zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-20 13:07



如果是的话,那么transparent在此类用法中是不是也可以理解为“中国政府应该使其军事更不起作用”或者“...更隐蔽些”以免搞得美国心神不宁,并藐视中国的军事科技变相地提醒中国人说“你们太嫩了这么不隐蔽'not transparent(这么不透明,按楼主对该词引申义的解释)'搞得我们什么都能知道,针对你们军队的大量的军事情报都把我们搞得烦死了”?或者我自己把这个意思引申一下“我们要求中国政府把自己的军队/军事给废了”?Q79)


The fact that they have come out and are transparent about what has happened is good for user trust.
上面这句英语中what的语义作用是什么,这个词指的是什么东西?what has happened 我理解为“所发生的(事情)”。如果be transparent abot后面跟的是一个实体对象概念比如“公司、网络系统、计算机系统”等,那么我能够理解得通transaparent about是表示“对公司、数据、人员(比如楼主说的用户)、网络系统、计算机系统等不起作用的没什么影响的”这种句子中是表示“透明”这个意思引申出来的意思。

但是现在问题是transparent about后面跟的是what has happened(所(已经)发生的(事情)),那么,我暂时将about理解为它的本意“关于、对于、在...上面/方面”之类的意思的话,是不是be transparent about what has happened可以理解成“对已经发生的(事情没有任何作用的/不起任何作用的就像完全透明的不存在的一样)”?

那么,就假设这样解释是正确的。那么,这句话的主语是什么?我看了几遍,仍然觉得主语应该是they。they are transparent about what has happened. 按照楼主对“transparent”的解释,我把这句话理解成“他们对于所发生的((攻击)事件)是不起作用的”。那么,问题就来了“他们”是指谁?是指“攻击事件本身对这些攻击事件不起作用的”吗?


They are transparent about what has happened 这部分内容是可以作为独立句子存在的,它的意思仍然沿用上面还没确定的意思的话就是“他们(我个人认为是指攻击事件的发出者)在此类攻击事件方面是无效的”,我就不能看出是对“客户”“无效的”所以是“透明的”这个逻辑关系了。

假如,把这个长句分成两部分那么就是The fact that they had come out and are transparent about what has happened,and this fact is good for user trust.到这里为止,我也看不出about这个词是用来统辖user trust(用户的信任/信心)或者“good for user trust(有利于用户的信任/信心)”的。是指“无效于、无作用于用户的良好信任、信心”?

那么就等于是“用户的良好信心是没有作用的、无意义的、无效的”吗?然而,“有益于用户的信心/good for user trust”并不是about的任何形式的宾语。除非英语语法的常规用法在这里有非常特殊的解释,否则难以推断出“不为...所见的”这个意思。当然,这是我根据楼主的“透明”之“不可见”引申含义根据英语的常规语法规律做的解释。

假如按照楼主的这种引申,那么这句话该这么说:they are transparent about the goodness for user trust.那么,what has happened这个从句短语?又处于何种语法地位呢?除非about不做介词看而作为副词看表示“到处都是、遍布、在...周围/附近、大约、大概”,那么what has happened就同样没有着落了。


按照我的理解,They是指攻击者they are transparent about what has happened意思是“他们(攻击者们)在所已经发生的事件上的行为/表现是容易识破的/隐藏不住的”,该意思来自于“他们(攻击者们)隐藏不住(所已经发生的)这些攻击行为”。透明的——>不易隐藏的——>易暴露的——>易被看出来/易被看到的——>易被识破的——>易被掌控的——>易被控制危害的——>不易造成危害的——>不易实现事件效果的...


zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-20 14:11


zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-20 15:59

ms_justice 发表于 2010-1-20 06:44 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

Questions are now being asked about who orchestrated the attacks."We are not saying one way or another these attacks were state sponsored or done with the approval of the state," said David Drummond, Google's chief legal officer."We do know they were highly organised and we believe the attacker came from China."

这段话中We are not saying one way or another these attacks were state sponsored or done with the approval of the state 这句话里的one way or another是作为状语来使用的,这是我个人的理解。

作为状语的话,它的意思通常是“以这样或者那样的方式”之类的意思。在引号之间的整句话中one way or another这个状语有几个地方可以放,句首位置可能性不大,因为不太习惯;句末的话,那么也就也有可能修饰are not saying做主句状语;在其他位置的话,就可能修饰were state sponcered or done with the approval of the state。

引号里的这句话,还可以添加that,一种是添加在saying后面,一种是添加在these attacks前面。两种添加,one way or another所修饰的对象就不同了。我之所以像“我们并不是以这样或者那样的方式在说...”这样解释,是因为后面一句话“We do know they were highly organised and we believe the attacker came from China.”中的do这个词,这个词修饰know起强调作用,在这里意思可以解释成“的确/确实”,整句就是“我们确实知道他们(那些攻击者)是高度有组织的并且我相信攻击者来自中国”。



实际上do这个词在英语肯定句中也可以使用,而且是和否定句中do not的格式相对应的。只不过,肯定句中加do修饰动词具有明显的强调作用,而且一般是要重读突出其强调作用的。

Are you sure you know it?你确信你知道?
Yes,I do know it.是的,我的确/当然知道。

You see?你看到/明白了?
I do see.我确实看见/明白了。

wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-20 20:51

本帖最后由 wyd2008 于 2010-1-20 21:35 编辑

We are not saying one way or another that these attacks were state sponsored or done with the approval of the state,"

我对这个句子的理解是这样的: one way or another做状语修饰 saying . 而 that 后面的句子是saying的宾语从句.我这样理解对不?

wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-20 21:29

? transparent在这里The fact that they have come out and are transparent about what has happened is good for user trust是什么意思?


那么这个整句怎么翻译才能翻译的比较恰当, 我整了半天都翻译的不通顺?

wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-20 21:33

2."The cyber-attack that made Google consider pulling out of China was run of the mill, say security experts."里run of the mill是什么意思?这里的run是什么意思?
看看大标题:Security experts say Google cyber-attack was routine.
再看看小标题:The cyber-attack that made Google consider pulling out of China was run of the mill, say security experts.
把枝叶剪掉,大标题就是:Google cyber-attack was routine.
小标题就是:The cyber-attack was run of the mill.
这下看出来run of the mill的同义词是哪个了吧?

run of the mill是一个固定搭配,起源于米国。在最早使用这个搭配的文章里,mill指的是织布厂,run指的是工厂生产的一个批次。run of the mill指的是刚刚生产出来的一批未经质量检验的产品。这种产品有什么特点呢?肯定是良莠不齐,有好有坏。所以run of the mill的价格比一等品要便宜。后来引申的意思就是Being of no special quality or type, average, common, ordinary, plain, routine, standard. 类似的说法还有:Run of the kiln, bricks等等。

既然这是一个固定搭配, 那么就是说, 这个词组是根据这个故事推断出来的意思, 现在的这个用法是不是已经约定成俗了???

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-20 21:48

? transparent在这里The fact that they have come out and are transparent about what has happened is g ...
wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-20 21:29 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
事实是,他们已经出现并且所做/发生的事情很容易(被我们to us,这个成分被省略了,我们即是指说话者代表的公司或者工作团队)识破,用户们应该对我们更有信心。


zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-20 22:10



calmvoca 发表于 2010-1-20 22:27


读学英语 发表于 2010-1-21 05:27

ms_justice 发表于 2010-1-20 10:22 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

读学英语 发表于 2010-1-21 05:41

2."The cyber-attack that made Google consider pulling out of China was run o ...疑问二、
这个问题实际上也和问题一有一些关系,但我们只讲另一个疑问。run of the mill楼主说是“Being of no special quality or

run of the mill这个词是怎么从“Being of no special quality or type, average, common, ordinary, plain,standard”这些意思,或者更往前的它的本意“刚刚生产出来的一批未经质量检验的产品”或者“良莠不齐,有好有

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-20 11:15 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


run指的是工厂生产的一个批次。run of the mill指的是刚刚生产出来的一批未经质量检验的产品。这种产品有什么特点呢?肯定是良莠不齐,有好有坏。经过检验后按照质量分就有了等级:first class, second class, etc. 所以run of the mill是一种routine的东西,价格比first class要便宜。


读学英语 发表于 2010-1-21 05:48

Google的结论是这次袭击可能有中国政府背景。证据是(1)Those being attacked were Chinese human-rights activists; (2) the attacker came from China.

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-20 11:23 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


读学英语 发表于 2010-1-21 06:35

按照我的理解,They是指攻击者they are transparent about what has happened意思是“他们(攻击者们)在所已经发生的事件上的行为/表现是容易识破的/隐藏不住的”,该意思来自于“他们(攻击者们)隐藏不住(所已经发生的)这些攻击行为”。透明的——>不易隐藏的——>易暴露的——>易被看出来/易被看到的——>易被识破的——>易被掌控的——>易被控制危害的——>不易造成危害的——>不易实现事件效果的...
zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-20 13:07 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif
觉得你的质疑有道理, 重新看了一下。不过我的理解和你的还是不同。当初理解错误是由于对come out一词理解不深。深究了一下come out的意思,新的参考答案为:
Google has stressed that users have nothing to fear about the security of the information it holds.
"The fact that they have come out and are transparent about what has happened is good for user trust," said Terremark's Mr Day.

come out: To declare oneself publicly
这里的transparent: Free from guile; candid or open: 不伪装的;坦率的。

They = google.
Google has come out and is transparent about what has happered. That is good for user trust.

读学英语 发表于 2010-1-21 06:39

We are not saying one way or another that these attacks were state sponsored or done with the approval of the state,"

我对这个句子的理解是这样的: one way or another做状语修饰 saying . 而 that 后面的句子是saying的宾语从句.我这样理解对不?
wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-20 20:51 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif对。
we are not saying that ........
one way or another = in any way

读学英语 发表于 2010-1-21 06:43

? transparent在这里The fact that they have come out and are transparent about what has happened is g ...
wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-20 21:29 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

Google has stressed that users have nothing to fear about the security of the information it holds.
"The fact that they have come out and are transparent about what has happened is good for user trust," said Terremark's Mr Day.

come out: To declare oneself publicly
这里的transparent: Free from guile; candid or open: 不伪装的;坦率的。

They = google.
Google has come out and is transparent about what has happered. That is good for user trust.

读学英语 发表于 2010-1-21 06:45

既然这是一个固定搭配, 那么就是说, 这个词组是根据这个故事推断出来的意思, 现在的这个用法是不是已经约定成俗了???
wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-20 21:33 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif

zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-21 08:49

Envelopes must be transparent about marketing, warns ASA
OUT-LAW News, 18/06/2008

An envelope used in a Virgin Media mailshot broke advertising rules because it failed to make its marketing nature obvious. The envelope should have stated clearly that it contained marketing material, the UK's advertising regulator has ruled.

The letter describing the cable company's broadband offer was sealed in a plain white envelope with no markings to identify the promoter.

The envelope featured a small hole that went right through the envelope and some of its contents and was designed to look like a bullet hole surrounded by burn marks. Ten people complained to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), saying that the bullet hole would cause offence and distress. The ASA rejected those complaints. It said the hole "was likely to be recognised as a stylised design gimmick" and that "recipients would appreciate that it was unlikely that an envelope would arrive with a bullet hole."

The ASA had its own concern, though, about Virgin's failure to identify the envelope as a promotion.

Small text on the reverse of the envelope provided a PO Box return address but Virgin Media's identity was only revealed to recipients if they opened the letter. In some cases the letter was addressed to the recipient; other times it was addressed to "The Occupier".

The ASA ruled against Virgin Media in an adjudication published today.

"We concluded that the envelope should have stated clearly that it contained marketing material to avoid ambiguity or confusion about the status of the envelope," said the ASA. "On this point, the ad breached CAP Code clause 22.1."

That provision states:

"Marketers, publishers and owners of other media should ensure that marketing communications are designed and presented in such a way that it is clear that they are marketing communications. Unsolicited e-mail marketing communications should be clearly identifiable as marketing communications without the need to open them."

Virgin was told to ensure that in future mailings envelopes should state clearly that they contained marketing material.


zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-21 08:55

第二点,今天我明确提出关于run of the mill需要楼主解决的问题究竟是什么?
run of the mill一词,mill的本意是可以沿用的,因为它具有沿承性:风车——>磨坊——>碾磨作坊——>制作场——>工厂...,因此不存在需要楼主解释mill这个词的概念变迁的过程。


zhongdong_wang 发表于 2010-1-21 09:52


Google has stressed that users have nothing to fear about the securit ...
读学英语 发表于 2010-1-21 06:43 http://bbs.m4.cn/images/common/back.gif


wyd2008 发表于 2010-1-21 21:10


Google has stressed that users have nothing to fear about the security of the information it holds.
"The fact that they have come out and are transparent about what has happened is good for user trust," said Terremark's Mr Day.

come out: To declare oneself publicly
这里的transparent: Free from guile; candid or open: 不伪装的;坦率的。

They = google.
Google has come out and is transparent about what has happered. That is good for user trust.

根据楼主的句子, 翻译应该是: 谷歌已经公开宣称和不隐瞒所发生的事情的这个真相对用户信懒是有好处的.

这个感觉还说的通. 应该是这样的吧???
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查看完整版本: 【读学英语】抢先版第一期:google想恐怖化中国?#95 & #115