



楼主: 空气稀薄


发表于 2008-7-19 18:56 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-19 20:04 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-19 20:04 | 显示全部楼层

瑞典青年红十字会成员Johans sida的两个回复

Johans sida.JPG
Thank you for your factual information Jake / Big Phew
There is no doubt that you / you have a huge knowledge that many of us can only dream of. A knowledge and accuracy which also really come to the right in this context.

I am the first to apologise for the confusion that you pointed out, it is very unfortunate and we will take it to us. Of course, we, as representatives of the Red Cross Ungdomsförbund and as part of the international Red Korsrörelsen, be very clear with our data, which we unfortunately failed with this time.
However, we are very proud of our campaign and it will continue with full strength.

I would also take the opportunity to bring the campaign's main objective, which was able to avoid some of the misunderstandings that have arisen. Did you / you write in mailkonversionen with Simon that we "claiming to be campaigning for the Tibetan people!", Which we firmly want to distance myself from. The campaign's main aim is to promote human rights and create a platform to discuss demsamma, nothing else. We do not want to, through our campaign, criticizing China or any other country directly, however, we want human rights will be discussed by all. The campaign, which very much includes the photos published, can be linked with China is for us more about taking advantage of a moment that the Olympic Games in China provide. We believe that this is an important issue for the Red Cross Ungdomsförbund and for us it is a matter of course to get behind, and campaigns for human rights. There is no doubt that the campaign will arouse feelings of many people, but we can not just keep quiet, but we must act, which we do through our campaign. A campaign for human rights, both in Sweden and the rest of the world.

Of course, we should understand the extent of our campaign, and had the information in languages other than English, so soon there will be a translation of the initial campaign also into English.

I hope you will accept my answer. I am very impressed by your commitment and I hope you'll continue to discuss with us!

I will remind you of the campaign's main purpose, which is to promote and create a debate regarding the human rights, and nothing else. The purpose is not, in any way, to criticize a specific county, all such information is incorrect. It is time for someone to take a stand for the human rights, which are violated every dag all around the world, and that is what this campaign is about.

The actions shown in the pictures are unacceptable, in spite of the origin of the picture.
Crime against the human rights is always wrong, no matter what. It does not matter where you come from, if you are wearing a uniform, if you are a policeman or a civilian, a crime against the human rights is always a crime.
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发表于 2008-7-19 20:30 | 显示全部楼层
"However, we are very proud of our campaign and it will continue with full strength."
"a crime against the human rights is always a crime."


"A campaign for human rights, both in Sweden and the rest of the world."
"The campaign's main aim is to promote human rights and create a platform to discuss demsamma, nothing else."




[ 本帖最后由 音乐盒 于 2008-7-19 22:30 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-19 20:55 | 显示全部楼层

瑞典青年红十字会和法 轮 功混到一起了!


On October 21st and 22nd, a seminar and exhibition in the name of the World Unity Show was held in the People’s Hall in Orebro, Sweden. Those who participated in the show were the Orebro ABF Organisation, the Association for Supporting Human Rights in China, the Swedish Falun Gong Association and the Youth Association of the Red Cross.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-19 21:08 | 显示全部楼层




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发表于 2008-7-19 21:30 | 显示全部楼层
已经听够了反华分子的瞎叫唤,不用管它这些山猫野兽的上窜下跳,只管办好我们自己的事就是了.还能 听到兔子叫就不敢种豆了?
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发表于 2008-7-19 21:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-19 23:13 | 显示全部楼层
不做好自己份内的事情,多去趟非洲救救可怜的孩子们。没事吃饱撑的!! .
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发表于 2008-7-19 23:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-19 23:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-20 00:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-20 02:21 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 空气稀薄 于 2008-7-19 21:08 发表


2.给他国施加压力是一个负责的国家应该做的 ...

也不完全是这样, 没人给在伊拉克的美国人施压, 在奥运年为世界和平为伊拉克和平不是更能在奥运会上有感召?

这是西方人对中国的邪恶, 意念上的专政!
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发表于 2008-7-20 02:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-20 02:54 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-20 03:12 | 显示全部楼层
很可气 无视他们
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发表于 2008-7-20 03:25 | 显示全部楼层
有登記的朋友請這樣回覆 (並且貼上金英在法國被襲照片)

>>The actions shown in the pictures are unacceptable, in spite of the origin of the picture.

Very glorious claim, but "in spite of the origin of each picture" won't give you the right to carry on your mistake and be hidden behind the fact.

Apology without rectification is merely lip service, no matter how many times or by how many persons.
The right thing for you to do is: to label under the picture -- your official apology for misrepresenting to the readers, and "STATING CLEARLY, THE UNIFORM IN BLUE ARE SECURITY FORCES FROM NEPAL, NOT CHINA, AND THOSE ILLUSTRATING CHINESE OFFICIALS ARE PICTURES ON A THRILL PRACTICE CARRIED OUT IN A DALIAN HARBOUR CONTAINER TERMINAL FOR ILLEGAL SMUGGLERS". If you need any assistance, we can offer our service to tell you which one to label what! Why not, for Human Rights and Get the Truth out!
(btw, is it really "in spite of the origin" you want to mean, or should we say it for you "in spite of whether it's true or not? Taking a thrill training picture as real human rights violation? You guys are really SMART indeed!)

If you feel your goal is so just, you should undermine it with suspicious maneuvers such that you are practically cheating your readers, your fellow Swedish and European friends, who have the trust in you and your organisation to be HONOURABLE and trustworthy.  That is to say, you simply ruin Red Cross reputation, or do you really care about that?? Just a glorious claim is simply not enough, you have to do the right thing, BUT YOU HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT AS WELL.  You don't have to take off the pictures, we rather you don't take them off really, because those are evidence of your true intention in smearing and distortion, UNLESS YOU PUT THE CORRECT DESCRIPTION to tell the truth.

BTW, attached please find the picture of Chinese paralympic athlete Jing Ying as attacked by the Tibetan protestors.  Tell us, please, where is her human right? Because she comes from China, or being a female handicapped athlete, then her human right can be violated by the Tibetans. We thought you said "a crime against the human rights is always a crime."

If your group turns blind upon injustice against a Chinese lady, it's highly doubtful you can take on any campaign with your double-standard preset mind.

>>照片中所顯示的行為是不能被接受的, 不管來自那裡.

很冠冕堂皇, 但”不管來自那裡”並沒賦予你特權可以繼續堅持你的錯失, 而且隱瞞事實

道歉而沒有補救只是咀皮運動, 不管是多少次, 有多少人來道歉

你該做的是: 在每張照片下面, 刊登你們為誤導讀者的正式道歉, 同時”清楚標示, 藍制服的是尼泊爾而不是中國的軍警人員
而那些顯示中國官員的照片是在大連貨櫃碼頭一次緝私演習的情況. 你們搞不清那幀該標什麼時, 我們可以幫忙, 為了人權與正義嘛!!!
(再者, 真的是不管來自那裡嗎? 還是你想說, 不管是不是真的?  拿演習照片來當真的, 你們真夠聰明的!)

如果你們覺得自己目的是對的, 你們不該不擇手段因為你們那樣做是在欺騙讀者及瑞典同胞以及歐洲朋友, 他們信任你們及你們的機構的聲譽是誠實可靠的。也就是說, 你們損害的是紅十字! 還是你們根本不關心這個? 有好的目的也要正確的手段。你們不必取下照片, 我們巴不得你們永遠放那裡作為你們蓄意抹黑的鐵證。當然, 你們把正確的描述把事實還原, 那又當別論了啦!

還有, 這裡有殘奧選手金英被西藏示威者襲擊的照片。請告訴我們, 她的人權又到了那裡?因為她來自中國, 還是因為是女性殘奧運動員, 你們於是覺得她的人權是可以被西藏人侵犯的? 我們以為你在說, “人權侵犯永遠是一種罪行”啊!

如果你們的組織對一位中國女性被不公平對待視若無睹, 很懷疑以你們的雙重標準, 你們如何勝任那些運動!

[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-7-20 03:29 编辑 ]




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发表于 2008-7-20 03:40 | 显示全部楼层
空氣, 我們也許應該研究一下瑞典當地的法律!!!

看看, 他們那種只道歉, 卻不正式聲明, 或對圖片繼續構造是中國境內
這樣的誤導, 不更正, 是否有法律追究的可能的!!

他們這些死腦筋, 也就只能依法處置, 他們才知道厲害!!
我們有沒有瑞典的中國學生? 之前好像有位提供過一篇瑞典報章的, 可忘了是誰.
然後, 我們必須盡量找法律方面的人材. 對付老外, 尤其這些毛小子, 必須用法律來治他們
講理他們是只會耍, 還認為跟我們這樣過招, 是他們打響名堂的終南捷徑!

道理跟荷里活那撥, 跟著達賴當金鵝領著跑, 一樣的動機
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发表于 2008-7-20 05:04 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-20 05:12 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ltbriar 于 2008-7-20 03:40 发表
空氣, 我們也許應該研究一下瑞典當地的法律!!!

看看, 他們那種只道歉, 卻不正式聲明, 或對圖片繼續構造是中國境內
這樣的誤導, 不更正, 是否有法律追究的可能的!!

他們這些死腦筋, 也就只能依法處置, 他們才知道厲 ...

ltbriar 是不发则已,一发冲天啊


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