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[透析评论] 贫穷落后的美国,一个留学生的感叹!

发表于 2011-11-22 12:15 | 显示全部楼层
Blackhawk 发表于 2011-11-21 12:33
>> 1)      我和太太都没有美国护照,虽然我们十多年前就有了绿卡。没有申请的原因是因为自己感情上不 ...

》能不能向那个因为断了经费从西北大学回去的那个大牛海龟, 忘了他的名字,什么小毅,到美国大使馆申请吊销两个人的绿卡? 以示坚定的爱国决心。   


》比如, 我就无所谓,我觉得哪里舒服,就在哪里。 我既不会拼命爱国、反美,也不会爱美反中。   我只代表我自己,不过呢,我对制度系统上的认同,则更倾向于美国, 因为它明摆着是好一些,尽管它也有它的问题。  奥巴马和克林顿都是很智慧和才能普通的人。 我很钦佩这两个人,而且欣赏他们被选择的过程。  


》另外呢,人的最基本的动物本能, 是回避风险,爱国情结也不可能超越这种本能。 当然啦,非常时期,为了国家的利益,敢于面对风险,勇于自我牺牲的人们,无论在哪个文化里,都是可歌可泣的、令人称颂的。  和平时期呢,则毫无那样的必要。


》要是真爱国,就给她上北京户口、毁了美国护照,断了她长大以后选择当美帝国主义公民的后路。  当然,我这是玩笑。


》还是留着护照把,让她也多一个选择, 你老了也多条后路。  俗话说,狡兔三窟吗。  不为己,天诛地灭。


》你的爱国情结,不该灌输给她,那是对她很不公平的事情。 她长大了会有她自己的判断。   


》同意你的说法。  小孩子还没有成年,就放出来,很可能会出麻烦。 但是 对那些人来说,国内竞争那么激烈,如果孩子成绩不是很好,将来是个麻烦, 能让孩子升学,未来有好的职业、稳定的生活,比对孩子保持中国文化影响要重要的多。  


》  有很强的自信心让人感觉很舒服, 但是,中国文化强调谦虚为本。 孔子说,三人行,必有我师; (我靠,我竟然还知道中国传统文化。)  基督教里也叫人要谦逊; 俗话说,天外有天,山外有山。  你这种自负是在美敌营十八年以后遗留下的后遗症。


》我觉着该是如此。  如果只是为了爱国, 怎么可能会等十八年呢? 怎么可能会生一个由美国护照的孩子? 要真是铁杆儿爱国,毕业了就立马儿打道回府了,用学来的东西以夷制夷。


》每个人维持自尊的法子不一样。 漂亮的女人用身材、容貌; 丑陋的人用智慧; 受苦的人用宗教。。。 什么样的人用爱国,我不知道。  总之,每个人都在用不同的法子补偿他其它方面的欠缺, 平衡自己的心理。  


》谁也说不定这世界如何变。 没准儿你可能跟着你女儿在香港或加拿大或美国养老呢。  人生无常,世事难断,没有人能知道未来会发生什么,我们能做到的就是爱自己、爱家人,象乔布斯说的那样,把每一天当作你的最后一天。  我连爱我的邻人都做不到,更何况爱国了。

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发表于 2011-11-22 12:44 | 显示全部楼层
用米国人话说就是 在中国你不知道什么叫不方便在美国你不知道什么叫方便
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发表于 2011-11-22 16:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Blackhawk 于 2011-11-22 16:44 编辑
silkrain 发表于 2011-11-22 12:15
》能不能向那个因为断了经费从西北大学回去的那个大牛海龟, 忘了他的名字,什么小毅,到美国大使馆申请 ...

很好的回复。 多谢。


找到了一篇很好的文章。    抄录如下:

The Psychology of Patriotism

By Michael J. Bader

PATRIOTISM can be a force for good or evil. American patriotism helped vanquish fascism; German patriotism helped create and sustain it. Wars of national liberation depend on patriotic fervor to oppose colonial rule; unfortunately, ethnic cleansing draws on this same fervor. Appeals to the transcendent value of the nation-state can be progressive or regressive. But regardless of the purpose to which patriotism is harnessed, all forms of it share similar psychological dynamics. Patriotic symbols such as the “nation” —including its manifestations in images like the flag or the Founding Fathers— represent the fulfillment of our longings for connectedness and safety. In this sense, the nation is a metaphor for a family.  Families serve the function of providing psychic security and attachment. We project onto ever-expanding forms of social authority the longings originally satisfied by parents in childhood.

On a symbolic level, we looked to our leaders to provide the protection and strength usually associated
with fathers. In the second instance, people looked to government to provide care and nurturance, a safety  net—qualities associated in our culture with mothers.


Nevertheless, one of the reasons that patriotic fervor can be so passionate— and, as a result, so  vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation — is that its roots lie in deep levels of the psyche.

Patriotism is a container for a range of psychological needs that originally play themselves out in the
family. Over 50 years of psychological research have established that human beings have an innate need for attachment and recognition and that not only is the satisfaction of this need essential for psychological and physical survival, but its frustration is one of the primary sources of mental suffering.1 I see such suffering ever day in my consulting room — families in which parents can’t empathize with their children or each other, or narcissistically use their children, or neglect them altogether. I see children who grow up taking care of others instead of themselves or who retreat from intimacy because of fears of rejection and abandonment.

Furthermore, the helplessness of the human infant and its absolute dependence on adult caregivers for
survival generates a powerful need for protection and an idealization of the power and authority of these
caregivers. When parents are protective and reasonable, children grow up with a basic sense of security
and an ability to rely on others. When parents fail to protect children and exercise their authority in arbitrary, frightening, or inconsistent ways, children grow up with a basic sense of insecurity and difficulty trusting others. Unfortunately, this latter scenario is all too common. However, the fact that our needs for connection and security are often thwarted does not mean that they go away. We continue to long for recognition and relationships of mutuality even as we often suffer from loneliness. And we continue to seek security even as we feel unsafe and unprotected. In this context, it’s easy to understand the powerful
psychic meanings of patriotism. To feel like an “American,”  to identify with the “United States of America,”
is to feel at once safe and connected. Patriotism establishes a “we” that satisfies the longings for connectedness and affiliation that are so often frustrated in our private lives. And it offers an image of a strong and fair authority in relationship to which we can feel safe and secure.

These powerful satisfactions provided by patriotism become even more compelling when we consider
how imperiled or absent they are in everyday social life. A great many sociologists, psychologists, and philosophers have written about the ways that a market economy based on an ethos of selfish individualism undermines communities, atomizes social life, alienates work, and tends to make relationships increasingly instrumental.  From David Riesman’s 1950 masterpiece The Lonely Crowd, to Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed in 1970, to Robert Putnam’s 2001 sensation Bowling Alone, social critics have argued that the decline in traditional communities of meaning in contemporary society has had disastrous consequences for the psychological well-being of citizens.

Thus the unfulfilled longings for attachment, recognition, and security first manifested and frustrated in
early family life get further blocked in our everyday lives as citizens and workers. The suffering that results
is often unconscious. As children, we invest our families with an awesome power to define the way things are and the way they’re supposed to be. We experience our frustrations and psychological pain as normal, as somehow wired into the fabric of reality, fate, or our genes. Similarly, in a culture based on individualism,  needs for community can seem foolish. We grow up cynical about the possibility that things could really be different and so we conclude that our suffering is illegitimate and unworthy of articulation. Our loneliness and collective insecurity become problems with no names.

Patriotism, appeals to national pride, invocations of historical purpose, symbols of collective unity (the flag, the Constitution, etc.) all offer a symbolic resolution to unspoken and inchoate longings for elatedness and safety. For as much as there are powerful forces in our familial and cultural lives that create alienation and apprehension, there are forces acting as an undertow against the prevailing waves. To the extent that people continue to need to feel safe and connected, they will make do with whatever they can find to satisfy these needs.


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发表于 2011-11-22 18:12 | 显示全部楼层
silkrain 发表于 2011-11-21 20:35
》总结一下你的意思,你在黑人区住过 ,而且黑人区治安不错是吧 ,大概你女儿也在那边出生的是吧

我在黑 ...

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发表于 2011-11-22 18:17 | 显示全部楼层
Blackhawk 发表于 2011-11-22 16:41
很好的回复。 多谢。


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发表于 2011-11-22 19:14 | 显示全部楼层
罗化生 发表于 2011-11-22 05:12
这里是在讨论昧国,不是在讨论你,谁爱听你絮絮叨叨的讲自己的故事,在 ...



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发表于 2011-11-22 19:33 | 显示全部楼层
Blackhawk 发表于 2011-11-22 03:41
很好的回复。 多谢。





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发表于 2011-11-22 19:35 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 罗化生 于 2011-11-22 19:38 编辑
silkrain 发表于 2011-11-22 19:14

你觉得这很好玩吗?我看是无聊透顶。如果你没有最基本的诚意进行交流, ...

你絮絮叨叨的和一个满嘴乱喷的ID 谈论与主题无关的你的女儿的问题想干什么呢----我还怀疑他不过就是你的马甲呢,你们连说话的语气都差不多,都像是事不关己的背书一样的语气。
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发表于 2011-11-22 20:05 | 显示全部楼层
罗化生 发表于 2011-11-22 06:35
我浪费了别的谁的时间呢,这边的主帖讨论的是昧国情况,我对你说的什么黑人区强奸都是因为毒品的说法提出 ...


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发表于 2011-11-23 13:30 | 显示全部楼层
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