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[08.7.7CNN] 言论自由在网络上受到限制

发表于 2008-7-9 15:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH ... tml?iref=newssearch


荷兰摄影师Maarten Dors就吃到了这种限制的苦头。他在YAHOO照片共享功能Flickr中上传了一张一位少年衣冠不整,茫然地吸烟的图片。YAHOO方面在没有通知他本人的情况下就删除了这张图片,因为它违反了“禁止描写未成年人吸烟”的不成文禁令。Maarten Dor事后说服了YAHOO的一位经理,告诉他这张照片并不是为了宣传未成年人吸烟,而是为了刻画罗马尼亚的贫穷和街头生活。照片得以恢复。但数月之后它还是被一位职员删除了。“我从来不认为这张照片是为了突出未成年人吸烟” Maarten Dors说,“这仅仅是为了说明一个罗马尼亚少年的生活是什么样的,如果你要仔细推敲,你永远也找不到切实的依据为什么Flickr会删除你的照片。”

如果是为了防止垃圾信息,排除全威胁,保护版权以及防治未成年人色情扩散,那么这样的行为是合法。但是许多东西都删的不明不白。想要达到平衡非常困难。“我们经常进退两难”Christine Jones说。他是GoDaddy.com有限公司的首席顾问。“在我们这样的国家,人们对能否自由表达自己的观点非产关切,但同时我们也想成为有道德的公民,也希望让互联网变得更好,更安全。

在Maarten Dors的事件中,“法律”完全是由YAHOO制定的. 正如其他服务商一样,YAHOO有绝对权利审查,拒绝和删除任何主题。服务商并没有义务这么做,但是也没有法律禁止他们。YAHOO和其他许多公司都表示,他们非常在意用户的言论自由和其他权利,但又不得不制定一些超过法律基本要求的条例来保证他们的品牌声誉,为用户提供一个更加安全的网上社区。在这些网络社区上,很可能会有少部分人被忽略不计。“那些条例有助于营造一个良好的网络环境。只有这样的环境才能吸引用户。”YAHOO政策副总裁Anne Toth说

Maarten Dors的照片最终还是贴在了Flickr上,YAHOO方面向他道歉,并且承认自己的规章制度太出格了。Flickr的主任Heather Champ说公司的政策制定基于用户的反馈和受过训练的职员对争论的评估。当然,错误是在所难免的。人就是这样”她说“犯错误的时候,我们很难意识到。却很容易记住我们的进步和伤口的愈合”


这样的事实不胜枚举:Verizon Wireless阻止了堕胎主义者通过短信宣传的行动;LiveJournal关闭了许多没有问题的博克,这些博克仅仅是小说文章或者关于恋童癖受害者的报道;AT&T公司删除了两则对布什总统批评的信息。以上三个事件都是由这些网络公司的高级执行人员,他们有这么做的绝对权利。公司操作的前后矛盾和一些小道消息让人们相信只有当主题不受欢迎时才会被清理。

“如果我们深入网络社区就会发现,如果我们看不到所谓“让我们不舒服”的信息,甚至看不到不同的观点,那我们就整个被禁锢了“北卡洛莱纳的学专门研究网络社区的教授Fred Stutzman说道。


“服务商在条款上的模棱两可不仅不会刺激用户使用他们的服务,反而会激怒他们通过现实组织的方式进行抗议”退役的随军网络工程师Lauren Weinstein说,“如果使用条款清晰,服务商的操作也透明的话,用户会很乐意和服务商合作哪怕对某些条款有所不满。”
但是Free Expression Policy Project的主任Marjorie Heins却对这句话有所质疑。他认为这种可能。“当成文条款被操作的时候,操作人员不会像法官一样仔细对照条文的。”

“至少当法院或者其他政府机构介入的时候,人们的权利会有所保证”网络民权组织IP Justice的执行主任obin Gross说。当人们使用某些服务的时候,他们就相当于和服务商签订了合同,受到服务商的限制。

哈佛大学教授,《网络透明的威胁》的作者Jonathan Zittrain表示:因为政党对某些敏感消息的不快导致其祥服务商和第三方施压的情况正在增多。“想要针对个人几乎不可能。他们甚至找不到当事人,更不用说起诉了。“他表示,“但如果一个网站带来的麻烦太多,它的中介机构就会有所考虑。“

我们没有办法直接阻止儿童色情信息的上传,但纽约首席律师Andrew Cuomo提出了三种限制此类信息传播的方法。他所提出的三种方法都不认可草率删除这些信息,因为那会导致许多无辜者着受害。

Gordon Lyon是一家电子邮件网站的管理员。有一天他突然发现她的域名失效了。追查后发现,原来在登陆MySpace的时候密码被黑客盗用了。他说:“MySpace直接连接到了区域服务商GoDaddy.而后者直接关闭了我的网页。他们真正应该做的事通知我重置密码。”但GoDaddy却有合理的理由:”如果我们等到联系上Gordon Lyon的时候,那么黑客造就把他想看到的信息看个遍了,别忘了他还有许多儿童的基本信息。“
与此同时,不是所有投诉都会受到回音。Network Solutions LLC封锁了荷兰制片人Geert Wilders的账户,因为他向账户上了一些批评《可兰经》的电影。事实上,这样的电影没有违反任何一条服务条款。

服务商表示:不喜欢我们服务的人往往会离开,但是他们的选择依然有限。诸如Facebook, Flickr, Google,YouTube和Myspace这样的网络服务巨头都学会了给每个用户加上独一无二的标记。如果某个用户在其中任何一个网站被封锁了,那么她/他也只能上街逛逛了。

但是许多网站的行为却不容易被大众察觉。Scott Kerr在Myspace上的同性恋者页面被奇怪的删除了。但MYSPACE否认自己和任何不合理审查有关并且声称因为有许多其他用户投诉该用户的叶面存在垃圾信息和其他不堪入目的东西,我们才不得不删除它。GoDaddy也坚称他们在保护言论自由。删除信息永远是最后考虑的方法。

很少有服务商在出题发布之前就预先审查,大部分是等到对该主题的投诉太多以后才作处理的。如果这么说,那么Flickr, YouTube和其他知名网站的行为仅仅是“确认与核查”,过滤掉一些网络暴徒不堪入耳的言论。但是,YouTube却始终保留着一些伊斯兰极端分子的视频,因为这些视频并不含暴力镜头和仇恨言论。

YouTube有这样的一条政策。视频中不应该含有人们受伤,被攻击或者被羞辱的镜头。因为这条政策,YouTube禁止了许多在电视上公开放映的镜头。但是YOUTUBE又是怎么知道,上传的视频是真实的镜头还是演员虚构的? 无论如何,人们有权发布这样的视频。这也许会刺激关于网络暴力镜头问题的讨论。


Twitter公司不想被指责为仲裁者,所以它顶着各方面要求她加强管理的压力维持现状。“什么是直呼姓名?什么优势寻找人天性所需的欢乐?” Twitter的执行主任说“的确有公司专门雇用人员来研究这样的话题,但是我觉得这不是我们应该做的。”


LiveJournal最近也放松了对博克的管制。最新的管理条例允许用户表示对他人的反感。对公共事务非人格化的讽刺文学也不再被禁止。对裸照的限制也不再适用于非性描写和乳房养护。该网站把非系统化的用户反馈变成长期的机制。由像Danah Boyd 和 Lawrence Lessig一样的网络专家和两位5月份选举出来用户代表共同管理。







 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 15:58 | 显示全部楼层
Free speech is thorny online
NEW YORK (AP) -- Rant all you want in a public park. A police officer generally won't eject you for your remarks alone, however unpopular or provocative.

Say it on the Internet, and you'll find that free speech and other constitutional rights are anything but guaranteed.

Companies in charge of seemingly public spaces online wipe out content that's controversial but otherwise legal. Service providers write their own rules for users worldwide and set foreign policy when they cooperate with regimes like China. They serve as prosecutor, judge and jury in handling disputes behind closed doors.

The governmental role that companies play online is taking on greater importance as their services -- from online hangouts to virtual repositories of photos and video -- become more central to public discourse around the world. It's a fallout of the Internet's market-driven growth, but possible remedies, including government regulation, can be worse than the symptoms.

Dutch photographer Maarten Dors met the limits of free speech at Yahoo Inc.'s photo-sharing service, Flickr, when he posted an image of an early-adolescent boy with disheveled hair and a ragged T-shirt, staring blankly with a lit cigarette in his mouth.

Without prior notice, Yahoo deleted the photo on grounds it violated an unwritten ban on depicting children smoking. Dors eventually convinced a Yahoo manager that -- far from promoting smoking -- the photo had value as a statement on poverty and street life in Romania. Yet another employee deleted it again a few months later.

"I never thought of it as a photo of a smoking kid," Dors said. "It was just of a kid in Romania and how his life is. You can never make a serious documentary if you always have to think about what Flickr will delete."

There may be legitimate reasons to take action, such as to stop spam, security threats, copyright infringement and child pornography, but many cases aren't clear-cut, and balancing competing needs can get thorny.

"We often get caught in the middle between a rock and a hard place," said Christine Jones, general counsel with service provider GoDaddy.com Inc. "We're obviously sensitive to the freedoms we have, particularly in this country, to speak our mind, (yet) we want to be good corporate citizens and make the Internet a better and safer place."

In Dors' case, the law is fully with Yahoo. Its terms of service, similar to those of other service providers, gives Yahoo "sole discretion to pre-screen, refuse or remove any content." Service providers aren't required to police content, but they aren't prohibited from doing so.

While mindful of free speech and other rights, Yahoo and other companies say they must craft and enforce guidelines that go beyond legal requirements to protect their brands and foster safe, enjoyable communities -- ones where minors may be roaming.

Guidelines help "engender a positive community experience," one to which users will want to return, said Anne Toth, Yahoo's vice president for policy.

Dors ultimately got his photo restored a second time, and Yahoo has apologized, acknowledging its community managers went too far.

Heather Champ, community director for Flickr, said the company crafts policies based on feedback from users and trains employees to weigh disputes fairly and consistently, though mistakes can happen.

"We're humans," she said. "We're pretty transparent when we make mistakes. We have a record of being good about stepping up and fessing up."

But that underscores another consequence of having online commons controlled by private corporations. Rules aren't always clear, enforcement is inconsistent, and users can find content removed or accounts terminated without a hearing. Appeals are solely at the service provider's discretion.

Users get caught in the crossfire as hundreds of individual service representatives apply their own interpretations of corporate policies, sometimes imposing personal agendas or misreading guidelines.

To wit: Verizon Wireless barred an abortion-rights group from obtaining a "short code" for conducting text-messaging campaigns, while LiveJournal suspended legitimate blogs on fiction and crime victims in a crackdown on pedophilia. Two lines criticizing President Bush disappeared from AT&T Inc.'s webcast of a Pearl Jam concert. All three decisions were reversed only after senior executives intervened amid complaints.

Inconsistencies and mysteries behind decisions lead to perceptions that content is being stricken merely for being unpopular.

"As we move more of our communications into social networks, how are we limiting ourselves if we can't see alternative points of view, if we can't see the things that offend us?" asked Fred Stutzman, a University of North Carolina researcher who tracks online communities.

First Amendment protections generally do not extend to private property in the physical world, allowing a shopping mall to legally kick out a customer wearing a T-shirt with a picture of a smoking child.

With online services becoming greater conduits than shopping malls for public communications, however, some advocacy groups believe the federal government needs to guarantee open access to speech. That, of course, could also invite meddling by the government, the way broadcasters now face indecency and other restrictions that are criticized as vague.

Others believe companies shouldn't police content at all, and if they do, they should at least make clearer the rules and the mechanisms for appeal.

"Vagueness does not inspire the confidence of people and leaves room for gaming the system by outside groups," said Lauren Weinstein, a veteran computer scientist and Internet activist. "When the rules are clear and the grievance procedures are clear, then people know what they are working with and they at least have a starting point in urging changes in those rules."

But Marjorie Heins, director of the Free Expression Policy Project, questions whether the private sector is equipped to handle such matters at all. She said written rules mean little when service representatives applying them "tend to be tone-deaf. They don't see context."

At least when a court order or other governmental action is involved, "there's more of a guarantee of due process protections," said Robin Gross, executive director of the civil-liberties group IP Justice. With a private company, users' rights are limited to the service provider's contractual terms of services.

Jonathan Zittrain, a Harvard professor who recently published a book on threats to the Internet's openness, said parties unhappy with sensitive materials online are increasingly aware they can simply pressure service providers and other intermediaries.

"Going after individuals can be difficult. They can be hard to find. They can be hard to sue," Zittrain said. "Intermediaries still have a calculus where if a particular Web site is causing a lot of trouble ... it may not be worth it to them."

Unable to stop purveyors of child pornography directly, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo recently persuaded three major access providers to disable online newsgroups that distribute such images. But rather than cut off those specific newsgroups, all three decided to reduce administrative hassles by also disabling thousands of legitimate groups devoted to TV shows, the New York Mets and other topics.

Gordon Lyon, who runs a site that archives e-mail postings on security, found his domain name suddenly deactivated because one entry contained MySpace passwords obtained by hackers.

He said MySpace went directly to domain provider GoDaddy, which effectively shut down his entire site, rather than contact him to remove the one posting or replace passwords with asterisks. GoDaddy justified such drastic measures, saying that waiting to reach Lyon would have unnecessarily exposed MySpace passwords, including those to profiles of children.

Meanwhile, in response to complaints it would not specify, Network Solutions LLC decided to suspend a Web hosting account that Dutch filmmaker Geert Wilders was using to promote a movie that criticizes the Quran -- before the movie was even posted and without the company finding any actual violation of its rules.

Service providers say unhappy customers can always go elsewhere, but choice is often limited.

Many leading services, particularly online hangouts like Facebook and News Corp.'s MySpace or media-sharing sites such as Flickr and Google Inc.'s YouTube, have acquired a cachet that cannot be replicated. To evict a user from an online community would be like banishing that person to the outskirts of town.

Other sites "don't have the critical mass. No one would see it," said Scott Kerr, a member of the gay punk band Kids on TV, which found its profile mysteriously deleted from MySpace last year. "People know that MySpace is the biggest site that contains music."

MySpace denies engaging in any censorship and says profiles removed are generally in response to complaints of spam and other abuses. GoDaddy also defends its commitment to speech, saying account suspensions are a last resort.

Few service providers actively review content before it gets posted and usually take action only in response to complaints.

In that sense, Flickr, YouTube and other sites consider their reviews "checks and balances" against any community mob directed at unpopular speech -- YouTube has pointedly refused to delete many video clips tied to Muslim extremists, for instance, because they didn't specifically contain violence or hate speech.

Still, should these sites even make such rules? And how can they ensure the guidelines are consistently enforced?

YouTube has policies against showing people "getting hurt, attacked or humiliated," banning even clips OK for TV news shows, but how is YouTube to know whether a video clip shows real violence or actors portraying it? Either way, showing the video is legal and may provoke useful discussions on brutality.

"Balancing these interests raises very tough issues," YouTube acknowledged in a statement.

Unwilling to play the role of arbiter, the group-messaging service Twitter has resisted pressure to tighten its rules.

"What counts as name-calling? What counts as making fun of someone in a way that's good-natured?" said Jason Goldman, Twitter's director of program management. "There are sites that do employ teams of people that

do that investigation ... but we feel that's a job we wouldn't do well."

Other sites are trying to be more transparent in their decisions.

Online auctioneer eBay Inc., for instance, has elaborated on its policies over the years, to the extent that sellers can drill down to where they can ship hatching eggs (U.S. addresses only) and what items related to natural disasters are permissible (they must have "substantial social, artistic or political value"). Hypothetical examples accompany each policy.

LiveJournal has recently eased restrictions on blogging. The new harassment clause, for instance, expressly lets members state negative feelings or opinions about another, and parodies of public figures are now permitted despite a ban on impersonation. Restrictions on nudity specifically exempt non-sexualized art and breast feeding.

The site took the unusual step of soliciting community feedback and setting up an advisory board with prominent Internet scholars such as Danah Boyd and Lawrence Lessig and two user representatives elected in May.

The effort comes just a year after a crackdown on pedophilia backfired. LiveJournal suspended hundreds of blogs that dealt with child abuse and sexual violence, only to find many were actually fictional works or discussions meant to protect children. The company's chief executive issued a public apology.

Community backlash can restrain service providers, but as Internet companies continue to consolidate and Internet users spend more time using vendor-controlled platforms such as mobile devices or social-networking sites, the community's power to demand free speech and other rights diminishes.

Weinstein, the veteran computer scientist, said that as people congregate at fewer places, "if you're knocked off one of those, in a lot of ways you don't exist."

[ 本帖最后由 missingelm 于 2008-7-9 16:08 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-9 16:14 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 16:17 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 蔚蓝矢车菊 于 2008-7-9 16:14 发表


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-9 16:19 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 蔚蓝矢车菊 于 2008-7-9 16:14 发表


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-9 16:21 | 显示全部楼层
西媒当然不会说这个是运营公司的个人行为.公司需要有自己的道德标准之类的话.改说:没有言论自由,政府行为.网络警察,网络民兵,网络文革 .....
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 16:29 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 16:41 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 17:00 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 17:08 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 missingelm 于 2008-7-9 16:29 发表

请问 哪国的网络言论没有受到ZF的压力??
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-9 17:13 | 显示全部楼层
在香港yahoo 只要不利西方媒體的消息, 經常性被和諧, 多次投訴情況依舊:@
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 17:13 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 红色苏打水 于 2008-7-9 17:08 发表

请问 哪国的网络言论没有受到ZF的压力??


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-9 17:16 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 17:17 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 洋葱饭团 于 2008-7-9 17:16 发表

这句话应该是 有国家这个东西就不会有绝对的自由。


[ 本帖最后由 missingelm 于 2008-7-9 17:19 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-9 17:19 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 missingelm 于 2008-7-9 17:13 发表



无论什么媒体, 为了迎合ZF,而调整自己的政策. 见风使舵. <<明镜>>就是个很好的例子.其网站上就几乎看不到有关中国的正面报道
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-9 17:21 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 missingelm 于 2008-7-9 17:17 发表

这句话应该是 有国家这个东西就不会有绝对的自由。


你认为我们现在连相对的自由都没有? 那 凯迪   南方 这个类型的地方怎么还会存在?
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 17:24 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 红色苏打水 于 2008-7-9 17:19 发表

无论什么媒体, 为了迎合ZF,而调整自己的政策. 见风使舵. 就是个很好的例子.其网站上就几乎看不到有关中国的正面报道


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 17:25 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 红色苏打水 于 2008-7-9 17:21 发表

你认为我们现在连相对的自由都没有? 那 凯迪   南方 这个类型的地方怎么还会存在?

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-7-9 17:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-7-9 17:53 | 显示全部楼层
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