读学英语 发表于 2010-1-15 08:08

【读学英语】抢先版第一期:google想恐怖化中国?#95 & #115





BBC News, last updated at
08:59 GMT, Thursday, 14 January 2010

Security experts say Google cyber-attack was routine

By Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter, BBC News, Silicon Valley

The cyber-attack that made Google consider pulling out of China was run of the mill, say security experts.

Google revealed its move following attempts to hack Gmail accounts of human rights activists.

The search giant said analysis showed that the series of attacks originated from inside China.

"This wasn't in my opinion ground-breaking as an attack. We see this fairly regularly. said Mikko Hypponen, of security firm F-Secure.
"Most companies just never go public," he added.

"Human-rights activists are the biggest target," said Mr Hypponen. "Everyone from Freedom for Tibet to Falun Gong supporters and those involved in Liberation of Taiwan are hit."

F-Secure has been monitoring such attacks against Chinese human-rights activists since 2005.Google has operated in China since 2006 and has now said it was no longer willing to censor results on its Chinese search engine as the government required.China has responded to Google and said that foreign firms were welcome to trade in the nation "according to the law". The spokesman added that the net was "open" in China.

Other victims

Of the attacks, Google said only two Gmail accounts were accessed and that hackers got very limited information. This included when the account was set up and the subject line rather than content of e-mail messages.The company said that the accounts of dozens of US, China and Europe-based users who are advocates of human rights in China had been routinely accessed by third parties.

The cyber-criminals broke in using a tactic known as "phishing" where a legitimate e-mail is sent claiming to come from someone the user knows and trusts.

Typically these e-mail messages have a booby-trapped attachment that, once opened, places malware on a computer.Once an e-mail account is compromised, attackers can piggyback on it to get access to confidential files and systems throughout an organisation."The attacker really did their homework finding out first who to attack, who the key people were in the organisation and how to attack them," said Mr Hypponen.

Google has said publicly that another 20 companies were hit. Adobe is the only other company to go public with this information.But many security experts say the figure is much higher."We know of at least 40 companies that were attacked. For the most part they were in the US," said Chris Day, chief security architect of IT services firm Terremark."This goes on all the time. Of the Fortune 100 companies, all 100 are under some sort of attack all the time."Mr Day told the BBC a host of those targeted were technology and software companies based in Silicon Valley.Google has revealed that finance, chemical and media firms were hit.

Blame game

Questions are now being asked about who orchestrated the attacks."We are not saying one way or another these attacks were state sponsored or done with the approval of the state," said David Drummond, Google's chief legal officer."We do know they were highly organised and we believe the attacker came from China."

The inference being drawn across the security community is that the Google attack and those on other US companies were sanctioned by government."Sources indicate that they believe the attack is the work of actors operating on behalf of or in the direct employ of official intelligence entities of the People's Republic of China," said iDefense Labs in an e-mail to the BBC.

iDefense also revealed that this incident resembles one that took place in July 2009 against nearly 100 IT-focused companies.

"A nation state getting into the business of hacking companies is a really big shift," said Dan Kaminsky, director of penetration at security firm IOActive.

"The question now is are we going to see a significant increase or decrease in these kinds of attacks?"

Safe and secure

Google has stressed that users have nothing to fear about the security of the information it holds.

"The fact that they have come out and are transparent about what has happened is good for user trust," said Terremark's Mr Day.

"I have seen far worse things happen and I think larger organisations, and even individuals, should take this as an object lesson that no-one is immune to these attacks."

General security advice for all users is have a strong password that is changed regularly and includes letters, numbers and symbols.

All security patches should be up-to-date and users should never open attachments unless they know the person they are being sent by and are expecting them.<end>

1. 读完后,用一句话(英语)概括中心意思。
2."The cyber-attack that made Google consider pulling out of China was run of the mill, say security experts."里run of the mill是什么意思?这里的run是什么意思?
3. 此文中BBC有没有明确说出自己的观点?
4. 不管BBC是否明确说出自己的观点,文章给人的印象是是什么?这些印象由哪些证据支持?这些证据是如何选择的?有什么漏洞?
5. 这是一篇比较简单的新闻稿,但你可能还是有些句子不能理解,是哪些?请回帖提问。
6. 最后一个问题,也是最重要的:你在读的时候有没有先在心里翻译成汉语然后再去理解?有没有尝试直接用英语理解?遭遇什么困难没有?

读学英语 发表于 2010-1-15 08:20

本帖最后由 读学英语 于 2010-1-15 08:22 编辑

7. google嘴里的human rights activists到底是哪几类人?
8. google有没有说中国政府组织了对google的骇客袭击?不管说没说,google的结论是什么?其依据的证据是什么?那些证据是否站得住脚?
9. Blame Game是什么意思?

antifake2 发表于 2010-1-15 09:37



wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-15 09:50

BBC News, last updated at
08:59 GMT, Thursday, 14 January 2010

Security experts say Google cyber-attack was routine

By Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter, BBC News, Silicon Valley

The cyber-attack that made Google consider pulling out of China was run of the mill, say security experts.

Google revealed its move following attempts to hack Gmail accounts of human rights activists.

The search giant said analysis showed that the series of attacks originated from inside China.

"This wasn't in my opinion ground-breaking as an attack. We see this fairly regularly. said Mikko Hypponen, of security firm F-Secure.
"Most companies just never go public," he added.

"Human-rights activists are the biggest target," said Mr Hypponen. "Everyone from Freedom for Tibet to Falun Gong supporters and those involved in Liberation of Taiwan are hit."

F-Secure has been monitoring such attacks against Chinese human-rights activists since 2005.Google has operated in China since 2006 and has now said it was no longer willing to censor results on its Chinese search engine as the government required.China has responded to Google and said that foreign firms were welcome to trade in the nation "according to the law". The spokesman added that the net was "open" in China.

Other victims

Of the attacks, Google said only two Gmail accounts were accessed and that hackers got very limited information. This included when the account was set up and the subject line rather than content of e-mail messages.The company said that the accounts of dozens of US, China and Europe-based users who are advocates of human rights in China had been routinely accessed by third parties.

The cyber-criminals broke in using a tactic known as "phishing" where a legitimate e-mail is sent claiming to come from someone the user knows and trusts.

Typically these e-mail messages have a booby-trapped attachment that, once opened, places malware on a computer.Once an e-mail account is compromised, attackers can piggyback on it to get access to confidential files and systems throughout an organisation."The attacker really did their homework finding out first who to attack, who the key people were in the organisation and how to attack them," said Mr Hypponen.

Google has said publicly that another 20 companies were hit. Adobe is the only other company to go public with this information.But many security experts say the figure is much higher."We know of at least 40 companies that were attacked. For the most part they were in the US," said Chris Day, chief security architect of IT services firm Terremark."This goes on all the time. Of the Fortune 100 companies, all 100 are under some sort of attack all the time."Mr Day told the BBC a host of those targeted were technology and software companies based in Silicon Valley.Google has revealed that finance, chemical and media firms were hit.

Blame game

Questions are now being asked about who orchestrated the attacks."We are not saying one way or another these attacks were state sponsored or done with the approval of the state," said David Drummond, Google's chief legal officer."We do know they were highly organised and we believe the attacker came from China."

The inference being drawn across the security community is that the Google attack and those on other US companies were sanctioned by government."Sources indicate that they believe the attack is the work of actors operating on behalf of or in the direct employ of official intelligence entities of the People's Republic of China," said iDefense Labs in an e-mail to the BBC.

iDefense also revealed that this incident resembles one that took place in July 2009 against nearly 100 IT-focused companies.

"A nation state getting into the business of hacking companies is a really big shift," said Dan Kaminsky, director of penetration at security firm IOActive.

"The question now is are we going to see a significant increase or decrease in these kinds of attacks?"

Safe and secure

Google has stressed that users have nothing to fear about the security of the information it holds.

"The fact that they have come out and are transparent about what has happened is good for user trust," said Terremark's Mr Day.

"I have seen far worse things happen and I think larger organisations, and even individuals, should take this as an object lesson that no-one is immune to these attacks."

General security advice for all users is have a strong password that is changed regularly and includes letters, numbers and symbols.

All security patches should be up-to-date and users should never open attachments unless they know the person they are being sent by and are expecting them.<end>

看这样的文章还是比较费劲哈. 生单词太多, 有的句子还不理解.
看第一遍只能知道个大概意思, 第二遍,慢慢看 慢慢查, 还凑合知道全文的意思, 但有些文句还是弄不明白.

wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-15 10:09

1. 读完后,用一句话(英语)概括中心意思。

The cyber-attack that made Google consider pulling out of China was run of the mill, say security experts.

2."The cyber-attack that made Google consider pulling out of China was run of the mill, say security experts."里run of the mill是什么意思?这里的run是什么意思?

run of the mill 是被公司操控 run的意思是运作和操控???

3. 此文中BBC有没有明确说出自己的观点?


4. 不管BBC是否明确说出自己的观点,文章给人的印象是是什么?这些印象由哪些证据支持?这些证据是如何选择的?有什么漏洞?


5. 这是一篇比较简单的新闻稿,但你可能还是有些句子不能理解,是哪些?请回帖提问。

原文中的蓝色部分都是不怎么理解的地方, 请老师给与解答.

6. 最后一个问题,也是最重要的:你在读的时候有没有先在心里翻译成汉语然后再去理解?有没有尝试直接用英语理解?遭遇什么困难没有?
第一遍看的时候比较快, 没有翻译成中文,直接用英语感觉出来的意思. 第二遍一边查单词一遍翻译, 有的句子得读好几遍才能知道其意思. 遭遇的困难还是生单词影响理解文章的意思.

7. google嘴里的human rights activists到底是哪几类人?

Tibet to Falun Gong supporters and those involved in Liberation of Taiwan

8. google有没有说中国政府组织了对google的骇客袭击?不管说没说,google的结论是什么?其依据的证据是什么?那些证据是否站得住脚?

"A nation state getting into the business of hacking companies is a really big shift," said Dan Kaminsky, director of penetration at security firm IOActive.

9. Blame Game是什么意思?
推卸责任 ?

有些问题没有回答.是还没有自己的答案. 请老师给予指点!

读学英语 发表于 2010-1-15 18:57

1第一遍看的时候比较快, 没有翻译成中文,直接用英语感觉出来的意思. 第二遍一边查单词一遍翻译, 有的句子得读好几遍才能知道其意思. 遭遇的困难还是生单词影响理解文章的意思.
wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-15 10:09 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif先恭喜你一下,可以用英语直接感觉说明你达到了读学英语的入门要求。
Stay tuned.(这句话是什么意思?:lol:)

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-15 21:11

7. google嘴里的human rights activists到底是哪几类人?

Tibet to Falun Gong supporters and those involved in Liberation of Taiwan
The full form for this expression should be "Everyone from Freedom for Tibet to Falun Gong supporters and those involved in Liberation of Taiwan"

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-15 21:33

本帖最后由 zhongdong_wang 于 2010-1-15 21:52 编辑


这篇报道最大的难度,对于多数的中国人来说,难度在两方面:1、长句 2、一些类似成语的具有固定专门含义的短语




zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-15 21:47


zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-15 22:18

本帖最后由 zhongdong_wang 于 2010-1-15 22:23 编辑

对有些单词句子不理解说明你对英语的 ...
读学英语 发表于 2010-1-15 18:57 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

    绝大多数国家对外英语广播目前常用的类似未完待续的说法:stay tuned,意思是“保持(继续)收听”,tune基本义:调台。他们有时候还会说:thank you for tuning in.谢谢你调入(我们的)频道。

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-15 22:59

ground-breaking 不知,个人猜测应该是类似汉语“破天荒头一遭”的意思吧,根据语法结构关系和前后文关联意思,应该是这样的。整句意思应该是:作为一次攻击,以我个人观点,这已经不是破天荒头一遭了。
F-Secure 公司或者部门名称,具体含义我也不知
censor 审查
accessed 被访问的计算机用语 ,该词初始基本意思是“接近”
the subject line rather than content of e-mail messages 标题栏而不是电子邮件的信息内容
advocates 倡议者
The cyber-criminals broke in using a tactic known as "phishing" where a legitimate e-mail is sent claiming to come from someone the user knows and trusts.
   break out 对义词,意思为“突(围)出去”,或者更浅白一点“打破围困,出去”
booby-trapped booby不知道,trapped 以...为陷阱,目前也多用于计算机用语
malware 恶意软件   近些年来新产生的计算机用语,是前缀mal和核心词ware的结合。mal基本义为“不好的”。
piggyback 不知
Adobe 软件公司名,阅读时不必深究
orchestrated 组织指挥orchestra 管弦乐队
sponsored 发起、肇始
drawn 被拽出、被得到
sanctioned 批准
on behalf of or in the direct employ of 以...名义或者直接受雇于...
big shift 大手段、大手笔
transparent 容易识破的
an object lesson (生动)直观的一堂课
immune 免疫的、有免疫能力的
open attachments 打开附件attachment 计算机用语,本意为“附加物、附着物、黏着物”


vivicat 发表于 2010-1-15 23:28

Stay tuned.(这句话是什么意思?):lol: ...
读学英语 发表于 2010-1-15 18:57 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


vivicat 发表于 2010-1-15 23:37

ground-breaking 不知,个人猜测应该是类似汉语“破天荒头一遭”的意思吧,根据语法结构关系和前后文关联意 ...
zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-15 22:59 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


红色的血 发表于 2010-1-16 01:51

英语忘光了 回忆下

ms_justice 发表于 2010-1-16 08:38

more and more attack from china because china goverment support this ,from google .by bbc .

ms_justice 发表于 2010-1-16 08:41


ms_justice 发表于 2010-1-16 08:45


ms_justice 发表于 2010-1-16 08:46


zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-16 13:22


ms_justice 发表于 2010-1-16 16:01

The cyber-attack that made Google consider pulling out of China was run of the mill, say security experts.
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