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[政治] [联合翻译] Exile meets homeland

发表于 2009-7-24 00:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rlsrls08 于 2009-7-24 00:25 编辑

Diaspora, identity, and habitus

Responding to celebrations of diaspora and of border crossings as metaphors of emancipation, transgression, and subversion, critical geographers have suggested rethinking diaspora as being ‘without guarantees', to borrow from Hall (1986). That is, a diasporic condition may indeed be subversive or transgressive, but it is not necessarily so. Furthermore, diasporic identities and communities are always multiple and contested (Mitchell, 1997; Nagar, 1997; Nagel, 2001). All of this is quite evident in the lyrics of Red China Robber Gang by Techung, a popular California-based Tibetan singer. In exuding a sense of defiance and pride in Tibetan identity, the song also plays directly into existing Western stereotypes of Chinese as alien, dog-eating, and/or Communist Others. This demonization of the Chinese is often extended by Tibetans reared in South Asia to Tibetans who have grown up in Tibet who are suspected of being ‘brainwashed' by China.

...也就是说,流亡聚居的状况可能真的具有颠覆性或进攻性的,也它不一定要这样。此外,流亡藏族人的民族特征和这个群体经常是多样化以及争议中的(Mitchell, 1997; Nagar, 1997; Nagel, 2001)。由加州藏族流行歌手德琼创作的红色匪帮的歌词是其中一个很好的例证,这首歌展示了西方人眼中固有的中国形像,作异形,吃狗肉者以及或者可能是共产党。在南亚长大的藏族人经常把对中国人的妖魔化扩大至在西藏长大的藏族人,怀疑他们已经在中国被洗脑。


The need to recognize that a diasporic condition is not always already politically progressive is acute in the Tibetan case, because of the way in which the diasporic struggle has been structured by the Cold War and by the conflation of Chinese-ness with Communism. The CIA's covert support for the Tibetan resistance army, Chushi Gangdrug, from 1956 until 1972 grew directly out of the Cold War project to contain Communism (Conboy and Morrison, 2002; Knaus, 1999). These geopolitical entanglements have made for strange political bedfellows; former Republican Senator Jesse Helms, known for his distaste for what he called “Red China” and the “barbarous, Communist Chinese government”, was one of the earliest and most vocal supporters of the Tibetan cause in the US government (Collinson, 2001). In an ironic twist, performances in the 1970s by the Dharamsala-based Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts were heckled vociferously by audiences in Washington DC, Madison, and Berkeley, who were ideologically supportive of, if not well-informed about, the Communist project in China (Calkowski, 1997). The partial structuring of the internal politics of Tibetan communities by this field of global geopolitics makes their dynamics all the more important to tease apart.

认识到流亡状况在政治上不一定是进步的,这一点对认清西藏运动很重要,因为流亡藏族人的抗争是由冷战以及共产党的吞并构成的。中央情报局从1956年到1972年间对卡西康卓藏族抵抗军的秘密援助,完全是出于钳制共产主义的冷战策略(Conboy and Morrison, 2002; Knaus, 1999)。这些地缘政治上的姻缘成就了这对政治红尘知己;前共和党参议员杰西·赫尔姆斯以对他所称作红色中国野蛮的共产中国政府的憎恶而著称,他是美国政府中其中一个最早期的和最强烈的西藏运动支持者。一个啼笑皆非的插曲是,以达兰萨拉为基地的藏族表演艺术学院的表演常常被华盛顿、麦迪逊和巴克利的观众喝倒彩,他们在意识形态上支持共产党人在中国的目标,当然他们可能对共产党人的目标不太了解(Calkowski, 1997)。藏族社群的内部党派政治斗争在世界地缘政治的大气候中得到了动力而不是分裂。


Of course, Tibetan communities have always been cross cut by multiple identities. Nevertheless, practices such as long-distance trade and pilgrimage gave a relative coherence to Tibetan cultural identity, including a sense of shared history, a common literary language, aspects of genealogy, myth, and religion, and folkloric notions such as Tibetans as eaters of tsampa (ground barley flour) (Kapstein, 1998). However, the ‘imagined community' of Tibet as a nation and the belief that Tibetans should thus have a unique nation-state (Anderson, 1983), emerged strongly only in the early 20th century, after the 13th Dalai Lama fled to India and then to Mongolia after British and Chinese invasions, and especially after the 1951 incorporation of Tibet into the People's Republic of China (PRC).

当然,各种各样的身份特征一直交互影响着藏族社群。尽管如此,长途贸易和朝圣这些活动造就了一个相对连贯藏族的文化特征,包括共同的历史、共同的书面语言、血缘联系、神话和宗教,还有民俗概念,比如藏族是吃糌粑的(Kapstein, 1998)然而,到了二十世纪初期,在十三世达赖喇嘛因为英国和中国的侵略而逃亡到印度再前往蒙古之后,那些把想像中的藏族社群当成一个国家,并且认为藏族应该有一个单一民族的国家的思潮(Anderson, 1983)清晰显现出来,尤其是1951年西藏并入中华人民共和国后更加强烈。


Prior to this century, Tibetans conceived of themselves primarily in relation to sectarian and regional affiliations. Thus, the term Bod-pa, now a general term for ‘Tibetan', was used only in reference to non-nomadic inhabitants of Central Tibet (Stoddard, 1994). Even in the 1970s the Tibetan government in exile worked hard to forge a national Tibetan identity to supercede divisive regional and sectarian identifications (Nowak, 1984). In exile communities today there are still undercurrents of regional divisiveness, but, like the ‘Kham for the Khampas' (3) movements of the 1930s and the history of the Kham-oriented Chushi Gangdrug resistance movement (McGranahan, 2005), they are largely papered over in the transnational nation-building project of the Tibetan government in exile and of the Tibet Movement. Tibetans in exile insist today that, “For more than two thousand years, Tibet ... existed as a sovereign nation “ (http://www.tibet.net/diir/eng/enviro/overview/). As Renan (1939 [1882], page 190) has observed, “To forget and _ to get one's history wrong, are essential factors in the making of a nation. “

直至现在地区性派别仍然影响着流亡藏族人社区,如三十年代的来自康藏的康巴人运动和在起源于康藏的卡西康卓抵抗运动的历史(Mcgranahan,2005,但这些分歧在大体上被西藏流亡政府的跨国的建国计划和藏族运动掩盖起来。流亡藏族人今天坚持:在超过二千年的时间里,西藏是以一个主权国家存在的” (http://www.tibet.net/diir/eng/enviro/overview/)正如Renan(1939[1882],page 190)评论道:忘记、、、、或者一段谬误的历史,是编造一个国家的必要因素


In addition to regional affiliation, axes of identification that were socially relevant both in the 1950s and today (in diaspora as well as in Tibet) include gender, age, class, and social status (aristocrats and commoners), religious and sectarian affiliation, and the lay monastic divide. However, these differ from the contestation of identities that are the specific focus of this paper: the varying routes to the US diaspora through different national locations, and the consequent forms of identification with homeland. The latter are the product of the diasporic process itself, and thus constitute a newly formed axis of struggle and consent. This axis is not, however, independent of other axes of identification, particularly that of region, as I discuss below. Though these distinctions are relatively new and are not as formalized in linguistic categories as are other types of identifications, they are nevertheless social facts that permeate everyday practices and struggles around recognition.



The importance of everyday practice, and the ways in which the ‘authenticity' of Tibetan identities is both inscribed on and read off of bodies, suggests habitus as a productive analytical frame. Bourdieu (1990) emphasizes that habitus is a set of ‘durable dispositions', a kind of historical sedimentation in and of the body: “The habitus, a product of history, produces individual and collective practices ... it ensures the active presence of past experiences which, deposited in each organism in the form of schemes of perception, thought and action, tend to guarantee the ‘correctness' of practices and their constancy over time, more reliably than all formal rules and explicit norms “ (page 53). Habitus mediates between places and selves; it is the way in which bodies bear traces of the places in which they have dwelled. Casey (2001, page 688) describes these traces as being “continually laid down in the body, sedimenting themselves there and thus becoming formative of its specific somatography. “






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发表于 2009-7-24 00:25 | 显示全部楼层
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Despite the remarkable influence that this concept has had on contemporary understandings of culture and society in critical human geography (Cresswell, 2002, page 379), habitus has been relatively neglected in geographical studies of diaspora and transnationalism (but see Bauder, 2005; Friedmann, 2002; Kelly and Lusis, 2006; McKay, 2001). However, Kelly and Lusis (2006) write that “the habitus of Filipino immigrants is constructed not just within a geographically contiguous space, but also through transnational linkages with their place of origin “, a useful observation for understanding how Tibetan immigrants, who imagine that they should share a set of unique and recognizable characteristics with all other Tibetans, nevertheless have divergent embodied, durable dispositions, constructed through transnational linkages with different national locations. The variations in habitus encounter the expectation of similarity and recognizability, leading to the frictions explored here.

虽然这个概念对了理解当代人类地理学中的社会和文化有显著的影响(Cresswell,2002, page 379),惯习在对流亡藏族聚居区和跨国主义的地理学研究中往往被忽略(but see Bauder,2005;Friedmann,2002;Kelly and Lusis,2006; McKay,2001)。然而,Kelly和Lusis(2006)写道“菲律宾移民的惯习不仅地理邻近空间的影响,还受他们原居地的跨国结合关系所影响”,这观点对于理解藏族移民的思维很有帮助,他们想像着所有藏族人应该有共同的一系列独特的易于辩认的特征,而不是受到不同民族区域的跨国结合关系影响的持久的不尽相同的性情气质。当不同的惯习与渴望认同和共性的期盼相遇时,就产生了本文所要探讨的摩擦。


Sedimentations in the body include the deployment of particular languages and of words within a language, as well as taken-for-granted dispositions such as intonation, gestures, and ‘taste', appreciation for or reaction against particular styles, such as of dress, food, and staged performances of ‘authentic' song and dance. Habitus is durable, but not eternal. As a sedimentation of past determinations it has a certain inertia which confers “upon practices their relative autonomy with respect to the external determinations of the immediate present “ (Bourdieu, 1990, page 56). On the other hand, change within limits of continuity can occur through a dialectical confrontation between habitus and social field; this happens when “dispositions encounter conditions (including fields) different from those in which they were constructed and assembled “, such as in a rapidly changing society (2002, pages 29 ^ 31).

沉积在个体里的惯习包括:同一种语言的特定词汇的运用,自然而然的腔调、势态和口味,对一些流行样式的评价,比如:衣着,饮食,还有舞台表演中的正宗民族歌舞。惯习具有持久性,但不是永恒的。惯习是过去的沉积,它具有惰性,受制于正在发生的外部影响(Bourdieu,1990,page56)。另一方面,在保持延续性的情况下,惯习与社会环境也会有所变化。这种情况发生在,固有的习性面对它所形成的各种条件(包括场所)已经有所转变时,比如一个急速变化着的社会(2002,page 29 31)/


This describes the Tibetan diaspora in the USA, in which the habitus of Tibetans from Tibet, of Tibetans from exile, and of those who have experienced both are unmoored from their social fields and places of sedimentation and encounter each other. Thus, I do not argue in what follows that the community fractures described here are fixed forever, but rather try to capture the present moment of confrontation and negotiation.



After a brief overview of the Tibetan diaspora, I trace the experience of ‘new arrivals' such as Tenzin from India to the USA. Next, I turn to two key arenas of struggle over authenticity: language choice and staged ‘cultural' performances, including embodied reactions of appreciation or distaste for certain types of performances. Of importance here is not only the fact that dispositions, mannerisms, and appreciation of style are different but that each set of dispositions is understood as the only way to be authentically Tibetan. After this I examine different strategies of establishing cultural authority, and, finally, look at the political stakes in seemingly inconsequential matters of taste.



The multisited ethnography (Hannerz, 2003; Marcus, 1995) presented here draws upon participant observation and a series of semistructured interviews with Tibetans living in Lhasa, Tibet, northern California, and the Denver metro area of Colorado. By participant observation, I refer to attendance at picnics, meetings, parties, discussions, and performances, and visits in private homes. The approach is grounded in the understanding that “unearth[ing] what the group takes for granted” (Herbert, 2000, page 551) requires extensive interactions and familiarity with social setting. Interviews and unstructured conversations and interactions were conducted primarily in Tibetan, and, less frequently, in Chinese.

这里出现的多点民族志(Hannerz, 2003; Marcus, 1995) (译者注:在全球化人口、货物、资本和讯息到处流动的脉络下,单一地方的民族志已经无法理解文化和社会的生成,马库斯提出多点民族志(multi-sitedethnography),建议研究者跟着人、对象、隐喻/符号、故事情节、传记/生命史、矛盾,书写以跨地域为背景的单一地方民族志(Marcus,1995:95-117)。这种民族志的目的并不是要呈现一个整体的社会(holisticsociety),而是要透过流动的定位(mobile positioning)、视野,去探讨生命世界与文化、建制互动、以及文化社会的生成。 ),借由参与观察法(译者注:参与观察法(Participant observation)是指观察者参与到观察对象的活动之中,通过与观察对象共同进行的活动从内部进行观察。)和一系列对藏人的半结构访谈(译者注:一般民族志所使用的访谈形式包括结构(structure)、半结构的(semistructure),非正式 的(informal)和追忆的(retrospective)访谈)来实现,他们居住在拉萨、西藏、加利福尼亚北部和科罗拉多丹佛主城区。参与观察法,我指的是在出席野餐、会议、聚会、讨论、表演和私人拜访时。此方式建立在这一理解之上,即“发掘这一群体视之为理所当然之处”(Herbert, 2000, page551)需要广泛的互动和对社会情境的熟悉。访谈和无结构的对话及互动主要以藏语展开,极少以汉语。


(译者注:参与观察法(Participant observation)是指观察者参与到观察对象的活动之中,通过与观察对象共同进行的活动从内部进行观察。)
(译者注:一般民族志所使用的访谈形式包括结构(structure)、半结构的(semistructure),非正式 的(informal)和追忆的(retrospective)访谈)




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发表于 2009-7-24 00:38 | 显示全部楼层
On the other hand, urban and well-educated Tibetans are sometimes complimented for being difficult to recognize as Tibetan, a position which motivates them to identify more strongly with Tibetan-ness. ...
政治不正确 发表于 2009-7-23 13:43


On the other hand, urban and well-educated Tibetans are sometimescomplimented for being difficult to recognize as Tibetan, a positionwhich motivates them to identify more strongly with Tibetan-ness.Identifications with Tibetan-ness can be rooted, ironically, in thespecters of their own potential inauthenticity.

Younger Tibetan elites who have been educated and raised in urban Chinaoften come to first identify and then to perform their own Tibetan-nessthrough a contradictory process in which the misrecognition of Tibetansas a group, together with their own misrecognition as Han, is preciselywhat engenders their desire to become `real' Tibetans, to inhabit andembody the category `Tibetan'. 7 P3 ]5 D, E7 S+ w6 Y  B
! _% [' }! {( \* D/ [
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发表于 2009-7-24 00:39 | 显示全部楼层
My intent is not to suggest that Tibetans from Tibet or new arrivals may not also agree with or be moved by the words of patriotic songs. However, the structure of exile institutions predisposes parti ...
政治不正确 发表于 2009-7-23 13:10

My intent is not to suggest that Tibetans from Tibet or new arrivalsmay not also agree with or be moved by the words of patriotic songs.However, the structure of exile institutions predisposes particularlysituated Tibetans to react in specific ways,

and this is partly how thehomeland becomes less a topographic entity than a moral destination formany exiles (compare Malkki, 1997, page 67).


The embodied and visceralnature of habitus make the encounter with other Tibetans who do notmeet predisposed expectations of `Tibetan-ness' that much more fraught.
呵呵,这句的意思倒是可以理解,可是我找不着句子的骨架结构。The nature make the encounter of 'Tibetan-ness' that much more fraught. 之前自己是这样分解的,感觉不太对。 如果是The nature make the encounter much more fraught 那句中的that 怎么解释呢?
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发表于 2009-7-24 00:44 | 显示全部楼层
Linguistic differences thus inflect the different national contexts with which Tibetans are associated.

政治不正确 发表于 2009-7-23 17:43


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发表于 2009-7-24 00:45 | 显示全部楼层


rlsrls08 发表于 2009-7-24 00:16

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-24 00:57 | 显示全部楼层

A secondary effect of both the remittances that they began to send home and the heavy representation of Tibetan elites among the participants was the accumulation of social capital to the migrants. This has motivated and facilitated the migration of Tibetans from Nepal and India through non-TUSRP channels as well. The current estimate of 10 000 Tibetans in North America is far beyond what TUSRP had origi-nally envisioned(CTAC, 2002, page 11). Economically, there is intense pressure forremittances, and, symbolically, 'the West' has come to be seen in South Asian exile communities as a surrogate Shangri-la, diametrically opposed to China (Diehl, 2002).
-他们开始往家里汇款以及参与者中藏族精英的沉重陈述产生了一个附属效应,即移民社会资本的积聚。这驱使和方便了藏人从尼泊尔和印度通过非TUSRP渠道的移民。当前估计有1万藏人生活在北美,已远远超过TUSRP的原始预想(CTAC, 2002, page 11)。经济上,有汇款的紧张压力,象征意义上,'西方'成了南亚流亡团体眼中的香格里拉代名词,与中国一词截然相反 (Diehl, 2002)。

他们开始往家里汇款以及参与者中许多是藏族中的精英这两个因素产生了一个次生效应,即移民社会资本的积聚。这一效应诱使和便利了藏人从尼泊尔和印度通过非TUSRP渠道移民。当前估计有1万藏人生活在北美,已远远超过TUSRP的初始预想(CTAC, 2002, page 11)。在汇款这个强大经济上的动力驱使下,在“西方”在象征意义上,已经成了在南亚的流亡团体眼中“香格里拉”的代名词,与中国一词截然相反 (Diehl, 2002)

Though a few have rural origins and minimal educational background [They come, for example,after fortuitously meeting Western travelers who are willing to sponsor their trips to the USA.], the dominant pattern of their transnational migration is through channels that rely on extensive education in the PRC, which in turn favors urban backgrounds.

The fact that Tibetan identity in exile has been constituted in opposition to China contributes to both the scorn and suspicion of the 'Chinese' appearance and behavior of new arrivals who, because they are different, are seen as less than authentically Tibetan.



Young Tibetan exiles often refer to the new arrivals (sarjor) as being kacha, or 'raw' in Hindi, which is a reference to their unfashionable clothing, haircuts, and musical tastes (Diehl, 2002).
年轻流亡藏人常常指的是新来者(sarjor)而不是kacha,或是北印度语中的'原始的',这是参照他们不时尚的衣着、发型和音乐品位(Diehl, 2002)。
年轻流亡藏人经常用“kacha”,也就是印度语“土气”来描述新来者,这是因为他们不时尚的衣着、发型和音乐品位(Diehl, 2002)。

Violence, then, is read as proof that Tibetans from Tibet have been Sinicized and are no longer authentically Tibetan. What this framing obscures is the long history of socially and culturally sanctioned codes of honor and revenge, and the celebration of weaponry and fighting as a performance of masculinity in some parts of Tibet (for example, Norbu, 1997). This is not to suggest that all behavior of new arrivals is an unproblematic continuation from a pre-1959 past, but it is equally problematic to assume that everything that Tibetans in exile now associate with authentic Tibetan-ness is a true preservation of a single 'pure' Tibetan culture.:  
暴力便被认为是来自西藏的藏人被中国化并且不再是正统藏人的证据。这一构想,掩盖的是社会和文化认可的荣誉与复仇准则的漫长历史,颂扬武器与格斗在西藏某些地方被看作是男子气概的表现(for example, Norbu,1997)。这并不意味着,所有新来者的举止都是对1959年前的过去没有争议的延续,但流亡藏人的问题同样存在,他们现在将每件事物都与正统藏族特色联系起来,认为这才是真正保存了藏族文化的单一“纯正”。

暴力便被认为是来自西藏的藏人被中国化不再是正流藏人的证据。这种逻辑掩盖了在长期的历史里,社会上和文化上认可的荣誉与复仇的准则,以及颂扬武器与格斗在西藏某些地方被看作是男子气概的表现(for example, Norbu,1997)。我(笔者)并不想说新来者所有的行为都肯定是来自于在1959年前已经形成的习惯,但同样荒谬的是,假设流亡藏人现在所声称的正统藏族特色的事物真正保存了单一纯正的藏族文化。
In the USA, the new arrivals are on a more level playing field with other Tibetans than was the case in South Asia, where they were more structurally dependent on the larger Tibetan community. Almost everyone struggles to make ends meet, and the immediate Tibetan community diminishes in economic as well as in political importance. In interviews several former new arrivals pointedly claimed that they were as successful in the USA as the long-term exiles, if not more so. Nevertheless, the term sarjor continues to be used in sometimes pejorative ways. ''That man is sucha sarjor'', said one exile who himself had recently immigrated to the USA, as a marker of his exasperation with another man with whom he squabbled over a downtown Oakland parking space. On another occasion, when one Tibetan man called out in jest to two other Tibetan basketball players on a languid Saturday afternoon in Denver, "hey, you two sarjor are pretty darn good at basketball'', the comment nearly provoked a fist fight, again indicating that the term continues to be saturated with meanings far beyond the length of residence time in a particular place. 

In fact, the term sarjor is used in the USA in reference not only to Tibetans such as Tenzin who arrived in India in the 1980s but also to those who have migrated directly from Tibet to the USA.[Of course, those who use the labels and those to whom they refer are usually equally 'new arrivals' to the USA. In a similar example of how labels do not necessarily change to reflect the actual structural situation, many Tibetans in the USA continue to refer to white Americans as phyi-rgyal or 'foreigner'.] This suggests that the term has taken on multiple valences. As discussed above, those who have migrated directly from Tibet to the USA are often urban and educated, and thus are not seen as "raw'' or uncouth. But their more urban styles are read even more strongly as 'Chinese'; something as innocuous as wearing glasses, which is much more common in the PRC than among Tibetans in South Asia, can come to be read as part of a 'Chinese' rather than Tibetan gestalt. These Tibetans are treated with much greater political suspicion, particularly because of their linguistic practices--one of the most emotionally charged arenas of struggle over authenticity.!  





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89# 政治不正确

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-24 01:28 | 显示全部楼层
``When I was young I didn't think there was any difference between Tibetan and Han. I didn't think it was a big deal being Tibetan, since we were just another minzu [nationality; ethnic group]. “小时候,我没有想过藏人和汉人之间有什么不同。我不认为做一个藏人有什么了不起,因为我们只是民族不同而已。
我认为the misrecognition of Tibetans as a group描述的是上面那句话说的那种现象。他们小时候错误理解了“民族”这个概念,没有意识到民族的内涵。

and this is partly how thehomeland becomes less a topographic entity than a moral destination fo rmany exiles (compare Malkki, 1997, page 67). 


如果是The nature make the encounter much more fraught 那句中的that 怎么解释呢?
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-24 01:31 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-24 01:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 音乐盒 于 2009-7-24 01:46 编辑
我以前自己一个人翻的时候,也会翻着翻着,就不管三七二十一,先把一段话变成中文再说。说真的,很多学术性很强的让我头昏的段落,到现在我还是不敢碰,不过各位对那些学术名词好像都翻得不错。 ...
政治不正确 发表于 2009-7-24 01:31



and this is partly how thehomeland becomes less a topographic entitythan a moral destination fo rmany exiles (compare Malkki, 1997, page67).
这就可以部分解释,家乡对许多流亡者来说变得更像是一个地形学上的实体而不是一个道德目标。4 A& S/ t' `4 @6 U: z  w
这句是不是反了呢,能解释一下么?我理解的是:+ c/ g# y: w1 v% B3 M5 {
看句子结构,是less than,也就是说后者才是作者所强调的,对不?. s2 o' @' ^2 z# t( o4 I6 k  a2 }
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-24 01:45 | 显示全部楼层

"Diaspora, identity, and habitus 侨居,特性和惯习"
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-24 01:48 | 显示全部楼层
and this is partly how the homeland becomes less a topographic entity than a moral destination for many exiles

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-24 01:51 | 显示全部楼层

"Diaspora, identity, and habitus 侨居,特性和惯习"
这部分,大段大段的理论,校对得实在是痛苦,请大侠们指正一下吧 ...
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-7-24 01:45

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发表于 2009-7-24 02:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rhapsody 于 2009-7-24 02:08 编辑

"Diaspora, identity, and habitus 侨居,特性和惯习"
这部分,大段大段的理论,校对得实在是痛苦,请大侠们指正一下吧 ...
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-7-24 01:45

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-24 04:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 忧心 于 2009-7-24 04:32 编辑
and this is partly how the homeland becomes less a topographic entity than a moral destination for many exiles

家乡对许多流亡者来说变得更像是一个道德目标而不是一个地形学上的实体 ...
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-7-24 01:48


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-24 04:44 | 显示全部楼层
Responding to celebrations of diaspora and of border crossings as metaphors of emancipation, transgression, and subversion, critical geographers have suggested rethinking diaspora as being ‘without guarantees', to borrow from Hall (1986).





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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-24 04:46 | 显示全部楼层

"Diaspora, identity, and habitus 侨居,特性和惯习"
这部分,大段大段的理论,校对得实在是痛苦,请大侠们指正一下吧 ...
rlsrls08 发表于 2009-7-24 01:45

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-24 04:53 | 显示全部楼层
Responding to celebrations of diaspora and of border crossings as metaphors of emancipation, transgression, and subversion, critical geographers have suggested rethinking diaspora as being ‘without g ...
忧心 发表于 2009-7-24 04:44

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