本帖最后由 hellenal 于 2009-4-7 00:30 编辑
I have traveled to many countries. I have visited China, Turkey, India, Botswana, Vietnam, Fiji, Spain, France, England, Brazil, Ecuador, Greece, Mexico, Belize, Jamaica, Canada, Zamia, Zimbabwe and many others.
After exploring these many different places and having the opportunity to meet with people and experience their cultures first-hand, I have grown to realize that I want to work internationally. My love for foreign countries grows every time I visit a new one. I look forward to volunteering at a summer camp for orphans in Zambia this summer. I hope to help the children there.
Thank you so much for having me. I look forward to talking with you again. Bye! 再见!
我去过很多国家旅行。去过中国,土耳其,印度,博茨瓦纳,越南,斐济,西班牙,法国,英国,巴西,厄瓜多尔,希腊,墨西哥,伯利兹城(洪都拉斯首都),牙买加,加拿大,赞比亚 ,津巴布韦,还有很多其它地方。