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全球媒体对Anti-CNN.com 相关报道汇总贴(不断更新)

发表于 2008-6-24 01:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Washington Post
Protests May Only Harden Chinese Line

[Editor's note: The caption for an earlier version of this slideshow was incorrectly associated with a photo from Nepal. This version has been corrected.]

AFP 法新社
Chinese vent anger online over 'biased' western Tibet coverage
Mar 26, 2008

Time 时代周刊
China and Tibet: The Spin Campaign

(这篇报道很险恶, 美国人心虚了)

NPR 美国全国公共广播电台:
Web Site Rips West's Reports on China-Tibet Conflict

注意正文后面记者Anthony Kuhn的评论,非常客观。

香港《南华早报》 South China Morning Post
China's website crusade against western 'media bias'

AFP 法新社:
China tries to cool down 'patriotic fervour' over Tibet

The Sydney Morning Herald 悉尼先驱晨报:
Chinese vent anger online over 'biased' western Tibet coverage

NEWS.COM.AU 澳大利亚新闻
Chinese students launch 'Anti-CNN' website
March 26, 2008 05:35pm

Olympic torch protests stoke Chinese nationalism


AJR ,American Journalism Review,
A Bad Omen   Jun 2, 2008

The Guardian英国卫报
China needs to stop playing games
Monday May 26, 2008
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-24 01:41 | 显示全部楼层

Chinese Taking Aim at Media Over Tibet




在当天的报纸上面 WSJ 还在瞒天过海,替换headline标题,网友来信举报如下:
The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday March 26th, 2008 reports on "Chinese Taking Aim at Media Over Tibet" on its Page A6. However, the headline News on the first page which is supposed to direct readers to the report says "China's security chief criticized Tibetan Buddhist monks for Protests and said "patriotic education" classes at monasteries would be expanded".

The whole report is not about what a Chinese official said, but rather the truth that most Chinese feel angry about the western reports. But as everyone knows, busy people only read the headlines! The WSJ deliberately misleads its readers to believe the Chinese government oppressed a peaceful demonstration. As a student studies in the US, I feel really angry.

Actually, the first news report on the Tibet riot by CNN also used video shot in India and Nepal. I saw the news but did not make a record. It would help if anyone could provide a record of it.

Note, Washington Post and the Fox News have already changed the page this blog mentions. It might help to make it clear at this point.

Also some people say the mistakes made by media are because Chinese government throws reporters out of Tibet. But remember, under whatever circumstance, a responsible media should not use fake evidental documents to prove their points!

 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-24 01:48 | 显示全部楼层


瑞典快报 Expressen.se

PEKING. Rao Jin, 23, utmanar västs mediejättar från sitt vardagsrum.
Han har inlett en kampanj mot dem på nätet.
Och giganter som CNN och BBC vacklar.

Rao Jin driver ett litet IT-företag i Peking och tillhör den nya, mycket internetvana kinesiska generationen.
Han har - liksom ett otal andra kineser - upprörts över det han ser som överdrifter och felaktigheter i omvärldens rapportering av vad som händer i Tibet.
Många här anser att de anti-kinesiska kravallerna den 14 mars i Lhasa fått för liten uppmärksamhet i väst, medan den kinesiska polisens och militärens övergrepp överdrivits.
Rao Jin gjorde något åt det. Han lanserade websajten
bbs.m4.cn, och den har snabbt blivit en stor succé bland kineser.
- Vi får upp emot en halv miljon träffar varje dag, berättar han när vi träffas på ett kafé i Pekings utkant.
- Sajten heter anti-CNN men riktar sig inte bara mot CNN utan alla utländska medier och deras felaktiga och partiska rapportering.
Jag måste medge att även Expressen hamnat på websajten. En artikel i vår nätupplaga den 26 mars illustrerades med en bild där nepalesisk polis grep tibetanska demonstranter. I bildtexten påstods felaktigt att poliserna var kineser.
Det är misstag som många medieföretag begått. Lite för många. Och något som
bbs.m4.cn uppmärksammat.
Flera har bett om ursäkt efter detta. Bland annat BBC. CNN har tvingats publicera ett försvar av sin rapportering.
- Det glädjer mig att några medieföretag korrigerat sina websajter. Men många av användarna på våra diskussionsforum anser inte att det räcker.
- Jag tror att ett grundproblemet är att många västerländska medier från början i praktiken bestämt hur storyn såg ut och tagit parti för tibetanerna.
Samtidigt medger han att det finns brister i den kinesiska rapporteringen. Och han inser att det faktum att utländska reportrar inte släpps in i Tibet komplicerar det hela.
- Fast jag är inte säker på att det skulle göra så stor skillnad om ni släpps in där, säger han. Många av er skulle ändå se bara det ni vill se.
Men skulle det mot förmodan ske, så kommer Rao Jin och hans 200 frivilliga medarbetare att hålla koll på rapporteringen.

Mats Larsson

BEIJING. Rao Jin, 23, challenges the giants of Western media.
He has started a campaign against them on the web.
And giants like CNN and BBC shiver.

Rao Jin is running a small IT-company in Beijing and he belongs to the new very internet savy Chinese generation.
He has - like inumerable other chinese - become upset about what he sees as exaggerations and inaccuracies in the way the west reports about what is going on in Tibet.
Many here thinks that the anti-Chinese riots of March the 14th has recieved far to little attention in the West, while the harshness of the Chinese police and military has been exaggerated.
Rao Jin did something about this. He started the website
www.anti-CNN.com and it has in a short time become a success among the Chinese.
- We receive up to half a million hits every day, he says when we meet at a café in the outskirts of Beijing.
- The site is called anti-CNN but we are not exclusively concerned with CNN, but with all foreign media and their biased reporting.
I have to admit that even Expressen figures on his website. An article on Expressen's website from March 26th was illustrated with a picture of Nepalese police arresting Tibetan demonstrator. In the caption it was wrongly claimed that the policemen were Chinese.
That's a mistake that many media companies has made. Too many.
Something that anti-CNN has put a finger on.
Many have appologised over this. Among them BBC. CNN has also published a defence of its reporting.
- I'm glad for the fact that some Western media has corrected their mistakes. But many of our users don't think that's enough.
- I think the main problem is that many Western media already had made up their mind about what was happening in Tibet and taken a side for the Tibetans.
At the same time he admits that there are shortcomings in the Chinese media reports as well. And that the fact that Western media isn't let in to Tibet makes is a complicating factor
- But I'm not so sure it would make much of a difference if they would let you in. Many of you would anyway just see what you wanted to see.
Well, if that were to happen, that Western media were let in to Tibet. I'm sure that Rao Jin and his 200 volunteers would keep an eye on the way we report.


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发表于 2008-6-24 09:13 | 显示全部楼层
AFP 法新社
Chinese vent anger online over 'biased' western Tibet coverage
Mar 26, 2008 From:Anti-CNN求实交流论坛bbs.m4.cn

 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-9 22:23 | 显示全部楼层
【08.04.07 法国 杂志 Le point】Anti-cnn.com 错误报道针锋相对

【原文連接】http://www.lepoint.fr/actualites ... ntaux/1387/0/236244

翻译:http://bbs.m4.cn/forum.php?mod=v ... p%3Bfilter%3Ddigest
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-9 22:28 | 显示全部楼层
[08.4.10 UN ICP] 联合国总部屏蔽Anti-CNN及非Google视频网


[08.4.21 UN Inner City Press] 联合国封锁特殊网站

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-9 22:30 | 显示全部楼层
联合国记者招待会   对Anti-CNN.com被屏蔽的解释


Question:  I also wanted to ask about the UN’s computer system.  I learned that, among the people that work here who use the computer system, there are a variety of sites that are blocked and that they can’t visit -- a message comes up saying ‘this site has been blocked because’ of…some policy.  Some of these sights are not pornography, not gambling, but are political sites, for example Anti-CNN, the Chinese site that criticizes CNN, and Daily Motion, another site that has…  What’s the policy of the UN for censoring the Internet for its own employees?  Who makes the decision about which sites are blocked?

Deputy Spokesperson:  I think we have an answer for you on that, or an answer is in the works for you.  The UN is no different than any other organization in that it does have a management policy for its website.  

Question:  Well, I’ve read the policy, and it talks about pornography and gambling, so I just…

Deputy Spokesperson:  I think we have more details for you upstairs.  We’ll get those to you.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-16 00:19 | 显示全部楼层
(路透中文网)http://cn.reuters.com/article/co ... annel=0&sp=true
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-16 12:00 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-16 14:35 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-16 14:36 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-17 00:17 | 显示全部楼层






参考Tibet untamed: why growth is not enough at China's restive frontier http://www.ft.com/cms/s/c5166a3a-ff3d-11dc-b556-000077b07658.html

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-18 20:21 | 显示全部楼层
一个由学生建立的网站 bbs.m4.cn出现在国家媒体《中国日报》的头版,这个网站旨在号召世界各地华人,进行诸如收集西方媒体的不客观报道等活动。“这是一场针对西方不客观报道的抵抗运动”,这一极具后殖民地色彩的宣言,使人很容易将其与小布什在“反恐战争”中的讲话联系在一起:“我们必须清楚,这将是一场长期、艰苦和复杂的斗争。”

法兰克福日报全文:http://www.faz.net/s/Rub12B8DA96 ... ommon~Scontent.html
标题:China und der Westen:Wie man einen Feind erzeugt 敌人是怎样被制造出来的

法兰克福汇报做出报道后,德国之声做出跟进。 称"Anti-cnn引起了德国媒体的集体震动"

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-10-18 21:12 | 显示全部楼层
【08.3.28 美国 CNN】CNN就西藏事件发表声明

【08.04.07 法国 杂志 Le point】Anti-cnn.com 错误报道针锋相对


【08.4.28 日本 Searchina】名门大学出身23岁老总运营反CNN网站

【08.4.10 UN ICP】联合国总部屏蔽Anti-CNN及非Google视频网

【08.4.21 UN Inner City Press】 联合国封锁特殊网站

【08.06.02 美国 美国新闻评论】不祥之兆 (AC6)

【08.03.24 美國: 華郵】示威抗議可能只會使中方強硬(AC5)


【08.03.27 香港 SCMP】中国ANTI-CNN网站声讨西方媒体偏见(AC3)

【08.04.22 美国 NPR】网站抨击西方就中藏冲突的报道(AC7)

【08.04.17 法国 法新社】因藏“爱国热” 中国试降温 (AC8)

【瑞典 EXPRESSEN.SE】23岁的饶谨向西方媒体巨人挑战(AC2)

【08.05.30 阿拉伯商业】从激进主义到“网络激进主义”(AC1)

【08.06.27 英国 卫报】中国必须停止耍花招(AC9)

【08.04.23 ABC】奥运火炬传递给中国民族主义火上浇油(AC11)

【08.03.27 澳洲 悉尼先驱晨报】中国人在网上发泄不满(AC10)

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发表于 2008-10-20 00:15 | 显示全部楼层
【2008.03.27 法兰克福汇报】我们是如何树敌的 (另译:敌人是怎样被制造出来的bbs.m4.cn) h* i# w$ l+ a" Z
主楼为译文;德语原新闻见 page-2. 47/FL

【2008.04.06 FAZ】法兰克福汇报报道 ANTI-CNN 后的德国读者评论

【08.07.26 韩经济周刊】世界网络上“网络憎恶” 鼓动 日益强烈

[ 本帖最后由 Nicolle 于 2008-10-21 14:02 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-12-8 10:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-3-13 20:35 | 显示全部楼层

意大利TVBLOG.IT :意大利人眼中的CNN
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发表于 2009-6-4 09:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-16 05:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2009-7-30 20:55 | 显示全部楼层
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