



楼主: antifake2

[08.08.24 BBC blog] 北京再见,再见伦敦(附英国网友评论)

发表于 2008-8-27 11:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-27 11:05 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 山水之间 于 2008-8-27 11:03 发表
说的好! ...

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发表于 2008-8-27 11:05 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-27 12:03 | 显示全部楼层
21. At 6:51pm on 24 Aug 2008, MoorWatcher wrote:
Actually, I think the organisers of the London 2012 segment had an impossible task.
If they played the "Modern, multicultural Britain for the 21st Century" card, the assembled masses of Sun, Daily Mail and Telegraph readers would slate them. If they play the "Glorious past" card, the Guardian and Independent readership will howl in protest.
Frankly, I think they did a good job of pulling it together.
Yes, it wasn't perfect... but then, does anyone now remember China's 8 minute segment at the Athens 2004 closing ceremony???




22. At 6:52pm on 24 Aug 2008, attiq786 wrote:
I don't question Michael Johnson's talent and analysis but I question why the BBC seem to ignore our great Olympians such as Daley Thompson and Steve Ovett.
I agree that he is a top bloke but the BBC seem to only invite their 'chums' to the party and ignore champions of the past.


我并不怀疑Michael Johnson的才华和分析能力,但是我就搞不懂,BBC为什么总是对我们的像Daley Thompson 的Steve Ovett这样的优秀运动员视而不见!?


23. At 6:53pm on 24 Aug 2008, lwelshbloke wrote:
Post 22 - Steve Ovett was one of the studio analysts!!!

回22楼的:Steve Ovett是电视解说之一

24. At 7:00pm on 24 Aug 2008, bitterblogger wrote:
""Beijing, Beijing, I love Beijing" being the worst"
Exactly. This is typical of state manufactured propaganda songs under the hood of pop music created by mediocre composers and endored by senior party officials.
Can you find anything more ridiculous than crying out "I love myself" to the world?


25. At 7:04pm on 24 Aug 2008, locohero wrote:
I thought Boris looked ok and did ok so get off his back people!
Happy with the London bus, am surprised it didn't mow down the cyclists, or at least poison them in a cloud of carbon dioxide from its exhaust.
Leona and Jimmy Page were good but why thrust up into the sky like a fairy on top of an xmas tree?
Beckham shouldve come out waving, not just standing there grinning, oh well.
And the dancers throwing the newspapers away - what dunce dreamt that up? The dancing was generally rubbish - all of them freestyling got lost in that giant stadium.



Leona和Jimmy Page(译者注:就是那位弹吉它的先生)也还好啦,但是就是不明白为什么要把Leona像个天使一样升到空中,她是不是屁股下面坐着一棵圣诞树啊?(译注:这段真是把我笑得不行,Leona的裙子是超长,然后还是盘旋的,看过去是有点像圣诞树,哈哈)



[ 本帖最后由 antifake2 于 2008-8-27 13:16 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-27 12:06 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-27 13:19 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-27 13:24 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-27 13:40 | 显示全部楼层

26. At 7:09pm on 24 Aug 2008, mxb160 wrote:
For me, I think our Games will be better than Beijing in a sense that they will just be more fun. It was so good to see 40,000 having a good time in the Mall today, an in Weymouth and Glasgow. That is something that didn't occur in Beijing. From what I could see, there was no sense of carnival, no big groups on the streets all watching on big screens. I mean, did they really need a massive fence around the Olympic Green??
I thought the handover was really good to be honest. It was colourful and fun with good music. Add great sport into that and I think that should be exactly what the London Games is all about. Beijing did very well, but in the ceremonies there wasn't many moments for the spectators to be on their feet having fun. But people were doing that today in London, and we still have four years!
I say we should all be positive as 2012 will be one great party and I cannot wait.


27. At 7:13pm on 24 Aug 2008, mxb160 wrote:
Oh and people might complain about the people in the handover, but Jimmy page playing a classic British song, sung by a fresh, talented, successful girl from Hackney, and Beckham a HUGE British, East-End star who is a great ambassador for Sport and this country. Perfect combination I say.

OH...有些人可能会觉得那个移交仪式很差劲。但是Jimmy Page弹着古典吉它,而演唱歌曲的是一位富有才华的来自Hackney的年轻歌手,Beckham是个伟大的英国人,这个来自东伦敦区的家伙实在是代表运动和英国的最好人选了。你们不觉得把这些融合在一起很棒吗?

28. At 7:15pm on 24 Aug 2008, Moutarde wrote:
"19. At 6:47pm on 24 Aug 2008, lwelshbloke wrote:
So how do we top these games?
Full stadia so that all competitors get to compete in a fantastic atmosphere.
No controversy concerning home nation bias or rumours of rule breaking."
Well said! As long as we aim to make them the open games that the world needs after the slightly sinister Beijing Olympics, we will not go far wrong. Big screens in the parks, more access for the spectators, less officious stewards..these should be high on our list of priorities.
As for Boris' performance, I, along with at least a million or so Londoners who voted for him, relished seeing him up there in the spotlight. I am sure there was an official Beijing Olympics Organising Committee steward telling him to button up his blazer, but he is who he is and shouldn't change simply because some red tape zealot tells him to.
It's also,( for those of us who were able to understand what Livingstone was really about and not just blindly vote Labour), so, so sweet to think of that loser sat at home seething that he didn't get to go and wave a flag in front of the world at the centre of communism, although I think that flag was a little less red than the one he would have wanted to see flying!
Bring on 2012, the Open Games!







29. At 7:18pm on 24 Aug 2008, Freddie71 wrote:
attiq786 - What did you expect in 8 mins a full scale orchestra and a concerto. Gawd some people are so trivial.

I was born and bred in Hackney and I can tell you we definitely know how to party........hang around for 2012 and see for yourself




30. At 7:18pm on 24 Aug 2008, air1jwilkins1212 wrote:
Boris should be very ashamed. Undoubtedly he looked like a scruff with his jacket undone - he could have featured in the eight minutes as a barking dog at the bus stop...
And as for those eight minutes, I was embarrassed. As soon as the ultra-modern, tinted-windowed, double-decker bus made its appearance into the Bird's Nest, I knew this was going to be bad. I agree with people about Leona Lewis. She is a winner of the X Factor, so? Most of us would rush to turn the TV over if we caught a glimpse of that show. "Whole Lotta Crap" was awful - too repetitive and annoying. We have an extensive music taste, and I just thought this didn't help to represent it.
I kind of liked the umbrellas. We all know we're a nation who love to bring up the weather in conversation, and I think the world are aware of that. What the hell was with the hedgerow? It looked like grimey sewerage was all over the city in that green light. And David Beckham looked like a lost schoolboy.



我完全赞同你们对Leona Lewis的评价,没错,她是X Factor的冠军,那又怎么呢?我们大多数人看到那个选秀节目就会立马换台,实在是“整个就是一坨屎”—— 喋喋不休到让人想发火。我们是有广泛的音乐品味,但是我可不认为这些也包含在内。


[ 本帖最后由 antifake2 于 2008-8-27 16:07 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-27 13:59 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-8-27 14:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-27 14:33 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-27 14:57 | 显示全部楼层

31. At 7:23pm on 24 Aug 2008, beagle7210 wrote:
Let's be frank - it wasn't the best handover section ever but it was never going to be (Beckham landing the ball onto the head of that dancer who was nevertheless so pleased to be hit was priceless though).
There will undoubtedly be criticism tomorrow but I will not accept any of them unless the critic is actually able to come up with a better 8 minute segment of their own.
Personally, at this moment, I struggle to imagine how London 2012 will 'look'. How do you define Britishness any more? That said, I very much look forward to it!




32. At 7:24pm on 24 Aug 2008, air1jwilkins1212 wrote:
Oh and another thing. There was no sign of a cup of tea!! Or a TEAPOT! How could they forget :(

OH,还有一件事情忘了,竟然没看到茶的标记,连茶壶也没有!他们怎么能把这个也忘了? :-((译注:没忘,开幕式上有,呵呵)

33. At 7:24pm on 24 Aug 2008, willy86 wrote:
I thought it was OK, but we never remember these slots 4 years on. The one thing I hope is that we get away from some of our manufactured safeness that we had at the London event in The Mall today. It was quite embarrassing to watch that boy band killing that ABBA song which was actually about divorce, but it contained the word "Winner" so, never mind, whilst the self promotion of the BBC's latest reality show was cringeworthy.
We do have a fantastic musical heritage here in the UK and I hope as we get nearer the event we will see these types of stars turned out. Elton John instead of Will Young, The Rolling Stones instead of Busted.
It is the right idea, IMO, of what should be carried out during the 2012 Olympics, using the capitals landmarks to hold nightly concerts and such, but we need to get away from some of this safeness.
I think the games will be a success, I just hope that the "safeness" written into things controlled by politicians with alterior motives doesn't dampen the fun.

英国有丰富的音乐遗产,我真希望在即将来到的奥运会上我们能看到这些明星复出,比如让Elton John 代替 Will Young,
The Rolling Stones 代替Busted。



34. At 7:26pm on 24 Aug 2008, air1jwilkins1212 wrote:
Perhaps occupying more of the floor would have made it more spectacular(?)


35. At 7:27pm on 24 Aug 2008, chachi3 wrote:
London handover??? What a load of RUBBISH!!!! Who the hell is Jimmy Page??? Led Zepplin So what, I certainly don't think that they represent Britains music. Mic's did'nt work properly, says a lot about what to expect 2012. Beckham, great embassador, nuff said. Child leaves bus walks over dancers to get back on bus??? All this to give an invitation to the world to come to London in 4 years time. On those 8 minutes, why would they?

伦敦交接?简直就是一车垃圾!!!谁是TMD Jimmy Page???Led Zepplin(译注:jimmy以前所在乐队,在英国非常有名) 又怎么?我当然觉他们代表不了英国音乐。说再多也没用了,对2012真是不抱任何希望了。Beckham,传大的使者,够了!小孩子离开巴士之后踩着舞者的背回到车上???所有这些都是向世界发出邀请?让人家来4年后的伦敦奥运?人家干嘛要来啊?

[ 本帖最后由 antifake2 于 2008-8-27 16:59 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-27 15:04 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-8-27 15:21 | 显示全部楼层
楼主辛苦了~~~ 这么多的评论翻译,让我这样的英文白痴看得很爽~~ 献花,献花~~
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发表于 2008-8-27 16:31 | 显示全部楼层
感谢楼主! 辛苦了!
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发表于 2008-8-27 16:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-27 16:45 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-27 16:54 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-27 17:07 | 显示全部楼层
36. At 7:32pm on 24 Aug 2008, georengle wrote:
David Beckam says: "I'm an East End boy and I'm proud that it's happening in London. I was very proud to be involved in the first place bringing it back to England and to London," he said.
I say: "What happened to the rest of the UK...Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland?"
If they're not part of it, they should be getting some money back.


37. At 7:33pm on 24 Aug 2008, mxb160 wrote:
willy86, I know exactly what you mean about 'The Winner Takes It All.' A very strange choice, but I strangely liked it.
But can I suggest that we have Elton John AND Will Young. And the Rolling Stones AND Busted. I say the more the merrier!!


不过我建议 Elton John 、 Will Young、the Rolling Stones 、 Busted都上,越多越好嘛!

38. At 7:34pm on 24 Aug 2008, smellslikesalmon wrote:
Thank you for a great Olympics, China. Best Olympics I've seen... and I usually ignore the opening/closing ceremonies, but loved these.
As for all the negative "we won't match Beijing" stuff, it'll be different but still great! This City is messy, with terrible transport, but people know how to have fun. We need to throw in some world-class organisation for the next 4 years to sort the infrastructure as well as possible, but we can do it.
I think that the Beijing volunteers were a great example for all of us. Why not learn a language over the next 4 years to help foreign visitors? Why not volunteer to help - gps could work as medical cover, those of us who work in finance could help with that side of things, etc. The Olympics is too big for one team of consultants to provide, we all need to get involved.


39. At 7:34pm on 24 Aug 2008, hendero wrote:
The hedgerow on the bus that was supposed to be carved into shapes of famous London landmarks reminded me of the miniature Stonehenge block from Spinal Tap.

那些围在巴士周围的伦敦著名地标的轮廓围栏让我想起Spinal Tap的史前巨石阵。

40. At 7:40pm on 24 Aug 2008, DCHeretic wrote:
Thank you China for an outstanding Olympic Games!
London should not try to compete with Beijing while preparing the 2012 Games. As an authoritarian society, Beijing had certain advantages that London does not, and hopefully never will, have. London is a classy, charming city and should focus on letting its many natural attributes shine through.
And can we please have men's synchronized swimming in 2012??


[ 本帖最后由 antifake2 于 2008-8-27 17:26 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-27 17:31 | 显示全部楼层

41. At 7:41pm on 24 Aug 2008, smellslikesalmon wrote:
#36 - first of all, I hope that the whole of the UK will be involved. This isn't the US where you can have different Olympics in different states, smaller countries get behind their Olympics wherever they're held - we should too.
As for London "giving money back" to other regions, as London subsidises the rest of the country to the tune of 30bn+ every year (the reason we have such bad infrastructure), I don't think London has to give money back to anyone!
Sadly, I think we'll have lots of this sort of moaning over the next 4 years.


42. At 7:43pm on 24 Aug 2008, michaelh1990 wrote:
cant understand what 30 and 35 have against jimmy page.
it was a good cermeony and olympics because dictatorships are good at organizing things.
it shuldnt be too hard some fireowkrs some dancers and have the stadiums built on time seems simple to me

对于30楼和35楼呛声Jimmy Page感觉很不可思议

43. At 7:44pm on 24 Aug 2008, michaelh1990 wrote:
and also why was there no cricket or rugby in the olympics ad why did the womens cycling have so few events


44. At 7:46pm on 24 Aug 2008, georengle wrote:
Swallowed the "London subsidises everyone else myth" I see. Maybe you should read a broader range of newspapers.


45. At 7:50pm on 24 Aug 2008, Ryushinku wrote:
I've never been able to take Huw Edwards seriously since he had that cameo in Doctor Who a couple years back.
"Bob? Bob? Not you too, Bob..."
"Does this mean the Olympic dream is...dead?"


自从Huw Edwards加入到Doctor Who(英国很有名的电视剧)后,我就再没把他当个严谨的人看。

[ 本帖最后由 antifake2 于 2008-8-28 09:27 编辑 ]
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