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[政治] [联合翻译] Exile meets homeland

发表于 2009-8-4 23:52 | 显示全部楼层
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Authorities of homeland and subject formation

When Drolgar reacted to Tibetan exile youths’ performance of traditional Tibetan songs by exclaiming “poor things!” and “they don’t know anything about Tibetan culture”, she implied that she had greater authority than they to judge what is and what is not truly, or authentically, Tibetan. She commented that the regional styles of dance meant little to the performers, who most likely did not know the location of one region in relation to another. Her claim to cultural authority is based on her personal experience of the actual place of the homeland, and particularly on her concrete geographical and embodied spatial knowledge of it. Another woman from Amdo, Wangmo, who had also recently arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area after living in Beijing for some years, had similar reactions after the picnic described above. Witnessing the silence and unenthusiastic reception of the exiles to the Lhasa performers, she had the following to say about most of the Tibetans she had encountered in California: “I think these Tibetans here _ are not real, pure Tibetans. They’ve already changed. I think in the future there will be a lot of trouble among Tibetans. These people here don’t understand what Tibet is really like. They really should go to Tibet for themselves then they would understand.” Tibet, in her view, is best known through embodied, lived experience.

当流亡藏族青年表演传统西藏歌曲,卓嘎对此的反应是惊叫:“可怜的东西!”和“他们完全不了解西藏文化”,她暗示着她比他们更具权威来判定什么是或什么不是真正的、正统的西藏的。她评价道,对那些很可能并不知道某地与其他地方的方位的表演者来说,舞蹈的地方风格并不意味着什么。她所宣称的文化权威是建立在她个人在家乡具体位置的体验之上的,特别是建立在她对此实实在在的地理知识和具象化的空间知识之上的。另一位来自安多的女士王沫(音译),在北京居住多年后,最近来到了旧金山,她在上述的野餐后有同样的反应。目睹了流亡藏人对拉萨表演者的沉默和缺乏热情的接待后,就她在加州所碰到的大多数藏人,她说了如下一番话:“我认为这里的这些藏人...不是真正、纯正的藏人。他们已经变了。我觉得将来他们会是藏人的大麻烦。这些人根本不了解西藏真正是怎样的。为了他们自己起见,他们真应该到西藏去,那样他们就会明白了。”西藏,在她看来,最好是通过具体的、活生生的体验来了解。% D

In contrast, the authority that exile Tibetans claim to speak for Tibet is based neither on embodied experience of place nor on concrete geographical knowledge, but rather has a strong temporal dimension. Indeed, it is rare for Tibetan diasporic youth to have much concrete geographic knowledge beyond the most general regional divisions; Strom (1997, page 37) notes that he “met very few ... who are able to relate to a map of Tibet or locate an area according to the four directions ... .” Instead, their relationship to Tibet as homeland is based on tradition, and on the claim that they have preserved the authentic Tibetan culture that existed before it was destroyed in Tibet, and transplanted it to Dharamsala, “a temporary home preserving a historical culture in its pure form before an inevitable return to the original homeland” (Anand, 2002, page 13). Exile is “a time when it is vital to preserve a pure form of this civilization since it is itself under erasure in the original home” (page 19).

与之相反,流亡藏人所宣称的对西藏的权威,既不是建立在具体地方体验上,又不是建立在实在的地理知识上,但却具有暂时强大的规模。确实,侨居藏族青年对大部分一般地域划分几乎没有具体的地理知识;Ström (1997, page 37) 提到,他“几乎很少碰到能懂西藏的地图或用东南西北来给出某地区方位的流亡藏人...”实际上,他们与西藏本土的关系仅仅是建立在传统之上,便宣称他们保留了西藏被毁之前所存的传统西藏文化,并将它与达兰萨拉嫁接起来,“一个临时的家,在终将返回原来的家园之前,以其纯正的形式保存了一种历史文化” (Anand, 2002, page 13)。流亡是“保存文明纯正形式的一段重要时期,因为这种文明本身在它原来的家乡遭到毁灭”(page 19)。


As a result, everything that is viewed as authentically Tibetan derives from what older Tibetans remember from a time before 1959. Although the Tibetan government in exile has been careful in recent years to clarify that it does not object to ‘development’, and to change over time in Tibet per se, there is still a sense in which a pre-1959 moment is the point of comparison for all contemporary change (see also Harris, 1999). A certain nostalgic longing for the past, imbricated in romantic portrayals of an idealized but lost landscape, can be offensive to both kinds of new arrivals. Because they have experienced the complexities of change in Tibet, it seems to them that the ‘old arrivals’ wish to freeze Tibet in time and to deny modernity to the majority of Tibetans living in Tibet.(10)

结果,所有被看作是正统西藏的,全都来源于老藏人对1959年前某段时期的回忆。尽管西藏流亡政府近年来小心澄清,它不是致力于'发展',而且随着时间推移西藏发生彻底改变,然而,仍给人一种感觉,1959年前的时光是与当代所有改变相比较的关键 (see also Harris, 1999)。对过去一定程度上怀旧的渴望,与理想化但已失去的山水的浪漫描绘相叠加,可能会让两类新来者都感到不快。因为他们体验了西藏变化的复杂性,对他们而言,‘旧来者’(译注:指与‘新来者’意义上相对的早期流亡藏人)希望及时将西藏凝固住,并拒绝承认大多数生活在西藏的藏人的现代性。

结果,所有被看作是正统西藏的,全都来源于老藏人对1959年前的回忆。尽管西藏流亡政府近年很小心地澄清,它并不反对'发展',但对于西藏本身随着时间推移发生的转变,仍会不自觉地把所有当代的变化与1959年前相比较 。某种程度上对过去的怀旧渴望,叠加在对被理想化却已失去了的山水的浪漫描绘之上,可能会让两种新来者都感到不快。因为他们体验 过西藏变化的错综复杂,对他们来说,“旧来者”希望把西藏封存在过去里,并拒绝承认大多数生活在西藏的藏人的现代性。

For Tibetans who fled in 1959 and have spent most of their adult lives in exile, and for younger Tibetans raised in South Asia, being a refugee is a foundational principle of identity. Exile youth learn their parents’ nostalgic memories of an idealized pre-1959 Tibet, and claim them as their own. However, their attachment to the idea of Tibet as homeland is not complicated by the reality of living in Tibet over the past half century. Instead, they hold tightly to what Malkki (1995, pages 54 ^ 55), in her study of Hutu refugees, calls a ‘mythico-history’ a recasting and reinterpretation of the past in fundamentally moral terms. In this mythico-history, Tibet was a culturally unique and completely independent nation-state with a well-defined geographical territory, until it was occupied by China. Tibetans outside Tibet are responsible for preserving Tibetan culture and traditions that have been destroyed within the PRC, with the ultimate goal of returning to the homeland with this preserved culture.

对于1959年逃亡并且成年生涯都在流亡中渡过的藏人和长在南亚的年轻藏人来说,做一个难民是拥有其身份的基本原则。流亡青年从他们父母那儿了解到对一个理想化了的1959年前的西藏的怀旧回忆,并声称那是他们的。然而,他们对西藏故土的眷恋之情并未因半个世纪以来在西藏生活的真实而复杂化。实际上,他们紧紧抓住Malkki(1995, pages 54-55)在她关于Hutu难民的研究中所说的‘神话-历史’不放--这个词是从根本意义上对过去的重塑和重新阐释。在这个神话-历史中,西藏曾是一个文化上独一无二并完全独立的单一民族国家,有着地理上明确规定的版图,一直到它被中国所占领。西藏外的藏人们有责任保存被中国毁掉的西藏文化和传统,其终极目标是带着这些保存的文化返回家乡。

对于1959年逃跑并且在流亡中度过成年生涯的藏人、和生长在南亚的年轻藏人来说,最基本的身份就是难民。流亡青年通过他们父母的回忆了解到的,是一个被理想化的1959年前的西藏,并把它当成自己的。然而,他们对西藏故土的眷恋之情并未因半个世纪以来生活在西藏的真相而复杂化。实际上,他们紧紧抓住 “神话化的历史(mythico-history)”不放。“神话化的历史”是Malkki在关于卢安达胡图族难民的研究中发明的词,指的是从根本意义上对过去的重新塑造和阐释。在这个神话化的历史中,西藏具有独特的文化,曾是完全独立的单一民族国家,有着地理上明确定义的版图,一直到它被中国占领。西藏外的藏人们有责任保存被中国毁掉的西藏文化和传统,其终极目标是带着这些保存完好的文化返回家乡。

This mythico-history is constituted not just as a set of ‘facts’ to learn about Tibet, but also through emotions. The mythico-history and its attendant bodily dispositions are formed through repetition, such as the singing of the Tibetan national anthem in schools, and rituals and rallies commemorating the Dalai Lama’s birthday, Democracy Day, and National Uprising Day. National Uprising Day includes the singing of Rise up (Long Shog), the lyrics of which include: “Rise up! _/The butchering enemy, their hands red [with blood]/The enemy of the religion, the red Chinese/We will drive them out of Tibet/Rise up, rise up, patriotic people of Tibet!” When practicing the song, children in Tibetan schools are admonished, “No smiling! Look serious [literally, ‘show a black face’]!” The mythico-history and the locus of Tibetan-ness are literally inscribed on bodies as children learn not only the words but also the proper emotions to associate with them; one Tibetan exile recalls from his elementary school days,

这个神话-历史并不仅是作为一套用于了解西藏的‘事实’而形成的,而且还通过情感。神话-历史及其伴随的具体性情是在重复述说中形成的,正如在学校唱西藏国歌,庆祝达赖喇嘛生日的仪式和集会、民主日、西藏人民起义日。西藏人民起义日包括唱‘起来’ (Long Shog),歌词有:“起来!/屠杀的敌人,他们双手沾满鲜血/宗教的敌人,红色汉人/我们要把他们赶出西藏/起来,起来,爱西藏的人民!”在练唱这首歌的时候,藏语学校的孩子们被告诫道,“不许笑!表情严肃[从字面意义上来说,‘摆个黑脸’]!”神话-历史以及西藏特色的定位被具体体现出来,孩子们随之了解到的不仅是语句,还有与之相关的对应情感;一位流亡藏人回忆他的小学日子道,

这个神话化的历史不仅成为用于了解西藏的‘事实’,而且还通过情感表达。神话化的历史及其伴随的身体语言是在重复中形成的,比如在学校唱西藏国歌,庆祝达赖喇嘛生日的仪式和集会、民主日、西藏人民起义日。西藏人民起义日包括唱‘起来’ (Long Shog),歌词有:”起来!/杀人成性的敌人,双手沾满鲜血/宗教的敌人,红色汉人/我们要把他们赶出西藏/起来,起来,爱西藏的人民!”在练唱这首歌的时候,藏语学校的孩子们被告诫道,”不许笑!表情严肃[原话是‘摆个黑脸’]!”神话化的历史以及西藏特色的定位被具体体现出来,孩子们要学的不仅是文字,还有与之相关的正确情感;一位流亡藏人回忆他上小学的时候:

“Many of the adults cried when they sang ‘Rise up’, so I felt sad too, even when I was too young to fully understand the lyrics.” Remembering the student-led songs at Tibetan anniversaries and festivals at the holy site of Boudnath, he stated:

“许多成年人在唱到‘起来’的时候哭了,于是我也觉得悲伤,尽管我那时很小还不完全懂得歌词的意思。” 忆及在西藏纪念日和在博达纳(译注:藏传佛教圣地,位于尼泊尔)圣洁一隅的节日上学生领唱的歌曲,他陈述道:


“Most of these songs are very serious in nature. We learned and practiced these songs for months prior to public gathering. I remember students getting punished for not taking them seriously. Some patriotic songs required us to make a serious face, raise our fists and make angry gestures against our ‘enemy.’ I had a difficult time making those gestures not because I was not conscious of the Tibetan plight but because it was difficult to relate to directly. However, I got better at it as I did it again and again. Furthermore, in public gathering as I found many older Tibetans getting sad and shedding tears, I also became sad and started shedding tears.”



My intent is not to suggest that Tibetans from Tibet or new arrivals may not also agree with or be moved by the words of patriotic songs. However, the structure of exile institutions predisposes particularly situated Tibetans to react in specific ways, and this is partly how the homeland becomes less a topographic entity than a moral destination for many exiles (compare Malkki, 1997, page 67). The embodied and visceral nature of habitus make the encounter with other Tibetans who do not meet predisposed expectations of ‘Tibetan-ness’ that much more fraught.

我并不是想说,来自西藏的藏人或新来者也许也是不同意爱国歌曲里的语句或者不被打动。但是,流亡机构的结构更倾向于以特定方式作反应,尤其是对定居的藏人而言,这就可以部分解释,家乡如何更像是许多流亡者的一个道德目标而几乎不是一个地形学上的实体的 (compare Malkki, 1997, page 67)。惯习中这些具体而核心的特性,在与另外一些不能满足期望的藏人的遭遇中更加充满‘西藏特色‘。


Another difficulty for young Tibetans born in exile is posed by the fact that Tibetans from Tibet seem ‘too Chinese’, despite their embodied experience with the homeland which they themselves have never seen. One reaction has been the emergence of an alternative imagined geography of homeland, particularly among young elites from Dharamsala. Frequently referred to as ‘Little Lhasa’, Dharamsala has become the center of Tibetan diasporic geography. As the Dalai Lama’s residence, it is the major site of Tibetan pilgrimage outside of Tibet. Although it is considered a ‘temporary resting place’ for Tibetan culture before its inevitable return home, some Tibetans have begun to see it, rather than Lhasa, as the center of Tibetan symbolic geography and as the locus of authentic Tibetan culture. Being from Dharamsala, not Lhasa, becomes the mark of pure Tibetan-ness, and geographical proximity to Dharamsala, rather than to Lhasa, is a measure of one’s Tibetan-ness. This is what enables occasional comments, for example, that Tibetans who live ‘too close to the border’ of Tibet, in Nepal, are deficient in the determination and resolve they have toward the ‘Tibetan cause’ (of independence). In this frame, it is contemporary Tibet (rather than the Tibet of the idealized past or the hoped-for future) that cannot be the site of authenticity.


Tibetans from Tibet, of course, do not agree. Although they acknowledge that there are significant differences between themselves and most of the Tibetans they encounter in the USA, it does not follow to them that they are any less Tibetan than the others or that Dharamsala is the real center of Tibetan culture. In contrast to the mythico-history of Tibet in exile, Tibetan-ness in the PRC stands in dialectical relationship to the imagining of Chinese-ness. Tibetans are, on the one hand, subject to negative stereotypes of Tibetans as backwards, dirty, lazy, and barbaric. On the other hand, urban and well-educated Tibetans are sometimes complimented for being difficult to recognize as Tibetan, a position which motivates them to identify more strongly with Tibetan-ness. Identifications with Tibetan-ness can be rooted, ironically, in the specters of their own potential inauthenticity. According to Drolma, who grew up in Xining, Qinghai province:



“When I was young I didn’t think there was any difference between Tibetan and Han. I didn’t think it was a big deal being Tibetan, since we were just another minzu [nationality; ethnic group]. But other people wanted to make me different. When I go out with my friends in the city and dress like a city girl, no one believes I am Tibetan. Even when I tell them, they always ask me ‘which one of your parents is Han, your father or your mother?’ ... They congratulate me for not being like a Tibetan ... Whenever a rural Tibetan gets on a city bus, people hold their noses and walk away and make very rude comments. Once I took my cousin from the village to a hospital in Xining. All of the doctors tried to ignore her, each telling the others to go and examine the dirty Tibetan ... I started to feel: okay, I am Tibetan. I’m not at all like you Han people. Then after I finished junior high I decided to go back to another school to learn Tibetan for several years. I volunteered to teach for a year in a nomadic area ... . Now I’m proud of being Tibetan ... I think it’s very important for us to keep our Tibetan culture.”

“小时候,我没有想过藏人和汉人之间有什么不同。我不认为做一个藏人有什么了不起,因为我们只是民族不同而已。但是其他人想让我不一样。在城里,当我和朋友们一起出去,我穿的象一个城里女孩,没有人会认为我是一名藏人。就算我告诉他们了,他们也总是会问我‘你父母亲中哪一位是汉人,你父亲还是你母亲?’... 他们恭喜我不像一个藏人...每当一个农村藏人上了一辆城市公交车,人们捏住鼻子走开,还用粗鲁的话来议论。有一次,我带我从村里来的堂姐去西宁的一家医院。所有的医生都不想看她,互相推来推去,要其他人来检查这个脏脏的藏人...我开始意识到:那么,我是藏人。我和你们汉人完全不相同。后来,在我上完初中后,我决定回去到另一个学校学几年藏语。我义务在一个牧区教了一年书...现在,我很自豪是藏人...我觉得,对我们来说,保持西藏文化是非常重要的。”

"小时候,我没有想过藏人和汉人之间有什么不同。我不认为做一个藏人有什么了不起,因为我们只是民族之一而已。但是其他人想让我不一样。在城里,当我和朋友们一起出去,我穿的象一个城里女孩,没有人相信我是藏人。就算我告诉他们了,他们也总问我‘你父母亲中哪一位是汉人,你父亲还是你母亲?’... 他们恭喜我不像一个藏人...每当一个农村藏人上了公共汽车,人们捏住鼻子走开,还用粗鲁的话来议论。有一次,我带从乡下来的堂姐去西宁的一家医院。所有的医生都不理她,互相推脱,要其他人来检查这个脏脏的藏人...我开始意识到:好吧,我是藏人。我和你们汉人完全不同。后来,在我上完初中后,我决定回去到另一个学校学几年藏语。我义务在一个牧区教了一年书...现在,我为自己是藏人自豪...我觉得,对我们来说,保持西藏文化是非常重要的。"

Younger Tibetan elites who have been educated and raised in urban China often come to first identify and then to perform their own Tibetan-ness through a contradictory process in which the misrecognition of Tibetans as a group, together with their own misrecognition as Han, is precisely what engenders their desire to become ‘real’ Tibetans, to inhabit and embody the category ‘Tibetan’. At the same time, their identity is also shaped within the context of state discourse. The Chinese state actively promotes its own version of history, according to which Tibet has been part of China since the 11th century. It also seeks to shape imaginations of belonging through the regulation of linguistic categories and through the promotion of popular songs according to which, for example, “the Han and the Tibetans are daughters of one mother”.



The processes and contexts of Tibetan subject formation within the PRC contrast starkly to the experience of exile, where constant repetition and verbalization of the mythico-history of Tibet is a primary way in which identity is constituted and performed. These differences are then brought into the cultural politics of Tibetan-ness in the USA. Tibetans from Tibet challenge the critique that others make about their engagement with Chinese culture. One such man does so by criticizing some of the exiles for mistakenly reifying Tibetan culture, or in his words: “treating
Tibetan culture like a thing which can be put on a table, bounded, and moved around.” These Tibetans base their claims to authenticity in an authority of place: they are, after all, literally from Tibet. They know what Tibet is like, whereas, they say, the long-term exiles carry around an image of Tibet in 1959 and act as if it is still accurate now. For them, being Tibetan is no more incompatible with speaking Chinese than it is with speaking English or enjoying Hindi movies. If some of these Tibetans are genuinely concerned with the way their own Tibetan-ness has been diluted by outside influences, or, more commonly, if they are concerned with the younger generation of Tibetans in the PRC, they see this as no different from the Indian and Western influences observable in the styles and language of Tibetans from exile.






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发表于 2009-8-5 03:00 | 显示全部楼层
P.S. 大家对上面发的几部分也多提意见啊,之前讨论的不还挺热烈的么。

when I have to to review all of them....
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发表于 2009-8-5 07:44 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-8-5 21:33 | 显示全部楼层

搬上舞台的“文化演出” (Staging 'cultural performance') 第二校

本帖最后由 rhapsody 于 2009-8-13 21:49 编辑

Another arena in which habitus becomes important in struggles over authenticity is what anthropologist Diehl calls 'sound values' - particular types of music and dance, including accompanying bodily stylizations, intonations, and gestures, and appreciation (or not) of these performances. Diehl describes a performance she witnessed by a number of women from Lhasa who managed to travel to Dharamsala on religious pilgrimage. They gathered one day in a square and sang patriotic songs about Tibet - some of which they could be imprisoned for singing inside Tibet. Although the "high wavering tones" and "sweeping arm gestures" of their songs were unfamiliar to the exile context, the lyrics were not. Nevertheless, not a single Dharamsala resident participated in or watched the pilgrims' performance. Instead, after it was over, a group of older exile Tibetan women, "amused each other by singing parodic imitations" and "howled with laughter" at the Tibetans from Tibet.

In the USA staged performances of 'traditional culture' are fraught spaces of encounter of different habitus. The larger Tibetan communities organize gatherings, demonstrations, and parties for the Tibetan New Year, the Dalai Lama's birthday, 10 March (uprising day), and so forth. There are also regional events such as the 'West coast Tibetan gathering' that has been held every summer since 1995. These gatherings usually include staged performances, mostly by young Tibetans, of traditional songs and dances from different regions of Tibet, 'cultural competitions' in which such performances are rated against each other, and more free-form open-mikes and talent shows. These open mikes and talent shows typically feature many renditions of Hindi and Nepali pop songs, an increasing amount of singing in English, few Tibetan songs, and no songs at all in Chinese (even though there are now a number of popular Tibetan singers in China who sing Tibetan-themed songs in Chinese). Singing in Hindi or Nepali, like watching a Hindi movie, is a normal and unremarkable activity in the US-based Tibetan diaspora, but singing in Chinese continues to be unthinkable. At the same time, nobody seems to mind that only a few participants sing in Tibetan for the talent show portion.

The more scripted traditional Tibetan songs and dances provoke stronger reactions. In 2002 I attended one such 'cultural show' in the San Francisco Bay Area at a celebration of the anniversary of the founding of the Tibetan Youth Congress, with Drolgar, a Tibetan woman from Lhasa. Drolgar had told me a number of times that she disliked socializing with other Tibetans because, she said, she had learned that they talked behind her back about the possibility that she might be a spy. As we watched the performances, with a motley collection of Tibetan regional costumes, Drolgar turned to me and whispered, in Chinese, "watching them is so funny - it's hilarious". A few minutes later she turned to me again and said, this time in Tibetan, "snying-rje" - meaning 'poor things' several times. She then switched back to Chinese and said "poor things - they don't know anything about Tibetan culture, they only know the very surface", implying that, no matter how hard they tried with their dancing and costumes, they would never be as authentically Tibetan as herself, someone who had personally experienced growing up in Tibet.

Another example that I will discuss at some length was a picnic held at a park in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2002. An official Tibetan song and dance troupe from Lhasa had been invited to California as part of a larger cultural exhibition and exchange program. However, the exhibition had been quickly shut down by protests, and the troupe was unable to perform at the exhibition as planned. A few days later, the Tibetan Association of Northern California (which was not officially involved in the protests, but a number of whose members had participated in protest action through other groups, such as Students for a Free Tibet) invited the Lhasa Tibetans to perform for the local community. They agreed, and on a bright and cloudless Saturday after- noon the two groups came together for a picnic. The troupe from Lhasa performed a number of songs, after which a California-based Tibetan band also performed.

For most of the show, I sat listening with several former new arrivals and a few other Tibetans who had arrived in California from Lhasa. They appeared to be having a tremendously good time, singing along, clapping frequently, and making remarks such as "Today is just like being at the Norbulinkga" (the summer palace of the Dalai Lama in Lhasa, where summer picnics are frequently held); "it's just like being at Zholdon" (a yoghurt festival held in Lhasa every August); "it's just like being at a nangma" (a Tibetan-style karaoke popular in Lhasa); and even "for those who haven't been to Lhasa, this is just like taking them there for the day!" One woman, who had just received political asylum in the USA, exclaimed to me that this was her happiest day since she had arrived in the United States two years earlier, because "it's just like being back in Lhasa".

Immersed as I was in my friends' pleasant nostalgia for Lhasa, memories of which flooded back to them as they listened to the Tibetan singers, I assumed that everyone present was enjoying the music. When I walked around, however, I realized that this was not the case. A mother and daughter, both participants in TUSRP, complained to each other about the way the performers sang in such a strangely un-Tibetan way, their tones too high, and their smiles and gestures too perfect and too dramatic. The daughter then said that she had had enough of this, and suggested, "let's go watch a Hindi movie". When I later asked other long-time exiles about their reactions, some said that they "didn't know whether to laugh or to cry, whether to be happy or sad". Although they were happy to see Tibetans perform, they felt strongly that everything about the way these Tibetans had been trained - from the way they opened their mouths and smiled, to the way they stressed certain syllables in their songs, to their use of nasal tonesöwas 'very Chinese'.Whatever happiness they might have expected to feel upon their encounter with those from the homeland for which they have been longing was dissipated by the alienness of what they saw and heard. Indeed, according to several, it was only a measure of their graciousness and goodwill that helped them refrain from laughing at the performers.

What I want to stress here is not just the bodily stylizations and sounds of those on stage, but also the audience's reaction to these various performances. Their sometimes visceral reactions to different styles of song or dance, their perceptions of performers as authentically Tibetan or not, and their accompanying appreciation, distaste, or condescending laughter are also shaped by habitus as a structuring structure which "engenders all the thoughts, all the perceptions, and all the actions consistent with those conditions, and no others". In other words, significations of transnational migrant identity take place not only in the structured compulsion to repeat particular gestures, manners, and bearings, but also in structured reactions to embodied practices. In the next section I turn to a more detailed exploration of the sources of authority to which differently routed Tibetans appeal.




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发表于 2009-8-13 21:54 | 显示全部楼层

代表家乡的权威与主体形成 (Authorities of homeland and subject formation) 第二校

When Drolgar reacted toTibetan exile youths' performance of traditional Tibetan songs by exclaiming "poor things!" and "they don't know anything about Tibetan culture", she implied that she had greater authority than they to judge what is and what is not truly, or authentically, Tibetan. She commented that the regional styles of dance meant little to the performers, who most likely did not know the location of one region in relation to another. Her claim to cultural authority is based on her personal experience of the actual place of the homeland, and particularly on her concrete geographical and embodied spatial knowledge of it. Another woman from Amdo, Wangmo, who had also recently arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area after living in Beijing for some years, had similar reactions after the picnic described above.Witnessing the silence and unenthusiastic reception of the exiles to the Lhasa performers, she had the following to say about most of the Tibetans she had encountered in California: "I think these Tibetans here - are not real, pure Tibetans. They've already changed. I think in the future there will be a lot of trouble among Tibetans. These people here don't understand what Tibet is really like. They really should go to Tibet for themselves - then they would understand." Tibet, in her view, is best known through embodied, lived experience.

In contrast, the authority that exile Tibetans claim to speak for Tibet is based neither on embodied experience of place nor on concrete geographical knowledge, but rather has a strong temporal dimension. Indeed, it is rare for Tibetan diasporic youth to have much concrete geographic knowledge beyond the most general regional divisions; Ström notes that he "met very few... who are able to relate to a map of Tibet or locate an area according to the four directions ... ." Instead, their relationship to Tibet as homeland is based on tradition, and on the claim that they have preserved the authentic Tibetan culture that existed before it was destroyed in Tibet, and transplanted it to Dharamsala, "a temporary home preserving a historical culture in its pure form before an inevitable return to the original homeland". Exile is "a time when it is vital to preserve a pure form of this civilization since it is itself under erasure in the original home".

As a result, everything that is viewed as authentically Tibetan derives from what older Tibetans remember from a time before 1959. Although the Tibetan government in exile has been careful in recent years to clarify that it does not object to 'development', and to change over time in Tibet per se, there is still a sense in which a pre-1959 moment is the point of comparison for all contemporary change. A certain nostalgic longing for the past, imbricated in romantic portrayals of an idealized but lost landscape, can be offensive to both kinds of new arrivals. Because they have experienced the complexities of change in Tibet, it seems to them that the 'old arrivals' wish to freeze Tibet in time and to deny modernity to the majority of Tibetans living in Tibet.

For Tibetans who fled in 1959 and have spent most of their adult lives in exile, and for younger Tibetans raised in South Asia, being a refugee is a foundational principle of identity. Exile youth learn their parents' nostalgic memories of an idealized pre-1959 Tibet, and claim them as their own. However, their attachment to the idea of Tibet as homeland is not complicated by the reality of living in Tibet over the past half century. Instead, they hold tightly to what Malkki, in her study of Hutu refugees, calls a 'mythico-history' - a recasting and reinterpretation of the past in fundamentally moral terms. In this mythico-history, Tibet was a culturally unique and completely independent nation-state with a well-defined geographical territory, until it was occupied by China. Tibetans outside Tibet are responsible for preserving Tibetan culture and traditions that have been destroyed within the PRC, with the ultimate goal of returning to the homeland with this preserved culture.

This mythico-history is constituted not just as a set of 'facts' to learn about Tibet, but also through emotions. The mythico-history and its attendant bodily dispositions are formed through repetition, such as the singing of the Tibetan national anthem in schools, and rituals and rallies commemorating the Dalai Lama's birthday, Democracy Day, and National Uprising Day. National Uprising Day includes the singing of Rise up (Long Shog), the lyrics of which include: "Rise up!/The butchering enemy, their hands red [with blood]/The enemy of the religion, the red Chinese/We will drive them out of Tibet/Rise up, rise up, patriotic people of Tibet!" When practicing the song, children in Tibetan schools are admonished, "No smiling! Look serious [literally, 'show a black face']!" The mythico-history and the locus of Tibetan-ness are literally inscribed on bodies as children learn not only the words but also the proper emotions to associate with them; one Tibetan exile recalls from his elementary school days, "Many of the adults cried when they sang 'Rise up', so I felt sad too, even when I was too young to fully understand the lyrics." Remembering the student-led songs at Tibetan anniversaries and festivals at the holy site of Boudnath, he stated:

"Most of these songs are very serious in nature. We learned and practiced these songs for months prior to public gathering. I remember students getting punished for not taking them seriously. Some patriotic songs required us to make a serious face, raise our fists and make angry gestures against our 'enemy.' I had a difficult time making those gestures not because I was not conscious of the Tibetan plight but because it was difficult to relate to directly. However, I got better at it as I did it again and again. Furthermore, in public gathering as I found many older Tibetans getting sad and shedding tears, I also became sad and started shedding tears."

My intent is not to suggest that Tibetans from Tibet or new arrivals may not also agree with or be moved by the words of patriotic songs. However, the structure of exile institutions predisposes particularly situated Tibetans to react in specific ways, and this is partly how the homeland becomes less a topographic entity than a moral destination for many exiles. The embodied and visceral nature of habitus make the encounter with other Tibetans who do not meet predisposed expectations of 'Tibetan-ness' that much more fraught.

Another difficulty for young Tibetans born in exile is posed by the fact that Tibetans from Tibet seem 'too Chinese', despite their embodied experience with the homeland which they themselves have never seen. One reaction has been the emergence of an alternative imagined geography of homeland, particularly among young elites from Dharamsala. Frequently referred to as 'Little Lhasa', Dharamsala has become the center of Tibetan diasporic geography. As the Dalai Lama's residence, it is the major site of Tibetan pilgrimage outside of Tibet. Although it is considered a 'temporary resting place' for Tibetan culture before its inevitable return home, some Tibetans have begun to see it, rather than Lhasa, as the center of Tibetan symbolic geography and as the locus of authentic Tibetan culture. Being from Dharamsala, not Lhasa, becomes the mark of pure Tibetan-ness, and geographical proximity to Dharamsala, rather than to Lhasa, is a measure of one's Tibetan-ness. This is what enables occasional comments, for example, that Tibetans who live 'too close to the border' of Tibet, in Nepal, are deficient in the determination and resolve they have toward the 'Tibetan cause' (of independence). In this frame, it is contemporary Tibet (rather than the Tibet of the idealized past or the hoped-for future) that cannot be the site of authenticity.

Tibetans from Tibet, of course, do not agree. Although they acknowledge that there are significant differences between themselves and most of the Tibetans they encounter in the USA, it does not follow to them that they are any less Tibetan than the others or that Dharamsala is the real center of Tibetan culture. In contrast to the mythico-history of Tibet in exile, Tibetan-ness in the PRC stands in dialectical relationship to the imagining of Chinese-ness. Tibetans are, on the one hand, subject to negative stereotypes of Tibetans as backwards, dirty, lazy, and barbaric. On the other hand, urban and well-educated Tibetans are sometimes complimented for being difficult to recognize as Tibetan, a position which motivates them to identify more strongly with Tibetan-ness. Identifications with Tibetan-ness can be rooted, ironically, in the specters of their own potential inauthenticity. According to Drolma, who grew up in Xining, Qinghai province:

“When I was young I didn't think there was any difference between Tibetan and Han. I didn't think it was a big deal being Tibetan, since we were just another minzu [nationality; ethnic group]. But other people wanted to make me different. When I go out with my friends in the city and dress like a city girl, no one believes I am Tibetan. Even when I tell them, they always ask me 'which one of your parents is Han, your father or your mother?' ... They congratulate me for not being like a Tibetan ... . Whenever a rural Tibetan gets on a city bus, people hold their noses and walk away and make very rude comments. Once I took my cousin from the village to a hospital in Xining. All of the doctors tried to ignore her, each telling the others to go and examine the dirty Tibetan ... I started to feel: okay, I am Tibetan. I'm not at all like you Han people. Then after I finished junior high I decided to go back to another school to learn Tibetan for several years. I volunteered to teach for a year in a nomadic area ... . Now I'm proud of being Tibetan ... I think it's very important for us to keep our Tibetan culture.”

Younger Tibetan elites who have been educated and raised in urban China often come to first identify and then to perform their own Tibetan-ness through a contradictory process in which the misrecognition of Tibetans as a group, together with their own misrecognition as Han, is precisely what engenders their desire to become 'real' Tibetans, to inhabit and embody the category 'Tibetan'. At the same time, their identity is also shaped within the context of state discourse. The Chinese state actively promotes its own version of history, according to which Tibet has been part of China since the 11th century. It also seeks to shape imaginations of belonging through the regulation of linguistic categories and through the promotion of popular songs according to which, for example, “the Han and the Tibetans are daughters of one mother”.

The processes and contexts of Tibetan subject formation within the PRC contrast starkly to the experience of exile, where constant repetition and verbalization of the mythico-history of Tibet is a primary way in which identity is constituted and performed. These differences are then brought into the cultural politics of Tibetan-ness in the USA. Tibetans from Tibet challenge the critique that others make about their engagement with Chinese culture. One such man does so by criticizing some of the exiles for mistakenly reifying Tibetan culture, or in his words: "treating Tibetan culture like a thing which can be put on a table, bounded, and moved around." These Tibetans base their claims to authenticity in an authority of place: they are, after all, literally from Tibet. They know what Tibet is like, whereas, they say, the long-term exiles carry around an image of Tibet in 1959 and act as if it is still accurate now. For them, being Tibetan is no more incompatible with speaking Chinese than it is with speaking English or enjoying Hindi movies. If some of these Tibetans are genuinely concerned with the way their own Tibetan-ness has been diluted by outside influences, or, more commonly, if they are concerned with the younger generation of Tibetans in the PRC, they see this as no different from the Indian and Western influences observable in the styles and language of Tibetans from exile.




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发表于 2009-8-13 21:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-8-13 23:24 | 显示全部楼层

结论 (Conclusions)

本帖最后由 rhapsody 于 2009-8-13 23:27 编辑

The many layers of romantic projection and desire that refract Western perceptions of Tibetans, as well as the lingering effects of Cold War perceptions of China on global imaginaries, make analyses of Tibetan diasporic politics particularly important. The discussion offered here should emphatically not be read as an attempt to undermine Tibetan struggles for human rights, for an end to religious and political oppression, or for other political claims. Instead, it is motivated by a concern that the idealized image rather than the empirical reality of Tibetans has produced certain uncritical forms of Western support and activism. The particular forms of support made available not only have been limited but "may have damaged the political prospects of the Tibetan issue as much as it helped them". An understanding of diaspora without guarantees requires a grounding of analyses in everyday social relations and situated practices, which can then reveal the limits of the liberatory potential of diasporic political projects.

Contestations over what constitutes proper "Tibetan" behavior, and what gets recognized as authentically Tibetan and what does not, reflect very different processes of subject formation at work in the different transnational routes that link the Tibetan homeland to the United States. The Tibetan identity of exile is constituted by the mythico-history of Tibet, a recasting of the past in moral terms. Viewing themselves as preservers of the traditions that have been destroyed within Tibet itself, they appeal to a kind of temporal authority to affirm their authentic Tibetan-ness. To be Tibetan is to be part of a community of sentiment in which the experience of exile is geared toward the eventual recovery of the homeland. In the meantime, however, the locus of authenticity is recentered, away from contemporary Tibet. By contrast, the (significantly fewer) Tibetans who arrive straight from the PRC locate their Tibetan-ness in the embodied authority of experiencing the homeland as a living place. Hence, despite the pervasive image of Tibetans as constant and pure across space, Tibetan identity formation is varied and greatly inflected by national and linguistic locations. The question of what gets recognized as Tibetan by Tibetans in the new US diaspora, and why, is productive in that it forces us to examine the complex relationships between Tibet as a moral destination and Tibetan as a category of cultural identity, and the spaces in which these relationships are deployed and contested.

While homeland thus means very different things to differently routed Tibetans, the conscious meanings of Tibet are not the only ones that matter. Even more important is the embodied performance of Tibetan-ness - in language, dialect, code switching, grammatical patterns, as well as in the details of clothing, gesture, and taste. In short, the habitus, or set of 'durable dispositions', is a bodily inscription of the places and national locations through which differently positioned Tibetans dwell and travel. However, such dispositions are often unexpected; each group of Tibetans imagines that Tibetan-ness will always be easily recognizable through familiarity if not through selfsameness. It is the very visceral reaction to unfamiliar embodied aspects such as style of clothing, taste in music, and language usage that causes exile Tibetans to be disappointed by the apparent alienness of Tibetans from Tibet. This then becomes a lost opportunity to forge connections between exile and homeland.
P.S. 终于贴完了,不容易啊…… 大家有空多看多提意见啊,没问题的话周末就发布。{:10_403:}




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