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发表于 2008-4-1 10:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

出离愤怒,当看到这个封面。这是加拿大有名的Mclean's杂志最新一期2008年4月的封面介绍。大大图片和标题,一个小角落里的图片说明,尼泊尔警察追打僧人,没有人会注意到这个,我相信所有的人看到这幅图片,都能强烈感觉到他所想发出的信息: 中国是屠夫和魔鬼!我真佩服国外记者们的自作聪明,以及指鹿为马,栽赃陷害,恶意诽谤的本事!他们不是一直宣扬“公平,公正,客观,开明”的报道新闻吗?难道这就是他们所谓的公正和客观?!为什么多伦多上千人的游行示威,这些所谓的具有高尚职业操守的记者们视而不见,不给与公正客观的报道?反而说游行的中国人都是中国政府操纵和洗脑的。真是可笑的理由。










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[ 本帖最后由 空气稀薄 于 2008-6-7 21:42 编辑 ]
发表于 2008-4-1 10:32 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-1 10:58 | 显示全部楼层
中国万岁!我恨 !德国 法国 美国 英国 …………
发表于 2008-4-1 11:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-1 11:04 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 EllenHe 于 2008-4-1 10:28 发表 2052   出离愤怒,当看到这个封面。这是加拿大有名的Mclean's杂志最新一期2008年4月的封面介绍。大大图片和标题,一个小角落里的图片说明,尼泊尔警察追打僧人,没有人会注意到这个,我相信所有的人看到这幅图片,都能强烈 ...

相比封面“'BUTCHERs AND MONSTERs' Things we can never forget about China--John Fraser on Tibet Crisis"
('屠夫与野兽' 中国让我们无法淡忘的那些事--约翰·弗拉塞谈论西藏危机)

"The Great Firewall of China: Tibet is nothing new—China has a long history of repression"
(中国的超级防火墙: 西藏的事并不新奇--中国拥有漫长的压迫历史)
"'Butchers and monsters' : The brutality in Tibet is no surprise. Communist China will never change. "
('屠夫与野兽' 西藏野蛮行径并不意外,共产主义的中国永远不会改变)
It's always the same questions, whether it is about Tibetan protests, or democracy activists, or Falun Gong demonstrators, or whatever: why does China overreact so badly? Why does the government care so much about such small and insignificant groups? Why does China never get it, never seem to understand what our inevitable reaction in the West will be?
永远都是相同的问题,对于西藏的示威和抗议,对于法X功的示威,抑或别的: 为什么中国反应如此过激与恶劣? 为什么政府对于这些小而无关痛痒的团体如此在意? 为什么中国永远不能理解和接受西方这些必然的反应呢?


发表于 2008-4-1 11:05 | 显示全部楼层
真聪明啊  没看到 那墙上的外文阿
发表于 2008-4-1 11:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-1 11:18 | 显示全部楼层
文章看了,非常偏激,说政府不行动"**功"就能统治中国了,太荒谬了! 这人70年代末在中国待了两年,没赶上好时候,唉~
发表于 2008-4-1 11:22 | 显示全部楼层

I am normal chinese, I want to ** your mother, and ** you all family,

The end I want ** you too.


Canada, I want to ** your mother. because I am chinese

your Mother is beatuful, so I have **ed her.
Tibet is part of china forever,
发表于 2008-4-1 11:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-1 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-1 12:05 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 普通中国人 于 2008-4-1 11:22 发表 我给他们写信了,一个人写了12封,内容如下:I am normal chinese, I want to ** your mother, and ** you all family, The end I want ** you too.OverCanada, I want to ** your mother. because I am chinese ...


你不看版规吗? 抗争要理性!别被愤怒冲昏头脑!
发表于 2008-4-1 13:29 | 显示全部楼层

Dear Editor:

I now have a photo sitting in front me. It is a screen shot I took when visiting www.macleans.ca. Right beneath the MACLEANS.CA title with the beautiful maple leaf logo, I saw the photo and headline of the cover story. The title is sharp and alarming:
'Butchers and Monsters'
The brutality in Tibet is no surprise.
Communist China will never change.
By John Fraser
Plus: A History of Repression.
Behind these provocative words, I see a photo of struggling women with pained expressions and policemen roughly pushing them to the ground.

I suppose that the writer and the editor who combined these words and photo together want me to feel the righteous anger for these "oppressed" people. I do indeed feel righteous anger, but my anger is actually directed at Macleans. I know very well that I am seeing a lie: these are not "butchers and monsters" from Communist China; these men dressed in blue-toned camouflage uniforms are riot police from Nepal.

I am a Chinese born Canadian citizen. I lived in Canada for eight whole years. I now study in University of California Berkeley. I spent my entire teenage life in Canada; I learned all about human rights and personal freedom. I support these values and I am proud to be a Canadian. While I cannot agree with the opinion of John Fraser, I absolutely support his right to speak his opinion and Macleans’s right to publish his words. However, does Macleans have the right to place a photo of Nepalese riot police on its website and print words like “brutality in Tibet” and “communist China” on top of that photo? Does Macleans have the right to lie outright to its readership? Libel is, the last time I checked, a crime. I understand that the cover of April 7th issue of Macleans actually does have the caption which states the photo shows incident in Nepal. While I think that tiny caption does not all detract from the misleading tone of the cover, I still thank you for stating the truth. Now I think you need to carry that over to the website as well.

I would like to remind Macleans of the Chinese voice responding to this entire Tibet incident. I hope you are aware of the pro-China rallies that drew hundreds, even thousands in major Canadian cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary this past Saturday. I would also like to tell you that there are similar protests elsewhere in the world as well: in Munich, Germany, in New Zealand, etc. I hope that western media, famed for their impartiality, can listen to these voices. People on the internet have repeatedly pointed out that many western media have used photos of Nepalese and even Indian policemen as evidence of Chinese suppression. Western media have also cropped images without justifications to distort what was happening in Lhasa. I hope Macleans will not become of these media fuelling a wave of justified wrath. So far, some media in Germany have already stated their mistakes. Even CNN has replaced its cropped image. I hope Macleans will soon edit the misleading photo and headline on the MACLEANS.CA webpage: this is the least you can do. I wish to see truthful and impartial media coverage in Canada, and I am sure you agree with me too.

Attached with this email are two images: one is the cover of the latest issue of Macleans, the other is a screen shot I took when visiting MACLEANS.CA half an hour ago. I hope they may help to illustrate my points.

Finally, I hope that Macleans can showcase different perspectives and different voices. Perhaps Macleans can consider interviewing Chinese students and immigrants in Canada and listening to what they have to say. So far western media poured out their hearts and lamented the grief of a few Tibetans, mostly Tibetans not residing in China at that too. However, the grief of the Chinese people in China and abroad receives only a few mentioning here and there and is almost always accompanied by accusations and questions over its sincerity. One cannot help but wonder about this “impartiality”.

A Chinese-Canadian, one of many




 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-1 14:18 | 显示全部楼层
"Finally, I hope that Macleans can showcase different perspectives anddifferent voices. Perhaps Macleans can consider interviewing Chinesestudents and immigrants in Canada and listening to what they have tosay. So far western media poured out their hearts and lamented thegrief of a few Tibetans, mostly Tibetans not residing in China at thattoo."

Well done, otherworlder! That's really good idea to suggest them interviewing the Chinese in Canada to get the first hand information about what Chinese people really think! I definitely will mention this tomorrow when I'm calling them.

I read some post here and feel so happy to see so many Chinese people standing together, no matter where you come from, no matter where you are living, as long as you have Chinese blood, black hair and yellow skin, we are belonging to one big great family - China!  I think the power of spirit is greater than anything, as long as we are holding each other's hand, fighting together, the success will come to us, sooner or later.

At the beginning I'm hesitating writing in English until I saw a post which encourage to use English to let more foreigners understand us. Tomorrow after I finish my letter I will post here as well.

Thank you all!
发表于 2008-4-1 18:47 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-4-1 19:18 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 普通中国人 于 2008-4-1 11:22 发表 我给他们写信了,一个人写了12封,内容如下: I am normal chinese, I want to ** your mother, and ** you all family, The end I want ** you too. Over Canada, I want to ** your mother. because I am chinese ...

发表于 2008-4-1 19:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-4-1 19:32 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 seanhu 于 2008-4-1 19:18 发表    你的心情可以理解,但是凭你这三脚猫的英文功力,我想你一定没有看作者的原文!我个人非常不支持这样的抗议,因为毫无效果,只会给我们自己制造麻烦! ...
发表于 2008-4-1 20:04 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2008-4-1 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 otherworlder 于 2008-4-1 13:29 发表 这是我写给Editor的意见。我是加拿大人,所以尽管我很想骂(那个标题真实SB),对他们语气还是不错,呵呵。 Dear Editor: I now have a photo sitting in front me. It is a screen shot I took when visiting www.macleans. ...



我眼前正面对着一张照片。是我访问www.macleans.ca时的屏幕截屏。MACLEANS.CA以及漂亮的棕色叶片标识的正下方,我看到的是这副照片和封面文章的大标题。标题尖锐而让人惶恐: ‘一群屠夫和野兽’ 发生在西藏的野蛮行径并不足为奇,共产主义的中国永远不会改变。约翰·弗拉斯特撰文,并说: 一部镇压史。在这些煽动性的文字后面,我看到面带痛苦挣扎着的妇女被一名警察粗鲁地打倒在地。我猜想作者和编辑将这些文字和照片组合在一起是想让我为这些“受压迫”的人表现出出于道德的悲愤。我确实感到愤慨了,但我的愤怒却是对Macleans的。

我非常清楚地知道我眼睁睁地看着一个谎言: 那些人不是共产主义中国的‘屠夫和野兽’,那些穿戴着蓝色基调迷彩服的尼泊尔的暴躁的警察。我是在中国出生的加拿大公民,我在加拿大生活了整八年。我现在在(美国)加州大学伯克利分校(UCB)学习。我在加拿大度过了我的整个少年时光;我清楚地知道人权和自由。我支持这样的价值并为身为加拿大人而自豪。但是我无法认同约翰·弗拉斯特的观点。我完全尊重他发表自己观点以及Macleans发表他的文章的权力。然而,Macleans是否有权利将尼泊尔暴力的警察的照片放在网站上并在照片之上加注“发生在西藏的蛮行”以及“共产主义中国”呢?Macleans是否有权向他的读者撒这么一个彻彻底底的谎呢?诽谤是一种犯罪,我最近一次查阅是这样定义的。我理解Macleans杂志4月7号刊的封面确实有一段标注说这个照片展示的是发生在尼泊尔的事件。但是我想微小的一个标注不能消除封面基调所引发的误导,但我仍然感谢你们至少说了事实。我想你也应该将事实的基调呈现在网站上。我想提醒Macleans中国人看待整个西藏事件的声音。我希望你们能够意识到在上个星期六在多伦多,温哥华和加尔加里等加拿大主要城市支持中国的集会吸引了成百上千的参与者。我还应该告诉你在世界的其他地方,像德国的慕尼黑和新西兰等,也有类似的抗议活动。我希望以客观著称的西方媒体能够倾听这些声音。网民不断地发现西方的媒体用尼泊尔甚至印度警察的照片作为中国镇压的证据。西方媒体也无端地将照片进行剪裁歪曲发生在拉萨的事。我希望Macleans不是这些媒体,并给不公的情绪火上浇油。

到目前位置,一些德国媒体已经声明了他们的错误。甚至CNN也已经替换了他们剪裁的照片。我希望Macleans能够尽快修改MACLEANS.CA网站上造成误解的图片和标题: 这是你们至少应该做的。我希望看到诚实而客观的加拿大媒体形象,我相信你认同我的观点。这个邮件附带了两个图片:一个是Macleans最近一期的期刊封面,另一副是半小时前我访问MACLEANS.CA的屏幕截图。我希望它们有助于帮助证明我的观点。最后,我希望Macleans能够表达不同的观点和声音。或许Macleans可以考虑采访中国学生或者在加拿大的中国移民,列出他们想说的。到目前为止,西方媒体全身心地报道一些不再中国居住的西藏人所发出的忧伤。然而,在中国以及海外的中国人的悲伤却鲜有提及,而且常常伴随这对他们真诚的责问和猜忌。这只能增添‘不客观’而无助问题的解决。





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