有登記的朋友請這樣回覆 (並且貼上金英在法國被襲照片)
>>The actions shown in the pictures are unacceptable, in spite of the origin of the picture.
Very glorious claim, but "in spite of the origin of each picture" won't give you the right to carry on your mistake and be hidden behind the fact.
Apology without rectification is merely lip service, no matter how many times or by how many persons.
The right thing for you to do is: to label under the picture -- your official apology for misrepresenting to the readers, and "STATING CLEARLY, THE UNIFORM IN BLUE ARE SECURITY FORCES FROM NEPAL, NOT CHINA, AND THOSE ILLUSTRATING CHINESE OFFICIALS ARE PICTURES ON A THRILL PRACTICE CARRIED OUT IN A DALIAN HARBOUR CONTAINER TERMINAL FOR ILLEGAL SMUGGLERS". If you need any assistance, we can offer our service to tell you which one to label what! Why not, for Human Rights and Get the Truth out!
(btw, is it really "in spite of the origin" you want to mean, or should we say it for you "in spite of whether it's true or not? Taking a thrill training picture as real human rights violation? You guys are really SMART indeed!)
If you feel your goal is so just, you should undermine it with suspicious maneuvers such that you are practically cheating your readers, your fellow Swedish and European friends, who have the trust in you and your organisation to be HONOURABLE and trustworthy. That is to say, you simply ruin Red Cross reputation, or do you really care about that?? Just a glorious claim is simply not enough, you have to do the right thing, BUT YOU HAVE TO DO IT RIGHT AS WELL. You don't have to take off the pictures, we rather you don't take them off really, because those are evidence of your true intention in smearing and distortion, UNLESS YOU PUT THE CORRECT DESCRIPTION to tell the truth.
BTW, attached please find the picture of Chinese paralympic athlete Jing Ying as attacked by the Tibetan protestors. Tell us, please, where is her human right? Because she comes from China, or being a female handicapped athlete, then her human right can be violated by the Tibetans. We thought you said "a crime against the human rights is always a crime."
If your group turns blind upon injustice against a Chinese lady, it's highly doubtful you can take on any campaign with your double-standard preset mind.
>>照片中所顯示的行為是不能被接受的, 不管來自那裡.
很冠冕堂皇, 但”不管來自那裡”並沒賦予你特權可以繼續堅持你的錯失, 而且隱瞞事實
道歉而沒有補救只是咀皮運動, 不管是多少次, 有多少人來道歉
你該做的是: 在每張照片下面, 刊登你們為誤導讀者的正式道歉, 同時”清楚標示, 藍制服的是尼泊爾而不是中國的軍警人員
而那些顯示中國官員的照片是在大連貨櫃碼頭一次緝私演習的情況. 你們搞不清那幀該標什麼時, 我們可以幫忙, 為了人權與正義嘛!!!
(再者, 真的是不管來自那裡嗎? 還是你想說, 不管是不是真的? 拿演習照片來當真的, 你們真夠聰明的!)
如果你們覺得自己目的是對的, 你們不該不擇手段因為你們那樣做是在欺騙讀者及瑞典同胞以及歐洲朋友, 他們信任你們及你們的機構的聲譽是誠實可靠的。也就是說, 你們損害的是紅十字! 還是你們根本不關心這個? 有好的目的也要正確的手段。你們不必取下照片, 我們巴不得你們永遠放那裡作為你們蓄意抹黑的鐵證。當然, 你們把正確的描述把事實還原, 那又當別論了啦!
還有, 這裡有殘奧選手金英被西藏示威者襲擊的照片。請告訴我們, 她的人權又到了那裡?因為她來自中國, 還是因為是女性殘奧運動員, 你們於是覺得她的人權是可以被西藏人侵犯的? 我們以為你在說, “人權侵犯永遠是一種罪行”啊!
如果你們的組織對一位中國女性被不公平對待視若無睹, 很懷疑以你們的雙重標準, 你們如何勝任那些運動!
[ 本帖最后由 ltbriar 于 2008-7-20 03:29 编辑 ] |