour their tiny feet

They're winged and horned, their haloes burn
The floor is crawling, the moon has turned
They laught with you upon night sky
You don't fell shame or need to hide

...The fallen ones with you tonight...
...Come close Your eyes...
...The fallen ones with you tonight...
Come close Your eyes

The fallen ones with you tonight
They fill your dreams with demonchrists
Cinnamon Rose and broken hopes
They'll soothe your skin with tender strokes

...The fallen ones with you tonight...
...Come close Your eyes...
...The fallen ones with you tonight...
Come close Your eyes

The fallen ones...
Clear voice fills the midnight air
... with you tonight
"closer, come and hold me near
Closer, under, over here"

They'll take You anywhere You like
Souls 'round You...
on a cotton candy horseback ride
...laying bare
Beyond the grace of God and light

You're drifting in...
...the pure starlight
With chosen ones with gesture smile

They'll let...
... you dream of things divine
The whirl of beauty

The whirl of beauty
The sudden storm

...The fallen ones with you tonight...
...The fallen ones with you tonight...

They'll chain you in a tree of life
The nails of snake teeth pierce your sides
Ice pick arrows through your chest
The clouds aflame, it's raining lead

...The fallen ones with you tonight...
...Come close Your eyes...
...The fallen ones with you tonight...

They'll lift you up in ivory arms
Cyclone balloons in dolphin shapes
They fill your dreams
These dreams are full of fun and games
They'll soothe your skin

They're winged and horned, their halos burn
The floor is crawling, the moon has turned
They laught with you upon night sky
You don't feel shame or need to hide

...The fallen ones with you tonight...
...Come close Your eyes...
...The fallen ones with you tonight...
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-16 16:40 | 显示全部楼层
Amberian Dawn (芬兰)

来自芬兰的交响力量金属乐队. 这张交响力量不会有你想象的那么复杂,实际上他们只是玩新古典主义的,交响成分没有多大戏份。


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-16 16:42 | 显示全部楼层
291.Come Now Follow

出自 Amberian Dawn 2010年专辑<End Of Eden>.

He's lonely and waiting for his beloved one.
Time passes and no one's coming to shore.
Now yearning and longing he takes the offer.
The sea is seducing and promising more.

"Sleep now my love
let the soft waves carry you.
Float in silently and fall asleep."

Come now follow...follow me into the sea!
Come now follow...
come now follow and I will sing you into soothing sleep.
Come now follow...hear the Sea singing!
Come now follow...
He's willingly changing into the ocean's young

He's looking at the sea, the rain is raging.
His heart is lamenting, clouded by tears.
Longing for loving he hurls himself to depths
not seeing the white sails coming to shore.

"Sleep now my love
let the soft waves carry you.
Float in silently and fall asleep."

Come now follow...follow me into the sea!
Come now follow...
come follow and I will sing you into soothing sleep.
Come now follow...hear the Sea singing!
Come now follow...
He's willingly changing into
the ocean's young groom.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-16 16:44 | 显示全部楼层

出自 Amberian Dawn 2010年专辑<End Of Eden>.

Look behind the closed doors,
search in the empty drawers
what you're looking for you shall not ever find.
The secret is hidden from the greedy eyes,
posses-sive hands and
selfish minds of foolish and ignorant men.

Still it is followed - the fools for the power!
"Talisman behind many wars
and its greedy eye wants more.
Stars are sad for the children's blood and crying!"

See the shimmer of the golden piece, the beauty
of the necklace against your pale young skin
does it make you glad?
None of the beauty of the jewels
shall you take into your tomb,
the earthly bed is equally cold for our human bones.

Fight for the glory despite other's worry!
"Talisman behind many wars
and its greedy eye wants more.
Stars are sad for the children's blood and crying!"

"Talisman behind many wars
and its greedy eye wants more.
Stary are sad for the children's blood and crying!"
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-16 16:47 | 显示全部楼层

出自 Amberian Dawn 2010年专辑<End Of Eden>.

In the genesis of the world
Just the arctic wind was blowing.
Something came into paradise,
the everlasting snow melted away.

You start to think there is something greater than humankind.
The world is crying and the streams are telling how things went wrong.

Sorrow and worry of humankind
sad stories to find.
The world is growing ice again,
covering the faults of the human race!

You start to think there is something greater than humankind.
The world is crying and the streams are telling how things went wrong.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-16 16:49 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-19 10:15 | 显示全部楼层
Dark the Suns (芬兰)

來自芬兰的一支Melodic Dark/Gothic Metal 乐队,成立于2005年.听他们的音乐总有一种冰冷的感觉.旋律很棒,个人很喜欢的一支乐队.

2010年11月,乐队发行了第3张全长专辑<Sleepwalking in a Nightmare>.相比之前的专辑,最大的変化是加入了大量的小提琴演奏,令音乐更加的凄美动听.

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-19 10:17 | 显示全部楼层
294.World Stood Still

出自Dark the Suns 2010年专辑<Sleepwalking In A Nightmare>.


The time is stopped.
It's midnight again.
No sleep, no safe place.
No face for ignored looking for a thrill in the world standing thrill,
in the world that writes my will...
In the world that bring us down on our kness...
On our kness on the ground and crying.
I do remember us trying to find the reasons.

The world stood still
There is no greater sorrow
When angels cry
In a night the world stood still

The world stays still.
It's raining again...
No sleep, no safe place.
No hope for sleepless looking for a thrill in the world stading still,
in the world that wrote my will,
in the world that brought us down
on our kness...
On our kness on the ground and crying.
I do remember us trying to find the reasons.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-19 10:19 | 显示全部楼层
295. Don't Fear the Sleep

出自Dark the Suns 2010年专辑<Sleepwalking In A Nightmare>.

You hold my hand in the end of the time and I hear you singing in eternal night
"Let the world become our kingdom where the darkness kills the light."
The world is weeping in forever rain and I hear you whisper don't fear the sin.
We fall into blind world in these haunted shores.

From your heart banish fear when night entwines the shadows around your heart.

Don't fear the sleep
In the end of the time two souls entwined
Sleepwalkers in a nightmare forever drowned in sin
Don't fear the sleep
In the end of the time it's our kingdom gone
Sleepwalkers in a nightmare forever lost they are

I look in your eyes in the end of the time.
Cold tears fall down like the angel's cry.
Shall the night become our everdream where the shadows embrace the light.
The world has turned into black and I feel your touch forever cold.
We fell into blind world and there shall we dwell
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-19 10:20 | 显示全部楼层
296.Lake of a Thousand Tears

出自Dark the Suns 2010年专辑<Sleepwalking In A Nightmare>.

In the midways of this mortal night
I found me on gloomy shores,
gone astray from the right path
I saw the one who was to guide me.
"Go to the other shore. Go to the other side...
I go first and you will follow me
Into the night, there to dwell."

Sailing this ocean of eternal dream
You will soar offering all of your tears
Sailing this ocean of silent waters
I will be leading you across the dark

From high seas to the bay - and so back - waters move.
All my mistakes cascade on me
and every single tear is waterfall.

Once the air was filled with the brightest light and hope.
Now silent rain freezes in the air
never touching the icing waters.
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-22 09:37 | 显示全部楼层
Sirenia (挪威)


乐队使用了很多配乐:键盘(电子合成器)、变形的吉他,加上天使般的女声(天堂)、两种高低不同的死腔(地狱)、大气的唱诗班、悲伤的小提琴。另外歌词都是关于人类的生活、情感和精神状态 使音乐给人更多的震撼与思考。
Address : <http://baike.baidu.com/view/1394976.htm&gt;

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-22 09:41 | 显示全部楼层
297.The Enigma Of Life

出自Sirenia 2011年专辑<The Enigma of Life>.

Still speaks the silence, it speaks in riddles to my mind
And time keeps passing by as I walk tearful through this life

Dreams pass by silently, I see them waving back at me
All hope is long since gone, I guess it really never was there at all
A mirage passed on

I know the darkness will break me
And you can not save me, can't catch my fall
I feel the sorrow embrace me, this life depraves me
I'm lost forevermore

My life darkens year by year, and no one seems to really care
My fear always lingers here, it's growing stronger deep inside of me
It won't set me free

Tears shed in silence, they run in rivers down my face
And what am I still living for, I can not take this pain no more
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-22 09:44 | 显示全部楼层
298.The End Of It All

出自Sirenia 2011年专辑<The Enigma of Life>.

I see you wander
So lost and alone
You falter on the
Darkest of roads

Let us wait for a way now
You’re too far from home
No longer careful wherever I roam

This is the path to the end of it all
It goes on and on and on
Goes on and on and on

This is the darkness at the end of the world
It lingers on and on and on
Lingers on and on and on

You’re going under
Life’s pulling you down
Life’s making you choke
Life’s making you drown

Get away from the pain now
Consuming your soul
I see you fall
I see you lose all control

This is the path to the end of it all
It goes on and on and on
It goes on and on and on

This is the darkness at the end of the world
It lingers on and on and on
Lingers on and on and on

This is the path to the end of it all
It goes on and on and on
It goes on and on and on

This is the darkness at the end of the world
It lingers on and on and on
Lingers on and on and on
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 09:22 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 09:24 | 显示全部楼层
299.Rowena's Song

出自Unshine 2005年的专辑<Earth Magick>.

Will I die by the sun
and for ever lose my one
in this dark
all hope has gone
will you fly here by night
and set me alight
in this dark
where all hope has gone

In oldest of old
spire of stone
in aeons unknown
away from her home
highest of high
was price for the life
in endless imprisonment
forlorn and alive

A beam of daylight
once brought scent of leaves
a song from beloved
to a middle of the night
now ended are lies
her guardian has died
she found a second wind
in a blessing disguised

A wish for salvation
now all that remains
but walls of her chamber
still echo the dreams

Tonight she leaves
this bleak world behind
tonight all her fears
wither out of sight

Will I die by the sun
and for ever lose my one
in this dark
all hope has gone
will you fly here by night
and set me alight
in this dark
where all hope has gone
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 09:26 | 显示全部楼层
300.Snow White

出自Unshine 2005年的专辑<Earth Magick>.

For paleness of the moon
when mandragon’s in bloom
he chants undying
music of doom

For brightness of the sun
when coldness is gone
he waits for
the moment of hunt

Constant course
through the darkest wood
she summons up
her bravest mood

Immortal is thy life
immortal is thy ride
the forces of time

At sky ancient starlight
will shine as her guide
the end of the night

She feels
their union in blood
is now the time
of outset or end

Run now like a prey
snow white now fly away
your heart is pounding
run now fly away
snow white you are the prey
he is nearing
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-2-24 09:29 | 显示全部楼层
完整300 首的链接

1.Therion - SON OF THE SUN
2.Amorphis - Silent Waters
3.Dark The Suns - Sleepless Angels
4.Iced Earth - Ghost of Freedom
5.Symphony X - Paradise Lost
6.Theatre of Tragedy - Cassandra
7.Lunatica - The Day the Falcon Dies
8.Tears Of Magdalena - Aurora Borealis
9.Within Temptation - Hand Of Sorrow
10.Nightwish - The Poet And The Pendulum
11.Eluveitie - Thousandfold
12.Eluveitie - Inis Mona
13.Before The Dawn - Dying Sun
14.Fractal Gates - Skies Of Orion
15.Dreamtale - Take What The Heavens Create
16.Alestorm - Captain Morgan's Revenge
17.Dark Moor - Lovers
18.Battlelore - Sons Of Riddermark
19.Dawn Of Destiny - Learning to Fly
20.Mantus - Keine Liebe
21.Lacrimosa - Ich Verlasse Heut' Dein Herz
22.Epica - Chasing the Dragon
23.Leave's Eyes - My Destiny
24.3rd Strike - No Light
25.Otep - Battle Ready
26.Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
27.Linkin Park - Valentine's Day
28.Within Temptation - Our Farewell
29.Edenbridge - As Far As Eyes Can See
30.Within Temptation - Forgiven
31.Lunatica Feat. John Payne - Song For You
32.Mortal Love - Beautiful One
33.Nightwish - Away
34.Estatic Fear - Chapter IV
35.Beseech - Lost
36.Xandria - Save My Life
37.Dark the Suns - Reflections
38.To Die For - Guilt Ridden State
39.Nemesea - Home
40.My Dying Bride - Bring Me Victory
41.Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Red Dawn Rising
42.Ashes You Leave - Apathy Overdose
43.Winterborn - On The Edge Of Eternity
44.Amenti - Medlyak
45.Dark the Suns - When Love And Death Embrace
46.Nightwish - Over the Hills and Far Away
47.Avantasia - Avantasia
48.Holy Knights - Love Against the Power of Evil
49.Vision Divine - Violet Loneliness
50.Children Of Bodom - Touch Like Angel of Death
51.Dream Evil - Chosen Twice
52.Nightwish - Amaranth
53.Arch Enemy - My Apocalypse
54.Graveworm - Prophecies In Blood
55.Dawn Of Tears - Blood on Verona
56.Hysterica - We Are the Undertakers
57.Gwyllion - The Night Awakes
58.Angtoria - Suicide On My Mind
59.霜冻前夜 - 刺客的契约
60.DeadLock - Martyr
61.Trail Of Tears - The Feverish Alliance
62.阴阳座 - 甲贺忍法帖
63.Lunatica - The Edge Of Infinity
64.Iced Earth (Feat.Yunhui Percifield) - The Phantom Opera Ghost
65.Avantasia (Feat.Sharon Den Adel) - Farewell
66.Nightwish - Wish I Had an Angel
67.Trivium - Into the Mouth of Hell We March
68.Freedom Call - The Quest
69.Theatre of Tragedy - Silence
70.Visions Of Atlantis - Send Me a Light
71.AC/DC - Hells Bells
72.Judas Priest - One Shot at Glory
73.Tristania - Mercyside
74.After Forever - Envision
75.Wine From Tears - Feeding the Angel
76.Hammerfall - När vindarna viskar mitt namn (Roger Pontare cover)
77.Lacuna Coil - Closer
78.Katra - Beast Within
79.Gamma Ray - Empress
80.Scorpions - Deep and Dark
81.Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy - Together
82.Amberian Dawn - Kokko - Eagle of Fire
83.Dark the Suns - Alone
84.Almôra - Tilsim
85.Nightwish - Eramaan viimeinen (Feat.Jonsu)
86.Depressed Mode - Loving a Shadow
87.Skyfire - Linger In Doubt
88.Operatika - Dark Horizon
89.Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thunder God
90.Kataklysm - Prevail
91.Catamenia - Fallen
92.Flowing Tears - Thy Kingdom Gone
93.Stream Of Passion - Now Or Never
94.Eluveitie - Slania's Song
95.Delain - April Rain
96.Autumn - Angel of Desire
97.Xandria - Mermaids (Child Of The Blue)
98.For My Pain… - Rapture of Lust
99.Therion - Typhon
100.Dark the Suns - Unbroken Silence

101.Rhapsody of Fire - Triumph Or Agony
102.Xandria - Now and Forever
103.Tears Of Magdalena - Nightmare
104.Within Temptation - The Cross
105.Evanescence - Lithium
106.Eluveitie - Omnos
107.Sirenia - Lost in Life
108.In This Moment - Beautiful Tragedy
109.DragonForce - Valley of the Damned
110.We Are The Ocean - Look Alive
111.Decadence - Silent Weapon (For A Quiet War)
112.Arch of Hell - Romance of Afterlife
113.For My Pain… - Autumn Harmony
114.Tesla - What A Shame
115.Saosin - I Keep My Secrets Safe
116.Dark Princess - Stop My Heart
117.Silent Resentment (寂静的幽怨) - Death Is Utopia
118.The Gathering - Treasure
119.春秋 - 猎人
120.幻世狂想乐队 - 乱世无双
121.Paradise Lost - The Rise of Denial
122.Media Lab - With Or Without You (U2 cover)
123.Moonspell - Nocturna
124.Abyssphere - Ангел (Angel)
125.Battlelore - The War of Wrath & The Mark of the Bear
126.For My Pain... - Broken Days
127.Luca Turilli - Kings Of The Nordic Twilight
128.Dark Tranquillity - The Treason Wall
129.Apocalyptica - Somewhere Around Nothing
130.Protest The Hero - Bloodmeat
131.Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name
132.Amorphis - Silver Bride
133.At Vance - You and I
134.Aglarond - Drowning in Tears
135.Aglarond - In the Death of Night
136.Eluveitie - Quoth the Raven
137.Dark Sanctuary - Sous Les Neiges éternelles
138.Via Mistica - Blaze
139.Sengir - Calling
140.Alestorm - No Quarter
141.Alestorm - Keelhauled
142.Derdian - Where I Can Fly
143.Derdian - The Hunter
144.Lunatica - Two Dreamers
145.Dark the Suns - Gone
146.Elis - Der Letze Tag
147.Light This City - Beginning With Release
148.Avantasia - Memory
149.Nightwish - 10th Man Down
150.Nightwish - Deep Silent Complete
151.Arch of Hell - Fateful
152.Dreamtale - Payback
153.Dark Moor - Beyond The Sea
154.Dark Moor - Wheel Of Fortune
155.霜冻前夜 - 鏖战
156.Tears of Martyr - Realm Of Pain
157.Amorphis - Shaman
158.Theatre Of Tragedy - Lorelei
159.Sirenia - A Shadow Of Your Own Self
160.Lunatica - Heart Of A Lion
161.Nightwish - Ghost Love Score
162.Nightwish - Bye Bye Beautiful
163.Lacrimosa - Mandira Nabula (Special Version)
164.Ebony Ark - Searching for an Answer
165.Ghost Brigade - Suffocated
166.Ghost Brigade - Concealed Revulsions
167.Skyward - Trust Your Demons
168.Leave's Eyes - Elegy
169.Rain Fell Within - The Sun In My Wound
170.Mantus - Konigreich der Angst
171.Zonaria - Slaughter is Passion
172.Hanging Garden - Sleep of Ages
173.Epica - The Divine Conspiracy
174.Delain - The Gathering(Feat.Marco Hietala)
175.Delain - See Me in Shadow (Feat.Liv Kristine)
176.Luna Mortis - Ash
177.Luna Mortis - Forever More
178.In This Moment - Prayers
179.Epica - Never Enough
180.Stream Of Passion - In The End
181.Ideas - King of Swords
182.Sirenia - My Mind's Eye
183.Rhapsody - The Village of Dwarves
184.Rhapsody - The Last Winged Unicorn
185.Kalmah - 12 Gauge
186.Kalmah - Rust Never Sleeps
187.Theatre of Tragedy - A Hamlet for a Slothful Vassal
188.Theatre of Tragedy - Storm
189.War Of Ages - All Consuming Fire
190.Primal Fear - Six Times Dead (16.6)
191.Siebenbürgen - Rebirth Of The Nameless
192.Therion - The Rise Of Sodom And Gomorrah
193.Primal Fear - Hands Of Time
194.Primal Fear - Killbound
195.Sirenia - Lethargica
196.Sirenia - The Last Call
197.Sirenia - Sundown
198.Within Temptation - Destroyed
199.Nightwish - Creek Mary's Blood
200.Dark the Suns - The Sleeping Beauty

201.Kamelot - The Great Pandemonium
202.Arwen - Lullaby
203.Xandria - Vampire
204.Xandria - Sisters Of The Light
205.Darkane - Execution 44
206.Cain's Offering - Into The Blue
207.L'Ame Immortelle - Auf Deinen Schwingen
208.L'Ame Immortelle - Phönix
209.Heathen Foray - Fading Tree
210.Heathen Foray - Northstar
211.Heathen Foray - Winterking
212.Heathen Foray - Dragon's Eyes
213.Eden's Curse - Judgement Day
214.White Lion - Never Let You Go
215.Tiarra - Ielele
216.Tiarra - Everything For Her
217.Turmion Kätilöt - Verta ja lihaa
218.Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole
219.Draconian - A Scenery Of Loss
220.Draconian - Death, Come Near Me
221.Evanescence - Forgive Me
222.Evanescence - Understanding (sound Asleep)
223.Whyzdom - The Seeds of Chaos
224.Nightwish - Dark Chest of Wonders
225.Nightwish - The Escapist
226.The Gathering - Shortest Day
227.The Gathering - Forgotten
228.The Gathering - Waking Hour
229.The Gathering - Alone
230.Gamma Ray - Fight
231.Gamma Ray - Condemned To Hell
232.Gamma Ray - The Heart of the Unicorn
233.Gamma Ray - Heaven or Hell
234.In Fear And Faith - The Taste Of Regret
235.In Fear And Faith - Live Love Die
236.Warmen - The Evil That Warmen Do
237.Warmen - Unknown Soldier
238.Graveworm - Vengeance Is Sworn
239.Graveworm - Diabolical Figures
240.Crematory - Tears Of Time
241.Evanescence - Where Will You Go
242.Krypteria - Going My Way
243.Krypteria - Victoriam Speramus
244.Gate of Sorrow - And Back To The Evil
245.Galar - Paa Frossen Mark
246.Within Temptation - Somewhere
247.Within Temptation - Angles
248.Within Temptation - Pale
249.Within Temptation - It's the Fear
250.Within Temptation - Memories
251.Cradle of Filth - The 13th Caesar
252.Cradle Of Filth - The Death of Love
253.Edenbridge - Forever Shine On
254.Edenbridge - Sunrise In Eden
255.Death - Spirit Crusher
256.Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
257.Ex Deo - Romulus
258.Ex Deo - Legio XIII
259.HammerFall - Hallowed Be My Name
260.HammerFall - Any Means Necessary
261.In Extremo - Merseburger Zaubersprüche
262.In Extremo - Herr Mannelig
263.Metal Church - Mirror Of Lies
264.Kotipelto - Sleep Well
265.Kotipelto - Serenity
266.David Shankle Group - Ashes to Ashes
267.Heathen Foray - Armored Bards
268.Heathen Foray - Bifrost
269.Heathen Foray - Endless Sorrow
270.Hammer Horde - Pierced By Odin's Spear
271.Hammer Horde - In the Name of Winter's Wrath
272.Todesbonden - Fading Empire
273.Todesbonden - Surrender to the Sea
274.Todesbonden - Trianon
275.Arch Enemy - I Will Live Again
276.Arch Enemy - Revolution Begins
277.Avantasia - The Wicked Symphony
278.Avantasia - Dying For An Angel
279.Avantasia - Stargazers
280.Avantasia - Angel Of Babylon
281.Macbeth - Don't Pretend
282.Macbeth - Without You
283.Mantus - Endlos
284.Mantus - Gespenster
285.Mantus - Ein Schatten
286.Elysion - Dreamer
287.Elysion - Killing My Dreams
288.Silentium - A Knife In The Back
289.Silentium - Leave The Fallen Behind
290.Silentium - The Fallen Ones with You Tonight
291.Amberian Dawn - Come Now Follow
292.Amberian Dawn - Talisman
293.Amberian Dawn - Arctica
294.Dark the Suns - World Stood Still
295.Dark the Suns - Don't Fear the Sleep
296.Dark the Suns - Lake of a Thousand Tears
297.Sirenia - The Enigma Of Life
298.Sirenia - The End Of It All
299.Unshine - Rowena's Song
300.Unshine - Snow White
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