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[文化] 阿凡达的原始剧本啊!!!谁来翻译?! attachment  ...2 powerovergamec 2010-1-10 17:53 212065 下个月 2010-1-18 18:05
[文化] 【10.1.7 Useless Tree】The Tao of Avatar 和解团结 2010-1-8 09:05 1792 qljshsy 2010-1-9 15:46
[文化] 【10.1.3 费加罗报】Neige en Chine : Pékin coupée du monde attach_img 連長 2010-1-4 13:45 0708 連長 2010-1-4 13:45
[文化] 【09.12.29 澳大利亚人报】PM Kevin Rudd backs ANU's China centre attach_img agree 青蛙小王子 2009-12-28 22:33 0571 青蛙小王子 2009-12-28 22:33
[文化] 【2009.12.16 纽约时报】Chinese Team Searches Museums for Art Treasures attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-12-17 20:41 2723 rhapsody 2009-12-17 22:21
[文化] 【09.11.19 Granite Studio】古文,句法,国家(民族)和文明定义之争 和解团结 2009-11-26 06:56 1701 communicator 2009-11-26 10:07
[文化] 【09.11.24 CNN】Darwin and the case for 'militant atheism' attach_img Iam_zhcn 2009-11-25 11:22 0771 I'm_zhcn 2009-11-25 11:22
[文化] 【09.11.23 卫报】High School Musical gets Chinese remake attach_img Iam_zhcn 2009-11-24 11:47 0596 I'm_zhcn 2009-11-24 11:47
[文化] 【09.10.14 德国焦点周刊】Das andere China attach_img agree 音乐盒 2009-10-15 01:49 0866 音乐盒 2009-10-15 01:49
[文化] 【纽约时报】Mao: The Great Helmsman of Kitsch? attach_img agree elpeggy 2009-10-2 19:52 11011 npzy890101 2009-10-2 20:20
[文化] 【费加罗报】Pékin lance une propagande hollywoodienne attach_img agree 忧心 2009-10-1 18:11 0849 忧心 2009-10-1 18:11
[文化] 【2009.09.29 洛杉矶时报】Polanski arrest draws cheers and jeers in Europe attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-9-29 19:58 2828 rhapsody 2009-9-29 21:54
[文化] 【2009.09.29 法国解放报】«Pourquoi, en France, vous le soutenez, Polanski?» attach_img agree rhapsody 2009-9-29 20:02 0477 rhapsody 2009-9-29 20:02
[文化] 【NYT】Film Festival in the Cross Hairs attach_img agree 黄金如形 2009-8-11 11:15 4707 vivicat 2009-8-12 19:13
[文化] 【每日电讯报】Scots fought 'in bright yellow war shirts not Braveheart kilts' attach_img Iam_zhcn 2009-6-29 15:24 0790 I'm_zhcn 2009-6-29 15:24
[文化] 【BBC】Guantanamo and the mouse that roared attach_img agree Roadblock 2009-6-13 16:27 0771 Roadblock 2009-6-13 16:27
[文化] 【金融时报】Palau accepts Guantánamo inmates attach_img agree Roadblock 2009-6-13 16:10 0626 Roadblock 2009-6-13 16:10
[文化] 【每日邮报】Dozens of decapitated bodies found in mass Roman war grave unearthed …… attach_img magicboy 2009-6-12 07:13 0743 magicboy 2009-6-12 07:13
[文化] 【泰晤士报】English acquires its millionth word attach_img magicboy 2009-6-12 05:10 0756 magicboy 2009-6-12 05:10
[文化] 【每日电讯报】Hunt begins for leader of Terracotta army attach_img magicboy 2009-6-11 01:13 0618 magicboy 2009-6-11 01:13
[文化] 【纽约时报】To Protect an Ancient City, China Moves to Raze It attach_img agree aha 2009-5-28 10:46 11190 aha 2009-5-28 10:48
[文化] 【纽约时报】The Almighty Renminbi? attach_img agree Roadblock 2009-5-25 18:04 0787 Roadblock 2009-5-25 18:04
[文化] Gehöft stern 2009-6-27 00:08 11492 magicboy 2007-6-28 02:08
[文化] Mein blaues Klavier stern 2009-6-27 00:06 11545 magicboy 2007-6-28 02:08
[文化] Sozusagen grundlos vergnügt stern 2009-6-27 00:04 11048 magicboy 2007-6-28 02:08
[文化] Ein alter Tibetteppich stern 2009-6-27 00:03 11224 magicboy 2007-6-28 02:08
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