



楼主: chencongbin1988


发表于 2008-11-25 11:06 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 无耻白人 于 2008-11-16 18:11 发表
早期佛教跟喇嘛教很类似,和尚不工作干活靠别人养,还喝酒吃肉。好像还有僧妓,还不交税,占用了大量的国家财政支出,直到会昌灭佛之后,朝廷大规模整顿之后,佛教僧人才逐渐改成出世禁欲,靠化缘和香火钱自力更生的模式。 ...

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发表于 2008-11-25 14:14 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-11-25 16:16 | 显示全部楼层

Dirty Aussies by Harish on 14 Nov 2008
A comment from a third rate cricketer indeed! What pathetic losers these Aussis are !
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'Chennai Super Kings' should KICK Hayden back to Australia, where he will scrounge state benefit. We Indians should start to treat all WHITES as poor as any others. White people also beg in New York, London, Paris and Prague. May be Hayden should go and join them than making millions from Chennai Super Kings.
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Chennai Super Kings(應該是賽會名稱)應該把Hayden踢回澳大利亞,他在那里只會騙取國家的福利。我們印度人應該和其他人一樣對這些白人兇一點。在紐約、倫敦、巴黎和布拉格白人一樣在要飯。也許Hayden應該去跟他們一起去(要飯)而不是從Chennai Super Kings這里賺了好幾百萬。

Is third world more derogatory than being backward? by Sunitha on 14 Nov 2008
If Indians themselves have no qualms about calling themselves 'backward/most-backward', why should we get agitated about India being called 'third world'?

I am proud of India by Raj on 14 Nov 2008
This Hayden guy should not be allowed to step into India. Also, people like ramesh patel bother me more who instead of appreciating the positive things about our great nation will support Hayden's comments and going to the extent suggesting India is not a civilised country simply because he has to pay more for the tourism tickets in India. If his feelings are no different than Hayden's then he should stay whereever he is.

Be humble by Rahul on 14 Nov 2008
Be humble. Indian politician types are basically feudalistic and arrogant and in the habbit of demanding respect instead of trying to earn it.Indian leaders need to be humble and work for the downtrodden and get over the habbit of chest-beating. India has 40% f its population illetrate and hungary. The elite and priveledges sections of Indian society needs to fix these fundmantal issues before feeling two Jonigoistic about us being called 3rd world.

hayden outburst by kk on 14 Nov 2008
this is what happen when you lose the test series and then blame the host being a third world country. it is a fair point that majority of the infrastructure is of poor quality in comparison to australia or europe. traffic sense in india is non existent. the general appearance in india is not very appealing when you land in india. this is ok but hayden this was not the first time he played in india. he never commented openly when australia won in india. it shows that aussies are poor looser and can't bear the humilation suffered at the hand of third world (so hayden calls) poor indian players. i think aussies will be better of playing in pakistan, bangladesh or zambawi. i hope he thinks again before he puts his foot again on india soil as we indian are proud of achievement with some draebacks of course. it is time hayden and the aussies accepted that they were out classed in every way. why blame others for your incompetency and learn to be good looser.
Hayden Outburst(不太好翻譯)

[ 本帖最后由 Forulla 于 2008-11-25 16:21 编辑 ]




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发表于 2008-11-25 21:19 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 mmc210 于 2008-10-28 16:25 发表
你也太不了解广东广西人,日本人进攻广西的时候,国军撤退,中途却被一帮拿着鸟枪,钢叉的土著给整得变体鳞伤,满地找呀。广东人就更不得了了,阴着呢,白天当顺民,晚上闷棍绑票全来了,香港人就...都是英国人的错,把他们都变成顺民了 ...


[ 本帖最后由 夏尔的森林 于 2008-11-25 21:24 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-11-25 23:41 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-11-26 16:57 | 显示全部楼层
转个CNN 的文章,  是关于最近他们做的一个印度主题....
报道比较正面,  也请注意回贴  呵呵~  很有意思

http://business.blogs.cnn.com/20 ... nt-and-influential/

November 25, 2008
The new India: Confident, affluent and influential
Posted: 1200 GMT
MUMBAI, India – All this week World Business Today is in Mumbai to look at this exciting new economy. I use both “exciting” and “new” advisedly. I have been coming to India to report for about 12 years or so. The changes over that time are clear to see.

From the quality of the cars on the roads, to the explosion of shopping malls, the international M&A (mergers and acquisitions) activity of Indian companies and the general attitude of Indians, especially younger Indians. There’s a confidence and an affluence that is more noticeable every time I come.

But is India ready to join to the global “head table”? There’s still huge issues here.

The growing gap between rich and poor, for one thing, although there’s no doubt of a trickle-down economic effect. The World Bank estimates that for each percentage point of growth another 20 million Indians are lifted from extreme poverty. And India has been growing at 9 percent for the past three years.

Then there’s the never-ending infrastructure issue. In the past four days I’ve seen the inside of our car far, far too much. Yes it’s Mumbai so of course so it’s busy, but it’s a chronic — and maddening — problem.

India operates at a 20 percent power deficit during peak hours. Chennai, according to our reporter there, experiences brown-outs four to five times a day. And that’s India’s fourth biggest city.

And ports — most of India’s ports are too small to accommodate the big intercontinental container ships. Far too much of India’s exports have to be transshipped through a third-party port to get to North America or Europe.

But this is why I say India does have to be at the head table now.

In the three months India has secured a nuclear trade deal with the U.S., it has launched a lunar probe, the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been in Washington with the G20 to look at a global response to the ecnomic crisis, and most recently India’s navy flexed its growing muscle in the Gulf of Aden, joining international efforts to combat piracy.

These are all highly visible, and significant, international developments. Put that against a backdrop of the booming economy, and the stampede of international countries to Indian shores, and this country is now too big and too powerful to ignore, at just about any level.

Did I mention (as an Australian) that the mighty Australian cricket team just been humbled in India? That hurt.

So… do you agree? Does India deserve that place at the head table? Send me your thoughts.

Posted by: Andrew Stevens, CNN Anchor and Correspondent
Filed under: Business
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发表于 2008-11-26 16:58 | 显示全部楼层
前几个回贴  简直把印度吹天上去了,  好象有个人 已经说印度已经替代 欧美成为世界经济的轴心了 呵呵

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Ganesh Sivakumar   November 25th, 2008 1339 GMT

Yes for sure.
India has knowledge power and people to support and I am sure even if super power like US, UK is slammed with economic crisis India will survive and will lead the global economy.

Samantha   November 25th, 2008 1340 GMT

It’s finally happening. The internet is causing global economic equality. The “pyramid scheme” gamble of living beyond one’s means of the over developed countries greed is leveling out. Before the next decade I predict that the average doctor in America is only able to afford the same modest flat that the average Indian doctor does.

Rahul Singh   November 25th, 2008 1556 GMT

Yes, India is ready, and has been for the past few years. But,.. India should join that select group only as an equal member, not as a “junior member” (eg. either everybody has veto power, or no one does, etc).

manik manchanda   November 25th, 2008 1556 GMT

yes it would happen definitely but this thing requires some time to happen . if now we see there is shortcomings in fields like ports , roads ,and other infrastructure it would be overcome as these shortcomings are not actually shortcomings but these are opportunities and points to grow once India finds the right path to grow faster then there may be any power who can ignore even stop India.

aman rai   November 25th, 2008 1816 GMT

There’s something wrong with the numbers… If you say each percentage point of growth raises 20 million out of absolute poverty… and we’ve grown at 9% a year for the past three years… that means, every year, we’ve raised 180 million out of absolute poverty. that means, over the past three years, we’ve brought 540 million out of absolute poverty, which simply isn’t true. 60% of the country continues to live below the poverty line… which is well over 650 million at this time. raising 540 million of those out of poverty would mean we’ve accomplished beyond our wildest dreams… and as much as one would like to believe it, we haven’t. no, we face the same problem with wealth distribution that the west does, but given the fact that our poor are much poorer than their first world counterparts, the differences are much starker.

Which is not to say we shouldn’t be on the table. In times when every major economy is declaring recession, we’re still looking forward to growth… For all the advice all those pundits gave us about how we must de-regulate faster, i only ask that you look at the state of your own de-regulated economies to see why we won’t. Of course, you needn’t take my word for it. Your own finance ministers will be telling you all about it in the coming months.

Vishwas   November 25th, 2008 1832 GMT

Your article gives an idea of where India was and where it is right now in terms of ecnomic development due to outsourcing and creation of jobs. I wonder you have been travelling to India so frequently but your article is still biased. No wonder we are a great country but there are still chronic problems of corruption, lack of administration, social evils unemployemnt and many more.

I guess all those who read this article and who commented are from the industry that has been created in last couple of years but there is much more beyond these 1% of pupulation that is shining there are crores f people who are still suferring the inequaity both social and economic and they will continue to do so until unless we all Indians do something for every other underprivileged citizen and those efforts will bring shine to the faces of people who have missed the India shining and outsourcing boom. As a citizen we are proud but we also need to arm urself to fight against the anti social, anti econmic and the corrupt.

I have a lot to say to you on the article that you have written but i guess that will be a lot to write in this small commen box. Still thanks for recognizing India as a power and we will show that world that we are a power in all respect.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 12:09 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.rediff.com/news/2008/ ... feels-the-heat1.htm
  Chandrayaan feels the heat in 'moon summer'
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 12:10 | 显示全部楼层
 India's moon mission Chandrayaan [Images]-1 was a dream come true for every Indian and it was a perfect launch. But, since the last few days, ISRO scientists have been noticing that there is a slight rise in temperature on the surface of the Chandrayaan.
  However, ISRO scientists told rediff.com that there was no cause for concern and this generally happens due to something called as 'moon summer'
  The multi-layered insulated blanket on the Chandrayaan maintains the temperature between 0 and 40 degree Celsius. However, due to moon summer, the ISRO noticed that there had been a 10 degree rise in the temperature on the surface. ISRO scientists, who reassure that there is no cause for panic, add the temperature is expected to cool off in the next two weeks following which things will come to normal.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-27 12:10 | 显示全部楼层
The immediate fall-out due to the rise in temperature will be that the high energy X Ray Spectra Meter and the Sara (Sub KeV Atom Reflecting Analyser) will not be switched on immediately.
  Following the launch, the nine instruments being carried aboard the Chandrayaan had been switched on, but the remaining two as mentioned above will be switched on only once the temperature comes down.
  ISRO says that it will be better to switch on these two instruments once the temperature comes down as these are high-voltage instruments.
  The SARA once switched on will image the moon surface using low energy neutral atoms as diagnostics in the energy range 10eV-2keV to address the following scientific objectives:
  For India, this is a relatively new concept considering the fact that this is the first moon mission. ISRO had been gathering details about moon summer from other countries which have had moon missions in the past. However this time it is a first-hand experience for ISRO.
  温度升高的直接后果就是,高能X射线光谱仪和亚千电子伏(Sub KeV)原子反射分析仪不能随时启动.跟随初航一号一同发射航行的九件科学仪器都曾经启动过,但是两件主要设备,就是上面提到的只能等温度降低了才能启动.ISRO说最好等温度降低了再启动这两套仪器,因为它们是高电压仪器.亚千电子伏(Sub KeV)原子反射分析仪启动后,将利用低能中子扫描月球表面,用10至2000电子伏的能量判断以下科学目标:
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发表于 2008-11-27 12:57 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-27 15:48 | 显示全部楼层
一个骑车旅行的人眼里的印度 --- 沁园春【印度纪实】

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发表于 2008-11-28 09:38 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-28 09:39 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-28 11:02 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-28 11:17 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 夏尔的森林 于 2008-11-25 21:19 发表


嗯  同意  占领之前损失严重 占领之后也惶惶不可终日

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发表于 2008-11-28 13:14 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-29 15:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-11-29 17:01 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-11-29 17:32 | 显示全部楼层
   I've never been to Shanghai, and I know almost nothing about the place except that it is somewhere in China. Out of 150 millions of Mumbaikars, at least 149 millions also don't know much about Shanghai.
  I don't know who saw the Shanghai dream on our behalf? From this news, it seems that it was seen by an ex CM (Shinde?) with the help of an american company. But common man does not know what would that dream mean?
  As far as I know about Mumbai and Mumbaikars, a lot of noice will be made about these floods. Finally, everybody will be busy in the normal routines, and nothing will change.
  With all good intentions, a Union Cabinet minister (Jagmohan) and Supreme court - together could not improve much in Delhi.
  Ideas like CM should resign, may be correct to some extent. But I am sure such ideas are seldom followed by an alternative statesman like CM. Who should be the next CM?
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