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[翻译完毕] 【2010.6.11法新社】China sentences school attacker to death

发表于 2010-6-11 23:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 青蛙小王子 于 2010-6-15 23:06 编辑

【原文标题】China sentences school attacker to death

    198745770.jpg        BEIJING (AFP) - A Chinese court on Friday sentenced to death a man who injured 16 children and a teacher in an April stabbing spree -- the third such punishment after a series of school attacks that shocked the nation.

An intermediate court in the southern province of Guangdong sentenced Chen Kangbing to death for the attack at a primary school in the city of Leizhou, Xinhua news agency reported.

The assault was one of a number that took place in China from March to May that left 17 people -- including 15 children -- dead and more than 80 injured.

"Chen hacked at the children and teacher in a very cruel manner, causing great harm," the report quoted the court in the city of Zhanjiang as saying in its verdict, noting he was convicted of "murder" even though no one died.

Chen admitted his guilt during the trial, according to Xinhua. It was not immediately clear if he would appeal the verdict.

  Aged in his early 30s, Chen is a schoolteacher who was reportedly on sick leave due to mental health problems.

  The violent attacks have prompted emergency measures including stronger school security and stricter monitoring of people known to have mental illnesses, out of fears of copy-cat crimes.

  Extra police and security were posted this week outside high schools and road blocks set up outside test venues as nearly 10 million students sat for the country's university entrance exams.

  Experts said the assaults show China is paying the price for focusing on economic growth for decades while ignoring mental health problems linked to the nation's rapid social change.

  Studies have cited a rise in the number of people suffering from mental disorders in China, some of them linked to stress as society becomes more fast-paced and old socialist supports have been scrapped.

   Some of the attackers involved in the violent school rampages reportedly had mental problems.

   Other than Chen, two have already been sentenced to death and executed. Two other attackers committed suicide after their crimes.

   One assailant who was executed late last month, Xu Yuyuan, said at his trial that his motive was to vent rage against society after losing money gambling and in business dealings, and suffering setbacks in his personal life.

   The unemployed Xu carried out a bloody assault on 32 people, mostly small children, at a kindergarten in east China's Jiangsu province in April.

    A former doctor who stabbed to death eight children and injured five others on March 23 in southeast China was also executed last month.

    Premier Wen Jiabao last month said long-standing social concerns such as unemployment and a growing gap between rich and poor were partially to blame for the string of attacks.

    "We need to resolve the deep-seated causes that have resulted in these problems," Wen said in an interview with Hong Kong-based Phoenix Television, carried on its website.

         "This includes handling social contradictions, resolving disputes and strengthening mediation at the grassroots level."
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